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6 Million people died in the Holocaust, and somebody did something.

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Here is an excellent site for your perusal: On the etymology of the word. On the death toll.

Genocide is a more descriptive/accurate use of vocabulary in describing the Nazi mission. History is filled with examples of one group of humans attempting to exterminate another. We(the mass of humanity) really are uncivilized beasts.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

True, so true!
The holocaust was horrible, yes, and sadly there were some 6 million victims. Yet, the genocides of Stalinism and Maoism saw an approximate 80 million victims and NOBODY did NOTHING!!!
The difference in proportion is very DRASTIC, isn't it? I didn't know the Holocaust was a matter of pride.

It is only a fool that becomes too proud of himself... and thereby makes himself into a fool.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:25 AM
I haven't read all the posts, but many of them are laughable. The truth is contained in a book called The World Order: History of the Hegemony of Parisitism by Eustace Mullins. Chapters 7 and 8. You can read it online. I don't blame you for your ignorance, but now you have no excuse.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 02:42 AM
Of course not only Jews were exterminated in the death camps but they were the main recipients of Nazi Hatred, as they are now the main recipients of Muslim hatred.

It is interesting that at the time, the grand Mufti of Jerusalem, sought sanctuary in Berlin during WW2 and famously said to Hitler that "all Jews on the face of the Earth must be killed"- Needless to say he was much admired and courted by Hitler to the extent that the Nazi's under the grand Mufti's authority recruited many Muslim people in the Southern and Eastern areas of Russia and who joined the Wermacht to "kill Jews and Communists"-There were even many battailions of SS Muslims formed.- (just Google photographic and factual evidence).

Throughout history, for 1000's of years the Jewish people have been cruelly persecuted, often for no reason at all other than that they were Jews. I am not a Jew, I'm Catholic, but in the bible it clearly states that as Christians we must defend and protect the Jewish people. Genesis 12 to the Jews: 3 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Look at a map of the middle east. You have little (but powerful) Isreal surrounded on all sides by many hostile Arab/Muslim countries who want nothing more than to eradicate Isreal off the map and kill all the Jewish people. If Islam was so benign and could be reasoned with, why can't they just let the Jews have their historical homeland (4,000 years+ of history attached to it) and just leave them in peace. There actually never was a Palestine nation, this is just hogwash by the Muslims so that they can have some sort of claim over that land; admitedly an area that they had lived also in for 100's of years but was never a formal nation with borders, government ect...

Now I'm all for a seperate Palistinian state to co-exist peacefully side -by-side with Isreal, if that were actually possible. It is not and never will be. The politicians of the West delude themselves. Islam will not stop it's attacks on Isreal untill it no longer exists. That is the sad fact of the situation. Furthermore, Hamas, Islam and the Arab world cannot be negotiated with unless you are prepared to give away many self-harming concessions straight-off-the-bat to start negotiaitions with. The reason for this is they have a global Caliphate domination agenda and we the west- (Judaeo/Christians) do not!

Also, Hamas' No.1 stated policy is the destruction of Isreal -no-negotiations, no debate. That is their policy and it will not change. Doesn't it stagger you to contemplate what Hamas would do to Isreal if it had just half of Isreal's military power? As it is, Isreal supplies all their food, medicine, finance ect. They're like a greedy baby sucking on a teat. They cannot even stand up for themselves even with all that support!- Just look what happens to them when Isreal withdraws this support as it has done recently? To use a Jewish expression: "What Hutzpah!"

Hamas fires hundreds of mortars and rockets (supplied by Iran and Syria) every month over the border to land on Isreali citizens.- Thankfully most are off target-(they can't even get that right!)
And why have the Isrealis finally retalliated? becuase despite all this free aid and willingness to enter "negotiations" about conceding areas of their homeland to yet more Muslim takeover they are still being bombarded daily!.

They, the Palestinian Muslims are acting like truculent children to further the cause of global Islamist Jihad (funded and armed by Iran and Syria) with no more legitimacy for their claims of a never-before-existed Palestine than the legitimacy of sympathetic Dhimmis supporters from the West who give them airtime.

You want a nation?- Grow up and stop taking one by force at the expense of little Isreal!

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Dusty Pouch]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Dusty Pouch


Another Zionist Israeli propagandist.

This is just what we need - another one of you.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:05 AM
Not so my friend, I am neither a Zionist nor or a propagandaist...

I am just telling the truth as I see it from extensive research (as you can see) and furthermore I've backed up my claims; without any real connection to Isreal or the Jews.- I think that is a fairly objective standpoint.

-What and who are you then? Try and counter what I have said factually and with evidence without the rhetoric...

-Bet ya cant!

-I'll leave you with that one and all your "Zionist" conspiracy theories.

Best of luck.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Dusty Pouch

"Try and counter what I have said factually and with evidence "

Strawman Tactic.

Your talking points have already been disproven - on ATS

*Basically, you've wasted your time posting 'old news'...

Edit: Not that your propaganda wasn't entertaining, it just wasn't factually accurate.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Dusty Pouch


Another Zionist Israeli propagandist.

This is just what we need - another one of you.

You can't blame them actually, they're only trying to make a living..all be it at the misery of others but nothing has changed in 2000 years I guess......paid up shills.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by mazzroth

"You can't blame them actually"

Where; pray tell, did you learn that phrase?

Who taught you to say it?

Why can't we blame "them"?

*Aren't the guilty always to blame? - What makes 'them' so different?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:30 AM
bless ya strawman tactic- counter my arguments or be damned for yours.

As for Schills.... who's the racist liberal now? -You're not even right...You guys are in babyville trying to swing it with the big guys. You have no argument, no facts and no-counter claims available to counter my main post.

Grow some, read a few books, get a decent degree and then come back and counter intellectually your yet-to-be substansive and unjustified arguments. guys...

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Dusty Pouch]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:36 AM


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Dusty Pouch


Another Zionist Israeli propagandist.

This is just what we need - another one of you.

You can't blame them actually, they're only trying to make a living..all be it at the misery of others but nothing has changed in 2000 years I guess......paid up shills.

Bad, greedy people come in all shapes, sizes and denominations. But, there will always be the dissatisfied and ignorant to spread the propaganda to the contrary. While there are those who feel superior, racially or ideologically, there will always be genocide. By spreading divisive, unconstructive, unsubstantiated hate, we keep the war mongers in business and up to their necks in profits. There is no publicity like free publicity as they say. We do their work for them, while bending over and inviting them to screw us too. Isn't life a blast?

Tell me, is ignorance bliss or is that just a myth?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by Dusty Pouch

"As for Schills.... who's the racist liberal now?"


How could I forget:

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:49 AM
For the last time I am no Zionist, Jew or have "handlers" in Isreal. I am however an Independant Christian and Patriot who has formed these views over many years of research and study, as well as having served in the Army, and achieved a Masters degree.

Again, please leave the liberal rhetoric aside. I am looking for someone who can genuinely challenge and counter what I have stated on a factual basis. I look forward to a civilized and reasonable exchange. If that's not possible, then fair enough.

--Just don't roll out the high school political should be way beyond that if you're posting here.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Dusty Pouch

"as well as having served in the Army, and achieved a Masters degree"

Sure..... whatever you say, you newly registered Internet Persona.

*I'm a retired General with a PhD - I win.

What do you say to that?

You don't have to be jewish to be a Zionist, as you appear to be from your posts - Ask Joe Biden:

Joe Biden proclaims "you don't have to be a jew to be a zionist"...

[edit on 4-1-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:32 AM
I understand your concern this is the web afterall.. but why would I lie?-I think I'll leave my post as testament to the aforementioned. What do you say?

I have nothing to gain particularly in this argument as you have yet to post anything substansive against my main post....

I'll leave it with you to think about...The truth is a *snip*...

-Thanks for your time though.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by alien]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Dusty Pouch
in the bible it clearly states that as Christians we must defend and protect the Jewish people. Genesis 12 to the Jews: 3 "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

The bible also says...
Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

The word Jew refers to people from Judea, not a religion. In these passages it speaks of those "who claim to be" from Judea but who are not. being of "the synagogue of satan" could perhaps be interpreted as a prophecy which came true relating to the Holocaust. Satan is often depicted as being in a burning hell, the same place many of the current people of Israel came from.

There actually never was a Palestine nation, this is just hogwash by the Muslims so that they can have some sort of claim over that land

I'm Catholic too. My Grandfather, his father, grandfather... (you get the drift) were all Palestinians. Catholic ones not Muslim. And if you go back to reading your bible you'll actually see references like this one... Genesis 21:34 -And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines for a long time.

In arabic, which is the language we speak, Palestine is pronounced as Philistine.

Islam will not stop it's attacks on Isreal untill it no longer exists. That is the sad fact of the situation

Did you ever think that maybe Israel is the one who hasn't stopped until Palestine doesn't exist? and that maybe that is why it isn't even on a map anymore?

Hamas fires hundreds of mortars and rockets (supplied by Iran and Syria) every month over the border to land on Isreali citizens.

hmmm... now let me see...
these figures are from between 2000 - 2007
Of those killed in the conflict, 4,228 have been Palestinians, 1,024 Israelis, and 63 foreign citizens.
Of the overall number of children killed, 88% were Palestinian and 12 % were Israeli.

You want a nation?- Grow up and stop taking one by force....

Amen to that.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:07 AM
At last, a well researched and considered response. Thank you.

-I have to go to work now, but will respond. I am impressed with the level of Biblical reference that you chosen to introduce as part of your argument; if you notice, I had only the one reference from Genisis regarding God's promise to the Jews.

I am intrigued by the points you have raised from the Bible and look forward to debating these with you as many of these are being applied to this argument out of context. Also, there will be many areas already raised where there will be conjecture.

As a pre-emptive tip for our debate I will be focusing on the "Real Politik" of the updated Middle East situation and I wont be relying on reams of scripture to back up my assertions.- (just 1 or 2 where necessary).


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Exuberant1

How about debating the point, instead of calling him names and throwing accusations around?

What are you, twelve?
I don't agree that Israel isn't wrong at all, but give me a break. You can do it in a less immature way; this is an interesting topic to debate, and it sucks to see it wasted to people posting anti-Semitic pictures and calling people "zionist propagandists."

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Dusty Pouch
It IS possible to explain to a blind man what the wonders of Gods heavens look like, but only if he wants to hear. Everything you said was both truthfull & factual but they cannot see for their eyes are blinded with hatred, their hearts filled with the fear of that truth, their ears & their mouth filled with their own lies. Take comfort in knowing that we live in truth & victory!

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