posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:36 AM
It is absurd to condone racism in the United States with slogans like, "Viva La Raza," and occasions like 'Black History Month,' while condemning
'White Pride' parades and Neo-Nazism.
It appears to me that the official recognition of racial differences, implies either racial superiority or inferiority on a subconscious level that is
difficult to define for most people, and that is why no one who is caucasian ever really plays the 'racist-card' in February and most of us never
give this topic a second thought (funny how the establishment can get into yr mind like that).
I have a friend from Serbia who grew up in New York City. In preschool and kindergarten he played with other school children of all colors and never
consciously recognized race as a divisive issue until it was pointed out to him by adults. As he worded, "I understood skin color to be as trivial
as one's eye color."
On another note, some of my neo-nazi acquaintances who love to tout the 'Bomb the Rag-Heads!' bull-sh*t, fail to recognize that Hitler was
sympathetic to Iranians and Indians (yes, those Indians from from India) simply for the fact that their skin color had little to do with the fact that
they were nevertheless Aryan. It is widely known that Hitler was privy to a knowledge that the Aryan race did not originate here on Earth, and
therefore was the secret reason behind his eugenics 'programs.' As I understand, homo-sapiens, as a species, were either transplanted to Earth from
another world, or we were created here, on terra firma, by gene splicing and not through the official doctrine of evolution.
Be that as it may, I will continue to see racism as tool used by the bourgeois-plutocrats as a means of dividing the masses, as has been done
throughout history (consider the instance of Black Panthers being split into the 'Crips' and 'Bloods' to therein divide the Blacks and diminish
their power).- C'mon, it's Lao Tzu's, "Art of War," 'Divide your Enemy.'
Finally, in answer to yr question, No, I do not think we need to sanction racism anymore than what we are doing so now, legally. In fact, let's
forget racism altogether and emphasize the importance of self-determination, co-operation, education and evolution. We may even create a state which
fosters these qualities by creating a Welfare net that provides Kindergarten through College Education, Food, Clean Water, Energy, Housing and Public
Transportation for all those in need, regardless of skin color! Ideally, the means of subsistence are supplied to every citizen to ensure the survival
of our species, and here's the real's done with tax money! Ya! Who'd have thought we could do more with that stuff than build roads
and pay for politicians' hookers and mortgages?!
In closing, we have no idea what it means to be human if we are continually consumed with the occupation of survival. For instance, what is the point
of working to obtain a graduate degree if only the wealthy can afford it? That kind of circumstance not only fosters, but is indeed a sure indicator
of Plutocracy and really, it is the true reason behind Affirmative Action. This topic, ironically, goes well beyond race and deep into the
fundamentals of bourgeois economics and wage-slavery. "We Are the Machinery; We Can Shut It Down!" Viva Socialismo!