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been on an island for 10 years, what happened?

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 08:28 PM
Umm, where is this Island anyways?? ( looking up flight information.......)

The world has faltered and the Jig is up.......

The political Urination contest continues on schedule.....

Everyone is in CMA mode since 911 happened.

we got caught with OUR pants down, and took one in the curly hairs

The upside is we are now a bloodthirsty bunch...................

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:03 PM
If you've been on an island for 10 years and don't know about any of this....

Where is your island, how do you get back there, and can you take me with you?

Now would be about a good time.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:29 PM

About the note on Bin Laden having been contacted by the CIA while in a hospital in Dubai, this bit is not mentioned: (From same source.)

("The American hospital in Dubai emphatically denied that Bin Laden was a patient there.

Washington last night also denied the story.")

So, you only pick what you want to believe from any story?

[edit on 18-12-2008 by rush969]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Well governments have been known to deny things..the US government is probably the biggest one of em all.

People need to stop and just take a good look around and note whats happening now and what has occured the last 8 years, and even byond that if you can...if is your friend.

Now taking all of that into account...can anyone honestly believe, and feel confident...that we have been told absolute truth about everything and never once ever told a lie or misleading story?

If you can be honest with yourself in answering that question, and not later begin to actually think about it, and wonder, then your doing ok.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:48 PM
My congratulations to Sonya. Quite a good summary IMO.
I would like to contribute a little bit on Osama Bin Laden:

During the russian ocupation of Afghanistan, OBL joined the rebel forces of the mujahadin to fight the invaders. As a consequence of this action he was disowned by his father. Although he was already a very wealthy man he broke ties with his family. The U.S. was interested in helping the afghan resistance against the russians and provided equipment, and resources to some groups, but OBL didn´t want to know anything about the americans. (The infidels to him.)
It´s been documented that OBL rejected any asociation with any american related agency, fund, or institution in his jihad on the russian invading troops. In fact the CIA attempted to make contact with him to offer help on his fight against the russians and there´s actually an anecdote that he threatened the CIA agent that contacted him, and said, if I ever see you again, I will personally kill you on the spot!! Further, it´s been documented that he declared a jihad on the U.S. after military instalations were placed on Saudi Arabian soil, during the defense of Kuwait. (When Sadam H. invaded that country.) This to him (infidels in holy land) was the greatest insult to muslims and all infidels had to die.)

It is as a result of this jihad on America that OBL put up his organization of Al Kaeda and he received help and sanctuary from the Afghan Taliban government. He started training operatives (terrorists) in facilities hidden in that country. Some were attacked by the Clinton admin.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by rush969
("The American hospital in Dubai emphatically denied that Bin Laden was a patient there.

Washington last night also denied the story.")

Hey Rush, if the story were actually true, do you think "Washington" would actually confirm it?

If conspiracy theorists are paranoid, then anyone who thinks Washington wouldn't lie about that is naive.

If anything, the whole issue is still unresolved as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I think it would be easy to see after being isolated for 10 years... you would look around and say, "This isn't the same world... so who is benefiting?"

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by king9072

could it not be you who is brainwashed into beleiving your government is evil?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:37 PM

been on an island for 10 years, what happened

Nobody really knows, in fact it is said we know more about what happened to the Titanic than what happened to the twin towers on 9/11. Even though no one ever saw what happened to the titanic.

It was just like pearl harbor, but completely different! Basically 9/11 was a mash up of events like a the downing of TWA800, the OKC bombing, JFK, The Titanic, Hindenburg, pearl harbor, WACO and the moon landing all rolled into one 'spectacular' day of 'terrorism' with some extra nuts of deception thrown in for good measure. Politics and 9/11 seem to go hand in hand too, as a day doesn't seem to pass without it getting a mention.

If there is one video to check out, watch 9/11 revisited to learn more.

Google Video Link

[edit on 18-12-2008 by Insolubrious]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by rush969

But the immediate response (not mine) to this is that, in unfavorable situations, the evil American government is always lying, disinforming, or covering something up. They are compulsive liars and must lie. They pull of massively complex schemes that work, are full of thousands of holes, and no one talks.

The media is a great source of information because...NO WAIT, they are all controlled by the government. So we reach a dillema: both commentaries on this story (the government and various media outlets) are not to be trusted. Therefore, do not believe any of it! Make your own twisted reality!

Does not reflect my beliefs but there you are.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:49 AM
For some reason I don't believe you've been on a deserted island for the past 10 years and haven't heard anything about 9/11, however to sum the events up in a nut shell:

The U.S. military declared war and carried out attacks against its own citizens. The mainstream media sold the lies via television using fake images a planes to cover up what was really used to attack the buildings in NYC. Then the military completely leveled the Twin Towers and WTC 7 by the use of explosives. And just as everything else about the events, the government(media) lies to the American people about the actual number of people in the buildings to instill more anger, making it easier to persuade Americans to say yes to two illegal wars.

All the while, Governor George Jr. was pretending he could read to school kids while his daddy was having a gay ol' time with his golfing buddies and wife.

Edit: oh yea, the military also faked two other plane crashes on 9/11. One in Washington D.C. and the other in Shanksville, PA.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Niobis]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
10 years?
Well now we have flying cars,
holographic tv's,
virtual reality,
robot maids
and so much more.

I edited your post.

you forgot to supply links.


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:13 AM
The United States committed a false flag operation, killing over three thousand people. and blamed a foreign Nation, and “lied to the American people and the world. The Bush administration needed a war for several reasons.
1. To build a larger Military.
2. To give reason why Americans need a Homeland Security and implement a bigger Government.
3. 911 = Terrorists and to continue to play the terrorist threats on a daily bases using our sold out media.
4. To rack in the billion of dollars in profits from the contractors like, Halliburton and Brown & Root, who all are tied with the Bush Regime (one, only needs to follow the money in this war!)
5. To destroy the Constitution of the United States!
6. To pass draconian laws such as torture, so we can torture, water board, innocent people to confess to crimes they did not do.( remember our Government needs terrorist to take the blame!)
7. To pass more laws against the American people such as “spying”. Oh, yes my friends the Government is watching YOU to make sure the American people will not revolt against this evil Government.
8. To become the most feared Nation on this planet,. (We are not a peaceful Nation that went out the window when G- Bush and Cheney order the torturing of innocent people.)
This is for starters.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by cashlink
The United States committed a false flag operation, killing over three thousand people. and blamed a foreign Nation, and “lied to the American people and the world. The Bush administration needed a war for several reasons.

No no! They blamed Osama, which was just a citizen of a country, then invaded the country anyway instead of using a democratic process to "bring him to justice"... even though he has to this day never been charged with a crime based on the events of 911.

Then, since the ball was rolling anyways, launched an illegal war into another country. Although the administration offered up 30+ reasons for the invasion, the main one, that they were in search of Weapons of Mass Destruction, is the most bogus. Considering the following two dilemmas, if they did have WMD, then the Americans would had been the ones who sold it to them to begin with. Second, if you want to talk about WMD, lets talk about NUKES! Which the US has the most of, and chemical and biological weapons, or WMD's, well they have the most of those as well.

Perhaps it would be prudent to look in ones backyard for danger, before crossing an entire ocean and some of a continent.

And Sonya, you are a Foe in denying ignorance, you seem to have forgotten the slogan of the site. I still cannot believe that anyone who frequents this site, could have written a response like you wrote, with the most naive and regurgitated propaganda that you heard on CNN. The same people (MSM) who lie to you every single day about whats going on in your life, and in your country, are the people that you trust when believing in the single most historic moment of your country?

I don't know whether to pity you more for that fact, or the fact that you immediately noticed the 'foe' move and had to call it, was your foedar going off? Hah

[edit on 19-12-2008 by king9072]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:43 AM
What Island are you from? I have been trapped on an Island called the USA for almost thirty years now. So really, what happened in a place that is not monitored or harassed by it's government on a daily basis? Was survival difficult? I bet it was easier to survive on your island then it is here.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
10 years?
Well now we have flying cars,
holographic tv's,
virtual reality,
robot maids
and so much more.

I edited your post.

you forgot to supply links.


LOL haha well done... It seems the future is already here, well not quite as advanced I guess.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
If you've been on an island for 10 years and don't know about any of this....

Where is your island, how do you get back there, and can you take me with you?

Now would be about a good time.

I agree. In the last 10 years this place has gone to pot. Between freespeech zones the the news telling sugar does not make kids hyper I am ready to fly,swim, or ride outta here. Take as many as you can back to that island....

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

Star for you. Its good to know not everyone thinks it was some vast conspiracy. We are definitely in the minority on here. Oh wait..... were disinfo agents, I forgot.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by king9072

Sorry, im with Sonja so you might as well add me to your foe list. I think you were downright bloody rude to her when she offered a sensible concise and appropriate response to the OP.

Yours is one of the biggest displays of Muppetry i have seen on here for a long time, the OP asked for all sides, she gave one and you instantly told her she was wrong, ignorant and a believer in proganda? I dont agree with your point of view, so should i accuse you ignoring the boards motto simply because you have a different view to me?

I dont get involved usually with 911 threads simply for this very reason, certain people just cannot be civil on the subject.

This is an open discussion forum where members are encouraged to look at all the evidence, debate it and form opinions. Just because someone has a different opinion to you does not give you the right to be rude and if anyone was in breach of the "deny ignorance" motto im afraid it was you.

Kings, stick me on foe and prefferably on ignore as well, im not interested in your response as you will probably just want to flame. Sonya, i starred your first post and im adding you to my friends, hope that makes up for this nuggets actions

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by expatwhite
reply to post by king9072

Sorry, im with Sonja so you might as well add me to your foe list. I think you were downright bloody rude to her when she offered a sensible concise and appropriate response to the OP.

Yours is one of the biggest displays of Muppetry i have seen on here for a long time, the OP asked for all sides, she gave one and you instantly told her she was wrong, ignorant and a believer in proganda? I dont agree with your point of view, so should i accuse you ignoring the boards motto simply because you have a different view to me?

I dont get involved usually with 911 threads simply for this very reason, certain people just cannot be civil on the subject.

This is an open discussion forum where members are encouraged to look at all the evidence, debate it and form opinions. Just because someone has a different opinion to you does not give you the right to be rude and if anyone was in breach of the "deny ignorance" motto im afraid it was you.

Kings, stick me on foe and prefferably on ignore as well, im not interested in your response as you will probably just want to flame. Sonya, i starred your first post and im adding you to my friends, hope that makes up for this nuggets actions

Mood: Probably drunk

Keep on rockin in the free world buddy, your my new hero, not foe.

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