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The Catholic Church expects 10% of your entire paycheck to "repent your sins".
[edit on 12/19/08 by Yoda411]
I'm sorry, that's as far as I read. We are delusional when you believe that everything that exists today poofed into existence out of nothingness? Right...
Originally posted by Yoda411Evolution is Science, Creationists Delusional
that ok they make perfect sense to everyone else so ill just keep commenting on yours
Originally posted by John Matrix
I'm not going to reply to any of your specific replies because your replies don't make any sense.
umm you can fit it on a standard writable cd
The molecule known as DNA, which is found in the nucleus of each of the 100 trillion cells in our bodies, contains the complete blueprint for the construction of the human body. The information regarding all the characteristics of a person, from physical appearance to the structure of the inner organs, is recorded in DNA within the sequence of four special bases that make up the giant molecule. These bases are known as A, T, G, and C, according to the initial letters of their names. All the structural differences among people depend on variations in the sequences of these letters. In addition to features such as height, and eye, hair and skin colors, the DNA in a single cell also contains the design of the 206 bones, the 600 muscles, the 100 billion nerve cells (neurons), 1.000 trillion connections between the neurons of the brain, 97,000 kilometers of veins, and the 100 trillion cells of the human body. If we were to write down the information coded in DNA, then we would have to compile a giant library consisting of 900 volumes of 500 pages each. But the information this enormous library would hold is encoded inside the DNA molecules in the cell nucleus, which is far smaller than the 1/100th-of-a-millimeter-long cell itself.
guess i was right then yepp talk about one thing jump to a conclusion that has nothing to do with it
Evolution is a "blind faith" based system for explaining life on earth from it's origin to this present day. The mathematical probability for one living cell to have come into existence (over any period of time) as a result of non living particles coming together is utterly absurd....A single human cell is more complex than the space shuttle.....which makes evolution even more absurd.
except no ones hiding it and it uses real evidence
Evolution is a conspiracy and a fraud.
as opposed to bieng so opended minded and only reading thier holy book of choice? or favorite aliesn from the stars did it book?
But the spoon fed masses are too close minded and far too lazy to do their own research so they blindly put their faith in it
even though most of thier money doesnt come from the goverment as they have a habbit of making useful things that they get money for and so self fund
and in the scientists that keep the conspiracy alive in order to collect their gov. funding.
just not the one were in
Intelligent design is evident throughout the universe.
well without a scrap of proof it takes faith how much doesnt matter it requires faith
It takes very little faith to accept that there is a designer/creator behind life on earth.
Originally posted by ALLis0NE
God still exists, he is alive right now, and is the infinite energy inside every atom. God is all energy combined together. All that energy is responsible for the "evolution" of all objects, and IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.
send em a picture and a large sum of money to modify it to conform to natural selction and yes i can ^_^
Originally posted by John Matrix
reply to post by Jadette
Your videos are very funny. Can you produce a naked picture of my wife on your CGI television set through randomly moving around pixels or the random firing of electons? I'll buy one if you can!!
thats funny becaue it doesnt use any of them it uses an algorythm to emulate goal orientated natural selection
I have worked with editing and special effects software for more than 12 yrs. on a professional level. Your demonstration involves very basic editing and CGFX skills.
This time fitness is determined based on a two part mathematical function. It is analogous to an animal's behavior evolving to balance its need to find food and find mates (really can't do both at the same time, well, not effectively) or a seal's flipper evolving to be both good on land and in the sea. Here the function pulls the organisms in two directions.
thats becasue mutation changes its genetics and natural selection kills the organism if those genetic changes make it less fit for its enviroment
Survival of the fittest is one thing, but natural selection cannot develop a species' genetic data;
well thats becasue it also requires speciation events (again already observed many times) the 2 of them together can do and will account for new species when mutations are thrown into the mix
therefore, natural selection cannot be used to account for the emergence of new species.
which just goes to prove how right evolution is, if they ever managed that one we would have to toss the proven theory away becasue we must have gotten it soo wrong
Geneticist have already demonstrated that variations within species is a result of their genetic code. Cows breed and we end up with many different sizes and colors of cows. We never end up with a whale or a giraffe.
Mutations are harmful to a species.
what like those ones above?
No mutations have been observes that are helpful. No mutations demonstrate a species is transforming to another spieces.
Transitional fossils are not found in the fossil record.
to name a few
Transition from primitive jawless fish to sharks, skates, and rays:
Cladoselachians (e.g., Cladoselache).
Hybodonts (e.g. Hybodus)
Heterodonts (e.g. Heterodontus)
Hexanchids (e.g. Chlamydoselache)
Transition from primitive bony fish to holostean fish:
Palaeoniscoids (e.g. Cheirolepis); living chondrosteans such as Polypterus and Calamoichthys, and also the living acipenseroid chondrosteans such as sturgeons and paddlefishes.
Primitive holosteans such as Semionotus.
Transition from holostean fish to advanced teleost fish:
Leptolepidomorphs, esp. Leptolepis, an excellent holostean-teleost intermediate
Elopomorphs, both fossil and living (tarpons, eels)
Clupeomorphs (e.g. Diplomystus)
Osteoglossomorphs (e.g. Portheus)
Transition from primitive bony fish to amphibians:
Paleoniscoids again (e.g. Cheirolepis)
Osteolepis -- one of the earliest crossopterygian lobe-finned fishes, still sharing some characters with the lungfish (the other group of lobe-finned fish). Had paired fins with a leg-like arrangement of bones, and had an early-amphibian-like skull and teeth.
Eusthenopteron (and other rhipidistian crossopterygian fish) -- intermediate between early crossopterygian fish and the earliest amphibians. Skull very amphibian-like. Strong amphibian-like backbone. Fins very like early amphibian feet.
Icthyostegids (such as Icthyostega and Icthyostegopsis) -- Terrestrial amphibians with many of Eusthenopteron's fish features (e.g., the fin rays of the tail were retained). Some debate about whether Icthyostega should be considered a fish or an amphibian; it is an excellent transitional fossil.
Labyrinthodonts (e.g., Pholidogaster, Pteroplax) -- still have some icthyostegid features, but have lost many of the fish features (e.g., the fin rays are gone, vertebrae are stronger and interlocking, the nasal passage for air intake is well defined.)
Transition from amphibians to reptiles:
Seymouriamorph labyrinthodonts (e.g. Seymouria) -- classic labyrinthodont skull and teeth, with reptilian vertebrae, pelvis, humerus, and digits; amphibian ankle.
Cotylosaurs (e.g. Hylonomus, Limnoscelis) -- slightly amphibian skull (e.g. with amphibian-type pineal opening), with rest of skeleton classically reptilian.
The cotylosaurs gave rise to many reptile groups of tremendous variety. I won't go into the transitions from cotylosaurs to the advanced anapsid reptiles (turtles and possibly mesosaurs), to the euryapsid reptiles (icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and others), or to the lepidosaurs (eosuchians, lizards, snakes, and the tuatara), or to most of the dinosaurs, since I don't have infinite time. Instead I'll concentrate on the synapsid reptiles (which gave rise to mammals) and the archosaur reptiles (which gave rise to birds).
that were discreditied and shown to be fakes by science its self and usually made by people not part of the science community
Some frauds have been exposed where a scull or other bones have been put togther that were later shown they did not belong together.
You may be able to dazzle some people with your brilliance.
good becasue you dont baffle us with your lack of brilliance or plentiful BS
[edit on 19/12/08 by noobfun]
we know and theya re just as wrong
Originally posted by John Matrix
Christians are not the only group that believe in the creation model or look to creation science to explain life on earth.
no you dont
I should also preempt any thought that all creationists believe in the young earth theory. I don't need to take away millions of years from evolutionists in order to demonstrate the mathematical improbability that life randomly came into existence.
but luckily were not talking about a random thing like you think it is
The numbers against the probability of one living cell randomly coming into existence are too staggering for the human mind to even grasp.
no just a blind watch maker and a little study of real science, note ken hams latest comedy dvd doesnt count as science
Evolution requires blind faith. Add to that "tunnel vision".
Originally posted by Twilly
The problem with both creationists and evolutionist is that neither side can admit that each is a THEORY. If both sides could concede this, we could live in peace. For every fossil found, both sides have an idea that supports their THEORY, Sorry, no one here today was there when life began.
Originally posted by Twilly
The problem with both creationists and evolutionist is that neither side can admit that each is a THEORY. If both sides could concede this, we could live in peace. For every fossil found, both sides have an idea that supports their THEORY, Sorry, no one here today was there when life began.
Originally posted by John Matrix
reply to post by Yoda411
I don't need to take away millions of years from evolutionists in order to demonstrate the mathematical improbability that life randomly came into existence. The numbers against the probability of one living cell randomly coming into existence are too staggering for the human mind to even grasp.
Evolution requires blind faith. Add to that "tunnel vision".
life randomly came into existence.
The numbers against the probability of one living cell randomly coming into existence are too staggering for the human mind to even grasp.
Originally posted by Yoda411
Where creationists fill the void to explain the unexplainable with "God" to back up their claims, scientists call this force nature.
Originally posted by Yoda411
If you plant a seed in the ground and it grows to be a tall tree, was that tree created by God - or by nature? Does this simulate an act of god? Or the ability of nature to convert light energy into chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar?