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Warships from several Nations in Gulf of Aden

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posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:44 PM
I dont keep up with Naval deployments from the US much less any other country so Im not sure how rare it is to have so many warships from so many different Nations, some of which are enemies, in such a small area, (in Naval terms at least)

A warship from Iran just entered the area, China has announced that they may send their Navy there and Russian ships are already there as well.
It seems good that so many Nations have come together and are finally doing something about the piracy issue but I cant help to wonder what the tension is going to be like out there since not all of these ships belong to allied Nations.
Im sure the Somali pirates are thinking the same thing and would be looking for any opportunity they could to cause some type of "accident" and create an international incident to deflect the attention away from them.
I dont think theres anything to really worry about and im not fear-mongering here but its worth paying some attention to.


Iran has sent a warship to the Gulf of Aden to protect its merchant shipping from attacks by Somali pirates, Iranian state media has reported. Pirates have attacked more than 100 ships, including two Iranian vessels, in the gulf in the past year and at least 15 are still being held. Several countries now have naval forces operating in the region. Iranian officials said their ships would be prepared to use force against the pirates if necessary. "After travelling more than 4,000 maritime miles an Iranian warship entered the Gulf of Aden to protect Iranian ships against pirates," said the radio report, but gave no further details. An unnamed official said the gulf was an international area and that Iran's armed forces would "carry out any decision made by their superiors". The Iranian force joins ships from the EU, US, India, Russia, Malaysia and others which are already patrolling in the area

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:55 AM
There is absolutely something more going on here.

I can hardly imagine so many nations would send warships to battle some drifter pirates off the Somali coast.
From what I've read, China's warships haven't left the Chinese coast since 1979. I doubt this is the most important naval mission China has felt the necessity of embarking upon in 30 years...
93% of all naval cargo ships around the world are stopped in their tracks because of local Somali pirates?? I don't think so.

Check out this article outlining the "TRUTH" behind what might be going on in the Gulf of Aden:

We definitely NEED to keep an eye on this,
Thanks for the post.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:39 AM
This is not a standard naval operation. As I understand it, there is a large Stargate that has opened in this area.

I quote from one source, this is an...""anomaly" described as coming out of the seabed and creating a vortex with suspended 'metallic rings' which we know to be part of an ancient stargate technology that has been dormant for aeons of time and has now self-activated and punched a hole in the atmosphere that has not diminished for several weeks...long, cigar-shaped silver starcraft are momentarily decloaking as they come through that interdimensional stargate. I believe they are part of Lord Anton's Silver Fleet coming from the higher dimensions of the Agartha Network from within the Inner Earth."

This is part of a process whereby we are being assisted by higher-dimensional beings, who are bringing their "craft" around, into, and onto this planet to help us progress spiritually to the next level.

I have seen Sorcha Faal's articles ( which are more fear-based articles, written as if we need to "defend" ourselves and "battle" these "invaders". Nothing could be further from the truth. These beings, with their highly advanced technologies, are here to work with us and help us. And most certainly, with their advanced technology, if their intent WERE destructive, we would have been creamed a long time ago!

Check some of the posts on, esp. the Mark Huber (Mark H) postings, or

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:04 AM
It does seem suspicious that so called enemies are suddenly working together for a little pirate group.

There was another thread about this subject a few weeks ago.
Search for 'Gulf of Aden'.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:38 AM
Yup!, Turkey also dispatched a warship there just yesterday...

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

People need to stop posting links for Sorcha Faal.

It does not get anybody anywhere.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by pazcat]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Check out this article outlining the "TRUTH" behind what might be going on in the Gulf of Aden:

You must have missed this bit [i["World Shipping Comes To Halt As Global Navies Prepare For ‘Unprecedented’ Confrontation

By: Sorcha Faal"

so it is just a load of garbage

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Check out this article outlining the "TRUTH" behind what might be going on in the Gulf of Aden:

is there any truth in this?

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:53 AM
well, whatever it is, I don't think it is as important as the relief efforts going on in haiti, since they had one group heading there on their regular scheduled deployment and then diverted it to haiti....

I find it interesting though....ya, our ships have been patrolling that area for quite some time now looking for the pirates, but well, I see Yemen right in there also....
Yemen, isn't that where the most recent terrorist trained at??

but, I think that if we were being invaded by an alien force, they wouldn't have diverted ships that were already on the way there to help an island of people who have been known to fire cannon balls at their ships.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by dawnstar]

[edit on 2-2-2010 by dawnstar]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:02 AM
I doubt it's even relevant anymore

Check the post date

posted on 21/12/08

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
A warship from Iran just entered the area, China has announced that they may send their Navy there and Russian ships are already there as well.
It seems good that so many Nations have come together and are finally doing something about the piracy issue but I cant help to wonder what the tension is going to be like out there since not all of these ships belong to allied Nations.
Im sure the Somali pirates are thinking the same thing and would be looking for any opportunity they could to cause some type of "accident" and create an international incident to deflect the attention away from them.
I dont think theres anything to really worry about and im not fear-mongering here but its worth paying some attention to.

Iran has provided ships for some time to assist the flow of oil traffic passing through area whilst transporting crude between their Southern ports as well as sites suchs as the Saudi Oil port of Yenbo. The Iranian state oil company NITC has Iranian troops stationed on the ships for protection.

China has been independently escorting vessels along the corridor for over a year and those merchant ships are usually hold a Chinese flag.

The Russians have stationed the Admiral Panteleyev and associated support vessels have been in the area for some time and operate in the same way as the Chinese.

The flow of piracy has now moved to the Somali Basin, off the easter Somali coast, but due to the fact that trade is free flowing to the western nations interest in tackling this area is minimal.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 09:40 AM
Piracy can ONLY exist when there is GOVERNMENT COLLUSION. This is a fact. In the Golden Age of Piracy all pirates were working hand in glove with local Lieutenant Governors and Ambassadors appointed by the King. This is how they eventually stopped it.

Just think about it: what do these pirates DO with their ill-gotten gains? How do they get rid of it? It would be easy as pie to catch them if they didn't have partners in crime on land. Why isn't this stopped? Because they are all IN ON IT.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by CaptChaos
Piracy can ONLY exist when there is GOVERNMENT COLLUSION. This is a fact. In the Golden Age of Piracy all pirates were working hand in glove with local Lieutenant Governors and Ambassadors appointed by the King.

Seems so

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Just off the top of my ATS conspiracy memory, there is suppose to be a Star-gate in the Gulf of Aden that opened up on January 5, 2010. I say opened up and not discovered because the anomaly was initially discovered in 2008 as a magnetic anomaly just above the water causing a disturbance in the water. This initial observation changed when the anomaly opened up a few weeks ago in January.

The Pirates have been used ever since it was discovered to act as a for hire mercenary security force to keep everyone away. In such a manner, no one nation would have to explain why they don't want anyone in the Gulf of Aden. Instead the media would be reporting on Pirates and ransoms which from media coverage has been very successful. The Pirates must have a free reign to do whatever they need to to keep all away and out of the area and so far they have been a great tool to help deceive the masses.

So much of what has happened since late August 2008 that has been done to keep attention away from the Gulf of Aden and to ensure that no media coverage covers any of the conspiratorial rumors coming from the region or from the US Coast Guard witnesses that have informed the public to what was seen while on duty in that area.

I find it odd in a weird way that the Christmas bomber was from Yemen and it was to be used to justify the use of military in Yemen for the excuse of fighting terrorism and Muslim ideology. This excuse is a cover and all of it tends to support the rumors that something big is going on in the Gulf of Aden and the show of navies from all over the world states that something is up.

If the nations participating are working in a mutual cooperative interest then of course no nation participating will comment on the issue because they are players in a game of secrets. If on the other hand the armadas in the Gulf of Aden and all the contrived false flag diaper bombers are supposedly to justify Americas' move to Yemen, then the act of moving troops and Navy forces to Yemen and other parts in the Middle East could imply a need to fight for what has been revealed as a Star-Gate.

The show of force from all the nations involved could imply that control over the site may not be settled. Conflict could ensue over control of secrets the elite do not want the public to be aware of. This could explain the build up of military but it does not explain why if a legitimate terrorist reason existed why Obama would instead use a diaper bomber to help justify military action in Yemen.

While all the posturing and deception coming from all nations is of a concern to the average citizen, it would be prudent to keep the Gulf of Aden in mind whenever we hear all the propaganda to expand wars into Iran and other areas of the Middle East. The added fact that I just read that Iran is rushing Navy to that area implies a fight for control over technology and disclosure to the world.

Sooner or later this area of the world will no doubt show the world why there are so many Navy ships from different nations in the Gulf of Aden. If it helps push Disclosure to the forefront, then I am all for it. If what is going on in the Gulf of Aden is just more elite efforts to keep us from Disclosure and Alien life forms then I hope their efforts fail.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by mortje

On a Warship / Aircraft Carrier is the very last place I would want to be if something kicked off!

You are literally a sitting duck and anything like a torpedo, missile launched from a fighter even hundreds of miles away or from the land could take you out.

Very silly place to be I am afraid, count me out on this one!

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Do you have any links to the Stargate bit being there because I am really excited at the prospect of this etc.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 02:38 PM
Richard Reid, the 'shoe bomber', was from the UK and you do not see any international fleet heading up the Thames. There is a massive case of seeing what isnt there with this theory.

The pirate issue started for a small scale criminal venture and led to the wide scale issue now due the high rewards and virtually zero punishments especially when confronted by an apathetic foreign Naval force who do not want to deal with the asylum case and can not engage due to sever 'rules of engagment'.

As Obi Wan Kenobi said: 'There is nothing to see here'.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by The_Archangel
As Obi Wan Kenobi said: 'There is nothing to see here'.

and the more you keep saying that, the more I ask myself "Whats there?"

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Bagatell
and the more you keep saying that, the more I ask myself "Whats there?"

Each to there own, my friend, but I do not understand that logic. I can speak from experiance, as I am in the GoA at the moment and can assure you that the figures on naval ships is wrong. As for Stargates and any possible, geopolitical agenda, I am not sure but trust me when I say that what I say is true.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 04:13 PM
There is another thread with the same topic which I have also posted this into.

Here is 2 screen shots I took of the royalnavys web site. this is a map of the locations of some of there ships. you can click on each ship and it will tell you all about it.

one thing i must say is that yesturday when I looked at the map there were 3 ships further up the Gulf of aden, but now they arnt there. strange as Im sure it would take more than 24 hours for the ships to have relocated.

Royal Navy Map


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