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Romantic comedies ruin your love life.

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:05 AM

Romantic comedies ruin your love life.

Watching romantic comedies can spoil your love life, a study by a university in Edinburgh has claimed.

Rom-coms have been blamed by relationship experts at Heriot Watt University for promoting unrealistic expectations when it comes to love.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:05 AM
Finally! An excuse not to watch girly films with the other half!

"No, dear, it's really in the interests of our relationship that I continue with my Fallout 3 marathon..."

Possibly not the most important news item of the day (I'm sure IngSoc have another wonderful set of ridiculous legislations to impose upon us), but at least it's not all doom and gloom!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:16 AM
Yes finally a realistic scientific conclusion about these pieces of junk that make people delusional.
I totally agree with this finding and have for many years.
This is the same also I believe for many tv shows.
They make peoples brains into mush.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

I am getting quite tired of university studies.

They seem to get ever increasingly more stupid.

I mean they really had to study this??

I am still waiting on the headlines.

"University study finds that air can be harmful to middle aged females with a history of pregnancy, especially if left handed!"

"University discovers there are more likely to be 2 pees in a pod other than 4"

"University discovers that Universities waste cash on stupid experiments"

I do not know which one's are more stupid to be honest as they are in the same category as the OP's link

Its time they studied something worth the time.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by XXXN3O]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

You may find this rant amusing:

Study says many studies suck

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:02 AM
I went out with a girl once that was like "why can't you be more like so and so in so in the so movie" or "see he does that and that and then they end up happy after all at the end"

needless to say.. I left that relationship lickity split.

romantic comedies are just like Cosmopolitan magazine or Redbook.
they are plugged in directly into the average developed (really?) world's straight female demographic.. completely brainwashed since childhood into the modern trends for what's proper to desire in life in a mate, etc..

It's pathetic and it's just to make money off of the hollow pit within these unsuspecting women's emotionally ruled ego. a woman that I can debate and corroborate in spiritual and intellectual artistic conversation with... who UNDERSTANDS what I just described above...
I'll take that and a side of fries please.

wait a second.. am i programmed to want fries as a typical hungry american male??



posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Ian McLean
reply to post by XXXN3O

You may find this rant amusing:

Study says many studies suck

Brightened up my day.


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Agreed. Preach on says the choir.

Hallelujah says the second line.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

I would say that the same goes for those "" commercials. They can pack all of the disappointment and unrealistic expectations from a 2hr romantic comedy into a 30 second commercial. They can't be good for people.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

I would say that the same goes for those "" commercials. They can pack all of the disappointment and unrealistic expectations from a 2hr romantic comedy into a 30 second commercial. They can't be good for people.

Thank the gods that I don't watch television!

Personally I don't know what's wrong with her cooking me dinner, me eating it, belching, then proceeding to give her a minute-and-a-half's worth of good seeing to, before finishing prematurely and then rolling over to sleep, after giving her a good-night fart for her efforts.

But then, I'm a romantic.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:43 AM

But then, I'm a romantic.

You sir, are a dying breed. It sounds like you have a pretty lucky lady in your life.....

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:22 AM
I don't doubt she thinks so too!

I would dearly like to see a romantic comedy that has the moderately-unattractive Bridget-Jones-type ending up marrying the Michael-Moore-lookalike, after a slow, plodding, quite confused romance.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

I would dearly like to see a romantic comedy that has the moderately-unattractive Bridget-Jones-type ending up marrying the Michael-Moore-lookalike, after a slow, plodding, quite confused romance.

You haven't seen much of Woody Allen’s work then have you.

But all in all - believe me - if these films didn't give us girls SOMETHING romantic in our lives, even if it's vicariously - we'd shrivel up and dry right out to nothing.

Plus, you can’t tell me going and watching a *Chick Flick* with your lady doesn’t have some benefits? (*Wiggles Eyebrows in a Suggestive Way*)

Happy Holidays All!


[edit on 16-12-2008 by silo13]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by silo13

Plus, you can’t tell me going and watching a *Chick Flick* with your lady doesn’t have some benefits?

How does that even work? What are you women thinking? You watch the movie, thinking to yourself "That is great... I wish my life was like this." I don't understand how you can watch a movie that highlights all of the shortcomings of your spouse, and your reaction is to reward said spouse with "suggestive winking and eyebrow raising" benefits?

Boggles my feeble male mind.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:57 AM
I guess because the human variety doesn't require batteries?

I don't know... I don't suggest or wink much anymore... lol

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

That’s not how I think about the movies at all.
I never compare.
I don't understand a woman who watches a movie and thinks “Why can't my life be like that”...
That’s just insane.
To have a boyfriend/mate/husband, (whatever you want to call him) sit through a movie because he thinks I might like it, and for us to share/experience a movie that has no death and dying, shoot ‘em up killing war scenes with people being torn limb from limb?
Well dang if I don’t just get all gooey-good-feelings!
It makes for a nice time - and - not all chick flicks are that bad.
Some though I have to admit are ghastly, and, I wouldn’t want to see them either, but, some are great.
(Plus it’s been years since I’ve dated - or seen American chick flicks - so I’m probably too far out of the loop to even comment lol)!

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:01 AM
I see. Just doing your part to cut back on battery usage. So it is more like "I wish my life were like this... and now I am going to pretend that it is for the next *1/2hr or so." Kind of a "If you can't be with the ones you love, love the ones your with..." type thing?

*1/2 hour includes convincing your husband you are serious, foreplay, the act, post act cuddle, smoke...etc.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Lmao.. just doing my part to conserve...
Movies are cheap....

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by The Last Man on Earth
I don't doubt she thinks so too!

I would dearly like to see a romantic comedy that has the moderately-unattractive Bridget-Jones-type ending up marrying the Michael-Moore-lookalike, after a slow, plodding, quite confused romance.

fat slothy american male and the quippy know-what-to-do figure-esque wife who loves him for "who he is INSIDE"..?

been done...
all too many times....

King of Queens

Family Guy

The Simpsons

way to subconsciously set a standard...

sorry to rain on your diarrhea parade.


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by silo13
But all in all - believe me - if these films didn't give us girls SOMETHING romantic in our lives, even if it's vicariously - we'd shrivel up and dry right out to nothing.

Oh come now, I'm sure there are many men, like myself, who know all about romance!

I think it's a case of letting your guy know you want him to be romantic as well as him putting in the effort - I know plenty of guys who'd like to do something nice like that, but women these days...well, they're a strange sort.

Originally posted by silo13Plus, you can’t tell me going and watching a *Chick Flick* with your lady doesn’t have some benefits? (*Wiggles Eyebrows in a Suggestive Way*)

Well-toned forehead muscles?

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