posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 02:42 AM
Of course not only Jews were exterminated in the death camps but they were the main recipients of Nazi Hatred, as they are now the main recipients of
Muslim hatred.
It is interesting that at the time, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, sought sanctuary in Berlin during WW2 and famously said to Hitler that "all Jews on
the face of the Earth must be killed"- Needless to say he was much admired and courted by Hitler to the extent that the Nazi's under the grand
Mufti's authority recruited many Muslim people in the Southern and Eastern areas of Russia and who joined the Wermacht to "kill Jews and
Communists"-There were even many battailions of SS Muslims formed.- (just Google photographic and factual evidence).
Throughout history, for 1000's of years the Jewish people have been cruelly persecuted, often for no reason at all other than that they were Jews. I
am not a Jew, I'm Catholic, but in the bible it clearly states that as Christians we must defend and protect the Jewish people. Genesis 12 to the
Jews: 3 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who
bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
Look at a map of the middle east. You have little (but powerful) Isreal surrounded on all sides by many hostile Arab/Muslim countries who want nothing
more than to eradicate Isreal off the map and kill all the Jewish people. If Islam was so benign and could be reasoned with, why can't they just let
the Jews have their historical homeland (4,000 years+ of history attached to it) and just leave them in peace. There actually never was a Palestine
nation, this is just hogwash by the Muslims so that they can have some sort of claim over that land; admitedly an area that they had lived also in for
100's of years but was never a formal nation with borders, government ect...
Now I'm all for a seperate Palistinian state to co-exist peacefully side -by-side with Isreal, if that were actually possible. It is not and never
will be. The politicians of the West delude themselves. Islam will not stop it's attacks on Isreal untill it no longer exists. That is the sad fact
of the situation. Furthermore, Hamas, Islam and the Arab world cannot be negotiated with unless you are prepared to give away many self-harming
concessions straight-off-the-bat to start negotiaitions with. The reason for this is they have a global Caliphate domination agenda and we the west-
(Judaeo/Christians) do not!
Also, Hamas' No.1 stated policy is the destruction of Isreal -no-negotiations, no debate. That is their policy and it will not change. Doesn't it
stagger you to contemplate what Hamas would do to Isreal if it had just half of Isreal's military power? As it is, Isreal supplies all their food,
medicine, finance ect. They're like a greedy baby sucking on a teat. They cannot even stand up for themselves even with all that support!- Just look
what happens to them when Isreal withdraws this support as it has done recently? To use a Jewish expression: "What Hutzpah!"
Hamas fires hundreds of mortars and rockets (supplied by Iran and Syria) every month over the border to land on Isreali citizens.- Thankfully most are
off target-(they can't even get that right!)
And why have the Isrealis finally retalliated? becuase despite all this free aid and willingness to enter "negotiations" about conceding areas of
their homeland to yet more Muslim takeover they are still being bombarded daily!.
They, the Palestinian Muslims are acting like truculent children to further the cause of global Islamist Jihad (funded and armed by Iran and Syria)
with no more legitimacy for their claims of a never-before-existed Palestine than the legitimacy of sympathetic Dhimmis supporters from the West who
give them airtime.
You want a nation?- Grow up and stop taking one by force at the expense of little Isreal!
[edit on 4-1-2009 by Dusty Pouch]