reply to post by cosmicpixie
Oh how you make me laugh CosmicPixie.
REALITY is OBJECTIVE...NOT SUBJECTIVE. so your alien loving friends are subjective. when you say it is a reality for a lot of you...I wonder about
you. that sentence does not make sense.
maybe it is real, maybe it is not..BUT the fact that we have ask about it means it should NOT FALL INTO THE conversation. AGAIN you FAIL to observe
reality and more importantly you FAIL to observe your own faulty logic, which stems from putting blame on an entity you can talk with etc...
simple psychology,
Next, What is with you and KIDS and babys and CONDITIONING.
when you reach adulthood you have a CHOICE. YOu either start rethinking everything you have learned OR you end up just believing everything.
EITHER WAY, you are not CONDITIONED. You have made a CHOICE.
DO NOT ASSUME that you are special just coz you know about this info.
BUt I understand WHY these ideas are SO IMPORTANT TO YOU.. because if you accept their obvious faulty logic, you will have to come to grips with
reality and responsibility. YOU will have to observe the masses for what they are and NOT What you have made them out to be in your mind...VICTIMS.
Also, yes I am right on this subject. that is why I am posting about it. there are thousands of things I am not certain about, so I talk about them
and learn. BUT THIS IS SO right.
THERE IS NO GREY area...ONLY grey aliens. OHHH lol
what you say is the GREY area only means this "THere are things that are complicated and we dont know about" yea, another phrase to keep you from
admitting the obvious.
again, TRY to argue with the logic above. IMPOSSIblE.
but you maintain the victimness of the masses and the evilness of the illuminati
2 kids grow up in the same house, same school, same tv shows..etc..
one ends up being in the army and proud, the other ends up being noam chomsky.
"but they were both conditioned Mr.JELLY, waaahaaahawaaw, they were victims of their upbringing." no such thing. THEY CHOSE to be victims of the
place they grew up. One CHOSE to maintain the ideology of his parents schooling etc.., the other chose to think differently and on his own. BOTH MADE
A CHOICE. no victims.
oh im sorry
I forgot, one of them was taken up by aliens and SHOWN THE WAY to the truth path
the other was taken up to the stars by the EVIL REPTILIANS.