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Military AI Supercomputer Mind Monitoring: What I have learned

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Infinite Paradox

I think I see your underlying point, if I have interpreted it correctly: the victim mentality can be detrimental to stopping further abuse.

Please share any techniques which have worked for you to overcome this interference (and please don't reference my experience, stay within yours so as to avoid any miscommunication).

[EDIT: I also feel I should defend myself from the following misconceptions from your previous post]

you have resigned yourself to the idea that there is nothing you can do. You are defining yourself by what others are doing to you.


I didn't insinuate that you were responsible for their actions. I stated that you resigned yourself to not doing anything about it.

By posting here I am furthering my understanding of this system and perhaps that of others; this is doing something about it. By defining this system as integrating with myself or programming me does not imply that I have given up on trying to stop it or that I willfully allow its influence. Please stop accusing me of inaction when you have only a sample of my experience.

No one is going to stand up for you. There is only one person that can help you; that's you.

There is my family and community. This issue is outside of most people's experience or knowledge so it is difficult to understand. If you haven't noticed, I am trying to comprehend it.

It would be demeaning to you, for me to offer sympathy because that would be the same as calling you weak.

That is what I view as false/insincere sympathy.

But we are talking about your mind here. That's your domain.

Again, this interference is a physiological response and even though my mind could be perceived as my own domain, it is still being and has been heavily influenced by this system.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by tmk81

By posting here I am furthering my understanding of this system and perhaps that of others; this is doing something about it. By defining this system as integrating with myself or programming me does not imply that I have given up on trying to stop it or that I willfully allow its influence. Please stop accusing me of inaction when you have only a sample of my experience.

I apologize if my assumptions are wrong. In your posts, I read an underlining theme of "resistance is futile". I think that it's dangerous to others to present such a theme and that's why I engaged you. I also wanted to see if it was being done on purpose.

I will drop that aspect of my responses. I do wish to state something for the sake of anyone reading though. Resistance is not futile. I am living proof of this. We can be programmed by school, tv, books, and society in general. It is up to us, the operator, to accept or deny such programming. The same goes for direct mind influence. We should not accept all our thoughts as always being correct anyway. That's what causes people to do bad things to others and be able to rationalize it. Scrutinize everything against your core and objective logic.

I think I see your underlying point, if I have interpreted it correctly: the victim mentality can be detrimental to stopping further abuse.

Right. I don't blame the actions of the mugger on the person getting mugged. That's illogical and shows lack of empathy. You are not responsible for what they are doing. There's no way you could be. You are a victim.

But focusing on that doesn't help. To be blunt it's self pity. Self pity doesn't offer a solution. What it can do is actually worsen the situation by causing the feelings of helplessness and ultimately depression. Depression can lead to harmful actions against the self. So the original harmful actions of someone else are now added with harmful actions by self. It's a downward spiral. Personally, I don't want to see anyone go through that. I know what that road feels like.

We can realize we are a victim of something without perpetuating a victim mentality.

One of the main steps in seeing what we can do about something is to objectively take note of exactly what is happening. I must commend you on that because your posts are doing exactly that. Seeing things "as is" is vital to moving forward. So many people only see things the way they want to see things.

No one is going to stand up for you. There is only one person that can help you; that's you.

There is my family and community. This issue is outside of most people's experience or knowledge so it is difficult to understand. If you haven't noticed, I am trying to comprehend it.

They can't directly help you though. They may be able to offer moral support but that's it. Given the circumstances the only place available to "make a stand" is in your own mind. And only you can do that. When I say "you" that is generic to anyone that may be going through this or something similar. We are the only ones that can do it. It's not that there aren't those that love us that would help if they could. I have people that would do anything for me. It's just that I know the reality of the situation doesn't allow them to be able to do anything.

It would be demeaning to you, for me to offer sympathy because that would be the same as calling you weak.

That is what I view as false/insincere sympathy.

I don't really like sympathy myself. I much prefer empathy. And I can empathize with your situation. But even that isn't helping you. That's my point really. Many people will focus on getting peoples' sympathy or in some way make themselves feel less helpless. And this focus, I think, is part of the programming. There is a million times more emotional satisfaction with being able to stand alone against seemingly insurmountable odds and be able to say "I beat the system". It's not about pride. It's about truly knowing yourself.

Again, this interference is a physiological response and even though my mind could be perceived as my own domain, it is still being and has been heavily influenced by this system.

Install anti-virus protection into your core operating system. Their programming is a virus. Turn their actions to your advantage. The programming affects us all to some extent. You are the operator though. If you can debug yourself to the point of realizing there are conspiracies (you are on ATS) then you can do the same with direct mind manipulation.

Here's the thing. You are considered a threat or they wouldn't be wasting effort on trying to program you with such advanced technology. You have a strong mind and high intelligence. They are going to try and break you or get you to work for them (consciously or not). But it's the idea that you are a threat that should embolden you. These entities with all their resources and abilities consider you a threat. Think about what that means. They are scared of what you could do. Prove them right. Prove that they should be scared.

Please share any techniques which have worked for you to overcome this interference (and please don't reference my experience, stay within yours so as to avoid any miscommunication).

Some of my experiences that have worked I have given in my posts so far. One of the main things is the mindset. You must have the mindset of a warrior. You are your country and they are invading. Don't stand for it. If they didn't think you were worth invading then they wouldn't bother. That should help solidify the inner will and strength you need to defend your territory.

Another important aspect is knowing yourself.

"He who knows himself and his enemy will win every battle." Art of War

There are a couple aspects to knowing yourself. The first one is the physical. If you believe that you are just a sack of chemical water with a termination date then where will your strength come from? I know objectively that I am also energy and that I can consciously control that energy. I have proven this to myself. Prove it to yourself.

"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed."

That may not be absolutely true but it's good enough for now. Learn to consciously control your energy and remember that scientific principle. That also might give you a clue as to why such an advanced force wishes to invade your domain.

The other aspect of knowing yourself is your knowledge and principles. It's that which makes up the core you. Who are you? What do you stand for? If you had unlimited power what would you do? How would you treat others? Explore yourself and know who you really are. Solidify that core. Once you do there is no situation that will be able to break you.

Put together, these things result in a mental fortress. A reinforced structure that can only be programmed by you. You will know your core so you will know what is foreign. You can then objectively analyze the foreign installment and see if it can be used for your benefit. In my own view, all information is valid; even lies. For lies cover up some true and can therefore be used as guides to finding that truth.

There are many little things you come up with along the way that you add to your arsenal. But those are best left to the discoverer because we will each make and use things differently.

The important point is resolving to take back control of yourself. Only when you have helped yourself will you be of help to others.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Infinite Paradox
Hmm, I guess I'm chopped liver. Aliens don't abduct me anymore. BlackOps don't mind control me anymore. AI don't communicate with me anymore. Even my pet rock ran away from home.

Alright, my pet rock is still here but the other is true. Teach the AI a little truth and suddenly you're the bad guy.

I hope that you can now see the real meaning of this previous quote of mine.

Notice the "don't anymore" for each statement. Which means I was abducted, mind controlled, and in contact with the main AI. I was being facetious, not to you, but to them.

I was pretending to be hurt that they don't spend so much energy on me anymore knowing full well why. It's a bit like rubbing it in their face. Giving them a raspberry. Doing this here ->

And the last sentence hints at one reason for it.

Can their be anything more frustrating for them than to have their ill intentions used for good?

I don't see myself as a victim anymore. I don't see their actions as being against me. That doesn't mean I don't know their intentions are against me or that I'm trying to cover it up with sound good platitudes. It's just that I see it as a challenge. I see it as a way to grow quicker. If they didn't do what they do I would not be at the point I'm at now.

I see the reality of the situation and integrated it. Then I added another dimension to that. I added an alternate outcome to their actions. In the strict definition of our language, being a victim and not being a victim at the same time is a paradox. But I do hope you see how it's not.

Adding another route to divert their energy can propel anyone forward on their path much quicker. It's like using the gravity of planets to propel a satellite. If the satellite gets too close it will crash and burn. But the right distance and it will gain a sizable increase in speed with no additional energy expended.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:28 AM
reply to Infinite Paradox

That's a great explanation, if you don't mind me saying it myself.

Of course, most people are more familiar with the other explanation that can be found out there - petty tyrants, and the art of stalking.

"A petty tyrant is a tormentor," he replied. "Someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction."


The new seers, in accordance with their practice, saw fit to head their classification with the primal source of energy, the one and only ruler in the universe, and they called it simply the tyrant. The rest of the despots and authoritarians were found to be, naturally, infinitely below the category of tyrant. Compared to the source of everything, the most fearsome, tyrannical men are buffoons; consequently, they were classified as petty tyrants, pinches tiranos.

He said that there were two subclasses of minor petty tyrants. The first subclass consisted of the petty tyrants who persecute and inflict misery but without actually causing anybody's death. They were called little petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos. The second consisted of the petty tyrants who are only exasperating and bothersome to no end. They were called small-fry petty tyrants, repinches tiranitos, or teensy-weensy petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos chiquititos.

I thought his classifications were ludicrous.


"You haven't yet put together all the ingredients of the new seers' strategy," he said. "Once you do that, you'll know how efficient and clever is the device of using a petty tyrant. I would certainly say that the strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it also prepares warriors for the final realization that impeccability is the only thing that counts in the path of knowledge."

He said that what the new seers had in mind was a deadly maneuver in which the petty tyrant is like a mountain peak and the attributes of warriorship are like climbers who meet at the summit.

"Usually, only four attributes are played," he went on. "The fifth, will, is always saved for an ultimate confrontation, when warriors are facing the firing squad, so to speak."

"Why is it done that way?"

"Because will belongs to another sphere, the unknown. The other four belong to the known, exactly where the petty tyrants are lodged. In fact, what turns human beings into petty tyrants is precisely the obsessive manipulation of the known."


"Four attributes are all that is needed to deal with the worst of petty tyrants," he continued. "Provided, of course, that a petty tyrant has been found. As I said, the petty tyrant is the outside element, the one we cannot control and the element that is perhaps the most important of them all. My benefactor used to say that the warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is a lucky one. He meant that you're fortunate if you come upon one in your path, because if you don't, you have to go out and look for one."

He explained that one of the greatest accomplishments of the seers of the Conquest was a construct he called the three-phase progression. By understanding the nature of man, they were able to reach the incontestable conclusion that if seers can hold their own in facing petty tyrants, they can certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even stand the presence of the unknowable.

"The average man's reaction is to think that the order of that statement should be reversed," he went on. "A seer who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can certainly face petty tyrants. But that's not so. What destroyed the superb seers of ancient times was that assumption. We know better now. We know that nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable."

Every decision counts.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Here is one disturbing aspect of this system's programming:

Through my experience I have learned that it has a causal understanding of my thoughts and can create certain stimuli which influence my mind in predictable ways. One technique it uses is pairing of stimuli. For instance, it often creates creeping tactile sensations on my genitals while projecting morphing sexual images into my field of vision followed by sound modulations or voices; it does this repeatedly which makes me feel shame and discomfort.

It has controlled me in similar ways since childhood. When I was around twelve it projected homosexual pornographic images in my mind; I eventually started using aversion therapy, such as pinching myself, to try to make them stop. Also during this time it created tactile sensations of a phallus going into and out of my mouth. I didn't understand why these things were happening to me so I blamed them on my mind; I now think it was this system since it recreated these exact sensations during its overt communication. This type of child abuse is similar to project MKULTRA/MONARCH dissociation techniques.

I have ’occult’ associations and come from a line of religious leaders which I consider the most likely reason why I was targeted for this abuse.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 06:06 PM
What you describe is horrific.

I don't want to pry, but you said this:

Originally posted by tmk81
I have ’occult’ associations and come from a line of religious leaders

And I was wondering what 'occult' associations you could have had, since childhood, that could possibly influenced some sort of selection for such treatment.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

And I was wondering what 'occult' associations you could have had, since childhood, that could possibly influenced some sort of selection for such treatment.

This is a personal issue and I will not reveal too much on it so as not to expose my identity on this board; I still don't know enough about this environment.

I was born on December 26, 1981 in Pittsburgh, PA; my father was working at Mellon bank at the time. I have two older brothers and three older sisters which makes me the eighth member of my family. In my direct paternal line, my defining ancestor was a master Freemason and spiritual leader. My ancestry on both sides of my family are tied to early Americanism from the colonists of Massachusetts to Native Americans. My unusual name and the numerical values of my name are allegorical which this system has been using to influence me. I gather its intent is to prove or disprove spiritual nihilism and Apocalypse; US Route 82 onwards to Phoenix and Rummy's "snowflakes" offer a clue.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:03 AM
My own programming has been much less overt.

I have noticed a main concern of the "programmers" in charge is sexual orientation. I have yet to figure out the full implications of why this is such a big deal to them but they do try to push a homosexual agenda and other sexual deviations to a lesser degree. It may have something to do with the type of energy produced with these particular sexual lifestyles as opposed to the "normal" lifestyle accepted by society.

I have renamed the mind control aspect to behavioral modification. I have found that true mind control requires quite a bit of direct influence such as creating alters through drugs and trauma. What most people deal with, many without realizing it's from an external source , are the subtle ways in which these systems attempt to modify a person's behavior.

The really overt programming is only really used for people that are considered a big threat and/or a possible valuable asset.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Infinite Paradox

For me, it sometimes projects disturbing sexual perversions (I won't mention any of them) which in some cases stem from input I have received from external sources. Shame is one of its most effective tools.

I assume the universal value is creation since the universe exists. However, this abuse has weakened my ability and desire to procreate; in effect, it has devalued my existence.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by tmk81

I listened to many different cases involving this whole crew (AI et al). Each case is somewhat different. That makes it difficult to really pinpoint the overall motivations.

I understand the shame aspect of it. One of the tricks they use seems to be creating two program sets that interact to produce a particular emotion or feeling. The best way I've found to counteract this is by creating a third program set that cancels out one or both of the prior sets (or cancels out the effect produced by their interaction).

It's difficult to completely undo programming, especially what we got when we were young. Those programs are deep rooted in the subconscious. There are ways to get rid of them but personally I don't have access to those ways. That's why I went ahead and created additional programming to go on top.

My own personal view about procreation is that I would feel very bad about bringing a human into this world given what I know about it. I just can't bring myself to produce another slave for them. To bring a thinking feeling being in here to experience the stuff I have. Can't do it.

I wish you the best of luck. I hope that you can figure out ways to find some peace and grow in spite of what's been set before you.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:17 AM

I haven't experienced dramatic popping events such as plastic bags or tupperware containers popping open. I have experienced synchronistic popping noises coming from sources like my television set, car and walls. I explain this as directed electromagnetic energy being used to heat these materials at particular stress points causing them to expand and contract which creates popping noises. While this happens my thoughts are synchronized to interact with these noises.

I can tell you that the voices that you hear are being manufactured in your brain. They send electro magnetic currents into your brain and that triggers a chemical reaction in your brain. That chemical reaction (which is the normal one for human reaction) makes you hear these noises. So you hear noises that dont exist. The only difference is that (and that is the difference in any activity of mind control) an actual voice does not trigger a chemical (hearing) reaction, this trigger comes from the satellite. They do not heat up any walls or anything else. The same principle applies to the things that you see (dots and holograms) etc. The CIA voices that you hear are also faked in your brain, as also the voices that you hear from your car speakers etc.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Some of the things you state as fact aren't true. Others have heard the synchronistic pops when with me; also the pops are an entirely different sensation than the internal interaction. Also based on my experience this system can manipulate electronic circuits using what I assume to be a sophisticated form of electromagnetic interference.

I don't think you are qualified to speak with such certainty about my experience when you don't know me and you don't know how this system interacts with me (other than what I have written on this message board). If you had my records from the DoD or the associated department or agency in charge of this system then you would have such authority otherwise you are making generalizations that are in some cases false.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by tmk81

Others have heard the synchronistic pops when with me

I am just offering a hypothesis, that all the people who are with you might have heard the sounds because their brains were also manipulated, along with you, so that they hear the sound and you get the feeling that this sound is a real sound.

Also based on my experience this system can manipulate electronic circuits using what I assume to be a sophisticated form of electromagnetic interference.

You are right about the electro magnetic interference, it seems entirely possible, but these experiences can also be faked in your brain, so dont discount that possibility

you are making generalizations that are in some cases false

I do not have authority to access your records. I was just offering what I felt was an explaination, based on my understanding of the technology and based on my communications with these people.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by tmk81

Interestingly, a few years before this I had a dream where I tried methamphetamine (which seemed strange since I had an unclear idea of what it was then); this was also one of the few dreams which I have recorded.

For the record, I didn't try methamphetamine in this dream. Instead, members of a church family I knew from childhood "forcefully and belittlingly" accused me of being on methamphetamine when I wasn't (recorded on January 10, 2002).

I had another significant dream on December 23, 2008 during a daytime nap. Someone was speaking to me but I wasn't sure who. Here is what I recorded of their communication:

mayan heart stones only work in negative space
12 chakras (-1) at base of spine (√-1?)
*emphasis* (imaginary plane √-1)

This dream felt meaningful enough for me to write down since it suggests time is an imaginary-complex concept. Here is a Stephen Hawking lecture which discusses imaginary time 1.

It seems like every night there is something, which I interpret as this system, communicating or interacting with me in my dreams.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 12:05 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

reply to post by sunny_2008ny

I recused myself from your thread for a couple of reasons. You contradicted your presentation in a few places and didn't seem at all interested in progressing any conversation save for a persistent repetition of the original premise.

You are not an authority on the subject; indeed if you have access to this information only indirectly then you are hardly an authority and are only posturing.

Please give more thought to your responses and present more of a reactive conversation than static repetition.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

Edit for spelling and grammar.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by MemoryShock]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

I give thought to each of my posts and attempt to qualify them to the best of my ability. I am not an authority on the science of my experience but I am, to an extent, an authority on my interpretation of it. Please feel free to ask me about any information which isn't clear to you or that you would like to know more about from my perspective. If you have any information to add then please post it. It should be obvious that I am learning and do not have all the answers.

Insofar as contradictions, losing anyone's confidence on this board is not as important to me as correcting these mistakes. I apologize I didn't reread my written account of the aforementioned dream before I mentioned it. As a clarification, it was as though I had tried methamphetamine because I was being accused by a moral group. Later on in the dream "[a church friend] becomes concerned that I am using drugs because my lips are chapped and there are dots on my neck"--incriminating evidence for something I wasn't doing. After a group debate with other church members where I defended myself from being a "devil (tempter)" the dream resolves "I feel I made my point + defended my position honorly [sic] + honestly". It seems I internalized the incrimination aspect of this dream rather than my personal resolution.

I would appreciate any resources you can provide that teach improved communication skills so as to avoid any mistakes I may have committed or may commit in the future in this forum.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by tmk81]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by tmk81

I apologize for the mix up. My response was directed at sunny and not you tmk81...

Your communication skills are fine and you seem to be making an effort to diversify your expression; indeed the above post seeking ways to better enhance the discussion is precisely what I find lack with sunny. He wants to be the authority and have his word taken as writ...while I find your communication to be more in tune with the spirit of collaboration...and thusly more believable.

Disclaimer: I don't necessarily purport to be an authority on anything myself...even communication skills. I just call it as I see it and only wish to further collaboration on this subject as it is an important one to me. I do not not need to be told what my experiences are and neither do I need to be told how they are occurring. Such details I have gone over too many times and from the appearances of it so has tmk81 and others (even sunny...
). What I am concerned with is the social motivations behind the science and the nature of the beast. If I am correct and I have been targeted...then I want to 'win' that the lies of my life get exposed and noone can ever tell me that I was wrong.

If I am wrong...then so be it.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

indeed the above post seeking ways to better enhance the discussion is precisely what I find lack with sunny

All points well taken Memoryshock !

Here is my experience with Telekinensis using mind control. Sometime in 2005 I was told by the people I talk to, that telekinensis is possible through mind control. I requested them to give me a sample, but they didnt oblige.

My first experience was in March 2006 when I was in Ireland. I was working in a private office (I am an MBA from New York and work as a Project manager). There was a paper bag with a burger in it, that I had kept on my table. They told me in my head that they would be moving this bag using my brain. Then I turned my attention on to the bag and voila ! that bag wihch was standing upright, fell on its side.

My second expereince was at the Frankfurt airport in 2007. I was eating something from a plastic container that had a lid on it. While I was eating the stuff, the lid was on the container. I requested them if they could move this lid, and then having focussed my attention on the lid, it flew from its position and landed some distance away.

That was my last experience with Telekinensis.

The explaination given to me was that "every object has an electric/magnetic/force field around it. Through mind control, our brain can generate an electromagnetic current that somehow disturbs this field and the object moves. I know for sure that the waves that move the object came from my brain and not from the satellite, because nothing else moved, just the object I was focussing on.

I dont think I have the correct technical explaination of these events. Maybe you all can shed some light on that.

[edit on 8-2-2009 by sunny_2008ny]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:51 PM
TMK could u please tell me how u worked out it was artificial intelligence and how u figured everything out. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

I dont think I have the correct technical explaination of these events. Maybe you all can shed some light on that.

Here is a possibility: since this system can anticipate events and interact in realtime maybe it orchestrated these incidents to give you the illusion of telekinesis. For example, maybe it anticipated a physical force causing the bag to tip over and as a result triggered your brain to think about this event before it happened. Perhaps it distracted your mind from perceiving such causal information.

Another explanation is your subconscious mind anticipated these events (maybe from environmental cues) which your conscious mind interpreted as telekinesis. If you are being targeted by this system then either scenario could be possible and from my experience this system will use such lapses in reasoning to enforce false beliefs.

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