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We Need A White History Month, white college, and white scholorship funds Etc...

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posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I vote for February, for all of the above!

It's already got the Presidents and Columbus, and Valentine's....why not make february the most 'toxic' of all months, since (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) it usually the coldest as well??

(Is MLK Day in Feb too???...just wonderin')....OH! That may have gone too far...but it was supposed to be funny....

I'm goin' to McDonald's ---

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Truth is that not only do we not need a white history month but that black history has run its course and can be counter productive.

Not only does it inspire thoughts as expressed in the title of this thread but it is beginning to be counterproductive to its original intent. Back in 1926 when the "Negro Week" was instituted and through the civil rights period black history month had a very valid purpose. History had be written and taught by whites leaving out most african american contributions. That needed a remedy which the implementation of BHM provided.

Today the information on black history is available to everyone should they choose to inquire. The designation might now be more divisive than anything.

Fact is that we are at a point, if the last elections are anything to go by, where we should be able to just say "American History."

Imo, the sooner we do away with terms of differentiation the better.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:36 AM
It is absurd to condone racism in the United States with slogans like, "Viva La Raza," and occasions like 'Black History Month,' while condemning 'White Pride' parades and Neo-Nazism.

It appears to me that the official recognition of racial differences, implies either racial superiority or inferiority on a subconscious level that is difficult to define for most people, and that is why no one who is caucasian ever really plays the 'racist-card' in February and most of us never give this topic a second thought (funny how the establishment can get into yr mind like that).

I have a friend from Serbia who grew up in New York City. In preschool and kindergarten he played with other school children of all colors and never consciously recognized race as a divisive issue until it was pointed out to him by adults. As he worded, "I understood skin color to be as trivial as one's eye color."

On another note, some of my neo-nazi acquaintances who love to tout the 'Bomb the Rag-Heads!' bull-sh*t, fail to recognize that Hitler was sympathetic to Iranians and Indians (yes, those Indians from from India) simply for the fact that their skin color had little to do with the fact that they were nevertheless Aryan. It is widely known that Hitler was privy to a knowledge that the Aryan race did not originate here on Earth, and therefore was the secret reason behind his eugenics 'programs.' As I understand, homo-sapiens, as a species, were either transplanted to Earth from another world, or we were created here, on terra firma, by gene splicing and not through the official doctrine of evolution.

Be that as it may, I will continue to see racism as tool used by the bourgeois-plutocrats as a means of dividing the masses, as has been done throughout history (consider the instance of Black Panthers being split into the 'Crips' and 'Bloods' to therein divide the Blacks and diminish their power).- C'mon, it's Lao Tzu's, "Art of War," 'Divide your Enemy.'

Finally, in answer to yr question, No, I do not think we need to sanction racism anymore than what we are doing so now, legally. In fact, let's forget racism altogether and emphasize the importance of self-determination, co-operation, education and evolution. We may even create a state which fosters these qualities by creating a Welfare net that provides Kindergarten through College Education, Food, Clean Water, Energy, Housing and Public Transportation for all those in need, regardless of skin color! Ideally, the means of subsistence are supplied to every citizen to ensure the survival of our species, and here's the real's done with tax money! Ya! Who'd have thought we could do more with that stuff than build roads and pay for politicians' hookers and mortgages?!

In closing, we have no idea what it means to be human if we are continually consumed with the occupation of survival. For instance, what is the point of working to obtain a graduate degree if only the wealthy can afford it? That kind of circumstance not only fosters, but is indeed a sure indicator of Plutocracy and really, it is the true reason behind Affirmative Action. This topic, ironically, goes well beyond race and deep into the fundamentals of bourgeois economics and wage-slavery. "We Are the Machinery; We Can Shut It Down!" Viva Socialismo!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:40 AM
Why does every other race get a nice long fancy name and I get stuck with white guy?
It's European American Sir!

I'm serious about that to the extent that I think these titles are stupid, you're either American or you're not.

As far the issues addressed in the OP, In a country that wishes to rid itself of segregation and promote equality it sure has a funny way of showing it with all these things which do nothing but segregate us rather then unite us.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by C0le]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by kissy princess

Oh My God!!! I am flabbergasted by your obvious racism!!!

"Hitler" somehow knew that the 'Aryan Race' didn't originate here on Earth?!???!!!!?????

Firstly....Hitler was a meglomaniacal monster. Secondly, there is NO SUCH THING as an 'Aryan Race'...and thirdly, well the rest of your diatribe is just ridiculous.

Unless it was a feeble attempt at a joke....if so, failed.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:45 AM

[I]Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by Frank Black
You know what I never realized there is no Native American History month, college etc. After all we almost completely wiped them off the face off the earth....

You’re wrong "WE" didn’t wipe them off the earth

People 200years ago did

So why you blaming me for murdering natives? I’ve never killed anyone!

Sorry dude, "we" is BS and I’m calling it out.

What would you like me to hold you accountable for all the injustices that occurred in Rome because "Romans were white people too!"

So "WE" must be Guilty of all the murders the Romans committed (since they were mostly whites lol)

[edit on 28-12-2008 by muzzleflash]

I'm sorry but I have to agree with this why are we accountable for what was done in the past? Why is it that today were still being blamed for killing Indians and slaving the blacks when in fact today the blacks and Indians can do the same things white people do and big shock are FREE like the whites? Not to mention most of the advantages our government gives them in my opinion that just makes it worse in other words keeps the few from forgetting about it. I don't think t should be forgotten one just learn from the past not dwell and repeat it.

It's abit sad that in this day and age racism is still called on stupid crap that in most cases wasn't even meant to be racists in the first place, why can't people just let it go and look toward the future in stead of holding grudges on the past. Anyone ever stop to think hey if we quit making it an issue it might not be an issue? I mean get over it already were not living in the past were living in the now with problems of the present that we have to deal with that are bad enough with out every one throwing the race card around!!

Illegal Immigration when people start complaining about that what gets thrown out? Yah Racism!!! Not the fact that their Illegal by law noooo it's got to be about racism!!! Enough already...In the words of Rodney King can't we all just get along?

And for the record I have both black and Indian in my lineage not that people are going to care.

Thanks for my little rant.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:46 AM
i have always asked why profiling is illegal. since it is ,shouldn't affirmative action be also?
don't you have to profile someone to make them eligable for affirmative action?

and all history,and i mean true history, should be something that is taught every day.
it really seems to me that segregation has reversed itself. by creating individual racial venues,you widen the gap,not close it.
i also believe that racial division is perpetuated by the government,well, actually all kinds of division,really. a divided country is easily handled.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:53 AM
I don't believe we need black or white holidays, history etc. As some other members have already expressed, it's primarily human history. Education needs to be all inclusive. We need to start looking at ourselves as 'one race'. Then everything else will naturally fall into place. However I understand it wont happen over night. There's a lot of growing up to do for many.

When I look at the Pyramids for instance, I see it as part of my history because it was an accomplishment of the human race. Not pigs, horses, goats or camels... US! The same goes for Greek History, Italian, Chinese, Indian and so on.

It's all US! When you put history together in it's various forms & guises, we are, as a species, quite amazing and diverse. Surely that's a great thing!


[edit on 29/12/08 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by C0le 'race', as I put it down on the occasional form to fill out, is....well, 'human'.

It's as if, IF our dogs could talk....and you ask a collie and a poodle what 'race' they were, they should each answer "canine".

See, a collie and a poodle belong to the same phylum, and therefore can mate, and produce offspring.

A poodle and a cat CANNOT mate, of course. Nor can a horse and a rhinocerous, nor a porcupine and a sloth (even though it would be funny to watch)...AND, although the Chimpanzee shares 99% of our Human DNA....WE are not compatible as mates, either.

I'll admit, the concept of 'Black History Month' is an outcome of guilt, of centuries of forced slavery, and the abuse of human dignity that that entailed, there is still no need for a so-called 'white history month', or any such nonsense AS THE OP suggests.

This IS a touchy subject, fraught with landmines along the way, and somewhat unique to the USA, wouldn't you say? For instance, if we wished to acknowledge EVERY injustice in our 232-year history, then we need to recognize, of course, the Native Americans. AND the Mexicans (remember the Alamo?) AND the French, who HELPED us in 1776, and we stepped on them later (the Louisiana Purchase) and most recently, in Congress (circa 2003....the 'freedom fries' baloney....truly a dismal embarrassment for this Nation).

BUT, to the OP....NO!! We DO NOT need some sort of 'white history month' or 'white college'....THAT, sir, has been done already!!!

AND, just exactly what IS 'white', anyway??? It is a fallacy, an illusion, a trick of Nature. It's like saying that poodles are better than collies, because poodles are 'white'. Ludricous, racist and devastatingly ignorant.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by C0le

I'm serious about that to the extent that I think these titles are stupid, you're either American or you're not.

That's actually very funny.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by C0le

I'm serious about that to the extent that I think these titles are stupid, you're either American or you're not.

That's actually very funny.

Haha I just caught that, It didn't come out as I had intended it to lol.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by C0le

That's the awkward thing, about the Internets...we can be unintentionally funny, even when we're trying (and, I KNOW I'm trying) to be serious....

.....I'll leave it STET......

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:32 AM
A black college is fine, A asian college is fine, A hispanic college is fine, A white college is RACIST. An all black channel (BET) is fine but an all white channel is RACIST. Anything with a large number of whites is racist. If you see a bumper sticker reading brown pride or black pride, is perfectly fine, but try puting a white pride sticker on your car, and youll be lucky if your car dosent get trashed, because any white person who says their proud to be white is a racist.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by tac109

tac109, you seem to have not noticed a certain college, founded by the 'reverend' Jerry Falwell, that is exclusively 'white'....oh, well, they 'allow' other "races", because Federal law requires them to, but the 'students' are not allowed to date 'outside' of their, shall we say, 'station'?

Oh, and tac....if you care to state your position with some semblance of intelligence, please learn how to spell. It would greatly improve the impact of what you are trying to convey.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Well first off I wasn't taking this thread serious, If you didn't notice I was being sarcastic, and Im sorry about the spelling, I didn't realize we were having a spelling B here.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by tac109

OK, my attempts at sarcasm sometimes fall flat on their face....

This thread IS a joke....maybe too good of a joke, and I fell for it?

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Amaxium

rather than adding those things, white colleges, white history month, and ADDING to segregation (Because thats really what it is) etc...I think we should just get rid of anything like that. Not that african americans shouldnt be recognized or have their history remembered; its just that we should really, by now, just celebrate us as a whole; human kind; and recognize that we are all individually unique and special. How about a "I am special" awareness month where we all just tell each other how great we are?

What, is that too mushy?!

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Seekingmyself

Yup! Very look like my sister!

No....she's actually a brunette, and lives in Chicago....

Speaking to the OP....I noticed the phrase 'white scholorship' (sic)....I am wondering what the OP thinks about the incredible deals offered to African-American football players??

I know, this thread is a joke, but can't I play along, just a little????

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Obvious racism? Perhaps you failed to understand my response to this topic suggests that ethnocentricity isn't necessarily inherent in human beings, but a nurtured development of a divisive plot to separate the working classes. As a side note, yes, Hitler was a megalomaniac and a psychopath. I never suggested that I actually agreed with his apparent findings with regard to Aryans being in any way superior. There is a limited amount of free education here in the States; I suggest you take advantage of it as it would behoove you to learn to read about the same time you pull your head out of your ass.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by kissy princess]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by kissy princess

kissy princess, before you get all hot and bothered, please calm down and see what I responded to, in your diatribe...

Specifically, it was the allegation that the monster known as Adolph Hitler believed the 'Aryan' races were extra-terrestrial. Based on your prose, seems you believe it as well.

This concept is patently, and obviously ridiculous....NOT that ETs could visit the Earth, but that the 'Aryans' were ETs. NOTHING in Hitler's actions would tend to confirm this assumption.

Just to expand on this concept -- 'Aryan' actually refers to a region of the World now called 'Mesopotamia' is actually part of what is now known as Iran and Iraq. Not many blue-eyed blonde-haired folks there (and of course Hitler was neither) so where is this supposed notion of the 'Aryan Race'????

It is a fake, imagination....but it sure has stoked the flames for centuries, to invoke abhorent hatred and bigotry, and untold amounts of Human suffering......

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