"Denying Satan exists gives him full power." Wow, and you say I make understatements.
"That`s like saying, if I take my foot off the accelerator of my car, it will go full power. Gee, the last time I knew, if you take something away,
it gets less and less. Now.........who`s teaching the crap?"
*****A car isn't planning your destruction and orchestrating a world revolution smart guy. A car doesn't think, Satan does.
"No, it`s the Christ we seek, not Jesus the man. Christ is the energy/consciousness of God that Jesus brought with him into that life. And that is
what he taught, we have that within us if we seek it. It is that part of God that lives within each of us. The energy that is life."
*****Oh bull. Stop lying to these people. This is the Oprah, New Age Religion, dogma. Nothing more than Dr. Feelgood, and exaulting man to lead
from truth. He didn't teach what you are saying. The Bible tells us what he taught, and I have no idea which Jesus you are talking about. The
one you are speaking about comes from another book.
"We can't save ourselves. Nowhere is it written that this is true. Only through Jesus Christ"
So, when Jesus said 'you need to first forgive yourself", he was just kidding, right?
*****We forgive ourselves so that this won't hold us back from seeking his redemption and salvation. My friend, you won't win using the spins.
You want truth....here you go.....
Read through before hitting the video..................................then if you are interested in the video or scanning it, here it is.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency,
first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks will deprive the people of all property
until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
~~~Thomas Jefferson~~~
This is a very interesting video. It ties some things together that I had suspected. Okay, reference the Thomas Jefferson Quote. This was the
real Thomas Jefferson. In spite of his stance, later in 1790's after the Revolutionary war Adam Weishaupt, must have seen Thomas Jefferson the
easier one to turn or whatever reason, he put the squeeze on TJ. I know that all were Masons. However, not all knew about the world conspiracy.
John Robison, wrote, "The Proofs Of a Conspiracy" in 1798. George Washington and John Adams became acutely aware of the cancer that was spreading
to actually destroy the very Constitution that they had just written. He, [GW] had turned down an offer by the Masons to take a high position. He
did not trust the Jacobins. He was also disappointing with Thomas Jeffererson for protecting and working with Adam Weishaupt, an Illuminist.
Weishaupt designed the plan, and he was a Luciferian, Masons and laid the plan for the Iluminati, retained by the Rothschilds. GW died in 1799,
maybe natural causes and then begin the establishment of the second trigger for the next war, slavery. This was the purpose of slavery in the first
place to be a trigger for a civil war that the Rothschilds would engineer and during this "civil war" the Europeans would invade and take over.
So, they implanted into the southern culture, slavery to be used as the trigger for a civil war generations later. In 1850, it was time, they
planned our civil war. Rothschilds funded both sides of our civil war, Europeans joined both sides as allies with different countries taking sides.
Opppppps, the Tsar sends troops to NY Harbor to aid Lincoln. This spoiled the European invasion because the Tsar of Russia knew about the plot.
The Rothschild vowed revenge and got it in the planned Russian revolution and the assassination of the Russian Czar later in the 1900's. How do I
know this, well, Wall Street funded Lenin, Bolsheviks and later Hitler. Worked out beautifully. Albert Pike passed the document provided by
Clinton Roosevelt, 1841 to Karl Marx, who rewrote the document and called it the "Communist Manifesto"....1848. Reference the lie in our history
books that Karl Marx and Engels wrote it. bull.......Clinton Roosevelt, ancestor to another U.S. Traitor, FDR, WWII, obtained the root document from
Mazzini, [organizer of the MAFIA in the 1890's] who got the document from none other than............Adam Weishaupt who died in the 1830s, via the
Masons link. It was all a perfectly planned set up taking generations to plan and put bring into fruition. The same plan that we are living today
with the failing banks, bailout, war in Iraq......war against terror all of this is just the same plan that is carried by the 13 Illuminati famlies as
a family tradition and goal. All of this is supported by irrefutable historical proof that no university History or Political Science professor
could refute.
Now, Back to the video. Naomi Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar. The Rhodes scholarship program was specifically designed to train its receiptents for a
global agenda. Our man Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. They are essentially manchurian candidates. In short, these people that pretend to be
patriots talking about the US becoming a facist state is right. They are fulfilling the same plan that Adam Weishaupt set forth long ago to bring us
into a One World Government except many generations later. How? They use the Masons, Vatican, Zionism or anti-semite as covers. The Christian
Zionist are handing the Christian side to keep them in line. The Charasmatic movement was also designed to slow down the committment to Jesus Christ
as a personal savior in a very clever manner using Christian rock music and evangelicals to turn believers in the right time to the new age movement.
In any case back to the Wolf; these manchurian candidates tell just enough truth about the government to disgust the public about the government
that they will accept the next best thing, A UN DICTATORSHIP and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT sold as the perfect plan for peace.......A BIG LIE.
Trace any step here, as I have shortened it, and you will find it all is linked completely. They create depressions, wars, revolutions,
assassinations, inflations, recessions like a music conductor. How? Masons, Vatican, Zionism, Counsel on Foreign Relations [invite only], Trilateral
Commission, Counsel of the 13, Committee of the 300, RIIA in England, Bank of England, Round Table discussion groups, Iron Mountain Commission 1963,
the list goes and goes........all under the control of Lucifer.......as its the same 13 families that are pulling the strings. I can promise you
that they will fail. Jesus Christ will return and the supernatural part of this plan will be made manifest.
Sorry, got on a roll but this is a complicated situation we are all in...............
PS there does remain one question...............or one possibility about the authors. Do they know that they are being used, or are they unaware of
the Illuminati conspiracy and are being allowed to bring this to the surface without knowing the role they are playing. Do they believe that they are
serving a greater good by participating? This is how the CFR, masons, and all the others work. Its like peeling an onion of awareness one layer
not knowing what the next layer knows.......