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been on an island for 10 years, what happened?

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:44 AM
Ok Ok theres like 30 planes wait...theres like 52 planes and a giant ufo mothership....and there are these two buildings that disappear into the 1000 floors wait...2000 floors im standing outside of the south street seaport mall...when i hear this giant ufo mothership say over a loudspeaker....attack the buildings....the juggler doing a juggling routine just outside the mall got so shocked he dropped like 67 knives all on fire.... they dont know if the cause of death was a stabbing or burnt to these planes make a rush for the buildings...and than you hear BOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!....they crash right into the buildings.....and the ufo woshhhhhhhhessssssss away into the stratosphere........there is smoke and fog and a midget running around yelling...the plane the plane!!!!!....i hid under a paper bag for protection u know....than the buildings came crashing down....BOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! followed by another BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!......than grrrbrrrrrrr...that was me farting...i just had a meatball sandwich.....and than later on you see the president on TV teaching some kids at a school how to read...which is the conspiracy theory that went around at the time...because he dosent know how to read....and the look on his face when they told was like he could see the oil reserves in iraq...thats a country in south America....what a horrible day...i didnt get home for took me 3 years to trek home....but i followed this yellow brick road and finally made it.......

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Moose Head]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by guinnessford

If this was the case I would ask if that Island was the states.

Id also asked when you chose to turn the television off.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:29 AM
Hawkeye said it best on an episode of M*A*S*H,

They want our indoor plumbing and they are willing to take it by force.

We will never know the actual reasons WHY things happened that day, WHAT was in the buildings, or WHO ALL was really involved.....

343, you will never be forgotten.....


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by king9072

Originally posted by expatwhite
reply to post by king9072

Mood: Probably drunk

Keep on rockin in the free world buddy, your my new hero, not foe.

No problem, im good with that. I have a stinking hangover and cant wait for 5PM tonight as im bang on it again, the only way to stay feeling good is to never sober up

I love christmas time, its a perfect excuse to smash the granny out of crates of stella artois

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by expatwhite

When I first looked up "Muppetry" on google it came up with a link to Sonya's first post, after some searching I managed to find this -

Muppetry - An individual, or group of people collectively behaving in a muppet-like fashion.

Waka Waka

"Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself! " Confucius

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:49 AM
On Sept. 11th 2001, four planes were ellegedly hijacked. Two were expertly flown into each tower of the World Trade Centre, one into the pentagon, and the fourth crashed in rural Pennsylvania. All passengers were killed and many others in the buildings.
The towers of the WTC came crashing down shortly after, witnesses reported explosions within, and many likened their fall to a controlled demolition.

Shortly after, another building, WT7, collapsed. Officially this was due to fire, although it has been noted that this is extremely unlikely. Larry Silverstein, controller of the complex, has been shown on camera stating that he advised the attending crews to "Pull It".
In addition, the BBC reported that it had collapsed live on air, while the building is seen to be still standing over the shoulder of the reporter.
It collapsed some 20 minutes later.

The terrorist attack was blamed on a Muslim organisation named as Al-Qaeda, reportedly headed by Osama Binladen.

In the following years, much evidence has come to light to suggest that all is not as it seems.
WTC 1 + 2 collapsed at free fall speed, which many suggest is impossible unless no resistance was encountered from the floors beneath (controlled demolition).
Witnesses reported hearing repeated explosions, damage to the foyer areas and even experienced explosions within the basement.
A passport was found in the street and used as evidence of an individuals involvement. This passport somehow managed to survive the impact, explosion and collapse, even when everything within the buildings was "vaporized". The person depicted by the media in this passport also came forward to say that he was alive, was not involved in the attack, and has no idea how a passport depicting him was found in NY.

On November 18, 1997, Operation Northwoods was declassified. Written by the Department of Defense, the document details the suggestion by senior military officials that attacks should be staged on American soil to encourage popular support for action against Cuba in the 1960's.
The document detailed many things, suggesting that various government departments be involved in a coordinated effort to first attack American citizens, blame said attacks on an enemy, and gain support for retaliation.

Many have likened this Operation to what happened on Sept. 11th 2001, and suggest that this plan was utilized several times since its conception to gain the support of the American people to act against other nations.

Since Sept. 11th 2001, the American military has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.
The US government has also restricted the freedom of its own people through the use of draconian laws likened to that of a controlling dictatorship. They now are able to arrest, detain and hold indefinitely any citizen of Earth without proposing a charge.
Most Americans do not understand what has happened to their own country. Very few argue against such restrictions of freedom because they are under the belief that these changes will protect them from future attack.

It has also been suggested that the investigations carried out into the Sept. 11th 2001 attacks were limited, non-committal and even controlled to meet the requirements of the government. Many vital issues and suspicious questions were not answered or were completely ignored.

To this date, there are many who believe that the attacks were the work of the US Government. Their refusal to confront various obvious flaws in the proposed scenario of what happened are routinely ignored and those proposing these questions often face ridicule and even insult from senior officials, the media and the public.
A person is often deemed to be "Un-American" and "Un-Patriotic" for raising such concerns.

Many in the international community, however, are not restricted by the American media in their knowledge and the resulting questions. Many millions also believe that there are extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding the attacks.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:42 AM
i was hoping cashlink would stop by here. and as far as sonias post, i did ask for all sides. i dont like butterscotch pudding, so does that mean you shouldnt have it? everyone is entitled to there view here. and thats why it tookso long for me to think of a topic that would be ambiguous(sp?) there are alot of views here. and i welcome them all because i dont have a conclusion as to what happened, and figured this would be a good way to get alot of collective thoughts together.still waiting for ashamedamerican and jthomas to put some wisdom here. and come on people. lets not beat each other up. i dont find anything about 9-11 funny. but a little levity and futility is nice once in a while. and the island? i woulda freakin ran back! or swam! this place honestly, and truly does scare the crap out of me. and im more afraid for my kids. and havent figured out to tell em yet, but thats another thread, right? keep on it. tell me more! youve ALL done a great job explaining it. moosehead was terrific.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:37 AM
and from the statement "has there been any terrorist activity since?" it would be the equivelent of selling you dragon repellent. it works, right? have you seen any dragons lately? imo, that is.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by guinnessford
thought this may be interesting, and would get some REALLY good replies to this, from alot of the smarter, more knowledgable members. lets say i just came back from being on a deserted island for 10 years, and missed it all. could someone sum this whole 9-11 thing up for me? and id love to hear from all three sides of this story, please!

Yeah. If you value true freedom, untainted from corrupt corporate governments who want to rape and enslave you and those you love of everything you value, I would go back on the island you survived on for 10 years and bring the ones you love to finish your existence as close and happy to God and nature as you could possibley get.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:34 AM
I would recommend going back to the island...

...can I come with you?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

Sonya you are entitled to your opinion of course. But me personally, no matter how much Id like to believe the "offical" version of events like those which you have mentioned, know without any doubt in my mind, that the whole thing stinks to the high heavens. Everything stinks! from how the attacks could actually happen in the first place all the way to how the attacks ended up being investigated and all the stinky bits inbetween.

There can only be 2 logical conclusions
1. The attacks were allowed to happen to allow the real people in charge of the government (NWO) to implement their dire plans.
2. The attacks were in fact orchestrated by the military industrial complex.

If you cannot even fathom the possiblity of the above been actually true, then good for you. The fact that the above is quite possible and more than likely true is what turns my stomach. I for 1 do not buy the offical story or the fringe conspiracies or any of the dis-info. But I do buy into the fact that it STINKS of lies on top or more STINKY lies.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:06 AM
in defense of sonia, if its not implausible for us to believe that were being lied to, why is it not fathomable that were not? and believe me, if i had access to the ignorance is bliss island, id take you all there.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by king9072Please tell me this was a joke? If it wasn't, your likely the most brain-washed person on this entire forum :S

Oh, I thought the Op was asking for everyones personal opinions. You don't like mine so you call me brainwashed. Personally I would think many of the folks here that buy into a lot of THESE theories are brain washed, or are just afraid to disagree with other posters.

I honestly believe Bin Laden is a heck of a lot smarter than the entire Bush administration combined. If the administration could have planned 9/11 and had it go off so well, then why have they fd up every other thing they tried to do? Even if they MEANT to ruin the country, if they were that brilliant they would not end up looking like the idiots that they are. They could have done all this and STILL managed to convince everyone the WMD existed.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by Sonya610]

Once again I must state that George Bush is NOT INCOMPETENT, HE IS NOT AN IDIOT. HE IS ACTING:

Seriously, all of Texas has got to be confused by Bush's "stupid act" if you would actually look for footage of Bush when he ran for, and was, Governor of Texas, you will get to see a very different man.

The Bush Administration, like ALL OF OUR ADMINISTRATIONS works for the Federal Reserve, they are puppets of International Bankers.

HISTORY is a beautiful thing.

And no, the people who "buy into" these "theories" are not "brainwashed" because being able to analyze evidence, and being able to take an objective look at the Official Report of 9/11 does not make a person "brainwashed." But, regurgitating facts like you have memorized the 9/11 Commission Report, is in fact "brainwashed."

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 01:36 PM
excellent point. diving further down the rabbit hole we go.....

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 01:54 PM
In the last 10 years, the world has become a sadder and scarier place.

On 9/11/2001, somebody killed a lot of people and demolished the World Trade Center towers.

The subsequent 'investigation' into what happened and who did it would have any reputable crime solving unit cringing in shame and important people resigning under clouds of suspicion. Seven years later, we still don't have answers that make sense, or much in the way of closure, since the guy who supposedly masterminded the whole thing is still camped out in some mountains, having managed for seven years to evade the entire US military, our intelligence, and our satellites. Go team.

Meanwhile, the U. S. government has taken the opportunity to place additional restrictions and surveillance on U. S. citizens, give themselves a lot more "emergency" powers, and take away more of our basic and/or constitutional rights. After watching the towers burn and fall on TV and hearing the mounting death tolls, many Americans are apparently so scared that all you have to do is say "terrorist!" and they'll agree to anything you want. Kinda like threatening to take away a 3 year old's night light and open the closet door. "No, no Daddy! I'll be good, I promise!!"

A lot of fingers are being pointed in a lot of directions, and there's an unbelievable amount of name calling and he said she said BS going on. A lot of people seem to be more interested in being RIGHT than in finding out the truth about how and why 2,751 people died.

As if the US vs. THEM mentality in the US weren't bad enough already (republican vs. democrat, rich vs. poor, East vs. West, etc. etc.) we now have various groups of 9/11 "truthers" and debunkers calling each other out and apparently convinced that those of us who remain undecided will be swayed by whichever group can make the most "noise" or come up with the most clever insults for the opposing groups.

The presidential election was a joke, as usual, with anyone who might have actually stood up and made a difference getting eliminated early on during the party candidate selections, and by the time the public election rolled around there wasn't really anyone left worth voting for. It felt like being asked to choose between Ken and G.I. Joe as if the future depended on my choice.

Basically, all I can tell you is we're still headed the same place, we're still in this handbasket, and I STILL haven't been able to figure out who's actually steering. Welcome back, and good luck - you'll need it.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:34 PM
thank you, heike. very well put. and obviously in the undecided boat with me. i do believe 95 pct of the stories are possible. and i believe mooseheads story is more concievable than most of the official govt stories. three sides of the story represent the truth, the half truths, and the lies. depending on what you believe, youll have some or all. now can anyone tell me what the patriot act is? im kinda catchin up on the 9-11 thing i missed. and thank you all for playing along. i think im getting more straight fwd info and opinions thru this link than i have in the past few years. and how about loose change and zeitgeist, since i got back from my island, i got a dvd player and im wondering what movies may have some more info to take in? ans sorry for mispelling your name, sonya. wasnt intentional, and even though your views dont match mine, or some others, please dont go away. stay and talk for a while. dont try to convince me to change my mind though. im irish, and wouldnt tell you if i did!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:05 PM
Ok people, the reason jthomas, and pinch, are not in here yet, is there really hasn’t been anyone in here supporting the Government lies. Until then we will wait for some one to come in here to drop their venom. Then you will see the mud slinging.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:09 PM
i hope you dont mind, cashlink but i added you as a friend, because i value your opinions and views. im welcoming everyone, on all sides. but hey, maybe this thread is too loose for them and theyd rather spend more time showing their point of view to more people. so be it. i do think im on to something here, an "open" thread, where its not really taking a side. since im real new here, im open to suggestions if im doing anything wrong, or offending anyone. so please, keep all this good stuff coming!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

I honestly believe Bin Laden is a heck of a lot smarter than the entire Bush administration combined. If the administration could have planned 9/11 and had it go off so well, then why have they fd up every other thing they tried to do? Even if they MEANT to ruin the country, if they were that brilliant they would not end up looking like the idiots that they are. They could have done all this and STILL managed to convince everyone the WMD existed.

If there was a conspiracy behind 9/11, I doubt the official administration had anything to do with it. I think it would be intelligence or para-military, shadow govt type entities.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by guinnessford

No, I do not think you are offending anyone in here. The problem we have in the 911 threads is we have people who do not believe in the Government lies like me, then we have some people who are in the middle when it comes to 911, these people are still trying to grasp that maybe the Government may have known something, but still have strong doubt they were involved. Then you have the third party in these 911 threads that venomously support the Government lies. We all know who some of these supporters are .

[edit on 12/19/2008 by cashlink]

[edit on 12/19/2008 by cashlink]

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