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Things drop and disappear

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I have a weird one, slightly off topic but it fits in nicely.
Several years ago I was playing football. My friend Jim came up to me and said that he had lost his little man and that it must have broken. Now the little man was a carving from India ( i was with him when he got it) it was carved from a single piece of wood with a hole in the top to thread onto. He assumed that the item must be broken as the leather necklace it was on was intact and still around his neck. We looked for the little man and found it on the grass, the weird thing was that the figure was not broken. Neither of us could see how this was possible. I put the event behind me as one of those unexplainable things in life.
A few years later my girlfriends friends sister was up staying from New Zealand. She had a large Jade pendant that she wore on her neck that was held in place by a leather string. She came up to me and saying that her Jade pendant must have broken as she only had a piece of leather round her neck. (Like befre the pendant was a single object with a hole in it) I joked with her that a few years ago this had happened to Jim and that his pendant was ok, she did not think that this was possible. Anyway later in the day we found the pendant again it was attached.
In both case it seemed impossible to work out how the item left its leather string and remain intact. It is logically impossible but it can happen.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
In both case it seemed impossible to work out how the item left its leather string and remain intact. It is logically impossible but it can happen.

In the cases of certain items such as statues and jewelry, one must wonder about other influences (don't really want to go into too much detail on this one). Like in my case, there's nothing about an Othello chip that's 'special' really, but this did remind me of some incidences of disappearing books. The first was a stack of books in my closet. Let's just say they're of unsavory influences. I'd met with a friend at a concert who told me to burn them. I said, "I'll just throw them away" but my friend insisted fire was the best way because these things have a habit of showing up in unexpected places. *sigh* Okay, I had my mind made up to do so the next morning. When I went back into my closet, the books were gone. Although confused, I was more relieved than anything else. I lived in an old house, the door squeaks when opened and no one suspected the books to be of any harm (other than the friend who lived in a different city).

Another book I'd been given and asked to read. I gratefully accepted and put it away in my college dorm room. Dorm rooms are like a closet but with a bed. Anyway, when the person dropped by again, I couldn't find it...and I didn't own much to speak of to cause any clutter. Later, I was at another person's dorm when they were given the book as well. It was on their bookshelf next to the Bhagavad Gita, Black Elk Speaks, and Tao Te Ching (we took the same World Religions course). A week later we met back there and she asked me if I took the book. After booking to the bookcase, I could see that it was gone. Years went by, when helping my mother clean dishes I mentioned the incident and she said, "that's funny, the same thing happened to me" with the same book. I asked if she thought that was more than odd, but she said "I guess I wasn't supposed to have it".

There's another incident or two, but those are more second-hand accounts.

[edit on 5-1-2009 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Like many others, I've experienced missing items only to have them re-appear at a later time, but in keeping witht the topic, the best experience I recall was when I was stationed in Korea in the late 70s. We had a ping pong table in the shop and were down to our last ball. I missed the ball and it bounced into a room where we loaded the gun camera magazine. I went in to get it and couldn't find it anywhere. Pretty soon, there were 5 of us in there looking for it, We covered every inch of that room and couldn't find it anywhere.

Another incident happened to a friend in England. He got upset with an Airman and threw his coffee cup to the ground. They heard it shatter, but when he went to lean down and clean it up, there wasn't any sign of the cup, broken glass or anything.

My solution to the lost sock is that I buy Hanes socks and don't bother to keep track of pairs. They're all the same and if one gets a hole, it goes into the trash. That saves me from wondering if I had 12 or only 11...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:00 AM
"they're baaack" P-O-L-T-E-R-G-E-I-S-T-S.....

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:27 AM
Wow, i must say i havent thought about this subject for ages, but clearly remember this occurance bugging me alot when i was younger.

Things that just dissappear and after searching for it for hours, it would suddenly pop up in plain sight where you have looked multiple times before.

I actually remember having discussed this same issue with a best friend at school at the time and we had always assumed it must be ghosts trying to play tricks on us, cause it used to happen often.

the only dissapearance that still baffels me to this day is my watch. I was in my room, fairly uncluttered, and did some accrobatic move. The watch flung off my wrist real fast and then just ...silence. It didnt knock anything, it was asif it had just vanished into thin air. Me and my mate searched hi and lo, but gone to this day. I dunno what is more scary, its dissapearance, or the total silence after expecting it to hit something...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:32 AM
Unusual things keep appearing in my house. About 8 or 10 years ago, a 10 inch action figure appeared on my tv set. I am constantly collecting these things and taking them to my local charity shop.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:56 AM
I have experienced this, I dropped a spoon in the kitchen and throughyl searched the kitchen floor to find it to no avail. Two hours later I went into my bedroom and it was behind the door, It didn't make a sound so I can't say whether it hit the floor or not.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:05 AM
Just thought i'd ask but has anyone ever smoked dope regularly? Or 'pot' as you might know it? Its crazy how forgetfull you can get with that stuff. You put something down for a sec and its gone! lol.

Anyways I do understand what you mean. I dont smoke dope anymore and havnt done for a while but I have seen this happen many of times! Not just to me either. Even the other day when the plumber was here, he dropped something and it totally disappeared! Also I remember a few xmas's ago we had put this Winnie the pooh blanket in the cupboard for my nephew for xmas and that disappeared never to be seen again to this day!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
For instance (trivial but creepy) he one day found that the washing machine wasn't working, so he checked BEHIND the kitchen unit (behind three drawers) and noticed somehow the switch had been switched off... Impossible considering it was only him and his wife who live there.

This reminds me of something that happened to me about 3 years ago. I used to have an old computer by the tv in my flat. It was a desktop unit that sat on the shelf below the tv with the amp, dvd player, and games consoles. One day I turned it on and it made a bit of a bang and died. When I pulled it out I found that the power supply had been switched to 110 volts instead of 240 (UK mains) causing the power supply to blow, and in fact taking the motherboard with it. With the amount of dust round the back of that shelf, and the weight of the case, there is absolutely no way that my girlfriend pulled it out and flipped the switch. Theres also no way it could possibly happen on its own, or due to some insect or something, this was one of those switches you have to use a screwdriver to flip. I still don't understand how this was possible. I know this account isn't entirely relevant to the thread but I thought it may be of interest.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by ray648
This reminds me of something that happened to me about 3 years ago. I used to have an old computer by the tv in my flat. It was a desktop unit that sat on the shelf below the tv with the amp, dvd player, and games consoles. One day I turned it on and it made a bit of a bang and died. When I pulled it out I found that the power supply had been switched to 110 volts instead of 240 (UK mains) causing the power supply to blow, and in fact taking the motherboard with it. With the amount of dust round the back of that shelf, and the weight of the case, there is absolutely no way that my girlfriend pulled it out and flipped the switch. Theres also no way it could possibly happen on its own, or due to some insect or something, this was one of those switches you have to use a screwdriver to flip. I still don't understand how this was possible. I know this account isn't entirely relevant to the thread but I thought it may be of interest.

I think it qualifies as stuff moving/disappearing on its own. By the way, I bought a cheap powersupply for a PC and forgot to check that because usually it's set U.S. Loud bang, pop, smoke, etc. that scared the be-smack out of me. The damage was as bad as feared, roasted power supply, toasted motherboard and fritzed harddrive. Point being, after all was said and done though, I knew it was a result of my actions failing to check whereas with these disappearing/moved things I knew it wasn't anything I could have done.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:54 PM
I experienced this on new years eve, dropped the lid to my tequila bottle, couldn't find it anywhere.

But all joking aside, I've had this happen, but usually the item turns up eventually.

Most items I've lost, I've usually always found, sometimes in the strangest of places.

One incident that happened was when I was a teenager. I'd bought some new dangly ear-rings. They were quite big, full of beads (was the fashion at the time). I wore them to school, and everyone was commenting how nice they were, touching them, saying they suited me and all that. I was wearing both ear-rings, that is for sure. Later on in the day my friend noticed one of them was gone, must have lost it.

When I got home I told my stepmother I'd lost one of my new ear-rings at school. She said "no you didn't. It's right there on top of the mantle, I noticed it this afternoon". Impossible I thought, but there it was. I asked if she put it there, she said no and I never put it there either. My friend and other classmates agreed that I absolutely had both ear-rings on at school. Yet it seemed it mysteriously transported itself home.

My dad who has an interest in the paranormal, said it was done by a poltergeist! "they do this stuff to play games". I don't know about that. Did we all imagine seeing both on at school?

Then of course we all have that thing where you lose something, search high and low for it, repeatedly looking in one particular area (because you feel strongly it must be in that spot), and then suddenly the next day it's in that spot in full view.

Most of my vanishing items involve jewellry. Another strange one, was one day I suddenly noticed a cross and chain neclace wasn't on me. I thought it must have opened and fell off somewhere. When I went to make my bed, there it was. I was a bit dumbfounded by the fact it was securely fastened. Now I could understand if it somehow slithered off my neck and head during a restless sleep, but the chain was too small to go over my head. I always had to unfasten it to put it on. It was like someone took it off me, refastened it and layed it in my bed, way down at the bottom of the bed. It certainly wasn't me who did it to myself. But, it's entirely possible, although unlikely that my husband could have done it for a joke. Of course he denied doing it.


Let's not forget the missing socks! You wash 8 pairs and only get back 6 after it's all done. Where do they go? Tea-spoons also dissapear, and they're always out of stock when you just want to buy some spoons and not buy an entire set.

[edit on 9-1-2009 by violet]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

lol you should ring the dimension it fell into see if anybody picks up

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:55 PM
OMG Yes! Socks! Where the hell do they go!? I'm pretty carefull with my stuff. I look after everything I own! But my socks disappear all the time!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:39 PM
lol for ths post i shall adopt the username JOEREID

RIGHT, first and formost lol, ill tell you about an incident that happend about 2 -3 months ago, im a young guy 19 lol, and we were out in the street throwing around golf balls lol, not cuasing trouble, just walkin to where we were goin and we had a golf ball, anyway, ma mate thrw it down the street, and it must of went about 5-6 meters and hit a fence (a big thick sturdy fence with no holes in it what so ever) anyway when it hit the fence (like almost exactly in the middle, it just dissapeared!, me and the boy who thru it and another friend seen it happen and one turned to me and goes, 'omg that just dissapeared' lol of course none of our other friends belived us saying that we had just not seen it right (even tho none of them seen it,) anyway we went over to the fence and started loookin around for it, like down by the bottom and along the sides at the botom, it was nowhere to be found, so i looked over the fence and it was there! there was noway it could of gone over it becuasse it hit right in the middle and it didnt go under it becuase there was no gap, to me and my 2 friends weeed just seen a golf ball GO THROUGH a fence, now iv made a pic shoing pretty much where the ball was, and where it was it appeared to go straight through the fence! now it was this incident that got me intrested in the paranormal and quantium psyichscs

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by Lee_K

I've developed my own theory regarding the socks. Those who have slept with me say for some reason every night in my sleep my legs rub together and I lose a sock. I later found them in between the mattresses. We don't really notice or care, along with affected memory in the morning. It's feasable at the least.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:28 PM
I went to the park with my dog took i took her chain off from around her neck because if i didn't she would have ran real fast and lost it in the snow like she did last time. Any i took her chain off i couldve swore i put it in my pocket and i sat back down on the bench i sat there 30 mins while she ran around when it was time to go i reached in my pocket to get the chain it was gon i searched the bench i was sittin on i looked under it and everything it was only a little bit on snow on the ground so i shouldve seen it just by lookin anyway it dissapeared i had to carry my pit bull to the car i drove home carried her in the house and told my girl i really beleive in stuff dissappearing cause it happen to me all the time i dont think it happen to everybody but it has with me. One good thing is it never happened with nothing to important like money only like objects.

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