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Israel hits 2 UN schools in Gaza

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Bugman82

star for you - i was merely pointing out that the video being touted as `evidence` you know like that bombing video was used as evidence till it was routed out - i was just saying that the video is from 2007

so i hope now that no one , any where uses that video as evidence for bombing the place claiming it was taken a few days ago.

now why the star? simple - the meat of your post is totally right - there is not black and white in this mess - only shades of grey , and bombs and blood.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:25 PM
When does the grey part show that Israel is on Palestinian land?

I would love to be there when the Israel supporters show that shade of GREY.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:31 PM
I swear people on ATS are so gullible. Isn't the slogan of this site "Deny Ignorance"?

Do you really believe that Israeli soldiers would fire on a school without having VERY strong reason to do so? Because believe me, hitting a school is the LAST thing that would help Israel in its current operation because it will increase pressure on them to leave Gaza (even if Israel WERE trying to kill civilians, hitting a school is the absolute worst way to do it, for the reason I just discussed).

The IDF has already stated that these schools are being hit because Hamas militants are PURPOSELY using them as staging areas.

I wonder what it will take to make you people realize that Hamas militants care NOTHING about the Palestinian people. In their eyes, they are the fodder which fuels international contempt against Israel, and as we see here, it seems to work quite well.

Try to see above ignorance, people.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:34 PM

So, the fact that Israel is on Palestinian land means nothing to you?

I'm just going to keep asking this question until some of you "Enlightened" folks can answer that question STRAIGHT UP.

Deny ignorance you say? Pretending like you are not in someone else's house is pretty IGNORANT>

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
... If they show evidence from mortar fire to world wide, they still can fix this towards Hamas, no question about that. But Israel should hurry on this!
[edit on 6-1-2009 by JanusFIN]

The IDF is a professional army, not a rag-tag bunch of gorilla militants, and there is quite a big difference there. You really expect them to film operations and then put them on youtube?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:35 PM
UN Chiefs say: Attacks on UN schools totally unacceptable... on Sky news right now..

I think the "well thats where they fired from" response is pathetic..

[edit on 6/1/09 by blupblup]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:36 PM
And don't give me that millions of people died.

Millions of people died everywhere. Japanese killed the Chinese in the millions.

So, the Chinese deserves........what?

Chinese have gotten........what?

And Israel is special because of........what?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Amberite

well right now all the world knows is that 4 schools have been bombed with spokemen A saying it had mortar fire shooting at them and spokesman B saying there was nothing

and no eveidence other than flattened american international school (and the other 3)

seems like no one wanted the american school there.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Rizen

Hmm, why don't you go do some research? That land never actually belonged to them. It was part of the Ottoman empire and when it fell during first part of 20th century that land became an international zone. It just so happened that at the time most of the inhabitants of this area were "Palestinians". The actual parcel of land, however, has been owned by many various factions (including Jews) throughout history, but that's not important right now.

When the Jewish state was created there was no law or rule that said Palestinian people couldn't live there or BECOME CITIZENS, and there still isn't one today. The Palestinians chose on their own accord to not accept the Jews and to start an uprising. In the beginning years of the formation of the Jewish state, the leaders of Israel were all for creating a Palestinian state as well, however the Palestinians wouldn't have it and decided to fight instead to get ALL of the territory which was never actually theirs.

These are FACTS. Go and do some research.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by Amberite]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Amberite

well mr `get some facts` - can you explain then Irgun? the stern gang? how menachem begin was involved in the murder of british soldiers , terrorism and bombings?

all facts

king david hotel. is one

uss liberty is another.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

Why are you switching subjects? You asked why Jews are on Palestinian land and I answered your question. The PALESTINIANS started this conflict, not the Jews, and that is what everyone here needs to remember. There is no "occupation" because Israel was lawfully given to the Jews by the UN. Any land that Israel captured afterward was because of Palestinian uprisings which threatened the security of the Israeli borders, and any country would do the same in the same situation. In addition, Israel has always maintained that it would gladly give this land back once security is stabilized (for an example of this look at the concessions Israel is making with the West Bank now that Abbas has established control there).

Here is also an interesting excerpt for you from Wikipedia History of Palestine:

On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly, with a two-thirds majority international vote, passed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181), a plan to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict by partitioning the territory into separate Jewish and Arab states, with the Greater Jerusalem area (encompassing Bethlehem) coming under international control. Jewish leaders (including the Jewish Agency), accepted their portion of the plan, while Palestinian Arab leaders rejected it and refused to negotiate. Neighboring Arab and Muslim states also rejected the partition plan. The Arab community reacted violently after the Arab Higher Committee declared a strike and burned many buildings and shops.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Amberite

this didn`t start in 1947 - the british mandate of palestine was in 1920 , and the jeruselem riots after that

and i didn`t ask why jews were on palestinian land at all - you really have me confused with someone else;

i do know the history of the area quite well , from both sides - and there has allways been `history` between the 2 peoples.

but remember that the IDF was formed from terrorists. The same ones killing the british in 1946

[edit on 6/1/09 by Harlequin]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

You're right I had you confused with Rizen for a second.

What does this have to do with the current situation or the current discussions? You're trying to prove to me that because there were some terrorist operations carried out by Jews before the formation of Israel that this has any kind of bearing right now? I answered the claim that Israel is on top of Palestinian land because that seems to be the #1 reason on ATS for people siding with the Palestinians and I wanted to dispel this myth. But all these events you are talking about don't add anything to this discussion or this conflict.

However, I'll still say that you are right and a lot of these events are ones that Jews in general are not proud of (although the actual details of these events are a lot more detailed and complex than simple terrorism and these Jews were fighting for a reason MUCH different than Palestinians.)

Palestinians are not innocent victims. They have refused time and again to live alongside Jews. They practice hatred for Judaism for no other reason than they don't like Jews. They have been given every opportunity in the world over the last 60 years to obtain their own country and to live in peace and deny it time and time and time again.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:10 PM
no all im saying is that both sides are nothing like innocent in all this - and its been `going on` for want of a better word for far longer than many if not most people realise.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:45 PM
The Israelis have become mad dogs! Any time you build a massive cold war styled wall around people and shoot at them like fish in a bucket you have become the "terrorist"

The USA arms Saddam and encourages a war between Iraq and Iran. At the same time the Israelis were selling weapons to Iran. Saddam fired the mustard gas weapons we supplied him along with nerve gas. Years later Saddam was upset since he discovered that Kuwait was "side drilling" (American equipment that enables the drilling rig to steer the cutter horizontally) into his oil fields and proceeded to attack them.

Naturally the US supported Kuwait and the 1st Gulf war was ON. The US proceeded to lay siege on Iraq for about 10 years by creating a no fly zone and the corrupt oil for food program. Saddam did something that changed the world as we know it. He changed the denomination that his nation traded with to the lowered value EURO. He had his NY accounts reflect that change and the die was cut.

Every nation that went to a different currency wound up on the George Bush "Axis of Evil" list. Naturally the USA was poised to invade Iraq and Afghanistan prior to 9-11. Afghanistan was invaded for the same reason that the USSR attacked Afghanistan. The Caspian sea happens to be a resource rich area with both oil and NG. Subsequently, Afghanistan became important since that is where the pipes went to bring those Caspian resources closer to the Persian Gulf.

The USA, GBR, Israel, etc. all have "interest" in that region due to RESOURCES. Iran has ample resources too but their leader also switched to the EURO and has advanced the idea to OPEC of creating their own OPEC currency. When Saddam switched to the EURO it was our death nail. Till that moment all oil in the world was traded for in exclusively in USA DOLLARS. Bush had to spank Saddam in full view of all of the other OIL producing countries otherwise DOLLAR mutiny would follow.

Years later and we are still there and no matter how hard we or Israel push Iran they refuse to bite the bait. The Palestinians are the ideal bait to expand military operations into Iran. Look at what leader Bush is willing to say and do over resource control. Saddam in fact did not do 9-11 nor did he have the big WMDs like the Israelis do. We never found OBL and so helping the Iraqis has become a priority. Making a democracy at GUNPOINT.

Now this happens...

Declaring his visit "a new chapter" in Iran's relations with Iraq, the Iranian leader signaled that his country now rivals the United States, the chief financial and military backer of Iraq's government, in terms of influence.

The US and Brittan have been working hard to keep that entire region destabilized since WW1 in order to keep the oil flowing and reap the rewards of fueling the fire with weapon sales and death. We are loosing our step and there is the bad news at home. Depression.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Oh Canada!

Hamas responsible for deadly Gaza attack - Canada

OTTAWA, Jan 6 (Reuters) - The Canadian government blamed the Palestinian militant group Hamas for the deaths of more than 40 civilians who were killed by Israeli shells on Tuesday in some of the most hard-line comments by any leading western nation on the deadly incident.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Canada better get ready to collect some shoes.

I hope they send them to charity instead of throwing them away.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by jam321

Someone havent read the latest script...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:03 PM

AND more importantly - you were dead wrong.


I must've missed your reply post full of information and evidence that proved me wrong.


I think back to the fact that the UN gave Israel the land.

They gave Israel some of the land.Ever heard of the British and UN Mandates?


Yeah,I've just seen some Israeli government official say that too.Because that is the policy of Israel;if you can damage Hamas,it doesn't matter who gets caught in the crossfire.Colateral damage.


Actually,some British politicians started it after they well and truly shafted the Arabs.The land was promised to them if they helped defeat the Ottoman Empire,which they did.These British politicians then went back on all their promises.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM

These are interestig articles, but, probably not the best sources. They say one thing.....Hamas is using these areas to stage attacks.

Right or wrong, perception of what is going on is what will be remembered in the end, not the truth. Perception becomes truth if enough people believie it.

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