posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:12 PM
I've just come across this discussion by accident and I'm lifted to read so many good natured and enlightened comments posted here.
Particularly at Christmas, it's sad to see the most hateful/spiteful anti gay comments coming from the so called 'religious' in our midst. Although
I hold no particular views on religion I respect all those that do, no matter what faith. Sadly, the same doesn't seem to be so in reverse.
The Pope has recently linked the 'gay problem' to that of the rainforests which I find most sad. With so many pressing world problems does he really
only have gay things to think about it?
As a gay lad growing up in the UK I was beaten up weekly through school and suffered many injuries. It would have been safer and easier to have lied
so I could fit in and conform. Denied myself so i could be free from ridicule and beatings. Should I have CHOSEN to be Str8?
With all my human failings I'm just me and I cannot change this deepest part of me. I can endeavor to be kinder, listen to others more, maybe drive
better, work harder, be tidier etc but I cannot change my sexual orientation even though at times it would have kept me from harm. I even had to
suffer my own brother and father rejecting me which is a high price to pay for my so called 'CHOICE'.
Despite encountering a great deal of bigotry and small mindedness I've also found the complete opposite. As on this very site there are str8 men
stating they have no problem with gays. If you guys only knew how powerful your words can be and how comforting those sentiments can be felt.
My father served in the 2nd world war to help free us from a crazy German who believed we should all have blonde hair and blue eyes. I would like to
think that as the 21st century proceeds we could all live in a more enlightened and tolerant world.
Sadly it seems our religious leaders strive to do just the opposite. Some preaching hatred and others wanting us only to be STR8 and have sex 2/3
times in a lifetime (for procreation only - no condoms and definitely not for those mainly Str8 black Africans suffering a massive AIDS epidemic and
dying in poverty and misery).
For me, being GAY doesn't mean you have to be promiscuous...that is a real CHOICE. Both STr8 and Gay can choose a lifetime partner if they desire
just as they can choose to be promiscuous.
Making these types of choices is something we can control and maybe singles us out from the animal kingdom. Yes animals do 'gay' things too.
They've also been found to change sex when a mate of the opposite sex can't be found but so what? Does it really change anything?
In a world of poverty, hunger, violence and war can we really spend precious time debating who desires who and why. Can't we just accept the fact
that it is, has always been so since the dawn of time, and will probably be so until our Sun explodes and destroys mankind for good.
We can't choose being str8, Bi or gay but we can choose our reaction to the difference in others, be it colour, gender, sexuality etc.
I'd like to say a huge thanks to all the big hearted, tolerant people who have posted messages of compassion. You guys keep me sane and help me keep
going in this world.