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Chrysler shuts down all production

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Chrysler shuts down production every year.

The only news here is that it is going to continue for an extra week or two.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:19 AM
You folks do realize that american autos companies make money not off of the cars themselves but off of the parts? That's pretty much the main reason why the EV1 (electric car) was scrapped by GM. It had barely any moving parts that would wear out.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:33 AM
All I know is I CANT WAIT to pick up my new Challenger SRT-8

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by keeff

My Chryslers both began to slip transmissions around 80,000. Not that I let that stop me on one of them, until the entire rack and pinion and swing arm almost broke out from under me.

now if you didn't have the transmission looked at when it began slipping, before the rack and pinion went. wouldn't that be your fault?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by iggster

You realize that the life time warranty is only for the original owner and nontransferable right? The only reason they offer that is the fact that most of the time they will not have to make good on it. Most people trade off after so many mile or years. The imports were offering 10 year 100,000 mile warranties years ago and still do. They hardly ever have to make good either for the same reason.

I have had some decent Chevys in the past but I think the imports are better. If I had to have American made it would be Chevy due to those I have owned followed by Dodge, Ford is a waste of money in my opinion.

I am one of those who does as much of my own work as possible. The imports often leave slightly more room in the engine bay than the others of relatively the same size and class American made I have had. I know that the import I have now has outperformed all American made cars in its class since it first hit the U.S. It even out performs some that are in a class higher with little or no modification. I can not only out perform in speed, cornering, and stopping than cars that are in classes higher than mine but I get just as good if not better MPG.

Now as for the credit issue I will agree with you there. I have heard repeatedly that if a person does not have a 725 or better now there is little to no chance they will get a loan. Even those with good credit are getting higher interest rates. Those with anything below a 725 if they get one are pretty much screwed and will pay double if not triple for the product simply due to interest over time.

I wish some of the import companies Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Honda, or Hyundai would take over the big three and reconstruct them from the bottom up.

reply to post by stander

Again I do not work for the auto industry and as you can see to my reply above yours I would rather have an import. But let me see you take a pay cut and only make 85% of your pay for a few months and see how you like it. Again I am not talking about the thieving CEOs who have cashed in on their hourly wage earners as well as the public in general I am talking about the average Joe. They have car payments, house payments, and normal bills as well. Some of them might be the only income for their family. It seems like your anger is misdirected at the normal guy. True they make some nice cash but to be dropped out of that certain income for any period of time can affect a family in many ways. Why do you think so many have lost homes when they lose a job or get a pay cut by having to find another job. I’m not talking about those who signed interest rates knowing their risk I am talking about those who got screwed because the economy crashed around them. You are angry with the line worker because they make good money, but they are still middle class. You should be angry with the worthless CEOS who have robed America and their works blind and still managed to pump out fuel guzzling hogs.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:41 PM
I really hope the government lets the auto companies go down. They need to be out of business. The UAW has helped in their ruin. Let them get in line with wages earned by foreign auto workers and then extend them a hand but the unions will need to be busted first.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by jhill76

wow, well if we do bail them out it dosen't fix the problem.

The bailout wont solve the problem but delay the problem.

so even if we give them a bail out they will ask for more which in turn the more money we print of the press the less value it gets.

the U.S dollar is still falling.. and will keep falling cuz of the bailouts we gave out already.

The U.S dollar will soon have no value. The reason it's based off how many US dollars are in circulation int he economy. The more money that is in circulation the less value it posses.

So either gm and them go bankrupt or we pay through our noses and bankrupt the country.

so either way it's noting going to help the economy.

I bet we will end up doing some sort of bail out for gm.. .now did that first 700 billion bailout help at all??? no... so why does it make sense to bailout more stuff.

GM plans to use 1 billion of the bail out money towards Brazil operations. Hmm wow ya we should give brazil a bail out with hard earned tax payers money.

Gm already planned that. So it still won't help anyone here in the U.S either way you look at it.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Raist
[post by stander

Again I do not work for the auto industry and as you can see to my reply above yours I would rather have an import. But let me see you take a pay cut and only make 85% of your pay for a few months and see how you like it.

The article didn't mention any FEW MONTHS; the plants are scheduled to re-open in mid January.
You also skipped the unemployment eligibility.

There are some half of million people out of work who don't receive ANY financial support from their employers, yet you decided to cry for those few who are taken care of the best.

With an attitude like that, you may consider a political career and hope to be named a "bailout czar" one nice day.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by gordo

please read the full thread and the explanations you need to see.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by stander

Some will be down longer than mid Jan. As for the unemployment that is their unemployment. I think it is sad that anyone is losing their job or being laid off in times like this.

For you to think nothing of it for anyone is heartless and says something about you IMO. There are a lot of people out there that are having to live on less money than they are used to that should not be. Wage earners across America are suffering and will continue to suffer as long as we keep having layoffs and shut downs. Those who are the best off are the CEOs that rip off everyone. I am not crying about those who are still getting paid I am speaking out for any who are losing their jobs or getting laid off at this time. They might have already paid taxes but you can bet that money is gone, so who do you think is paying the unemployment? That’s right those who are left working. Eventually that money runs out for everyone.

Why is it okay for these wage earners to be laid off or lose their jobs?


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:39 AM
The Big 3 have had excess inventory on their lots for months now after gas prices stymied the sales of trucks and suvs.
The imports are facing the similar glut though to a lesser degree and actually are leasing space adjacent to the docks to store their cars because of lack of dealer orders.
With unemployment increasing month to month to record levels more and with many of us unsure of where the economy is going most Americans are reluctant about making a major purchase requiring lengthy financing. Also, obtaining financing isn't as widely available as has been in the past because the major banks are broke.

The American car companies brought this upon themselves unfortunately. After WWII, when they switched back to producing Automobiles, the quality guru named Deming who was instrumental in teaching GM and Ford about making quality war materials such as planes, jeeps and tanks was sent packing. The Big 3 went back to their profit driven, cost based business models where quality , due to lack of competition, was at best a secondary priority to profits.
Meanwhile, Deming ended up in Japan teaching quality methods to Toyota,Hitachi and others, and as they say , the rest is history.

Unfortunately, the Americans are still trying to inspect their way to quality when in truth, quality is part of the design process combined with the reduction and eventual elimination of defects during the manufacturing process.

As long as the Big 3 continue to follow this dated methodology, they will continuously play catch up with the Japanese and now Korean automotive companies whom are way ahead in quality and subsequent overall customer satisfaction.

I happen to own 2 Hondas ( Pilot and Acura TSX) as well as a 35 year old Honda Motorcycle, CB550 Four...all of which have been very reliable.

I also own a 1998 Jeep Cherokee 4WD that has been reliable outside of brake work and an annoying check engine light. Which you can turn off by disconnecting the battery overnight BTW so it's something electrical.
I've owned several German cars(BMW, VW) that have had electronic glitches as well but never with any of my Hondas.

You can see a definite difference in the Jeep's quality of paint finish and fit of the doors and body panels which have humongous gaps vs those of my Honda/Acura's which are very tight in comparison.

Unfortunately , many if not most Americans have been inconvenienced by American quality and its why they're going with Japanese vehicles...exactly as Deming had predicted 50 years ago..

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by Raist

Unemployment checks come from unemployment insurance pool that every company must contribute to. The Chrysler workers are eligible to receive unemployment benefit plus they will get 85% of their regular paycheck, so they don't have to worry for some time. But if Chrysler files for bankruptcy, then the laid off workers get nothing any more from the company. These are the ups and downs of life.

The Big 3 don't have to worry too much, coz Obama the Savior will take care of everything.

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