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We Won't Lose the 2nd Ammendment...Yet

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
Orangetom, YOUR public school has a L too much: it sucks. OURS is a totally different thing.

One way or another, keep your firearm right there with you. I really do hope you kill someone one day. I really do.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by SpookyVince]

I agree with you in the public schooling arena. American public schools need alot of improvement. THey have been this way for many many years now. My mother is German...from Frankfurt AM. I know what the academic standards are for European schools in most arenas which is why I am so hard on our public schools here. Most of our public schools here are for the purpose of a Jobs program..for employment and grooming the next emotional group of predictable controllable voters...not to create thinkers.


One way or another, keep your firearm right there with you. I really do hope you kill someone one day. I really do.

This is very very beneath you and civilized decorum and denys your heart felt position you posted here. You have, in your emotional train wreck technique, put a mark on yourself as a phoney. I dont think in your emotional entitlement belliefs that you are even aware of this.

Difference = at least 1 life Duh! Read!!!

Your stance on the post above this one makes you look very ridiculous and immature. Hence likewise your cause as well.

In short I am telling you that you need more practice in dealing with those of us who dont go around with drama on our minds and souls every day.

Please practice more before coming on to a forum like this and attempting such debate points or trying to get others to blink.

While I do not presume to speak for the mods, I feel that such as you are wont to do on this topic line is not worthy of the ATS/BTS standards.

Thanks to all others here for their posts,

[edit on 31-12-2008 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:32 AM
The drama is that there are people like above who think it is perfectly right to go out with a loaded weapon with them.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Spooky Vince
The drama is that there are people like above who think it is perfectly right to go out with a loaded weapon with them.

I keep telling you that you need practice in debating such a topic on this forum. Your thinking is not up to speed. While it may twang your heartstrings your drama is in the wrong place.

I have a special skill set in shipbuilding in that I am a nuclear fueler. I am trained to install uranium fuel cells in nuclear reactors. Radiated and contaminated reactors.
Don't worry about me handling a gun...worry about me handling nuclear fuel. You have your drama in the wrong arena.

Once again...there is something morally bankrupt about a government who would trust me to handle uranium fuel cells but not a personal firearm.
Once again only public schooling can dumb down people so far they are way off target...every pun intended here.

Gun control is about votes...on ignorant, unthinking, emotional people who are educated in the false concept that government can and will protect them. Government always protects government/votes first...not the public at large.

It is perfectly alright to go about carrying a loaded gun. We are breaking no laws here in this. Once are thinking in the wrong arena.
People here have a choice to carry or not carry. It is up to the individual here... an individual decision.... it is not up to you.
I do not fault an individual if they choose not to own or carry a gun. Nor to own and carry. It is up to the individual here..not up to you.
We are not Europeans here...we are Americans...Yanks and proud of it.


[edit on 1-1-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:09 AM
I don't authorise you to judge my own skills, in drama or anything else. Good for you if you have that job.

Let's just agree that we disagree. I will never, ever, think it is right to allow guns. That's it, it's my view, full stop. I have my own good reasons, you have yours. I think you're wrong and dangerous (not you personnally, in general those who follows that religion, as you mocked). And it is not my government or any schooling that taught me that. It is called intelligence. Whoever said that guns don't kill is right: the owners of those guns do. There may be not any more or less crimes where guns are allowed or not, but a certain fact is that accidental (and also non accidental at times) deaths occur much more easily where they are allowed.

In your country it's easier for a 16 year old nutcase to buy a killing weapon than a bloody beer! What a mentality!!

From now on, you can continue to type anything in this thread, mock me, bash me, or not, do whatever: I remove my subscription on it, and I will not follow it anymore.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Spooky Vince


Once again you have some real issues with your thinking.

for example..

In your country it's easier for a 16 year old nutcase to buy a killing weapon than a bloody beer! What a mentality!!

I think you misread the tea leaves here. You might want to check the numbers of how many teens annually kill/injure themselves and others behind the wheel after consuming alcohol..mostly beer. Having access to alcohol does not make one of sound intelligence or moral high ground at any age. Do not confuse consumerism with intelligence and real thinking values or even morality. Thinking people know this..emoting people tend not to know this.

As to this...

From now on, you can continue to type anything in this thread, mock me, bash me, or not, do whatever: I remove my subscription on it, and I will not follow it anymore.

Actually Vince will be missed on this thread as you tend to verify to other readers by posting the very things of which I am speaking. You unwillingly/unknowingly give confirmation to these concepts.

I do, however, recommend that you work on your technique with the view that there are people out here who are not easily intimidated by your method or rationale. The do not easily blink. These people are under diciplines not emotions. These peoples of whom I speak are peoples who live and work under diciplines. This means that they must stow their emotions in order to accomplish their assigned jobs/goals. They cannot live for their emotions or they will get hurt, killed, maimed, or hurt others...etc. This is real discipline Vince. It will tend to separate the men from the boys, women from the girls and civilized from the wildlife. Alcohol does not do any of this. You are offering a placebo here for rationale thinking..a phony template.
These peoples know the difference in real discipline/training and the "wildlife " out here. This means that they can smell an emotional train wreck and those who would make merchandize of them using this method. They are not impressed.

Also on another line of thought. There are many youths in the gun club to which I belong who are trained and disciplined to use firearms under supervision. Air guns as well. I am all for youth learning disciplines at an early age...through actual experience. Not second hand through peer group socialization or alcohol consumption or television/movie values/thinking. I am not necessarily speaking of firearms training here but any other actual diciplined training/thinking which will benefit them in later years.
In my opinion this is where our American school system is failing much our youth.

As to judging your skills...this is a membership forum. People out here will tend to judge you by both the content of what you post and those who can see around the corner like radar in the dark....will judge you on what you do not post as well. There are many gifted peoples out here who can see and think in multiple dimensions like these nut job folks who can work this rubicks cube which was so popular years back. They can see and know what you did not say or post.

I tell you this for your benefit in your future postings on this topic or any other.


[edit on 1-1-2009 by orangetom1999]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 03:41 AM
Orangetom, Vince,

I was once just like Vince, I hated guns and violence, I lived in the Netherlands for most of my life but guess what, crime happened, I was hearing gun shots at night in a neighborhood I lived in, it wasn't safe to walk on the streets at night, we had to break down entire apartment complexes to drive the criminals out!

I woke up, esspecially when I came to the US for the first time and met my wife I realised what a great gift it is to be freely able to own a firearm to protect your family, property and be able to hunt and feed your family!

Violence to deter vilolence might sound like having sex for virginity but that's the only thing people inflicting violence upon us know! you can't talk your self out of being robbed, you need to make a stand!

And besides, firearms are fun to shoot, it's a fun sport, it requires dexterity and mechanical skills, adjust your sights, zero them, trigger squeeze, breathing.

It's a great sport, a great way to put food on your table and the only viable way to defend your self from violent criminals.

Children shooting children is not the gun's fault, it's the person who should've secured it in the first place! If you have children, get a gun lock or gun safe, that's too freaking easy.

Vince, you can keep your country and your laws, I'll stick with what I have in my new adopted country, the wonderful United States, home of the brave, i'm not some coward that is gonna turn the other cheek to the first sign of violence, i'll show them that you don't mess with a FREE MAN!

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by GrOuNd_ZeRo

Ground Zero,

Good to see your post again. It has been a long while since I last read your postings.

Good Grief..GroundZero...I did not know this....about the Netherlands.

[ii]I lived in the Netherlands for most of my life but guess what, crime happened, I was hearing gun shots at night in a neighborhood I lived in, it wasn't safe to walk on the streets at night, we had to break down entire apartment complexes to drive the criminals out!

This knowledge and informations is being kept out of most of the American News Media although I am sure it happens here. It seems that whenever crime and blight get so bad...the governments tear down certain neighborhoods on a plan and rebuild them. They tend to move these people out into other neighborhoods and begin the process over again. It seems to be a sort of planned renewal of certain neighborhoods in perpetuity and for political reasons. I suspect in the long run these folks are used as a type of human bulldozers...paving the way for the next renewal...the next neighborhood breakdown or destruction.

Oh the way Ground Zero...the scenario you are describing about the Netherlands is beginning to happen here too. The constabulary and politicians seem to be quickly overwhelmed by the scale of such things. In other words they cannot effectively protect the public except for after the fact or events happening. Thus meaning we ourselves are the first line of defense. Eventually I see it getting bad enough that it will effect daily commerce and travel of the ordinary peoples.

There are a handful of City Mayors who have openly stated that the public needs to arm themselves as the constabulary cannot effectively protect them. Most of this is being kept out of the news and known mostly locally in these citys. ATS/BTS is one of the few places where this can be learned.
Kansas City is one place where this comes to mind.

Violence to deter violence might sound like having sex for virginity but that's the only thing people inflicting violence upon us know! you can't talk your self out of being robbed, you need to make a stand!

I pretty much agree here. However, Owning and using a firearm is a tremendous responsibility even though it is a fundamental right of us here as Americans. It is a decision not to be taken lightly. It requires discipline and forethought to properly manage.

Good to ready your post again. Thanks for the informations about what happened in the Netherlands. I will keep it in mind.

Keep them in the X ring Ground Zero.


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince

Live with your time, monsieur! Those laws were to protect men from animals in a time when most people lived in remote places. They're not of any use anymore. Unless you want to see those news like above every bloody day!

You are completely naive. I am sure you have seen every American movie and rap video, but a good deal of Americans live outside of the cities that you believe we all live in. There are places here where we hunt for food and depend on firearms for protection from bears and other large meat eaters. If you don't want to own firearms over in Belgium, fine. I don't care what you people over there do, but keep out of our business.

Oh, and we can keep our doors unlocked here too because criminals know everyone is armed!

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by SpookyVince

oh, btw... I hesitated to post this, but any mod is free to remove this & warn me (this is opinion, just stated in a "hot" way"): keep your nationalist extremist speech for yourself. Keep your oral diarrhea for your fellow listeners of your faith. Keep praying your CNN god. Keep listening to your "clean" politicians. Keep believing your McDo's and #ing Burger Kings. Keep thinking that your country is the best. Keep thinking that Europe is lame.

This was enough to be the second person on my ignore list, Good Bye!!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:14 AM

Live with your time, monsieur! Those laws were to protect men from animals in a time when most people lived in remote places. They're not of any use anymore. Unless you want to see those news like above every bloody day!

Be very careful of this type of placebo argument or political point. Our own political leaders will try to misdirect our thinking so that we are arguing and debating a phony issue. An issue or debate point not even related to the real purpose of the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment says nothing at all about protecting us from animals in remote areas...nor even mentions hunting.

What the Second Amendment bring up the point of ownership among the people ...keeping and bearing arms...for the necessity of maintaining a free state. The purpose of bearing arms...not to be infringed upon... is for the necessity of maintaining a free state....not for hunting or animals..etc. Nothing at all is mentioned about hunting.

Do not misunderstand me here...I am not against hunting or controlling animals. I merely state to you ..the readers here be very careful of people who would have you debating false or phony issues not related at all to the Second Amendment. These people are deceivers and phoneys in what they do and they prey on the public ignorance about many things. They are predators...and many of them are politicians in public offices.


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:04 PM

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:27 PM
The term "bearing of arms" goes back to medieval times (even predating fire-arms per se). It does not refer to hunting or "sporting" rights either.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:58 PM
re "fun sport"...someone needs to challenge the "nonsporting" rationale to ban Large Bore Shotguns (assault type taking a clip or drum) that were banned under Clinton as "destructive devices" (usas-12 and striker-12) and get a favorable court interpretation of what constitutes "sporting" before they use that to go after all military "style" semi-auto weapons.
It is now part of a new bill HR 1022.

IF this doesnt get posted then I will have to assume that this site is a front.

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