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has anyone here ever come across...

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posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
Exactly what I mean! You didn't understand me apparently...

*salutes SpookyVince*

I apologize. You seem to have been on the same wavelength as I was I just didn't pick up on it.

[Edited on 4-14-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 05:38 PM
i laugh at the idea of hybids('
'). Think about it if human went to one of saturn's large moons and find intelligent life(but not as evolved as us) would we try to mix our genes with theirs... I don't think so.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Shazam
i laugh at the idea of hybids('
'). Think about it if human went to one of saturn's large moons and find intelligent life(but not as evolved as us) would we try to mix our genes with theirs... I don't think so.

good point

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 06:09 PM
I doubt, if there are aliens, that they look like the little grey aliens everyone seems to think they are. I bet if the "alien" thing really comes to common public awareness we will find out that our bastard goverments have taken a sample or two of something that looks almost human, they could not communicate with us and killed them thinking they were agents from another nation, only after they took the time to do post-morteum autopsies did they find out some "flaw" that serperated them from us. Maybe that in conjunction with the "power" technology is the reason the goverment has with held information. Imagine the public outcry knowing some feeble Military type killed off a vistor from another planet that looked almost human. Imagine the loss of information that we could have gleaned from the "visitor". Imagine the public's reaction to the possible loss of contact with another civilization. That in itself could cause internal rebellion and strife.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 06:11 PM
man... get your # straight first.

Supposedly the Greys have been cloning for so long that they are having strange medical anomolies that they are trying to get straightened out. If you actually read all the alien stuff, it all tells you EXACTLY why stuff is supposedly happenning. The mutilated cows are for food, the hybrids are for getting their genetics straightened out, as well as hopefully having free thought. The greys act on hive instinct and cannot make personal executive decisions, and this is bad... especially when you have individuals who can just make up their mind to kill without having to go through a collective decision. It makes alot more sense when you actually open your mind to the possibility that all this stuff is true and quit calling everyone who believes a crackpot. Federation, well... that would be an obvious thing. If you have multiple species of intelligent beings running around you are gonna need some kind of governing body like the UN. It makes more sense that there IS a galactic federation, because if there wasn't we probably would be living side-by-side with many races of aliens freely by now.

Anyways, from what I understand about 2/3 of the world are hybrids now. Ok, I take that back... I believe it was 2/3 of America. A few military sources hinted to alien hybrids, and when asked what they knew about it they reply "Can't tell you", and when asked why about that, they say something to the effect of "because women all over the world would throw their babies out the windows". Who knows, maybe the people who absolutly won't believe that there are hybrids actually ARE hybrids (makes sense when comparing numbers of supposed hybrids to how many people don't or won't believe).

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 06:28 PM
Why do think I said, if the alien thing is ever made public you will all find out that what you thought really is not true. Aliens, if they exist, are not little grey odd looking humanoid types. They look human.

Anyone remember Dune ? How many different "human" planetoid civilizations were there ??? If you seperate out the sand worms and a few other odd, life forms, like the variety of animal types we have on earth. Then you are left with "humans" of various origins, existing on dozens of planets within their "federation" with the exception of the snout nose, psionic, worm hole generating floating brain with its army of android / sand people type beings all the "people" looked fairly human.

Maybe we are the space fareing forfathers that will one day venture out into the universe and make our imaginations into realities. Maybe we will one day become the House of Draconen or the House of Arakis etc. Maybe we have fortold our own future, bringing into existence these thoughts about universal federations spawned from our imaginations.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 02:56 AM
shazam, it is not us that is creating the hybrids, or at least the humans that are doing it outright (at least that we know of), but the greys which are doing so, understand?

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 12:05 PM
So you mean to say there are many different human civilisations all across space? I was watching SG1 the other day and.......

If there is other intelligent life out there i believe it will be very radically different from us, so much so we very probably won't even notice it was life.

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