No images or photos in particular has convinced me they were real. Some footage out there just seems too hard to fake though, like city officials and
100 bystanders looking up at hundreds of orb-like "anomalies". Crop circles also get my attention.
A few things have kept me on this side of the fence.
1. When I was young, my mom swore that she was abducted while she was pregnant with me.(1963) To this day, I've never heard her say anything nutty or
unbelievable. She was a paramedic at the time and has never been committed. (just kidding mom)
2. As a hobby, during nap-time I'd watch my own thoughts. To this day I can't explain why I'd see such incredible images as I did. Sometimes
places, sometimes perfect geometrical images and vortexes with thousands of exacting points, in vivid ever-changing color, spinning into infinity.
Imagination? Maybe so. Something else? Again, maybe so, who knows.
3. An ex-girlfriend's mom who I still keep in contact also swears she's had experiences with "beings". It's taken about 20 years to get her to
talk about it, again another totally normal mom type with no reason I can understand for her to tell such a tale. Recently,she's also reluctantly
given me 35 pages of documents from 1989 which was recovered out of a trunk that belonged to the father of her ex-husband, who had passed away. Her
experiences and the documents are unrelated, at least, not linked directly.
She claims that she was walking through the woods in Washington state, when she caught something out of the corner of her eye that she, at first,
thought were owls. I couldn't get her to talk too much about it but she gave me enough details, such as skin tone and texture to creep me out a
little. The paperwork I'm not ready to share just yet, as I'm discreetly trying to confirm its validity. The story has actually been told already,
but the names it contains makes me nervous. If I disappear after posting this, come look for me!
4. Since I was 3 years old, I've always wondered where the end of the sky was, hence my sig. (my oldest memory is my 3rd birthday, the cake was blue
and yellow with Cowboys and Indians on it)
All my life I've never given up asking the question, though I know I haven't got the tools to even imagine it. Perhaps that's the one thing that
allows me to keep an open mind until I've decided, for myself, on an issue. I will admit, I'm as guilty and stubborn as anyone else, once I have.