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Wait a second?... How is it that I'm the one that's crazy, insane, delusional, and brainwashed?

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by MrPenny
reply to post by SPreston

Nice big post. All to continue to trash an anonymous person as an alleged liar. Bravo for you.....unfortunately, I don't see from the description, or your thoughtfully provided photos (one of which is labeled "alleged" aircraft position), that it would be impossible for hunkahunka to have seen the aircraft impact in his rear view mirror. In fact, it appears to be reasonably possible, that a person who has just experienced a very close encounter with a jetliner, would not simply sit as normal in the driver's seat, but would very likely make some kind of attempt to see as much as possible to the rear of themselves; possibly by physically changing the position of the mirror, or their head.

You know what? If he claims he was at the pentagon on 911, he should take responsibility and explain himself.
If he doesn't we can at least analyze what he told us and draw our conclusions on his statements.
That's even better than taking his word for it, even if we are wrong. In that case it's his fault for not explaining himself before.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

The reality of the situation is that most people in this world seem to agree that the Official story is somewhat accurate. If most people strongly believed there was an actual conspiracy, then the Official account of 9/11 would not be what it is, and more people/nations would be put under the spotlight.

You cannot place yourself on this "deeper understanding pedestal", claim that the majority is either blissfully or reluctantly ignorant, and not expect critical feedback.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029
youtube is indeed merely a reflection of the mass media,a lot of what is posted there is really repeating the party line of the MSM.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
reply to post by Doomsday 2029
youtube is indeed merely a reflection of the mass media,a lot of what is posted there is really repeating the party line of the MSM.

Yes it is... Yes it is...

And youtube repeated the coverage of the MSM on 9-11.

It's funny... the MSM didn't want to repeat the coverage they showed on 9-11... But we have Youtube to thank for showing what was reported on 9-11.

Tell me this Mr. Fox, CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC News... why don't you want to replay what you covered on these events...


Why is the MSM so shy to display what they really discovered on 9-11?

I'll tell you why... because the MSM will never be under complete controll. The people they have out there reporting the news... are not controlled... not yet atleast.

But focus on flight 93.... Even 9-11 debunkers in this thread want to say the only cover up in the events of 9-11 is that flight 93 was shot down.

tell the MSM to replay what footage they have on flight 93...

One thing I'm positive of when dealing with 9-11.... Just looking on what the MSM reported on the day of 9-11... Is that flight 93 did not crash in a field in some city called Shanksville. This should now be regarded as a FACT!!!!

IT IS A FACT!!!!!!

Any of you 9-11 Debunkers out ther want to tell me that flight 93 crashed the way the official story tells us it did....... EXPLAIN IT TO ME!

Like I said in the OP... if you've done half the research I've done on 9-11, you would have to be brainwashed to think that flight 93 crashed the way it was explained to us.

It's almost like some kind of a sick joke that the governmnet would try to tell a person like myself that flight 93 did a nose-dive in this field... Are you kidding me?... you want me to believe this crap?

At very least... And I mean at the very absolute least of the least... Please tell me you shot the flight down.

Once 9-11 debunkers can atleast acknowledge that 93 didn't crash in Shnksville..... then we can move on with a civil discussion.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Okay, Could somebody help me out?
I was in 4th grade on sept. 11th, 2001. I remember my teacher trying to remain calm when she told us that something bad had happened in New York City. I remember seing pictures in the paper about a guy named "Osama Bin Laden" and how All americans want him dead. when your that little, you kinda just eat what they feed you. America wants him dead? Sure, i'll go ahead and hate him too. the people in that building could have been MY mommy and daddy, what he did was mean

at 16, I'm kinda more than a little curious. I've only seen a part of a doctumentary claiming that the government was involved. I asked my dad about it, and he said it's just unpatriotic bull s***t people are spreading because they just don't like our president.

so, If I'm interested in learning more about what the hell is going on, will that make me less of an american or something?! I'm curious, but i'm also afraid to ask questions. The smartest man I know is my father, and he's put his foot down: The government is doing the best they can. sure they # up, but they wouldn't just kill thousands of innocent people...I don't want to make him mad, but dammit this is really bugging me

any sites (other than this one) where I might be able to get a few other theories? I'm beginning to belive that ignorance really isn't so bliss...

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:27 AM

posted by Anonymous ATS

The smartest man I know is my father, and he's put his foot down: The government is doing the best they can. sure they f**k up, but they wouldn't just kill thousands of innocent people...I don't want to make him mad, but dammit this is really bugging me

any sites (other than this one) where I might be able to get a few other theories? I'm beginning to belive that ignorance really isn't so bliss...

Your dad may be real smart, but if he has done no research, then he is at a disadvantage and guilty of wishful thinking. Just carefully researching Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, Flight 800, WTC93, WTC 2001, etc. can prove our government is corrupt and guilty of deliberately murdering Americans and covering it up and declaring itself innocent in fake trials and fake investigations. At Ruby Ridge the government found the government innocent, and later a jury of ordinary Americans found the government guilty of murdering a woman and young boy, and awarded the surviving children millions.

Go for it.

9-11 Truth Investigation Sites

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You should also see the other side of the argument. Check, especially

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 11:24 AM
Did you know the Keebler Elves have WMD's? Are you aware that Gilligan was seen swimming in Hawaii when they were supposed to be marooned?

EVERYTHING is a conspiracy if you WANT it to be.

Does our government tell us the truth? Simply put NO

This doesn't mean everything is a conspiracy? NO

Pretending to research something by looking for things that back up your preconceived ideas, IS NOT RESEARCH.

FACT planes were flown into the WTC towers.
FACT the WTC towers fell

If bombs were placed in the parking structure of the WTC why do people suspect the government did it instead of the terrorists? (Who by the way already set bombs off there in 93)

That would make too much sense

Instead we have conspiracies popping up which make no sense nor have any evidence whatsoever to back them up. A firefighter says the building 7 is going to come down. SO WHAT! Other people KNOW things BEFORE you do.

As far as research, I would be willing to look at ANY research that was actually done, (not clicking a mouse pretending to be a researcher that doesn't cut it with me)

Did we land on the moon in 69? Simply put NO

There is too much QUALITY evidence out there refuting the claim of landing.

As far as the WTC evidence? WEAK if you want to classify any of it as evidence.

I am reminded of the Y2K scare about the train switches being computer controlled. When the conspiracy nut made that claim NONE of the train switching was computer controlled. Some were remote controlled by the people on the train, as they got close enough to the switch
for the remote to work. the majority of switches in the US at that time were MANUAL. That means you had to GET OUT and switch it with muscle power.

This is just ONE example of nutcases taking things way too far based on emotions.
I used to believe we landed on the moon in 69. I don't anymore because someone said "hey look at this and tell me what you think"

Hmm interesting concept, " YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK"

If you ask 10 people to tell you what they think after looking at the evidence, ( not listening to the monologue of emotional baggage) and someone says WAIT A MINUTE something isn't right. Then you might have something. I don't see that happening in this instance.

I believe the governments INACTION is the conspiracy. There are enough people around the world to carry out the mission who hate the US.
The government simply looked the other way.


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 01:04 PM

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Raytracer

You keep referring to those people, but you never give us credentials. Who are they? Who they work for? What is the tallest building they imploded? Did they implode a building comparable in height to one of the towers? Which one?

Oh hell no, I made the mistake once of posting a friend's name on here in regards to 9/11. I will never do that again, cause there are too many people like the so-called "CIT" that believe they have the right to call at all hours of the day or just to show up on the doorstep to chat.

Imploding a building a comparable height??...NO ONE has imploded a building that compares to the towers. Just one more reason why it wasnt your anonymous crew of amatures.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 03:51 PM

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:38 PM
Another point to consider...

If 9/11 WAS carried out by muslim extremists, wouldn't the 'success' of that mission spur even more terrorist attacks? Why stop there?

If they were as resourceful as we have been told (taking flying lessons in a Cessna to learn how to fly a Boeing jet), despite all the security being scaled up everywhere, surely by now they would have done something else just as dramatic.

It seems all too 'convenient' to me that the invasion of Afghanistan occurred soon after, at a time when Unocal were looking to place an oil pipeline across Afghanistan, when previously, the Taliban government had refused it.

And who is president of Afghanistan now? Why, Mr. Hamid Karzai, and who did he work for as a consultant previously to 9/11? Unocal!

Like I say. All too convenient.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by Raytracer

You keep referring to those people, but you never give us credentials. Who are they? Who they work for? What is the tallest building they imploded? Did they implode a building comparable in height to one of the towers? Which one?

Oh hell no, I made the mistake once of posting a friend's name on here in regards to 9/11. I will never do that again, cause there are too many people like the so-called "CIT" that believe they have the right to call at all hours of the day or just to show up on the doorstep to chat.

The bottom line is you don't provide anything.
You can give us credentials without providing names.

Imploding a building a comparable height??...NO ONE has imploded a building that compares to the towers.

None of your alleged demo experts friends anyway.

Just one more reason why it wasnt your anonymous crew of amatures.

I never stated I had or knew a crew of anything.
I'm just saying a building can be imploded using wireless detonators, thus avoiding the "miles of wires" issue.
So far nothing you said is proof of the contrary.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Raytracer

You are right, I am not going to provide you with names that are not already public domain. As for the crack about no one has imploded a building the size of the towers, thats an unobjective fact. The tallest building on record was 26 stories (439 feet). The tallest structure ever imploded was a 1,217 feet tall transmission tower, which yes, was a comparable height to the towers, however, from the link below, it was nowhere near the type of construction of the Towers.

Better yet, here is the report of a professional in regards to the subject:

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:35 PM

It seems all too 'convenient' to me that the invasion of Afghanistan occurred soon after, at a time when Unocal were looking to place an oil pipeline across Afghanistan, when previously, the Taliban government had refused it.

Except for one itsy, bitsy little thing....Unocal had been a member of a consortium that had been looking into building such a pipeline. However, they pulled out of the consortium in December, 1998...OR almost three years prior to 9/11/2001.

And who is president of Afghanistan now? Why, Mr. Hamid Karzai, and who did he work for as a consultant previously to 9/11? Unocal!

Which is news to Unocal. This is what Unocal had to say about Mr Karzai..

No. No, not him. He was never a consultant, never an employee. We've exhaustively searched through all our records to try and find out where the hell that came from.

Or you could read the interview here....

Of course, the main source of this "story" is once again the French. Who time and again, has had a vested interest in derailling the United States and has been caught more than once spreading lies towards their goal.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by esdad71

I did not waste my time reading your ridiculous rants, however, I hope you did not waste too much of your time writing all that ridicules nonsense. I have better things to do, than waste my precious time on someone who hand waves everything that is presented to them. In addition, you do not know how to Debate, and you refuses to learn. You have no interest in learning the “truth”, however, your only interests are fighting with all the posters who do not believe in the Governments lies, and you keep presenting lies repeatedly, and numerous posters have confronted you about it. This thread is not about me, and it is not about “you”. maybe when you are ready to wake up to reality, and learn the art of decent Debating, people might take you more seriously until then ranting, and belittling, and insulting peoples intelligence, is what you are good at, and that’s the truth!
You have a nice day.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:06 PM
So with all of this "evidence", then who are the people that should be on trial for all this? I don't want names of people who could be linked to it, but actual proof, that these so called people where responsible for this. Again, I'm not looking for theories, back-door ideas, "links", or anything of such, but actual, concrete PROOF! Whats ONE name of a person who set ONE of these so called bombs in the towers?

Give it to me, and I'll start to think otherwise, until then, I would think that you are crazy, that you are insane, that you are delusional until I see actual proof other then assumption and possible links. Thanks

[edit on 4-1-2009 by TravisT]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:11 PM
They say that if you claim to crazy, insane, delusional, brainwashed, you probably aren't. We are all sharing the experience of Alice as she journeyed down the rabbit hole. Having, reluctantly, been launched on Alice's journey in the early 1990s, I miss my previous naivete regarding the "known," accepted, and the "provable."

I am thankful that we can talk freely about these things, even if we never fully agree on what happened or what they mean.

I would not argue with one contributor here who could not accept video snippets from sites like, YouTube, or take them seriously. A documentary I would recommend certainly underscores that point (Century of the Self, a BBC documentary). Edward Bernays, a central person in that documentary (Sigmund Freud's nephew), and the Father of Public Relations, earned his wealth and reputation manipulating the media.


posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by TravisT

All fingers point to the Bush administration, you need to do some research however, it is this administration that has the most to hide about 911. The Bush administration will “not” allow an investigation into 911 they have stonewall every inquiry and independent investigation that has tried to get some simple answers. The Bush administrations has profit very well from 911 and has formed a bigger Government against the citizens of the United States like,( Home land security, spying on Americans, and trying their best to destroy the Constitution.)

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
reply to post by TravisT

All fingers point to the Bush administration, you need to do some research however, it is this administration that has the most to hide about 911. The Bush administration will “not” allow an investigation into 911 they have stonewall every inquiry and independent investigation that has tried to get some simple answers. The Bush administrations has profit very well from 911 and has formed a bigger Government against the citizens of the United States like,( Home land security, spying on Americans, and trying their best to destroy the Constitution.)
Well, I'm happy you think you know who it is, but until there is actual proof then I wont believe any of you. Transactions and profiteering wont sway me in the slightest. I need proof other then assumption and hearsay, and for the most part, thats all you guys work on.

And again, I want actual names of who did what. To say its the entire Administration is a little crazy. Who in the administration did certain acts? I want actual names, and verifiable proof. If you did so much research on this, then it would be easy for you just to give me this. I'm here asking for this proof, you're here saying its there. I don't believe you, so therefore, I want to see it. Its just that simple.

[edit on 4-1-2009 by TravisT]

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