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Everyone Hates America....Dont they??

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posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 11:24 PM
The term 'Anti American' is a little misleading in a way . It suggests that a person is antagonistic towards a certain race of people based upon their geographic location . That isn't true really . People are against oppressors as somebody else posted above , no matter where they come from . So long as you are going about oppressing and occupying , killing and looting , then people aren't going to like you as a nation. It just comes with the territory .

I do not understand why this isn't apparant , but then you are fed with the usual propaganda that it is all for freedom and democracy etc . So, where the confusion lies .. is Americans cannot understand the dislike because they aren't reading off the same hymn sheet as the rest of the world , we know those are lies and a lot of Americans do not . Americans don't want to think it's all lies either so most don't care to question it , they want to maintain their moral high ground and pretend its all done for altruistic reasons.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by DantesLost

"I do not like ignorant, big mouthed, ballsy Americans"

Who likes ignorant,big mouthed ballsy people from ANY country?You imply that americans are the only people on earth capable of these character flaws?You are simply taking another opportunity to insult and demean america and americans and you either won't admit it or are too full of anger to realise it.

"I don't like that attitude either.And when you try and point it out to them,thats when the accusations of being anti-American start."

Thats just what you are,you hate america and americans but just don't have the guts to admit it.By the way,ignorance is not a choice someone makes-

Main Entry: ig·no·rant
Pronunciation: \ˈig-n(ə-)rənt\
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a: destitute of knowledge or education ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence "

Maybe where you're from ignorance is a reason to dislike someone but where i'm from we treat one another with a mutual respect and a common decency regardless of where they are from.Although I'm sure you won't believe that. But I will finish by saying that while I may not agree with you, I respect your right to believe what you do.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Really?? I have to say LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!! the American people are what makes America great and if you don"t like it well why don't you go to Canada or Mexico, with that I'm done, Red White and Blue!!!

[edit on 23-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

[edit on 23-12-2008 by alyosha1981]
No on second thought, I'm not done, I am thankful to have been born into the GREATEST country in the world no question.I am free to believe in what I choose to believe, free to do what I want to do when I want to do it and I don't care what people say, soldiers have given their lives for what I as well millions and millions of other AMERICAN people enjoy "we will not forget" and every morning that I wake up in this great country I feel sorry for the poor souls that don't have the good fortune of being a citizen of the US OF A!!! God bless AMERICA!!!!!!

[edit on 23-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:34 AM
I dont think anyone hates ''America''

I think people hate

- ignorant Americans..
- Americans whom believe other nations must submit and obey
- Americans who believe being patriotic means not asking questions
- Americans who believe Guns, God and Gold TRUMP everything else
- Americans who label you racist/anti-semantic if you question Israel
- Americans who believe Iraq was worthy of Invasion
- Americans who believe Iran deserves the same fate

I love America, its beaches, its countryside, its mountains, its animals and majority of its people.
I love its history, storming the beaches in Normandy, climbing the mountains in Berchtestgaden, walking on the moon, bringing life to cinema and music..

Its just a pity your pride and greed got in the way of your most valuable traits.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by JonathanNicholas

It was actually me, resistancia who stated that "I do not like ignorant, ballsy big mouthed Americans".

I did not use the word hate. I did not say all Americans.

You need to put the heat on the right person before you flame them.
You flamed the wrong person. Flame me...I really don't mind at all

Merry Christmas all

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:37 AM
Just my humble opinion but I think that people should be proud and love their country, whatever it may be. ALL countries in the world have great things and bad things.

And yes, I do think that there is a heightened sense of anti-American sentiment throughout the world.

The shoving of "we are the greatest and the country with more freedom in the world" tends to annoy people after a while.
I think that that is the main thing that people mean when they say that Americans are arrogant.

One comment I have heard many times is that people from the US tend to not learn a second language. Somehow, it´s annoying to others when traveling abroad.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

What do you mean with "love it or leave it"? Remember that there are a bunch of people in ATS that don't even live in the USA, let alone the whole American continent.

And I applaud your view on the country. Everyone should feel the same way about their own country. All those other GREAT countries in the world, many in which people are educated, know about other cultures, speak other languages and are not paranoid about terrorist attacks or their own government spying on them.....oh wait? That sounds like freedom, doesn't it?

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:10 AM
How disturbing to see how americans dont understand why they are hated outside their border? May be some of you americans should get a passport and travel a bit to see the devastating effects of your country's policies on the people of this world to understand....

America is not appreciated, however americans in general are not disliked. In fact a lot of people feel sorry for americans and the way they are denied education and information.

When we watch your media and debates most people see facism and ignorance.

Good luck to your country..And please act against your government, for it's your government and your politicians which have created this paranoid, closed minded place you live in.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:21 AM
My apologies to Dante'sLost. I did mean to reply to you.I never stated that you claimed to hate americans,it was my opinion I stick by it and I felt I made that clear. You can pretend to pity us all you want,i have never pitied anyone,it requires arrogance and condesention especially in this context.
I have never met anyone personally that feels other countries must "submit and obey" america. That is a common stereotype and it happens to be a false one at that. We don't ask questions?Our president has one of the lowest approval ratings,mainly do to with the war in Iraq,Congress has the lowest approval rating-ever. This is precisely BECAUSE we ask questions of our own leaders. I suppose you are of the opinion that no other country holds guns, religion, and oil above all else?I can name a few. Americans who want to arm themselves for protection is a bad thing? I'd say thats an opinion. Oh and I suppose there is no religion where you're from,ok.
This is a capitalist society Agit8d,money is what makes our system go round,it has to be important to us.That doesnt make us golddiggers. Pride?There is nothing wrong with taking pride in whatever you do.Greed bothering you? I guess no one, not even a small minority in your country cares about money or power. Tell me where is this magical place you speak of? You say you love the majority of our people, so you're criticism is aimed at the minority of corrupt ,greedy poloticians,billionairs and gun toting Jesus freaks. My only point is,if you are going to point at the minority of bad people in america, then you have to point to every single country on this planet,period.What does it help to point out the corruption in the U.S when it exists everywhere? Are we supposed to apologize for not being perfect even when we never claied to be in the first place? If you are going to hate the U.S for those things you mentioned then you have to hate the rest of the world too, but we already know the world is screwed up so whats the point? You have a valid point about Israel I'll grant you that.But the other problems you mentioned are not indigenous to the U.S.A my friend.Your posts are exactly why americans on ATS rushed to the defense of our country during the first thread months ago,it had nothing to do with not being able to accept a little constructive criticism.It had to do with the hipocrisy behind the criticisms,and it still does.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by alyosha1981

No on second thought, I'm not done, I am thankful to have been born into the GREATEST country in the world no question.I am free to believe in what I choose to believe, free to do what I want to do when I want to do it and I don't care what people say, soldiers have given their lives for what I as well millions and millions of other AMERICAN people enjoy "we will not forget" and every morning that I wake up in this great country I feel sorry for the poor souls that don't have the good fortune of being a citizen of the US OF A!!! God bless AMERICA!!!!!!

This is it.. its always the same kind of statements. The exact same conditioned thinking as the previous posters who made the same statement. Why do you think you are so special in the US as opposed to the rest of the world?

Greatest country in the world for the 50 years after since ww2.. yes. Now.. it is a matter of opinion. You have the best army in the world. Not the greatest country im afraid. "Greatest Country In The World" = Cold War conditioning...

There are not that many people around the world who are not free to choose what they want to believe in. Why do you think that is special to the US??

There are not that many people around the world who are not free to what they want to do when they want to. Why do you think that this is special to the US??

Why do you think that the rest of the world wants to live in the USA?

Please.. someone from the US, just answer me this question intelligently ---> Who are all these people around the world that are oppressed, have no freedoms, liberties and pride in their countries that make you want to go on and on about how you are so lucky to have them??

You go on as if noone else has any of these things.. thats why its so annoying.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by SPIRAL.ZONE
America is not appreciated, however americans in general are not disliked. In fact a lot of people feel sorry for americans and the way they are denied education and information.

When we watch your media and debates most people see facism and ignorance.

Oh Oh.. you are being too honest here. I can see a lot of people needing to visit their 'therapists' after that comment.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by SPIRAL.ZONE

You know it astounds me how easily people from other countries can make statements like "why dont american understand why they are hated" and how sorry you all feel for us and how uneducated we are.There were posts in the original thread that actually said "its not your fault you are too ignorant to realise how ignorant you truly are"
Americans do understand why we are hated,we just don't agree with your reasons,understand?A racist can walk up to me and try to explain to me why they feel African-Americans are inferior to whites,but regardless of the argument put forth,I am still going to disagree with him because his reasoning is flawed and based on prejudice and ignorance.

"America is not appreciated, however americans in general are not disliked. In fact a lot of people feel sorry for americans and the way they are denied education and information."

What books are you reading?Thats almost too ridiculous a statement to respond to,say what you want but this is still the most free country in the world,americans get information from any source they want,this website is proof of that.This is not a communist society you are aware we have the ability to buy books from around the world not to mention a little thing called the internet plus a liberally biased media who despises anything pro-america.It is hard to get any real news that doesnt involve criticism of america.
And if you really feel that americans are just too uneducated and ignorant to understand the world,then why say anything at all about it?Do you walk up to the mentally handicapped on the street and tell them how sorry you feel for them?It's the same arrogance I sensed in the earlier thread a few months back from people outside this country.Either that or you're just being rude.Well I don't feel sorry for anyone I treat everyone the same,always have.Peace.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:15 AM

What books are you reading?Thats almost too ridiculous a statement to respond to,say what you want but this is still the most free country in the world

This is the ignorance that person was talking about and the conditioning i was talking about.

The USA does not have anywhere near the highest standard of living in the world.

The USA does not have anywhere near the highest social and political freedoms in the world.

The USA does not have the highest economic freedoms in the world. Click

The USA does not have anywhere near the highest sexual and racial equality. Click
Etc, Etc, Etc

There are dozens of other countries that are statistically better in regards 'freedom, liberties, standard of living' etc but the people from these countries don't go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by BAZ752

Originally posted by SFwife
Everyone hates America UNTIL They need help/money .Funny how that works

Should we take that as a tongue and cheek comment?

If not, then this only serves to reinforce why America isn't very popular with some, NOT ALL, but some people.

Yes, it does seem that Americans go out of their way to be obnoxious to the rest of the world. It comes about because they are told America is the end-all-be-all of countries and the rest of the world is envious of Americans.

Of course this simply isn't true but try telling that to an American who hasn't been outside the borders of their country.

It is what it is, America has grown into an inflexible and hard-hearted institution no longer capable of growing and adapting for its own good. Little wonder the country is failing. It has to.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by argilla11]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:28 AM
Stuff like this doesn't help America's case:

Its hard to believe that you are free when you can't smoke where you want, can't get a beer until you're 21 and the government you voted for does the awful things it does while you all sit on your hands going "its the government everyone hates, not me". And before anyone says anything about the most recent election (something that has changed the minds of a lot of people around the world regarding America. In a good way.) its the election in 2000 that no one did anything about that most of us foreigners were p****d off about.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by argilla11

Originally posted by BAZ752

Originally posted by SFwife
Everyone hates America UNTIL They need help/money .Funny how that works

Should we take that as a tongue and cheek comment?

If not, then this only serves to reinforce why America isn't very popular with some, NOT ALL, but some people.

Yes, it does seem that Americans go out of their way to be obnoxious to the rest of the world. It comes about because they are told America is the end-all-be-all of countries and the rest of the world is envious of Americans.

Of course this simply isn't true but try telling that to an American who hasn't been outside the borders of their country.

It is what it is, America has grown into an inflexible and hard-hearted institution no longer capable of growing and adapting for its own good. Little wonder the country is failing. It has to.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by argilla11]

To quote you an example, a former colleague and good friend cycled C2C (Coast to Coast) across USA back in June 2007. He has nothing but praise for the American people that he met. However, what he was disheartened by was the sheer level of poverty and deprovision he encountered on his journey across the central states. Arguably, you could suggest that his route was not the most favourable, but during a good few weeks of preparation he chose those more familiar, established routes.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by BAZ752]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Reply to Jonathan

Sorry man if you fell offended.
If of course everything is available in the US, it's the use of things that might not be appropriate.
Also, please note that many other countries, including the one I live in are full of the same defaults.
Thing is Education standards in the US are just not comparable to Europe..
Why is it most people in the US can't pinpoint a country on a map?
I've been to some remote villages in India where guys would immediately know where I was from and would ask relevant info.

Another thing....In many posts on this site I noticed a lot americans complaining they were fooled by their media and that they looked to foreign media to get info about things happening in their own country....
(How can that be....I

Having been to America a few times, I fully understand my comments do not apply to everyone over there. In fact the problem is that many well educated are dismissed as being "traitors to the nation" for making sensible comments on the state of their nation...

Last thing...We would all like to see America be what it's supposed to be, not a "fake Disneyland" that barricades itself from the people of the world....(check out the thread abut the right to food for example)...Only you guys can change it. Oh and if you're on ATS I guess you can take a bit of criticism on your "wonderful and free" country, and that probably you dont consider yourself a foolish american....


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:38 AM
here is my 2 cents on the whole propaganda usa brainwashed yada yada.
if we opened our borders we would be overwhelmed by people from all over the world that would want to come and live here. sorry i don't think you could say the same for russia or china. we don't have to be brainwashed, we have all grown up around people of all colors that come to our country for a better life and they usually do end up having a better life. i do feel lucky to live in this country even though i know we are not perfect.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by resistancia

Look i'm not going to flame you, i'm just saying that i'm an american and i know no one like the american you describe, maybe and probably there are some out there, but i haven't even come across them and that means that they are very few and far between.

now i do feel for you when you say your being bombarded with american things, i've been to a few countries and there are a lot of american things in other countries. but it's not the american peoples fault, okay? just blame the government from now on and not the people, the politicians are the ones you should be mad at, we americans aren't very happy with our government either.
this isn't a flame okay? just tellin' ya how it is.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Look the american people aren't idiots or ignorant, we know that are country's in trouble and has problems - just like all countries in the world - and we know that there are countries out in the world that are just as good or even better than ours. but we also know that are country -even with it's problems - is good.
and just like ANYBODY in their country we're proud to live here. we don't go on and on about how 'good' and 'great' our country is, that's only the dumb nuts out there, and all countries have them. if your going to take those meager amount of people and loop all americans with them, then YOUR the ignorant, idiotic one.

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