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A Letter from a Palestinian Muslim to Santa

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posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yeah. isn't that something? How about all the thousands of non-uniformed combatants in Gaza and the West Bank that have opened up on Israeli forces.

That is completely against the Geneva Conventions, and yet I don't find these buttholes brought up on charges.

The Hague is a political posturing platform where its members, as with most political groups - FOS.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by dooper]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:07 PM
By the way. For all these "starving" Gazans.

I've never turned a hungry man away in my life.

Get me the shipping address of Hamas in Gaza, and next Christmas, I'll send them some fine, delicious, sugar-cured country hams.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:08 PM
The use of phosphorous bombs is forbidden to be used on soldiers let alone densely pact residential neighbourhoods in Gaza.

Napalm is not the same as phosphorous bombs and is also a banned weapon. Just because the US used it in the Vietnamese jungle does not give license for Israel to use it on Palestinians.

You can only use napalm and phosphorous as markers or to clear forests and uninhabitable areas. The US took advantage of this to target Viet Cong hiding in the jungle. Israel drops various chemical bombs in residential areas.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:09 PM
This is just pathetic. One side needs to wipe out the other. Of course the loser will have their place in history,but at least the people can finally move on. This is the only reality; Jews and Muslims can never have peace.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

I don't think the Palestinians are any better than the Vietnamese. Of course napalm is allowed and is not forbidden. Same with White Phosphorous. It is not forbidden.

And as far as marking targets, it works great!

When you hit them with WP or napalm, and they're suddenly running around screaming, then the targets are marked, suitable for terminating.

I guess technically, we in the US were just "marking" our targets as well.

I just notice that the more napalm or WP you use to mark the targets, the better marked they become.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yeah. isn't that something? How about all the thousands of non-uniformed combatants in Gaza and the West Bank that have opened up on Israeli forces.

That is completely against the Geneva Conventions, and yet I don't find these buttholes brought up on charges.

The Hague is a political posturing platform where its members, as with most political groups - FOS.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by dooper]

Sorry bud. You are wrong on that point. Any invaded or occupied territories' armed resistance is exempt from wearing uniforms or identifiers by the Geneva Conventions. Under the Convention's assumptions, an occupied people do not have a formal standing army.

Furthermore, an occupied people are not expected to comply with an aggressor's demands and permitted to resist by all means necessary.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by masonwatcher

I don't think the Palestinians are any better than the Vietnamese. Of course napalm is allowed and is not forbidden. Same with White Phosphorous. It is not forbidden.

And as far as marking targets, it works great!

When you hit them with WP or napalm, and they're suddenly running around screaming, then the targets are marked, suitable for terminating.

I guess technically, we in the US were just "marking" our targets as well.

I just notice that the more napalm or WP you use to mark the targets, the better marked they become.

As expected from a zionist. Shame you weren't around when you could done something against Hitler with all that gusto instead of gloating on the backs of Palestinians.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

I go with Dooper on this one. I mean you are obviously talking from an historical point of view?

[edit on 24-12-2008 by raymond68]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by raymond68
reply to post by masonwatcher

I go with Dooper on this one. I mean you are obviously talking from an historical point of view?

[edit on 24-12-2008 by raymond68]

If you mean 2006 is historical, then yes. But I think these weapon will be deployed in this year's Christmas and New Year's attack.

Unless Barack refuses the assault on Gaza, Israel will attack within a week or so.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Mason, I wasn't alive when Hitler was causing his trouble. My family have always gone to the wars. One ancestor, James Crawford fought with Morgan, Green, and Marion. Later, one ancestor rode with Bloody Bill Anderson, and another with Colonel John Singleton Moseby.

My grandfather went to Germany in WWI. My Father and several uncles and cousins did fight against Hitler. One was killed at Pearl Harbor the first day of our war against Japan.

Other uncles fought in Korea.

I fought in Vietnam, and according to my military record, I did pretty good. Lots of confirmed, and was decorated for valor.

I have family that fought in Desert Storm, and went in the first wave into Iraq. I still have family there fighting.

Believe me, slick, we do our part. We actually put our asses on the line.

You seem to be such a supporter of Gaza and Palestine, I wonder how long you fought over there? Or do you just sit back and let others do the heavy lifting while you sit and type?

Yeah. I've fought. Some of the very best fighters in the world. No one was tougher than the NVA. We won our battles. I won mine, or I wouldn't be here.

So, what have you done?

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher
I was agreeing with him about Vietnam. Sorry I am new here and like to take a view from the field

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by dooper

Well my grandfather fought Hitler all over North Africa until he got shot up by a German marksman. He recovered and served as a prisoner of war escort. He had a habit of slapping around the occasional SS, not Waffen, but the real deal SS Hitler sent towards the end of the desert campaign. They got freaked out when the saw a 6'3 black man in a British uniform and most regular German soldiers didn't seem to mind.

[edit on 043131p://pm3116 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by raymond68

raymond, you just jump in anytime you want! Welcome!

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

I replied to your comment that with all my gusto I should have been fighting when Hitler was charming the world.

I did my fighting. I did my fighting with enthusiasm. Extended my tour three times.

So don't bother suggesting that I can only talk of fighting and have never personally done it myself. I've done it. And up close. So close their last breath was blown in my face.

And I respect my enemies like no other. As I said, they were top cabin. Men of great endurance and courage.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by dooper

I never suggested that you weren't a capable of being in combat or whatever. I am British of mixed extraction and have never been in the forces. Nor do I believe I could kill anyone; never speculated on that but I can give a mean left jab.

Personally I don't think any military would except me. I march to my own drum beat and would ask too many whys and whatfors to any ambiguous order.

Furthermore, you've got more than a couple of decades on me and Britain has been blessed never to have been invaded since the Falklands war so joining the military is something I have been lucky in not considering.

Oh, I nearly forgot, I probably could not stand those barrack rooms smells. It is the main reason I preferred to play fullback in rugby rather than in the scrum.

[edit on 053131p://pm3144 by masonwatcher]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Some people are so ignorant and misinformed. Try opening a history book and you might find a few facts.

1. So called Israel stealing Palestinian land? Egypt, Turks and English controlled Israel. The Palestinians were considered second-class citizens under English colonialism as well as Jordan, Turkey and Egypt. The entire notion of the Palestinian people did not exist until Yaser Arafat.
2. Israel did not occupy the Palestinians territories. After the Six day war (up till that point it was under Jordan and Egyptian control) Israel conquered those territories from Jordan and Egypt after they with Iraq and Syria started a war with Israel.
3. Israel never wanted those territories and if you look at the UN report of 1986 you will see that Palestinian quality of living was higher then any other country in the Middle East. Including Egypt and Lebanon where most Palestinians live in tents for the past 50 years.
4. Putting aside the blame game of both sides the fact of the matter is that since Hamas took control of Gaza from the PLO all they have been doing is shot rockets at Israel not interested in peace. Look at the PLO controlled territories that are actually fine with Israel and flourishing well on the way to independence. Hamas is another example of the minority of Muslim fanatics plaguing the world in terrorist attacks. India, US, London France and even Muslim countries. The problem is the Muslims have no separation of church and state, and a minority of fanatics controls the Masses. These fanatics don’t care about their population all they care about is going to heaven in the name of God.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:46 PM
My God has promised me this thread.

She said I could have it, so I want everyone out of it until they can stop bickering over this holiday season and wish that all children live free and have lives uninterrupted by the age old grudges of child-like adults that bring them into this world.

Best wishes,

- Lee

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 12:13 AM
I've been searching for international organizations that could get people organized to end this. I remember the Kurdish children, when they exited Iraq during the gulf war, fleeing for their lives, refugees. I was pregnant with my 17 year old. Just before he was born, all of them died of hunger, with the press filming it all, and no one would take them. I watched a mother crying on the graves, and she said "How could you do this to us, I would never do this to you!" My son was born, and I kept saying, "I am so happy you're here, in Canada."
I don't need to witness any more children suffering, anywhere.

The weblog of Ken O’Keefe
Guilty as Charged in Gaza Prison

I arrived in Gaza with 45 others from 16 different countries on August 23, 2008 as part of the Free Gaza Movement.[1] For this we are guilty of exercising the inherent human right to travel as outlined in Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In Gaza I have met with and expressed solidarity with those who resist the occupation and for this I am guilty of affirming the lawful right of self-defence. I have also met with, expressed solidarity and initiated work directly with Palestinians who choose non-violence and law as their means of struggle. In this choice we are guilty of conspiracy to expose the truth about the Zionist need for conflict; which explains why people of peace are unwelcome in the eyes of the Israeli Government....

So now I write these words as an honoured inmate of Gaza Prison; and I am proud to be with my brothers and sisters in Palestine. But prison is a generous word for Gaza; western prisons provide medical care, three meals a day, clean water and at least limited access to family. Israeli prisons, at least for Israelis, offer the same. In Gaza however few have these basic needs, while virtually none have all of these needs. Furthermore, prisons are supposedly for criminals, so a place where you are locked up simply for being a particular nationality, is not rightly called a prison. According to the definition, a concentration camp is;
‘a guarded compound for the detention or imprisonment of aliens, members of ethnic minorities, political opponents, etc., esp. any of the camps established by the Nazis prior to and during World War II for the confinement and persecution of prisoners.’

So in the interest of truth, I shall from this day onward refer to Gaza as an Israeli Concentration Camp for Palestinians.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:55 AM
The use of `WP` in widespread use against random civilian targets in `shake and bake` missions is a breach of the CCWC and when used in such a way is a WMD and a crime against humanity

just because a country might not have aggreed to the internationl laws doesn`t make it any more legal - in 2004 the USA commited crimes against humanity when using WP in shake and bake *random blanket bombing* missions in fullajah , and again israel commited the same war crime in 2006.

don`t pretend to take any moral high ground by supporting these monsters and the holocaust they are allready bringing aginst these people - they learnt in 1939>1945 the way to to do it and in 2006 started to apply those lessons learnt.

and you support this.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

The only monsters are the Murdering Hamas Terrorists.

Only a person who supports murderers of women and children would support them, har.

Also, if the terrorists would not attack a nation, they would not get the "RESPONCES" to their attacks.

It is a crying shame that the population suffers due to the Hamas terrorists and their murdering ways.

BTW, note it was the murdering terrorists that ended the truce (which they broke many times) and it is their rocket and mortar attacks that will cause further suffering.

I know this is a wacky idea, but why don't they try waging peace, I know, murder and killing is the only things they know and do, but one can always hope.

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