I have to say that I find MasonWatcher’s post to be informative. I have found his posts to be well informed and knowledgeable to every side, aspect
and angle to the ongoing conflict and well referenced.
I understand how the main stream news media, biased history text, public opinion gained through utilizing just those sources of knowledge coupled with
an instilled sense of political correctness enable people to so passionately dismiss facts and contentions without offering but the flimsiest of
mostly emotional rebuttals.
I read a number of declassified documents on the CIA’s Web Site dating from its early days of the final pre-Independence push by the Irgun and Stern
Gang and our intelligence assessments regarding the wisdom in siding with Israel Independence.
Feedom of Information Act CIA De-Clasified Documents
I have likewise read their detached reports on the Zionist Agenda and on their assessments of what would be required for Israel to be a viable nation,
and the effectiveness and specific nature of Israel propaganda and the reports authors frank rendering of highly placed Israeli’s privately
communicating the opposite of their propaganda to the U.S. Government.
For those that think the Central Intelligence Agency is controlled by Muslims, or Islamic militants or terrorists, or racist bigots acting out of
ignorant supposition I would beg to differ.
I have also used as a reference to understanding the time line of the modern portion of the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist/Habiru versus Arabs and other
Semitics in the region the Avalon Project compiled by Yale University Law School at the Lillian Goldman Law Library.
Likewise those who want to discredit Yale as being a hot bed of Islamic Fundamentalism and underprivileged racist commonality based on ignorance or
claim that Lillian Goldman is an Islamic sounding name as a means to avoid informed and reasoned discussions are welcome too.
For people who would like to get at least a basic timeline of the facts from the Zionist Conference in 1897 to the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 to
its complete reversal in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 to the British White Paper on Palestine in 1922, and the 1922 Palestine Mandate of July 1924,
to the pivotal British White Paper on Palestine of 1939 whose result kicked Zionist Terrorism against the British, moderate Jews and Arabs into high
gear, on through the Alexandria Protocol of October 7, and then every subsequent piece of meaning diplomacy and law and correspondence pertaining to
Israel, Americas constantly changing and evolving predisposition towards her to every subsequent action by the United Nations right on up through
today, which the Yale Law School actually studies for the sake of diplomacy and international law versus propaganda or religion.
Yale Law School Avalon Project 20th Century Middle East
I have likewise read everything the United Nations has ever published in relations to the struggle.
United Nations Question of Palestine
I have further researched from there to a wide variety of both pro-Israel, and pro-Arab and unbiased sources, and frankly have learned some startling
things about 20th century history in the process. Things that are little known and little discussed and often inaccurately portrayed when they are. If
I doubt the current version of events I go right to the New York Times archives to find out what they wrote about it when it was actually happening,
not what historians with now differing agendas claim happened 50, 60, 80 years ago.
New York Times Archives 1851 to 2009
I have to tell you I have uncovered some huge discrepancies in what currently available widely accessible literature says happened on any given day or
in any referenced specific event to what actually was the view and public opinion and editors opinions at the actual point in time events occurred.
This whole issue has prompted me to study the history of the region from 3500 BC through today and frankly, after all I have discovered from
historically credible references, I wish I could dismiss MasonWatchers posts. Frankly I have a deep respect for his formidable knowledge. If we were
all so well informed I wager the world would be the truly kinder gentler place George H. W. Bush once promised. It isn’t though and in my humble
opinion it’s on a fast track too World War III with this as its pretext but not as its agenda or goal.
Am I ignorant, lower class, under privileged? Yes, but I am trying real hard not to be by doing the best I can to educate myself and learn from
credible sources.
That the truth might indict someone, or a group that is ethnic, or a country, or religious movement is neither racist nor bigoted, it is simply the
Calling the truth or facts defamation to excuse one’s individual or collective acts as a contrivance of avoiding ones complicity and responsibility
for them is simply as discrediting as the acts and facts that speak so poorly of a character, agenda or act that requires such desperate and thin
measures in hopes of avoiding the consequences of those acts.
I have found that the Palestinians and their wavering Arab allies have made some huge and significant blunders at times, but always as a response to a
British, Zionist, or Israeli act of unwarranted aggression that often was absent any provocation.
Our own Central Intelligence Agency states still to this day that Palestinians are acutely aware that they can not win through guerilla military
tactics that are the only means to a smaller number of poorer and poorer armed peoples that are often typified as terrorism by those larger, richer,
more militarily powerful peoples they fight against, but do so only as a means to keep the spotlight on their political plight. In reality that is all
firing home made unguided short ranged and low yield rockets in to the territory the United Nations has been saying for sixty years is being illegally
occupied by the Israelis who stole it.
Does it warrant this level of military reprisal that collectively punishes a people who have been collectively punished since 1922 for merely being in
the wrong place at the wrong time?
I don’t think so.
[edit on 4/1/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]
[edit on 4/1/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]