reply to post by SLAYER69
The problem is simple to put into words though. It is about Ignorance and Hatred.
The Israelis do NOT kill for their God nor do they kill all Arabs ask any Jordanian or Egyptian if Israel will live in peace with arabs?
Then lets look at the Palestinians shall we? No state because they refused since 47, they do this because no state means no official group to hold
responsible, same thing with Al Queada and the world right now, we can not attack a NATION over the Al Qeuada hence no real Nation enemy...
Palestinians do say to wipe Israel off the map, palestinians still have no map with Israel on it and they have lots of support in the Jew Haters, I
say that because I can not believe for one minute if the Palestinians were bombing say Canada or America or France or Australia that anyone in the
world wold say the pals are right as they do when its Israel. Jew Haters side with anyone including terrorists which has been shown and proven as fact
over this very conflict.
You can hate both sides or none all you want, but tell me one nation that palestine could ROCKET the civilians of that the world wouldn't say get
them for their actions besides Israel?
This is not about right or wrong, it is not even about pals or terrorist palestine, this is about the age old hatred of Jews. This is clearly another
attempt at the anti-semites to try to rid the world of Jewry. And although I know they will continue to try til the BIG JEW Jesus Christ returns and
stops it all. The problem is so many of these people claim Christ while hating the Jews, your Savior is and was a JEW...
I will make one more statement, The day that palestinians want peace they will get rid of the terror groups leading them and they will GET PEACE THEN
and not one day sooner. When Palestinians want their children to live in peace they will remove terrorists and their children WILL LIVE IN PEACE...
All one must do to see the truth here is see how and what Israel did with Jordan and Egypt after their wars, did Israel say screw you and continue the
war or did Israel give land for peace and then honor that agreement?
Israel offered that same deal, land for peace, to palestine but every time they are met with rockets and turning down of the peace plan, so only the
Jew Hater could see Israel as the problem here and it makes the Jew Haters look stupid when they say such things as Mason Watcher has spewed on
Fair is Fair and Right is Right and no one that doesn't hate Jews outright can see palestinian bombing of Israeli towns as anything but a terrorist
act and an act that Israel must counter...
[edit on 1/5/2009 by theindependentjournal]