posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 08:25 PM
Mr. Sanders,
May I ask why on your myspace profile do you not show that you graduated from any of the schools you attended?
Further, if you think Yellowstone's cauldera is ready to blow, what on earth are you doing in Yellowstone?
Thirdly, if you're so interested in Yellowstone's geology, why aren't you working for the federal government or some agency directly related to
Also, it appears you are trying to get a name for yourself by putting yourself into utube movies, etc. -- why couldn't you have made a documentary,
rather than showing clips of yourself?
Lastly, why is your message that of an alarmist -- is it that you want to be known worldwide for having predicted and warned others of a possible
cataclysmic event?
[edit on 1/3/09 by aWoman]