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Food Distribution Takeover In Place Ready Now

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:03 PM
Here is an interesting link I recieved privately "Just in case" what do you think of this site in connection with my thread here?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by antar

Can anyone else come up with anything really current on Elite? Seems since they 'expanded' there is just nothing descent to be found on them...

Lots of older info as they spread out and one piece that keeps coming up is that all of the tracking is supposed to be centralized in Freeport Texas.

So for all of the Global network they seem able to gain access to since 2002, it all comes back to good old Texas USA.

Seems they were successful in South America before Springfield Missouri.

You would think that they would have joined the Chamber of Commerce in Freeport.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 07:47 PM
Does the link above work for you? I got a comment in chat that it did not work properly, should be a web page about people who get gang stalked.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Here's what I am wondering. If we centralize all goods services and living beings, what good can come out of it if it is not brought to us in an open and clear way. Do you suppose that this leads us closer to the Type One society so many of us are ready to experience? Or does it lead us into an Orwellian State which takes us in the opposite direction?

I understand that we have secret ops to work the back ground keeping an eye on the evil doings of malevolent men. However at what point do we loose the ability to keep them in checks and balances when it begins to subtly cross over into our everyday lives and affect how we receive our most basic of survival levels?

If what is proposed in the Op and what we have discovered about individual companies which are infiltrating all avenues of our future lives have only the best of human, agricultural and animal intent, wouldn't there be more of a shared opportunity to have a say in the future than less as this proposes? Does it create more openness and trust or are we being lead into an even darker future with less transparency and clarity?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by mystiq

I do remember that some big con agra company owns most of the big food companys all under one name and if that is not control over the food supply i don't know what is, i will do some research to find the name of this company and post it for you. i'll bet it has links to the goverment,or has had the Guard playing games in its facilitys. sorry not the best speller!

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by antar
Here is an interesting link I received privately "Just in case" what do you think of this site in connection with my thread here?

Gangstalking is certainly a very real phenomenon, as many members of ATS can attest. Here's my thread on some of my experiences, which have been life long.

Now as to how this Stasi-state intelligence network is related to the war on food, it would have to be a tertiary connection at best, but both are obviously working toward total control.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by NoArmsJames
reply to post by LowLevelMason

I've starred you, I only wish I could flag you as well.
It's so nice to see some rational thought and common sense around here.
I, like you, do not believe in the NWO. People want to believe that they are part of something bigger; Everyone wants to be Neo.

The Bilderberg group, and CFR setup by Rockefeller are some
of the groups involved.

The Club of Rome, Committee of 300, and The Bohemian Club as well.

There are higher ones that are not openly known.

The main concern on their agenda is lowering the population
of the Earth by 6.1 billion down to 500 million.

They have a book they have sold 30 million copies of in 30
different languages, but as you are one of the many that do
not have a deep and wide reading experience you probably
have not heard of it.

Limits to Growth

In their closed circles they have been discussing since the 70's
the over population issue and decided that 500 million is a good number.

So basically 6.1 billion need to get off their ride.

Some of the supporters of this ideology even had it carved on stone
and stuck on a hill in Georgia and it has sat there for almost 30 years.

About the same time all this talk of needing to kill off most of the
planet began.

Here is their monument to death:

The Georgia Guidestones

I do not plan on resisting them, they are far too powerful to be
stopped at this point and most ppl are idiots such as yourself
for denying these groups exist when they sell 30 million copies
of a book in broad daylight.

The sheep have been sheared for years, and now they plan on
killing off the herd so they can make the resources last longer.

They will make it look like a natural course of events, but the
Russian leadership knows otherwise and has planned accordingly.

Yamantau - underground bunker for 60,000+

You can go ahead and stick you head in the sand and say you
can't see it, but that has to do more with you being not willing to look.

Good Luck to you all !

- even the stubbornly blind -

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by mystiq

I do remember that some big con agra company owns most of the big food companys all under one name and if that is not control over the food supply i don't know what is, i will do some research to find the name of this company and post it for you. i'll bet it has links to the goverment,or has had the Guard playing games in its facilitys. sorry not the best speller!

It is more than one, some of them are Monsanto and ADM.

ADM is Archer Daniels Midland.

The real problem is all these companies are working to be members
of the WTO - World Trade org, and the WTO is implementing ....

Codex Alimentarius

Ron Paul has spoken out against it, and it is just a tool to shove
Genetically Modified food down our throats and make common
herbs a controlled substance that you can't grow in your own backyard.

The GM seeds have an added terminator gene so that the seeds
from the crops will not grow another plant so you have to turn to
the big mega-corps to get your seeds EVERY year.

This is part of the reason for the doomsday seed vault.

Most ppl have NO IDEA the Royal Screwing that is coming with Codex.

But some that have credentials have taken the time to speak out.

Codex to be law for WTO membership Dec. 2009

You have been warned.

Prepare accordingly, but do not confront them, you will just go on
the watch lists and be rounded up if you do when martial law starts.

When martial law comes if you stay in the cities you are toast
unless you are not on the lists, do not resist, and are NOT awakened.

They will have something much better than a polygraph to detect
if you are lying and it is called brain fingerprinting.

Brain fingerprinting used to free innocent ppl from jail

Good Luck to you all !

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:15 PM

The question is: EXACTLY what scenario do they envisage where one of the richest, if not THE richest country on the face of our planet (it is still OUR planet isn't it?) is going to have mass starvation amongst it's populace?

I definately smell a rat.


What they think is coming is one of the following:

1) Obama goes the way of MLK, que martial law and Directive 51,
3 lame attempts have been stopped already.

2) The War for Aztlan, que martial law and Directive 51.

The War for Aztlan - America's 2nd Civil War

3) Pakistan and India escalate into WW3, with a little assistance
from hidden provocateurs, some ppl want their holy war,
some ppl think revelations is needed for their religious truths.

4) Israel and Iran decide to have a go at it, and que WW3.

5) A former soviet bloc country forms an alliance and accepts the
US missile shield and raises the threat from the top Russian General,
and again....que WW3.

Top Russian General claims new pre-emptive strike policy

I want NONE of this to happen.

The problem is there are ppl in positions of power that do.

History tells some ugly tales of millions slaughtered for ideologies.

Humans seem to fail to learn from the past over and over.

Prepare accordingly, the Russians are:

Russians completing bunker for 60,000+

Good Luck to you all !

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

Your post is FAR TOO IMPORTANT to be missed. I highly recommend people watch your videos which are posted and follow the follow up links on UTube.

This is the connecting thread to a time in history when all of the rules and regulations were being laid out for the NWO. It takes us back to the times of Hitler and Nazi Germany and the plan to control food, goods and services for the extermination of millions of people which has now grown so huge that we are no longer talking millions but billions of people world wide.

Imagine for a minute if they had GPS and satellite services available back then. What the Doctor suggests in these video documentaries is that even though they have no real ability to directly control the food distribution, all natural medicines and the rest of the nutritional goods we take for granted, that they have discovered over time a way to do just that by joining forces with foundations such as The World Health Organization, The World Food and Agriculture Administration. Very real implications for carrying out a very old plan which has done its best to become nestled in the U.N. as its main backer for legitimizing its ultimate goal of control. If you want to become part of the trade business you have to agree to follow their rules, not their laws because they have no rights to make laws, their rules are sufficient enough to control.

Here is another video that should be viewed by all. She poses the question, Imagine waking one morning to find that every highly potent and effective vitamin and nutrient has become "ILLEGAL" in the way that heroin is, not even available with prescription, illegal. That includes backyard herbs...

She goes on to remind people that under the codes that EVERY animal fit for human consumption whether it has fins, feet or feathers, must be treated with Sub Clinical antibiotics, and growth hormone. CODEX also MANDATES that ALL food be Irradiated. Unless it is to be eaten raw and locally, that is all food. This is world wide.

Yes the plan is coming to fruition, the time has finally arrived and the players are all in place. This goes so far beyond the loss of the ability to walk or drive down to your local grocery store and purchase your goods and services, which up until now have slowly been slapped with more and more 'rules' and 'regulations', but a time when the most basic of survival is becoming threatened. It has been a long thought out plan, and every plan has its end results, this one will be nothing less than the worst human tragedy imaginable.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I know this is whimsical, but once watching Paris Hiltons show, she and her friend Nicole Richie find themselves in a little trailer and have to eat some soup, Paris made it VERY clear that she was not at all familiar with what she called "Canned Food".

That was a thought changing moment for me, I knew that there was some truth to that and I began to question just exactly what the global elites eat comapared to the commoners.

It may not be relative to this thread, but I just think it is important to know what we place in our bodies as they push to control our lives with unregulated pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics (and then claim that it was 'people' abusing the medicines which made the resistance (conspiracy).

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:15 AM
So, all those underground bunkers are for nuclear. But, in order to kill over 6 billion people, they will have to use enough to destroy all eco life in the northern hemisphere for ages. The war of contracts. This is what one person called it. And all the cataclysms predicted are to divide and conquer the more intelligent ones who are awake!

Well this powerful ugly group of twisted trolls boils down to 50 old men.

The people are going to win this one. And as to their lists, screw them. Anyone who doesn't resist doesn't deserve to win. Its time to totally expose and those 50 must be named so they can be brought down by the masses.

Theres more in this mix than just the cabal however. There are also our visitors. And thats the mystery card. I already know what some people have been prepped for and some are waiting for just certain signs. That war is one of them.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:23 AM
Hi mystic, glad to see you on tonight. I ahve my hours turned around with Christmas break, hehehe Im an old night owl anyway, so I am enjoying the weird sleep patterns. You know there may come a time when the abilty to go with the flow will serve us, patterns set will be disrupted across the boards and nighttime is their time, we need to be able to adjust dont you think?

What did you think of the videos above and how they play into this thread?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Volton

Yes the problem is that our government is corrupt! Would you want Al Capone, Charles Manson or Gov. Blaj to be in total control of your food supplies?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:55 AM
India/Pakistan is the one that is most likely at this moment to be their big move in depopulating the world. And tensions with Mexico bring in martial law? I have a great deal of love and respect for that country however, so if they plan on using good people to do their dirty work, I really think its time for everyone to stop being sheeple, and start being foxes.
I'm really concerned if martial law is called, and they start to confiscate food house to house, and take over farms, that children will starve first. I'm really concerned with the other thread saying California will go bankrupt, and that people are already feeling this crash. What is it going to take for them to meet together in their towns and communities and plan to take back their country and world?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:27 AM

Millions of Starving Shame the World, U.N. Says

On the one hand, he said, there is under-funding of relief assistance. For example the eight-month delay by the donor countries during the food crisis in Niger in 2005 resulted in 3.6 million people being starved.

"But more important we need to examine factors that lead to such severe food crises," Mousseau said.

One of the primary reasons has been the absence of development policies geared toward providing support for rural development and small-scale farmers to ensure long-term food security.

Many countries have also been prevented by the donor countries and international financial institutions from implementing economic and trade policies that would support local producers and their markets, which could prevent a country from facing widespread hunger and destitution, Mousseau added.

In his study, Ziegler points out that "dumping" of overproduced food at cheap prices "must not be permitted when it displaces livelihoods, especially in countries where the majority of the population still depend on agriculture for security their right to food".

Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, said that with its own subsidies intact, the United States dumps cheap subsidised food into developing nations, ravaging the livelihoods of small farmers.

For example, she said, Mexico has been growing corn for 10,000 years. But under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was supposed to level the playing field, Mexico opened its markets to imports from the United States, including corn.

"Mexican farmers, mostly operating small-scale family farms, were unable to compete against giant U.S. corn producers," Mittal told IPS. These corn producers are the largest single recipient of U.S. government subsidies -- 10.1 billion dollars, or some 10 times the total Mexican agricultural budget in 2000.

Not surprisingly, then, U.S. corn exports to Mexico have tripled, and they account for almost one-third of the domestic Mexican market, leading to an acute crisis in the Mexican corn sector.

She pointed out that dumping of cheap subsidised corn into Mexico has reduced real prices of Mexican corn by more than 70 percent.

The result is that millions of poor farmers have been displaced from their land.

What we see happening to "Other" places, will soon be the same exact situation we will all see, hard to believe but history and the makers of history are only able to repeat, never to create.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:05 AM
Since so much of this seems to be connected, I wonder if weather anomlies are going to play a roll in the eventuality of these take over events? That is the 64k question, just what could happen so extreme that this could take place?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:47 AM
What I've linked together recently, is the sudden discovery of a huge hole in our magnetic shield, 4 times larger than earth over the north pole, that will disrupt our weather patterns and could even create possible catastrophes. Yet just a few weeks, prior to this discovery, in November, there were rumors that 9 nukes had been set off under the arctic ocean, actually right where the true magnetic pole had left Canadian waters, and where the core of the earth is slightly closer to the crust. I put two and two together and believe whole heartedly they blasted a whole in our shield. Everything that happens, THEY ARE DOING. Their abuse of the resources of this planet, making of fortune off the population by selling coffee pots that leak and short out every couple months, everything is built to be throwaway like a light bulb. While some of my grandmothers household items are still running 50 years later.

Theres no excuse, they have deliberately made a fortune off of raping this world and now they wish to kill off all the people so they can maintain their extravagant lifestyles. And, they wish to teach the future controlled race that it was all due to us, the ones they controlled and slaughtered for profit.
These evil psychos want to villify the average decent person.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:09 AM
So does HAARP come in to play here? I recall last year reading on this forum about a man who had some experiences with HAARP and knowing that it was responsible for deformities in many Inuit children. It was a really bizarre story, skunkworks style, but one that I really believed.

Also I guess this will be the best segway to discuss the new push for the TV boxes in every home in the US that does not already have Satellite systems. Not only TVs but radios as well. Then throw in the phone systems, GPS in vehicles that work with or without you having ONSTAR activated.

The list goes on with the items which they are pushing to equip with the latest Satellite telemetry to. Does no one notice the big picture here?

Even food, toys and consumer products are coming out with those little metal strips on them.

yes they can be deactivated as you pay at the register, but can they also be reactivated to keep a watchful eye on just where the products ultimately end up? Could be a trends analysis front with a NWO spin to come later, ya think?

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:28 AM
I know I should have edited my post above but oh well.

I have a crank style small generator radio that is SW and very cool. I have always been able to piuck up stations clearly from any room in my house. That is until recently.

I was 'given' a box of those new light bulbs from my electric co-op. You know the dangerous and toxic ones that supposedly last indefinitely?

Well I have the type which fit up in my recessed lighting, normally on a dimmer switch, and when I asked if they were dimmer switch compatible, they did not know. They are not, but as soon as I turned on the power to only one of them as a test, I had a very strong pain hit me in my head, sharp pain, I had a dull ache for hours afterwards. Others in the house also got headaches.

What I find most disturbing about these new lights is that people are buying them up like hotcakes. They know that if they break you are suppose to leave your home immediately, and that you cannot throw them away in the regular trash and yet there are no drop offs for them either. But they are flying off the shelves as people switch to these new fluorescents. Enough said.

Now back to the radio. I have noticed in the past month that if my radio gets near any electronic equipment such as TV, Microwave, computer, it sends out a block to my once highly functioning radio. It has always worked near the same areas I hang out in such as listening to CoasttoCoast while on ATS, or doing late night dishes while doing the same.

I can barely pick up a signal since installing the fluorescent light bulb, just the one. I have also noticed that if I place the radio as usual near my telephone it goes nuts. Static beyond usual. So walking around to all of my stuff I find it all creates a new interference in my radio. I have been aware of checking for this type of change for a long time, but now I find what ever changes are being made within our homes, has been complete. The ducks are in a row, and the time is ripe for the next step in the NWO and their plan to do ?????

One thing I discovered last night was that heat or placing the radio very close to my wood stove allowed me to listen uninterrupted. There are always ways to combat this massive plan. We just have to remain aware alert and awake and report what our finds are.

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