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re: mars pic

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:10 PM
This is a cropped imgae from the thread regarding a statue-type formation posted in another thread.

I was just looking through the phto when i came across this starnge "rock" formation. highlighted in this photo. Any suggestions?

Sorry still figuring out how to properly post pics here. Just click the link, then double clikc the photo to zoom in in the circled area.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

Good find! That is very very strange. It seems that you have noticed that for some reason, the rocks in that circle, are there and yet......almost all the other rocks are some place else. That is amazing. Glad people are still out there circling rocks for us!

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:37 PM
not exactly sure what you are getting at...
to me it looks like a shadow on a rock.
do you see something different ? if you do , what is it that you think you see ?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:41 PM
I'm not seeing it as a shadow. playing with the brightness in vista's simple photo editor, looks hollowed out, the top and bottom of the object in question. If you're able to play with the brightness, you can see what i mean.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

I see it. That is awesome. Just load the picture into your favorite paint program and then change the picture. Manipulate it in some way on a computer. You will clearly see that there is a hollow shaped thing.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Looks like someone bulldozed that poor E.T.´s shack.

Need hi res picture to really look, but looks promising....

Have source?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Hiya moon, the photo is originally from this thread.

here is the link to the ful-res jpeg.

Pit, If you don't have anything constructive to add, then keep your patronizing remarks to yourself.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:48 PM
It's Mars, ya know what that means? Rocks !!
Ya know what it was 100,000,000 years ago ? Rocks !! Ya know what it will be 100,000,000 years from now ? Rocks !!
That's it ! You people are seriously grasping at straws to consider you will ever find anything besides rocks on Mars.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:51 PM
You people? This is like the second post i've made here in 3 years of being registered.

I was skimming through the threads and came across the photo. Who are you to deny what could have possibly been there?

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:54 PM
I am a logical free thinking human being that's who. Logicly speaking there are greater odds of the Titanic coming out of someone's butt then finding evidence of intelligent life on Mars.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice
I can respect that you're a logical free thinking man,but how can you be so sure of there not being any life on Mars,ever?

There may have been life on Mars,thousands,or even millions of years ago.You just never know.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
It's Mars, ya know what that means? Rocks !!
Ya know what it was 100,000,000 years ago ? Rocks !! Ya know what it will be 100,000,000 years from now ? Rocks !!
That's it ! You people are seriously grasping at straws to consider you will ever find anything besides rocks on Mars.

But yet you came in to look at the 'rocks' didn't you?

Silly Lemming...

How about THIS? Is THIS a 'rock'? I found this on Mars

Closeup #1

[edit on 3-1-2009 by zorgon]

[edit on 3-1-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
It's Mars, ya know what that means? Rocks !!
Ya know what it was 100,000,000 years ago ? Rocks !! Ya know what it will be 100,000,000 years from now ? Rocks !!
That's it ! You people are seriously grasping at straws to consider you will ever find anything besides rocks on Mars.

Grasping to find anything besides rocks on mars?!

Well Christian Voice, seems you found an imaginary
friend in the sky who listens to prayers and had his son
come out the orifice of a virgin, walked on water, healed
some lepers and rose from the dead.

I honestly see nothing in this picture, it's proof of absolutely
nothing other than rocky terrain on Mars, but don't go acting
like your $h!T don't stink. And by $s#!T, I mean your beliefs.

You heard it here first ladies and gentleman, Christian Voice
has stated that nothing else will be found on Mars, it seems
his God only governs Earth.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by phrankie79
Pit, If you don't have anything constructive to add, then keep your patronizing remarks to yourself.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by phrankie79]

Whatever do you mean? I am in total agreement. There is a picture of rocks. I load it into Corel Photo paint and adjusted 16 different filters and then BAM! Clear as day. There was a shadow on a rock that looked like something like and indentation. I think it it amazing that you noticed, with some manipulation that that rock is NOT shaped like a flat wall but has a concave section in the middle. That is awesome, really. What am I missing? Do you see something else in there? Can you manipulate it to look like something else as well? I am missing the point. What is being suggested here, really?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
reply to post by Christian Voice
I can respect that you're a logical free thinking man,but how can you be so sure of there not being any life on Mars,ever?

There may have been life on Mars,thousands,or even millions of years ago.You just never know.

Maybe. I may be 1000 years old. I may have magical powers. You might be a leprachaun. All these things "might" be. Any evidence to give us a reason to think it so? Any? Any at all? If you would like to promote the idea of life, past or present, on mars, then why do you all get defensive when told one fuzzy shadow pic is not enough? Where is all the evidence that convinced you?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
I am a logical free thinking human being that's who. Logicly speaking there are greater odds of the Titanic coming out of someone's butt then finding evidence of intelligent life on Mars.

Logical? Certainly not. Free thinking human being?! Certainly are,
just not very good at it.

Well if I resolve to praying someday, it will only be that you feel
the wrath of a 900 foot boat coming out your precious holy rear.

And logically speaking the odds seem to be in my favor. May I
suggest fish oil and some pain killers.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Alright now, let's calm down people. We're all on here because we search for the truth. So let's be rational about this.

I honestly don't see anything unusual in the picture. Even if there is, I don't think there's enough conclusive evidence to prove it. It could literally be any number of things. And just because it may be unusual doesn't make it alien. The only way to truly find out is to go there and investigate it personally. Unfortunately, that's still a few years away. Until then, however, it's just an interesting rock formation on our neighboring planet that may or may not be worthy of further examination.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:14 AM
About the OP. Why not a little concave part of that rock, and the shadow do the rest?

Originally posted by zorgon

How about THIS? Is THIS a 'rock'? I found this on Mars

Closeup #1

i remember that was the shield or parachute of the rover (The shield i remember). You can see the track in the ground where it falled.

[edit on 4/1/09 by depthoffield]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:25 AM
The image in the OP doesn't seem to show anything but what can be found in its


NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity rover spent about 300 sols (Martian days) during 2006 and 2007 traversing the rim of Victoria Crater. Besides looking for a good place to enter the crater, the rover obtained images of rock outcrops exposed at several cliffs along the way.

The cliff in this image from Opportunity's panoramic camera (Pancam) is informally named Cape St. Vincent. It is a promontory approximately 12 meters (39 feet) tall on the northern rim of Victoria crater, near the farthest point along the rover's traverse around the rim. Layers seen in Cape St. Vincent have proven to be among the best examples of meter scale cross-bedding observed on Mars to date.
Cross-bedding is a geologic term for rock layers which are inclined relative to the horizontal and which are indicative of ancient sand dune deposits. In order to get a better look at these outcrops, Pancam "super-resolution" imaging techniques were utilized. Super-resolution is a type of imaging mode which acquires many pictures of the same target to reconstruct a digital image at a higher resolution than is native to the camera. These super-resolution images have allowed scientists to discern that the rocks at Victoria Crater once represented a large dune field, not unlike the Sahara desert on Earth, and that this dune field migrated with an ancient wind flowing from the north to the south across the region. Other rover chemical and mineral measurements have shown that many of the ancient sand dunes studied in Meridiani Planum were modified by surface and subsurface liquid water long ago. This is a Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Panoramic Camera image acquired on sol 1167 (May 7, 2007), and was constructed from a mathematical combination of 16 different blue filter (480 nm) images.

All Opportunity's Panoramic Camera images acquired on Sol 1167 (64 images) can be found here .

Here you can find a color version, obtained with a method described here.

Honestly i don't see anything but a martian cliff composed by horizontal layers of rocks.

Ron, in my opinion that is Opportunity's Heat shield: during Sol 115 the rover was approximately where you see the red sphere, here:

It's strange looking has to be due to CCD Saturation and Blooming:
there's a good article here about it:

The Navcams are a panchromatic stereoscopic imaging system built using identical charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors and nearly identical electronics boards as the other cameras on the MER spacecraft.

These images were taken all during the same sol, and it's obvious that the extremely bright appearance changes its shape.

It's definately Opportunity's Heat shield, here you can see it photographed from two reverse angles, and the darkened area close to it is the Heat shield's impact site:

More Opportunity's heat shield images

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Christian Voice
It's Mars, ya know what that means? Rocks !!
Ya know what it was 100,000,000 years ago ? Rocks !! Ya know what it will be 100,000,000 years from now ? Rocks !!
That's it ! You people are seriously grasping at straws to consider you will ever find anything besides rocks on Mars.

Tell that to NASA so they stop spending billions on sending mission after mission after mission to Mars when, according to you and NASA, its nothing but a 4 billion year old ball of rocks.

How many times do scientists, planitary geologists, and NASA need to send probe after probe, rover after rover, to say "yep its rocks nothing to see move along"?

Obviously there is something there to make NASA want to continue to send very expensive robotic missions to Mars other than plain ol rocks.

If they want to look at rocks, there are plenty here on Earth to play with and study till they are red in the face.

Think about it.


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