Originally posted by ludaChris
Wow, to the two posters above, you trust the government with your safety? I don't, and won't ever trust anyone else with my safety and well being
but myself. Everything government touches, falls apart. They are kind of like the exact opposite of King Midas in Greek mythology. I don't need
anyone telling me how to live my life, or anyone telling me that I need to give up something for my own safety. I am intelligent enough to decide
whether or not I feel safe around one object or another. I also recognize others ability to do this as well. It's not up to me, you, or uncle Sam
to tell anyone else how to live their lives.
That's because you're living in the US my friend. It's the country of "freedom". Freedom to be stupid, to kill kids, to let kids kill kids, to
shoot on that other car because the driver drives too slow, to think that because you own a gun nobody will do you harm, to think that you are the law
in your place, to think that nobody can tell you what to do or not. And see the result.
I live in Belgium. Even though we have still at the moment no government, and that's because our politics suck, I can tell you this: NOBODY needs a
gun here. NO ONE. We don't have guns. Only the cops and some really bad people do. And you know what? I can leave my car unlocked at night, and I can
leave my house unlocked. And I am safe.
I am sorry to say, but a certain "american spirit" that was dictated by some false patriots has destroyed what could be a nice place to live in.
Instead, you have generated a whole population of gangsters, mobsters, various criminals roaming the place, carelessly, and the rest are hiding at
home or behind their saint 2nd amendment to be in a situation where anyone entering on their garden risks their life!
Stupid thinking.
I work for NATO, and as I have said before in another thread, I know many, many good americans. And they are not the kind to defend a right for a gun.
You know why? Because they've known something else than the US. And you know, they're military too! I have nothing against americans, I have a lot
though against some americans (and just the same, agaist some people wherever they may originate, that's not even the point). Because, once again,
your government and mainly your media are really brainwashing the people and the kids. It is sad to see...
2 examples to illustrate what I think has become the "stupid" America:
- a few yearrs ago, we had a new guy in the base, a young black american soldier. He was litterally
afraid of getting out of the base
(for shopping, going out, etc.) because that's Belgium! How insane? Just and only because he had heard that in Europe we didn't support that war in
Irak (and indeed we didn't), and then he was feeling in enemy territory!! Totally insane. Scary even.
- case lived yesterday evening: this 16 year old girl was somehow "demonstrating" her physical abilities by lifting herself from the ground, using
only her arms, resting her hands on the top of the high chairs around the bar, in the bowling alley where I was yesterday, on camp. At one point, what
was normally expectable for a normal person nearly happened: the two chairs started to tilt backwards, due to her weight pulling them from their
normal standing situation. I just had time with another person to push her (and the chairs) to their front so that she didn't fall on the ground. I
said "yeah that had to happen you know, be careful not to fall!". She replied, to my absolute astonishment: "f... that, I"ll sue them". What the
???? Sue them for what? Sue them because you're STUPID?
You see, those 2 ones, and many others, are prime examples of why the US is surely not a good place anymore. It could be much better, but it would
take a long time re-educating the people into another way of living. Think what you want, it's not prehistory in here, and we have a real good life.
Real good!