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Evacuation Warning! - Yellowstone National Park (Non Official)

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by j2000

little snippet bellow :

Update time = Thu Jan 5, 2009 at 3:29 a.m.

Posted by geologist C.C. Sanders on January 5, 2009.

"I am informing all State officials around Yellowstone National Park for a potential State of Emergency. In the last week over 252 earthquakes have been observed by the USGS. All of the pre warning signs for poisonous gasses to escape from underneath the parks lakes are present. - I want everyone to leave Yellowstone National Park for 100 miles around the volcano caldera because of the danger in poisonous gasses that can escape from the hundreds of recent earthquakes. These poisonous gasses that can escape from underneath the lake present even more of a potential problem because of the super volcano."

Code - Yellow

Fairly recent history does show that a relatively minor eruption from under a lake can cause death to animals and humans. In the following case nearly 2,000 people died from such an event.

08/1986 (SEAN 11:08) Toxic gas cloud from Lake Nyos kills more than 1,700 people

During the evening of 21 August a toxic gas cloud emerged from a lake within a young volcanic crater in NW Cameroon, killing >1,700 people and uncounted numbers of animals. Scientists investigating the disaster suggested that the lake may [be underlain by] a recent diatreme [Kling and others, 1987].

Scientists interviewed many of the survivors (>300 were hospitalized), and took gas and water samples from the lake and streams. Medical and geological investigations suggest that victims were suffocated by CO2 gas; there was no evidence that HCN or CO were present. Many survivors reported that the odor of gunpowder or rotten eggs permeated the area for ~2 days after the event and many had chemical burns on their skin (Koenigsberg and others, 1986). Positions of dead animals suggested that the gas cloud [reached as high as] 100 m above of the lake surface as it moved out of the crater, over low spots in the rim. The CO2-laden cloud blanketed low areas around the lake. Some of the cloud moved N over the outflow, followed two stream valleys for ~1 km, then turned NE along a larger river valley and through the village of Nyos, asphyxiating most of the inhabitants in the area (figure 2). Gas that flowed W from the lake followed the Cha valley for [~15] km, causing many casualties. Portions of the gas cloud had enough density and velocity to knock down corn and banana plants in a few areas as it moved outward. Gas clouds also moved to the S along the inflow streams, spreading over a wide area, and over the E rim into a low-lying pocket.

In the case of Yellowstone it does not by any means have to be the "big one" to kill a lot of people and animals... A gas eruption from under the lake at Yellowstone may be more likely than a major volcanic eruption, and could be far worse than what happened above in Cameroon.


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:00 PM
I'm trying to get a hold of chris sanders right now, the one who sent out the two unofficial warnings as I have talked to him about this before. I think he's onto something

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:07 AM
My friend; it is "CHRIS" Sanders, not Kevin Sanders. And YES, he does work for a company involved in geology - it's HIS company. They are actively engaged in drilling in the Barnett Shale area of W Texas. He also has a degree in geology but not a PhD. If he was an "accredited" geologist, he would most likely be working for a university which depends on government grants or the government itself. In that case, he would have to have any statements reviewed by a committee before they could be released to the media. That is why you hear so little from professional geologists. It could cost them money in lost grants or actual fines. Plus the loss of their jobs.

Chris Sanders is free to express his educated experience, based on actually working the earth and not on theoretical models. If he has the courage to make an announcement of the pending danger at Yellowstone, he should not be attacked for it. He is far from being uninformed and I believe we may hear more from him and about him in the future.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by vBreezo
My friend; it is "CHRIS" Sanders, not Kevin Sanders. And YES, he does work for a company involved in geology - it's HIS company. They are actively engaged in drilling in the Barnett Shale area of W Texas. He also has a degree in geology but not a PhD. If he was an "accredited" geologist, he would most likely be working for a university which depends on government grants or the government itself. In that case, he would have to have any statements reviewed by a committee before they could be released to the media. That is why you hear so little from professional geologists. It could cost them money in lost grants or actual fines. Plus the loss of their jobs.

Chris Sanders is free to express his educated experience, based on actually working the earth and not on theoretical models. If he has the courage to make an announcement of the pending danger at Yellowstone, he should not be attacked for it. He is far from being uninformed and I believe we may hear more from him and about him in the future.

Can you please ask your friend to speak with us on ATS, we would all appreciated it, some may not but most will. The majority of us are not Geologists and have little knowledge in the field.

U2U me and we can talk further. Again, we would appreciate his knowledge since so many lives are at risk.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:50 PM
Just read this from the Yellowstone observatory page.

Yellowstone volcano Observatory

Tuesday, January 6, 2009 00:39 MST (Tuesday, January 6, 2009 07:39 UTC)

44.43°N 110.67°W, Summit Elevation 9203 ft (2805 m)
Volcano Alert Level: NORMAL
Aviation Color Code: GREEN

Yellowstone Lake Earthquake Swarm Summary as of 6 January 2009

Through 5 January 2009, seismic activity has markedly decreased. It is possible that the swarm has ended, though a return of activity may occur as Yellowstone swarms of the size usually last for tens of days to many weeks.

About 500 earthquakes occurred between Dec. 26 through Jan. 1. Three hundred of the earthquakes (including all >M2.0) have been reviewed by seismologists. There have been 86 earthquakes with M > 2.0 and 16 earthquakes > M3.0. About 200 smaller earthquakes have yet to be reviewed. Depths are difficult to determine accurately. The best located earthquakes have depths on the order of 3 to 10 km (1.8 to 6.0 miles). From Dec. 26 through Jan 2, the earthquake hypocenters appear to have migrated northwards, starting southeast of near Stevenson Island, with many of the latest events occurring near Fishing Bridge.

The recent swarm is well above typical activity at Yellowstone. Nevertheless it is not unprecedented during the last 40 years of monitoring. Swarms are the typical mode of occurrence of earthquakes within the Yellowstone caldera, with magnitudes ranging to > 4.0. The 1985 swarm on the northwest rim of the caldera lasted for three months, with earthquakes up to M4.9 and over 3000 total events recorded.

Magnitudes of earthquakes in this swarm range from zero to 3.9. Seismologists categorize those of magnitude less than 3.5 as generally not felt by persons. For perspective, earthquakes of magnitude 3.4 to 4.5 are often felt, as several of the events in this swarm have. A magnitude 5 or greater is generally required to produce damage to buildings or other structures.

Improved volcano and seismic monitoring at Yellowstone gives us a greater ability to locate earthquakes, understand their source process and identify anomalous sources of seismic activity. New equipment including precise measurements of ground motion by GPS receivers and borehole strainmeters provided by the National Science Foundation's EarthScope and Continental Dynamics Program have been used extensively during the last week of intense earthquake activity. Ground motions accompanying the swarm, from the GPS instruments will take two or more weeks to fully process. It is worth noting that in 2004 the Yellowstone caldera began a period of accelerated uplift measured by GPS instruments that was as large as 7 cm/yr (2.7 inches/yr), three times as fast as recorded in the recorded history but has now reduced to about a maximum rate of 4 cm/yr. Scientists have modeled this deformation as due to magmatic recharge of the Yellowstone magma chamber at a depth of ~10 km (6 miles). The area of the swarm is on the eastern side of the uplift area.

Earthquakes at Yellowstone are caused by a combination of geological factors including: 1) regional stress associated with normal faults (those where the valleys go down relative to the mountains) such as the nearby Teton and Hebgen Lake faults, 2) magmatic movements at depth (>7 kms or 4 miles), and 3) hydrothermal fluid activity caused as the groundwater system is heated to boiling by magmatic heat.

At this time, no one has noted any anomalous changes in surface discharges (hot springs, gas output, etc.).

YVO staff from the USGS, University of Utah and Yellowstone National Park continue to carefully review all data streams that are recorded in real-time. At this time, there is no reason to believe that magma has risen to a shallow level within the crust or that a volcanic eruption is likely. The USGS Volcano alert level for Yellowstone Volcano remains at Normal/Green.

Yellowstone National Park is evaluating infrastructur

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Hello all

As I posted earlier I sent an email to USGS inquiring about Yellowstone.
I guess I have been put on their mailing list as I have once again received another update from this guy.
Isnt this pleasant surpirse !!

here the link and the link to the podcast is in as well

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

really uve already been evac

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:40 PM
Hey thread I have been researching Yellowstone for a while now have you noticed about the NW of YS. Have you read the seismos of Bozeman Montana? Check out the Helicorder readings of Bozeman, it's the first one. I rely more on broadband since it's digital and picks up more sensitive readings, the short period trace readings are analog which are limited in range which are old seismos. But be care ful reading these charts they seem to be different Microvolts/sensitivity level for each location.
Also check out Red Lodge which is just NE of YS Lake and is closer.
Here are a few links I've been studying:



Yellowstone Lake:
y/m/d h:m:s LAT
deg LON
MAP 1.3 2009/01/07 10:55:15 47.838 -113.806 5.2 22 km ( 14 mi) ENE of Finley Point, MT
MAP 1.3 2009/01/07 02:01:53 44.499 -110.374 2.1 61 km ( 38 mi) ESE of West Yellowstone, MT

I also called the U.of Utah to get some answers although the analyst I spoke to was given me the run around. 1/5/09

I tried to post this on the other YS thread but for some reason it didn't go through, so if any of you are reading this take this into consideration.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Here's the conversation I had with an Analyst on 1/5/09:
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:06 pm Post subject:
I just called the U. of Utah and spoke to an analyst and I questioned him on almost every topic that is currently happening in Yellowstone Lake/Caldera and he gave me somewhat a run around.

My first question was:"Why is there information withheld from the public on YS seismograph readings and eq charts?
A:"The current seismic charts only stay up for week."

I said "No that is not what I'm asking, my question is about the the recent data from Sat. and Sun. that has been withheld from the public on your website of the current events of Yellowstone Lake?
A: "Oh we are so behind gathering the information with the current activity we have just been really busy."

That indicates to me the Caldera is still active and they are still with holding evidence from the public.

I asked "What about the over 500 earthquakes in the last week in the Caldera isn't that highly unusual"
A:"Yes this particular eq swarm was very unusual because there were so many 3.0's on the richter scale in the Caldera but I've seen over a 1,000 eq's in one week a couple of years ago."

He did not say where these supposedly 1,000 were located or a specific year.
So where is the proof? On record the last eq swarms happened I think in 1985 You will not find such a thing.

Also I asked him why is Bozeman Mt. and Red Lodge Mt. indicating there is still consistent seismic activity?
A: "Oh, I don't know are they really we only gather our information from our state so I really don't have an answer about Montana's seismographs."

Yeah right he's lying they are suppose to gather and share all information.
And the Helicorder readings proves they share information with other states.

Q:"What about the rise of the water level in Yellowstone Lake? Doesn't that indicate a rise in the Caldera."
A. "That is not our profession with the level of the water."

He seemed dumbfounded again and gave me the run around.

Q: "Well what about the rise of the Caldera in Y.S. Lake?"
A:" Well which one specifically are you talking about there are many areas that are rising."
He gave me abbreviations for the other areas.

I said:A: "In Yellowstone Lake I'm looking at a graph that your website has given." It's at the top on page three of this thread. (The website where I have done my studies on YS.)

A:"Yeah there is what seems to be a rise in parts of the Caldera."
Like he didn't didn't want to answer my question.

Q:"What about the Harmonic patterns that were consistent for a week at YS Lake/Caldera doesn't it mean something?"
A:He paused for a minute "with current data you will see that YS has not had current eq"
(He completely answered with a different answer.)
I asked him about analog and digital seismographs so now we know what's what. He finally gave me a straight answer.
Q:"Could you tell me about the seismographs what's digital and what's analog, and what does the U. of Utah use?"
A:"We use all types of seismographs. The Broadband Trace seismos are digital which shows greater detail in activity and the analog are the Short Period Trace which are limited."

At the end of the conversation he said
"We are doing all that we can on this matter."

I thanked him for all of their work and I said "also the information their website has only provided for the public." And that was that.

I don't recall what he said about the Long Period Trace but I'm sure they are digital because of the smear and greater lines than the analog seismograph Short Period Trace which are short.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by Jered44]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:50 PM
These people have been told to keep quiet about all the activity of Yellowstone. Also if they didn't share information with other states
then how come the U. of Utah has seismographs for Yellowstone Lake? This is wrong.
I did forget to ask him one question though.
Here it is, and it was an important one to darn it.
Doesn't the eq swarms in YS Lake indicate from the eq map readings that magma is being push towards the north magma chamber?

The phone number for the U. of Utah is 801-581-6274
We have every right for answers and from the conversation I had, you have be somewhat forward with them for answers. But they'll probably try to give you the run around so be very specific when asking the questions.
A lady answered my call and I used the Freedom of Information Act without hesitation so that my call would be taken seriously and she put me through with a Analyst. I think his name was Brad that I spoke to.
I was heated, my adrenaline kicked in through this conversation.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

That info on the toxic gas killing many, reminds me of a good friend of mine who had an nde, and he was born in the Salmon Arm area of BC, in the Shushwap. Now, theres quite a few dormant volcanoes in the interior, Mt. Baldy towering above the other mountains at 7464 feet. That one was a massive formation when it was active. All the way to Salmon Arm. Well, he wouldn't move back though this area was beautiful. He'd had a dream, and he said those kind of dreams came true for him, where poisonous gas was going to leak out of the volcano and kill everyone and all animals within a certain radius while they slept.

I believe that the rumors of 9 nukes exploded underground right where the core buldges closest to the earth, where the true magnetic pole is, in November, is responsible for both the huge hole in our magnetic shield, the hole in the crust leaking oil, and the seismic activites, and considering how key this area is, it may have bad consequences:


It makes me worried about a lot of volcanoes. There is mention of plates moving on another thread. A lot of volcanoes going off would be a severe nuclear winter like a meteor strike. Crustal stuff worries me too. Tidal waves could be severe as well.

I don't think this is a natural thing, but TPTB orchestrated it.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by Walkswithfish

That info on the toxic gas killing many, reminds me of a good friend of mine who had an nde, and he was born in the Salmon Arm area of BC, in the Shushwap. Now, theres quite a few dormant volcanoes in the interior, Mt. Baldy towering above the other mountains at 7464 feet. That one was a massive formation when it was active. All the way to Salmon Arm. Well, he wouldn't move back though this area was beautiful. He'd had a dream, and he said those kind of dreams came true for him, where poisonous gas was going to leak out of the volcano and kill everyone and all animals within a certain radius while they slept.

I believe that the rumors of 9 nukes exploded underground right where the core buldges closest to the earth, where the true magnetic pole is, in November, is responsible for both the huge hole in our magnetic shield, the hole in the crust leaking oil, and the seismic activites, and considering how key this area is, it may have bad consequences:


It makes me worried about a lot of volcanoes. There is mention of plates moving on another thread. A lot of volcanoes going off would be a severe nuclear winter like a meteor strike. Crustal stuff worries me too. Tidal waves could be severe as well.

I don't think this is a natural thing, but TPTB orchestrated it.

This is a very wanted area.
I hear Cheney was a Wyoming Congressman.
Pockets will be lined with Yellowstones natural resources.
It' s a drill baby drill area - big time.
Washington has a big say as to what is going on there -
and what is about to go on there.
Just saying.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by spinkyboo]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Jered44

Star for you !

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 04:43 AM
Well, it sounds like one of those disaster movies where they don't listen to the guy who knows what he is talking about until its too late and thousands or more people die.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:50 AM
you have to admit there is no precedence for a potential disaster like this. Officials really can't evacuate everyone who would be in danger. Where are we supposed to go, the moon? Should they tell us we all might die and there's nothing they can do about it? Just let us be happy and ignorant till the end.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

You've got a very good point. I mean how are you suppose to evacuate people when you have no idea what's or how big an event it's gonna be, where the ash, ect, is going to go or how far. Then take into account peoples panic, get a couple serious accidents on an escape route with countless people trapped behind them. Don't know, it's gonna be very interesting "if" anything does pop off their.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Chance321

I hear things like this all the time, and the senselesness of it always infuriates me!

Can't tell the people about alien life etc, as it would cause panic.

Can't tell the people about Nibiru/planet X as it would cause panic.

Can't tell the people about an asteroid that is coming for us as it would cause a panic.

Can't tell the people about a super volcano as it get the idea.


In the cases of a SV erruption, planet X/Nibiru, asteroid, deady virus etc, most of us are going to die, whether we panic or not!

What possible difference would it make to 'allow' the people, who fund the policy and dicision makers, who fund the universities, who fund the scientists, who fund the world, the courtesy of knowing when a potential extinction event is looming?

The only possible reason i can see, would be the SOBs are worried we may get in their way, when they are running for cover into deep UG / US bases, funded i might add, by you know who!

Hate being patronised under normal conditions, let alone when our lives are at stake!


posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

I agree 100%!! I think it was a couple of years ago, I was listening to the news on the radio, and they said that FEMA announced that if a catastrophic comet or asteroid was going to hit Earth that they would not tell the public. This is the same thing. I'm not sure if she's going to blow anytime soon, but I will be paying very close attention to the President and where he is. If he drops out of site, I'm going to kiss my family and my A*@ goodbye.

[edit on 8-1-2009 by sickofitall2012]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Chance321
reply to post by MsSmartypants

"if" anything does pop off their.

Im affraid to say its not a matter 'if' something happens, but When.

[edit on 8-1-2009 by Opulisum]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Opulisum

Your right, wrong word.(Smacking my forehead
) Personally I believe that something will happen there. Will it be a gas release or partial eruption of total? I think thats what I meant by "if".

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