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I'm sick of the war! And I'm ashamed of my fellow ATS members.

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I can understand what you are saying. But it is hard to out grow genetic code. Plus the culture we all live in and perpetuate ourselves in is a violent one. It is hard to change a society. It was only 2000 years ago that we thought it was entertainment for public when slaves where fead to the lion, and the gladiators fought. Even a more recent example is in the old west. only 100-150 years ago when you had public hangings and everyone in the town would gather and watch. Even recent more is the execution of Saddam Hussain. The dicey, hard to see cell phone footage was heavily download and one of the most watch internet videos of the year.

As you see, we still lust for the violence. It is going to possibly take ions in order to have this insatiable lust worked out of our systems.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:07 PM
Good news for us all?

I just saw this thread

Truce To Gaza Is Coming Fast? - Many News!

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 05:13 PM
S & Fed!

Ya know mate, there has been only 100 total years of peace in recorded history.

Let the violent monkeys play their Molech games, lets think about energy and food distribution.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:11 PM
I don't post often, but when it comes to this, I had too. THANK YOU! Its becoming a slugfest in some threads. Its a issue where nearly everyone took a side and drew lines in the sand. It has become impossible to debate because neither side will budge.
Some are using Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim interchangeable a bit too much (not all Arabs are Muslims).
Some are using Jews and Israelis interchangeably (even though not all Israelis are Jews and the other way around).

It doesn't matter who started it, who's invading, who's blowing things up. It just needs to stop.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM
The good thing about the internet is people from all corners of the world can express an opinion which u will find varies from country to country.
We are all conrolled by the media and one country will be told more about something than another, (state controlled media).
What im trying to get at is that u in for example America will get a different report/story of whats going on than us in Europe.
Anyway question; Why have Israel attacked Gaza.
Reply from Edgar Almert, Israel Foreign Minister and wanna be Prime Minister, quote "In the last 7 yrs 14 Israeli civilians have been killed by Hamas rockets fired from Gaza".
Ok that works out at 2 people a year over 7 years.
Now how many Israelis die in car accidents in Israel every year, a lot more, do they blow up all the cars in Israel then, nope.
How many murders are commited in Israel by other Israelis every year, do they slaughter all Israelis for it, nope.
How can anyone justify this, honestly.
Tonight the guy in charge of the UN in Gaza stated that they have and always have given the Isrelis GPS coordinates of all UN compounds in Gaza.
Today Isrel have attacked these compounds including schools killing amongst others innocent childen.
How can anyone justify this, honestly.
Today Barack Obama was asked his view on Gaza and he replied quote; "that is up to the current president to comment on, but when my time comes i have a lot to say about it"
By his body language, voice and face he appeared to be really peed off with it, got the feeling he might just go against Isrel on this.
If that happens and America turns its back on Israel where will that leave Israel?
I believe Israel this time has took one step to many and they have just started to dig there own grave, what goes around comes around, Israel actions now will cost Israel very deer in the near future i believe.
PS; above all this i do hope they get a ceasefire going, end this, it aint right

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:26 PM
What's really been an eye opener to me the older I've gotten is how there are so many people who simply cannot or won't get both sides of an issue. They pick one side they agree with and pathologically defend it even beyond reason sometimes. I know really kind, caring and intelligent people who still think the use of torture in the war is a good thing. The way people fall on that question of torture really has upset me the most and made me fear for humanities future. Smart people who, out of anger, are somehow able to rationalize torture, something I grew up being told was evil and only done by the 'bad guys'. I honestly don't know what to make of people I know that think like that, but I do know it's deeply troubling to me that there are people who do think torture is something America should use in war. Did 9-11 really freak out Americans so much that we're willing to give up not only some of our Freedom but our moral center as well? If so then the terrorists win because that's what they want us to do. Sorry, I'm rambling.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:37 PM
it's human nature to kill those who are not like our own group with the same ideas including religion, skin/eye/hair color, wealth and so on. we've been killing each other since the dawn of time and we'll continue to do so until the last human on earth (or in the universe) is extinct. it's sad but we need to get used to it and hope we wont be the next victim!

i'd like to add that every life is precious and every war is wrong (unless it's fought for the right reasons

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by KeepOurFreedoms
So why does the USA give billions to Israel every year?

Uh? To get to the other side???

I guess that the US want to sponsor Israel so that they have an ally in the Middle East.

Even back in the early days when the Izzys were trying to get rid of the Brits (Who by the way had to put up with a lot of nonsense from certain Israeli movements whilst trying to keep the Afrika Korps at bay) the Israel US relationship was quite cordial.

I don't get it either, Israel seem to be their own worst enemy at times, I don't know why the two nations of Israel and Palestine can't unite like back in the days of Saladin where the holy-land was open to all pilgrims and Christian and Muslim got along together pretty well... Until the third crusade.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by DarkSecret
it's human nature to kill those who are not like our own group with the same ideas including religion, skin/eye/hair color, wealth and so on. we've been killing each other since the dawn of time and we'll continue to do so until the last human on earth (or in the universe) is extinct. it's sad but we need to get used to it and hope we wont be the next victim!

i'd like to add that every life is precious and every war is wrong (unless it's fought for the right reasons

I can't remember the thread I add it to but our thinking is close. I wanted to add to that the root cause of war is resource competition. I don't think that our differences come into play as long as there is enough running room and no one is hungry. Once any resource gets scarce then justification of killing becomes common place. Run out of room for your people and kill the other people. If it gets any tighter then loose all the people in your group with high hair.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

It is a divisive issue for sure. I got banned from another web site nearly two years ago for stating my opinion on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. I was a paying member of this site for years and got banned for simply saying I felt compassion for the Palestinian people. The Jewish lobbies have twisted many of us into complete intolerance for anyone that is not on their side in this conflict. I must be a Jew hater because I do not agree with their war crimes. I am sick of it.

I do not find that Israel has any justification to go in and kill innocent people because a few terrorists bomb them. It's as if we went into Pakistan and laid waste to innocent people there because they house a bunch of Al' Qaeda terrorist within their borders.

The Palestinian people do not have a big brother sending them many billions of dollars a year in cash and weapons to help them fight a fair war with Israel. If a few of them resort to so called terrorism how is that different than what Israel is doing now or have done many times in the past.

I am ashamed as an American for allowing my government to facilitate this slaughter. Of course we all know that the will of the American people has not had any impact on the actions of our government for many decades, but I still feel responsible. I hope this madness ends soon. I am sick to my stomach.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Alpha_Magnum

I can't remember the thread I add it to but our thinking is close. I wanted to add to that the root cause of war is resource competition. I don't think that our differences come into play as long as there is enough running room and no one is hungry. Once any resource gets scarce then justification of killing becomes common place. Run out of room for your people and kill the other people. If it gets any tighter then loose all the people in your group with high hair.

DarkSecret, Alpha_Magnum

If you guys are into that subject, check out this thread I did a little while back it goes a long with your above mentioned post you two might find it very interesting

Will Mankind Survive the 21st Century?


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by ArJunaBug
I do not find that Israel has any justification to go in and kill innocent people because a few terrorists bomb them. It's as if we went into Pakistan and laid waste to innocent people there because they house a bunch of Al' Qaeda terrorist within their borders.

Ah but didn't we do that in Afghanistan and Iraq? Afghanistan to secure a pipeline from the Caspian Sea and Iraq was a multi function mission. Spank Saddam for going to the Euro, build bases, secure resources, build a massive proxy army and set up shop against anyone else that wants to trade in Euros like Iran. The USA is in that place like cancer!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Hey Slayer, I have a question: do you mean the war as in the Israel-Palestine conflict or the war in general? Because people here seem to be referring only to the I-P conflict.
Because, me, personally, I'm sick of the WARS in general.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
People always seem to choose sides in a conflict then there are those like myself and others here at ATS [Just read the vast majority of the replies] that agree with me and do not want to choose sides and agree with the fact that war is stupid and innocent woman and children die..

What's with this obession of always noting innocent women and children? How about the innocent men too! Let's not be sexist or genderist here

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. We/They need this war, want this war and will end this war, on our'their terms, period. Just because you are/live free, does not give you any right to say others cannot, and that is basicly what your are spewing here.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:25 AM
I'm from Northern Ireland and hatred and ignorance are fostered from birth, so even if they were to reach some sort of agreement now it would still take a couple of generations with hardened attitudes to die off.

SLAYER69 you should come over to Northern Ireland and see the madness, you'll find in Palestinian flags in Nationalist areas and Israeli flags in Loyalist! We aren't content with our own wars in Northern Ireland so we take sides in others.....

It's awful to see people used. Young people going to early graves because adults won't behave. Arms companies are becoming even more wealthy while children die.

And 'theindependentjournal', Palestine could happily bomb many parts of Africa and it would probably be ignored by the media and viewed with the usual indifference Africa gets from the world these days.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Sorry I was away from the desk for a while.

Well first off I feel we cannot stop wars from happening. People will kill each other over some of the stupidest things.

But this situation has been going on for how long now?
You would think that after all these years and some believe centuries that the ones involved would have come to some kind of agreement.

I hate to say it but some wars should be fought, while others are a total waist. And then that brings up well who’s to decide which wars are just and which are unjust!

Now having said that I'm sure I'll get all kinds of heat. But I still believe in the end wars must stop so that we won’t have a need to fight just or unjust wars!

Because I think that the human race should grow out of this type of barbarism.

Thats just my opinion and anybody is welcomed to voice theirs!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Alpha_Magnum
I can't remember the thread I add it to but our thinking is close. I wanted to add to that the root cause of war is resource competition. I don't think that our differences come into play as long as there is enough running room and no one is hungry. Once any resource gets scarce then justification of killing becomes common place. Run out of room for your people and kill the other people. If it gets any tighter then loose all the people in your group with high hair.

let's face it - we hate each other as individuals and groups. my theory is that everybody hates everyone else. it's also that every worker hates their customers. so if you're working in a call center or a factory, hearing people complain about your product - you will hate them. and since we are all customers of someone else well you get the idea.

it's not only about resources that we kill each other. some gangs or murderers kill or mutilate/torture because they think it's fun or they just think they dont like the victim. we as a race love pain, we love seeing others suffer. i mean even porn has gotten so violent these days almost everything has a gag or gang bang scene in it. you used to be able to find "nice" porn for couples... not anymore!

we as a race are getting more and more extreme as technology evolves around us which will be bad once we invent telepathy plugins. i think we'll see mental rape in our lifetimes.

war is just the extension of this more or less hidden hate that each of us carries around somewhere in their darkest parts of their brains.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Good point Dark
Here is another thread I made you might be interested it kind of goes along with what you just said.

China vs. The USA: An eye opener

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:24 PM
Perhaps being a little non-judgemental may come in your favor. It is good that people sound off about things because it is the un-noticed things that take our liberties away from us. good ole Americans, land of the former free.

Try a little trick I do, if you don't like the thread... don't read it. I admire and encourage many threads about any little "bam" going on because it gives me more info to add to the big picture.

Ethnocentrism started the war just as it will start all wars, regardless of opinion to the contrary. To understand the comparison, look at your opinion versus mine.

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