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Small math, big truth

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posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Twin Tower's weight: 500,000 ton = 500,000,000 kg
Boeing's weight: 200 ton = 200,000 kg
Man's weight: 70 kg
Boeing's velocity: 1000 km/h

500,000,000 : 200,000 = 70 : x

x = 0.028 kg = 28 g

500,000,000 : 1000 = 70 : y

y = 0.00014 km/h

Those Boeings that hit Twin Towers at the velocity of 1000 km/h are like two little mice that hit a man at the velocity of 0.00014 km/h

9/11 was an inside job absolutely. Also goats can understand this simple truth.


[edit on 26-12-2008 by Calatrava]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:19 PM
2 little mice drenched in lighter fluid and set you on fire. then after burning for a good hour you fall. i wanna see the man who can stand being on fire for that long.

also your comparison is ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:07 PM
hmmm ridiculous you say?... lets add another parallel then shall we?

Out of 110 floors, 3-5 are partially damaged and torched...
with little to no damage to the inner structural core of the buildings...
aprox 1-2% over all structural weight barring damage
and yet both buildings fall like a deck of cards... similar could be said for wtc 7.

Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes.
Time they took to fall: 12 seconds.

It obviously looks like an extra push was at play here.

It's ridiculous to say otherwise.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Calatrava

Welcome to the forum Calatrava. I would also like to congratulate you for your first "Stundie" nomination.

Keep up the good work!

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Calatrava
Also goats can understand this simple truth.


Troller Warning

Hey Calatra

Hows it been? I see your going by yet again another name.
It's been so long I almost forgot about how easliy you ignore facts.
That math doesnt wash sorry
I'll look forward to more detailed proof.

Troller Warning

Because USA have not technology to land a probe that has to land going backwards. Pure and simple.

Only goats refute this simple concept.

He is just baiting you This is yet again Big-Brain

[edit on 26-12-2008 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Calatrava

The most dangerous person in the world is a person with half of the information and saying "SEE!?"

You are trying to lead the conversation to a conclusion... SUPER.

Let me remind you of a person who lead another conversation with half the information

GWB. And look how right he was.

Stop this foolishness of the jest can't bring them down. The scientists that proved it can and did happen are MUCH smarter then you.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by The All Seeing I

i never said that it wasn't an inside job. what i said was that this comparison is ridiculous because it proves nothing. a man is not a building. a rat is not a plane.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:13 PM
The buildings were designed to collapse vertically. The intense heat from the burning jet fuel after impact was not some typical camp fire going on in there. The sheer weight of what was above the impact points is what caused the framework to give way and since the buildings were designed to collapse vertically...down they they were designed to do.

Surely no one was expecting them to topple over like a tree cut at its trunk?

Basic laws of physics took hold, ie gravity and the engineering put into the design of the buildings prevented more damage than what was caused.


posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:13 PM
that was actually a dumb math ...
you forgot that there was released more force after planes jit because of their weight ....
It's the same thing if human falls from the 30ft he will die .... if mouse falls from the 100 ft it will survive.
With you math mouse would die after falling from 3ft ... so ...

You can do calculations one more time but include the force released by the planes and then fire and .... Or and don't forget the speed, and then amount of kinetic energy accumulated by the plane and mouse ....
There's thousands of things wrong with your math

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:16 PM
Wow. Well, welcome to ATS!

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

The "sheer weight" was always there.
Fires caused nothing but burning furniture and "asbestos".

Why were the Israelis with camera in position so happy?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:21 PM
Troller Warning

I have not found a real picture of Phoenix tested on the earth.

My dear readers, if NASA’s frauds had to send a probe on Mars with 12 rocket engines pushing from the bottom that has to land going backwards, which was the first thing to do?

To test Phoenix landing on the earth. As usually, we can’t see any video showing Phoenix landing on the earth.


Because USA have not technology to land a probe that has to land going backwards. Pure and simple.

Only goats refute this simple concept.

He is just baiting you This is yet again Big-Brain

I edited my first reply to this thread hopefully people will read this and not get sucked in

[edit on 26-12-2008 by SLAYER69]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

ooooh ... i knew there was something familiar in this post ...

hahah BB is back

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Calatrava... never mind the ramblings by those who embrace lies/ignorance.

Your Math is solid as well as your metaphor... kudos & welcome to ATS.

Even if you ignore the math and science that grills the pancake theory,
we have a long list of "coincidences" that can't be explained away...
which leaves us again with a picture that doesn't add up.

Now if we again choose to ignore these conflicting "facts"...
we are left with the fabricated justifications for invading iraq...
and once again nothing adds up to what they told us and continue to tell us.

It's a layer cake of lies built on the foundation of all these lies... 911.

As for being the notorious BB under a new mask... if so, i'm sure you have your reasons. Just judging you on your first thread under your new persona... a star and flag.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by The All Seeing I]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I will point out the problem in your math.

You got the x part right, congratulations.

A 28g projectile hitting a person at 1000km/h (cal .50?)

That is quite noticable. (and a bad argument for no effect of plane)

Then you decide to divide mass of tower with speed of plane?????
That makes no sense.

Abort y and accept that the planes did damage the buildings

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
2 little mice drenched in lighter fluid and set you on fire. then after burning for a good hour you fall. i wanna see the man who can stand being on fire for that long.

also your comparison is ridiculous.

Lets' be honest here. In your fantasy world, no man would have fallen due to fire in my memory. did i get the metaphor right?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:13 PM

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Calatrava]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Calatrava

Math is nice. Lets check it in different example:
Weight of tank - 60000 kg
Weight of RPG round 6 kg
x= 0.0011 kg. Weigh of 1gr.
Muzzle velocity of RPG round - 280m/s = 1008 kms/hour
y=1.1km/h 1gr hitting someone at speed of 1.1km/h will do absolutely nothing.
so it also shows that this kind of calculations without physical involvment proves .... nothing.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Do some research, the Israelis did not show up until after the towers had been hit. Show me someone that had a camera that day that did NOT stop and take pictures.....

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Calatrava
Those Boeings that hit Twin Towers at the velocity of 1000 km/h are like two little mice that hit a man at the velocity of 0.00014 km/h
9/11 was an inside job absolutely. Also goats can understand this simple truth.
[edit on 26-12-2008 by Calatrava]

I think I'll listen to architects and engineers who know a few things about building structures and not bigbrains hairbrain ideas

Why The Towers Fell Part 1

Why The Towers Fell Part 2

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