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Things drop and disappear

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:18 PM
This is a cool thread to come across because as of last week i was thinking about the same thing. I was in my computer room (not a very big at all maybe 5x5) and my lipring happend to fall out i looked all over the floor and any other surface in the room and did not find it? but the thing is i did hear a sound and it clearly hit the plastic sheet i have under my chair yet in this 5x5 of room is it no where to be found no matter how hard or long i look for.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Two people I know had really interesting experiences.

One of them is a friend of mine, a no-BS kinda guy, who is an avid rockhound. One time he was out digging and ate half a watermelon with a spoon. He said he must have dug too deep into the melon, because the spoon was catapulted out of his hand and fell to the ground. S. said it was like watching a movie in slow motion: he saw the spoon flying through the air end over end until it fell into a smallish shrub... and vanished. If you know the Arizona desert shrubs, they're pretty measly and you can see right through them. S. said he searched for the spoon for over an hour... nothing. There were no holes in the ground where the shrub was and no place where the spoon could have gone.

The other story came from my boss, who is an atheist, believes only in science and stubbornly refuses to accept anything he can't grasp with his five senses. So it was all the more surprising when he once told me the following story:

He and his ex-wife had a big fight in the bathroom and in his rage, he grabbed a big shampoo bottle and threw it against the wall. A couple minutes later, he was looking for it to put it away and it was gone. He said he searched everywhere... there was no place where it could have gone... no gaps behind furniture, toilet, or anything. It just disappeared.

I always found that kind of story fascinating. My personal theory is that occasionally, small wormholes open up in the world, just popping up in random places. Most of them are too small to swallow a person or animal, but they might take a small item. Also, a certain velocity seems to play a role in those disappearances... it's usually something falling or being thrown.

It's funny, I once saw a thread about this topic (don't remember if it was ATS or somewhere else), and someone said, there's probably a parallel universe just like ours, where someone is typing a post like this, saying, "I wonder why I always find extra socks in my washer and shampoo bottles in my bathroom."

The other possible explanation is fairies. They are known to love shiny things, and I've had a few instances where something -- like jewelry -- vanished from the place where I had put it, but when I asked the fairies to please give them back, a few days later they'd show in the most unlikely places. I also once found an angel pin in a little box under an open shelf, and both my husband and son swore they'd never seen that thing before. A surprise gift from the fairies?

[edit on 18-12-2008 by sylvie]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:42 PM
I just moved into my girlfriends house for awhile and left a dollars worth of change, pennies included on a table.... That night i slept and in the morning the money was gone. I asked my girlfriend about it and she said she didn't take it... Well two months later, i had to move out because i was in the military and had to be station somewhere else. The night i left, i heard change dropping on the table and went in to the kitchen to look and there was my dollars worth of change! lol, maybe a ghost wanted a deposit for staying there.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by Optix]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Soboro

It sent chills up my spine the second I saw it.
There was no way I missed it the first 2 times. It's almost as if something is hiding it from me just to see if I'll get mad and then gives it back when I do.

OMG this is so weird. This exact thing has happened to me more than once and it seems that no matter how long I look for it, I can't find it. Then I get angry and I cuss, or I cry ('cause I'm a crybaby), or I snap at a family member - and lo and behold, there it is, right in the spot where I looked for it twenty times already. It WAS NOT there before. Period.

I have had the thought that it seems as if an an "entity" hides it from me, and then, as soon as I get mad, then the "entity" allows me to have it back. But that thought was really scary (if true) and/or really paranoid-sounding (also scary for different reasons - as in, "am I completely insane?") So every time I have had this thought (and it has occurred to me several times) I have immediately dismissed it and have thus far refused to give voice to this phenomenon. But then I saw your post.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:21 PM
This is called "disappearing object phenomenon" or DOP for short

It is quit common. No one has any real answers as to what it is or how it works. But is is REAL.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:29 AM
The weirdest one is socks. You all know what I'm talking about. You put all your clothes in the wash, but one sock comes out without its match. You sigh and move on with your life, expecting later to find the missing sock somewhere, years hence.

But the following year when you replace the washer and dryer, expecting all the while to find myriad socks beneath and behind, you find they are not there after all! And when you move your bed or your dresser, expecting to find socks under there, they are not there either.

Eventually you move out, packing up your every belonging and vacuuming every dark corner of your home. Still no socks.

What becomes of them? It is one of the great mysteries in life.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Happened to me with an unusual reappearance. A friend and I were playing Othello in my dorm room on a small table about a foot off the ground (college, go figure). No alcohol or medication involved. We were both sitting in chairs opposite of each other, no one else around. I dropped an Othello chip. I searched one half of the room, she searched the other. I found it across the room sitting on top of my cube-fridge which was about two feet high. It was just sitting on top. It wasn't flung into the air, I was holding it down and simply dropped it. My friend being more inclined to the paranormal said, "maybe a ghost moved it and it's trying to tell you something". I called it 'translocation' and chalk it up to the laws of physics not being absolute.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:00 AM
This happened to me when I was 6, A picturre fell off the wall, and then just completely vanished, we couldn't find and bits of glass or anything. I just vanished into thin air.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:53 AM
My father and I have had this thing happen to us for years. For him, even longer. He used to tell me all the time about things he would 'misplace', which may or may not come back. His theory was that there are little cracks in the dimensions at times, warps in space, and things like that. The space warps you usually get your stuff back, the cracks... well, good luck. It is incredibly annoying, but it is nice to see that it happens to other people.


[edit on 21-12-2008 by Chronogoblin]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 06:24 AM
haha random i seen this thread, i remember a few years ago i had these three sand filled juggling balls and was playin with them in the lounge, well i dropped one and to this day i haven't found it, i joke with my friends that it has fallen into another dimension! would love to know where it went tho

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Born2Power

Yeah, happened once. A group of us (six people) were playing dnd. I dropped a six-side die, in hit the wood floor once, then... nothing. No second bounce, rattle, etc... just nothing. All six of use looked for it, and it was no where to be found. The floor was bare, etc... It creeped us all out.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by OuttaHere

The sock thing is easily explained. They are all being recruited by Argh!Yle!

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:40 AM
There was a twilight zone episode that explained this. It was the newer color ones but not the most recent run that was made a few years back. Anyway, there were these blue men with blue tools and they "built" each and every minute. As we progressed through time, we "moved" from one minute to the next. Every once in a while, they forget something. That is why a ball might roll under something and you never find it. They just forget. It may not have been the most logical story but I when I saw it, I thought I was the only one to experience this so it really stood out to me.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Yes i know what you mean. me and my girl were in bed and her phone fell and hit a cup, she went to pick it up and it simply was not there or in the room. And we still have not found her phone, i tried calling it over and over i looked everywhere and nothing.

I dont care if its some amazing thing i dont want this to happen again this could start to get pricey.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by SpacePunk

I was sure it was the one footed aliens from Betelgeuse abducting our socks.

[edit: second line]

[edit on 24-12-2008 by OuttaHere]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 04:04 AM
My hands shake so I drop things all the time. Most of the time it's easily found, but then there are the times when you're on your hands and knees and you've looked everywhere, you've moved the couch or the fridge, and it's still not there. I always say that the dropped object ends up with all the left socks that disappeared in the dryer.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 02:32 PM
i had something like it happen when i was about 8. i was looking for a lego toy and saw it under my bed but would have to climb right under to get it, so i went looking for something to get it out with, something long like a pole or something, anyway, when i went back to get it it was gone. id only left it for a ew minutes and know noone had been in my room, i have no brothers or sisters.

btw, does anyone else notice alot of these things seem to be happening with young folk, alot of people saying it happened when they were under 10. funny that

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 05:34 PM
ive never experienced this but im sure that the items have just rolled off somewhere out of sight. but hey i could be wrong

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Any one lose any shoes? I think I know where there went.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by OuttaHere

I think I have a theory on this disappearing sock phenomenon, deduced from years of painstaking thought experiments.
Until one day, I realised the mystery of why my right socks disappear.

My podiaitrical dimensions within the internal structure of my boots alter the molecular structure through and including frictional forces between atoms (of the micro and constituants of the macro 1st person visible observations) of my socks at differing rates of space time, thus rendering the right sock more disfuncntional at an accelerating exponential rate, as time progresses the right sock develops holes in it's cottony matrix then exits circulation due to lack of usefulness and becomes lost, perhaps to the dwelling of the items that are no longer useful, to fill land and forgotten forever, until I have only left socks to wear.
YOU, left sock, you are going to become a right sock from this time forth.
The donning of the new right!

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