posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Best of luck to all trying this program out. I bought the book but now does not seem to be the time for me. I'm just not focused right now. If you
are inspired to do this program then that is a good sign in and of itself. Be not afraid! I recommend Robert Bruce fully.
If you are going for your first AP/OOBE: When it happens keep it short, calm, steady, and controlled. This way you will be sure to remember it.
Very good advice given in Robert Bruce's "Astral Dynamics". Pretty sure they didn't say anything about this in the Introduction of "Mastering
Astral Projection" and it's very good advice from his other book.
I will continue my dreaming and dream recording and if I happen to catch an OOBE then maybe I will see you out there! Good luck! And if anyone wants
to jump into my dream feel free to! That would be ridiculously convenient for me
BTW Isn't a good meeting place the great wall of China? Maybe the western edge of it? Supposed to be able to see it from space with the naked eye..
But when I go on google earth I cannot see it... hmm. I know people say to use the pyramids so if not the Great wall then try to get to the 3 largest