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Russian warships bound for Cuba in new show of strength

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Again, the people there and their warm fuzzy feelings, have nothing to do with it.

In most cases, the civilians in a country have absolutely no say, what so ever, in the political and or war decisions of their country.

But if you really believe that, then perhaps Im not the silly fishy.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by mrsdudara]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

You state: "Ukraine, Georgia, and Poland aren't ruled by insane dictators. And the countries you listed aren't openly hating on Russia and calling for it's destruction."

Yet another example of how effective the ministry of propaganda is in the good old USA.

Chavez is they guy most talked about of your "insane dictators" in the media, so let's talk about him some. He refused to have his country and his people enslaved and owned by American banking. He paid off his country's debt to the world banking community in full and therefore has NO obligations to to the banks and hence the whims of the people who control the governments of the world. For this reason he is singled out to be propagated as a tyrant and "insane dictator" so he in turn uses the same negative rhetoric towards the USA since we are the spokesman and patsies of the global banking (enslavement) community.

The banks basically begged this guy to take money for his country so they could gain control over his resources and enslave the population as they have done in almost every third world country. They know full well these countries cannot and will not ever be able to repay the debt; therefore, they can pillage at will within their boundaries. Venezuela although not quite a third world country by any standard, still would not be able to repay the debt and this is how the banking mafia takes ownership of a government, much the same as they have here.

So you may choose to classify this gentleman as an insane dictator; however, I classify him as genius. He truly does understand the "big picture" and refuses to allow his country to be enslaved and a pawn of the global banking cartel.

[edit on 12/16/2008 by DarrylGalasso]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to verdanapost by JohnnyCanuck

give this man a copy Che Guevarra's biography at your nearist barnes and NOBLE WELL SAID< COMRADE

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by mrsdudara

I think you are in fact right. this is not "nothing." and nothing fuels the desire for war more than economic hardship on a global level and that is exactly what is happening as we speak.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:20 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by mrsdudara
In most cases, the civilians in a country have absolutely no say, what so ever, in the political and or war decisions of their country.

Hmm. Really? I'd say that people who undergo revolutions to remove disliked/hated leaders have a particularly direct say in the political decisions of their country.

Or did you forget that was how the USA came into being?

You assume that these people hate you, because thats all you know. Do you wake up every day and think "I hate the Russians/Cubans/Nicuraguans/Venuzuelans" ? I doubt you do. Why should they do the same?

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Are we in the middle of a revolution? I see no civil war around here, or there for that matter.

Until a civil war breaks out, normal civilians do not have a say in politics, or war other than who we vote for.

I've always wanted to visit Russia. From what I have read, it is a beautiful country with a interesting background. THAT is not going to have any effect what so ever on whether or not we go to war with them.

I have absolutley nothing agains Cubans. I seriously doubt that they have anything agains me peronally either. THAT has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING!

If Russia wants to befriend them that is their business. If they want to become allies with Russia, or anyone else for that matter it is their choice.

Because they have that choice, they are a threat.

That is why we did the things we did - in your history lesson.

That is why we will do it again if need be.

I am very aware that Cubans understand this as much if not more than we do.

When it is not war time, we can be friends all day long.

When things start heating up ...... like now, and your homeland is as close to us as they are, your either with us or against us.

Right now, it appears that the u.s.A. and Russia are making them choose.

Staying out of it, unfortunatly, is not an option.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
When things start heating up ...... like now, and your homeland is as close to us as they are, your either with us or against us.

Right now, it appears that the u.s.A. and Russia are making them choose.

Staying out of it, unfortunatly, is not an option.

Couple of's the blinkered right-wing American world view that turns most others against the good ol' U. S. of A.

Secondly, with all of your (gender-neutral) chest thumping, I don't see you factoring in China. Evil commies...yada, yada, yada,...who can apparently be forgiven because they own your collective butts. Can't stock a Walmart without them.

You wanna remove them as a threat? Make nice! From my perspective, should the Cubans ever be given the same economic status as VietNam, for instance...who killed a whole lot more Americans, and cost them a whole lot more dough than Cuba ever did...Fidel himself would be saying 'Putin...that's gravy and cheese curds on fries, right?'

But what do I know? I have access to the same resources as you do, plus I can apply some personal experience. That just don't stack up to mindless jingoism.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
Secondly, with all of your (gender-neutral) chest thumping, I don't see you factoring in China. Evil commies...yada, yada, yada,...who can apparently be forgiven because they own your collective butts. Can't stock a Walmart without them.

This thread is not about China....... or Walmart.

Its about 'Russian warships bound for Cuba in a new show of strength'

So quit jumping down my throat for talking about Russian and Cuba instead of China.

China has nothing to do with this thread!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
This thread is not about China....... or Walmart. Its about 'Russian warships bound for Cuba in a new show of strength'
So quit jumping down my throat for talking about Russian and Cuba instead of China. China has nothing to do with this thread!

This thread is all about Russia presenting 'a show of strength' in this hemispere, and about Cuba's intentions vis-a-vis the US.

Much has been made of the fact that Cuba has what the US is calling a Communist government, and thereby courting a relationship with its former partners the Russians. Like, I thought the Russkies were supposed to be our pals...the missiles in Poland are aimed at Iran...all that.

But, the irony remains that while Cuba is reviled as our...your... commie foe, because they hang out with our not-so-commie Russkie enemies...or whatever...

China remains the world's greatest Communist superpower. And they are your most favoured trading partners. But they hate our freedoms. Well, yours...

So why the hell is Cuba a problem?

[edit on 17-12-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

Finally a man with some brains

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 04:51 PM
As someone that is in the Military. I'm not really all that concerned about the Russians show of force in the area. We do it all the time ( Georgia ) and now they are doing it back. Is Putin and a threat? Possibly. But, he knows as well as anyone that if the U.S. were to fall apart or he,with his Latin American friends were to attack the U.S., it would distablize the whole planet. He isn't that stupid.We were discussing this at my Unit and even the cold war era NCOs said Russia doesn't want too and can't afford a war with the U.S.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by jibeho
What do you think?

I wouldn't doubt that a "missile shield" (and by that they mean scalar em weaponry) would be one of the things they would be talking about.

Russia has said for a few years now that if the USA puts one in Poland, that they would put one in Cuba. Well... good ol' W has said several times that they would not stop plans to build one in Poland, and last I heard it's being built right now, and Russia is obviously a little pissed about it.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:25 PM
Americans must read into the books and sentences of the meanwhile wellknown Zbigniew Brzezinski. Who will now carry on his antirussian,antisocialist war in the Obama government. He has always admitted his goals to bleed out Russia and to isolate it. Even now,since russia is more a strange kind of capitalistic state,it's still the enemy who has to be fought and eliminated. And Russia,very likely controlled by the same elite who controls the american policy too,plays his counterpart perfectly. We're sold ,people!
Somebody said,every time, something happens in politics, it was intended to happen precisely this way. Hope my english depicts it fine for you....We have no control over what they are doing. We're deeply in the #!

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