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NIST Officially Admits Freefall Speed re:WTC 7!!

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posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
Fortunately, none of the millions spent by NIST was your tax money but the citizens of this country appreciate your concern.

That's rather short sighted and naieve of you, pteridine.

I know plenty of Australian friends who have spent time in the USA and paid taxes there. Furthermore, how do you know if I have ever been to the USA or bought anything from there? Any direct or indirect purchase of USA goods, by me, means that I have contributed to the USA economy.

In today's one-world, NWO, criminal economy, the fact that you think money does not cross borders is extremely narrow-minded and out-dated.

NIST did not mention the freefall acceleration, until a high school physics teacher took them to school. Millions and millions of wasted dollars on NIST, while a $50K per year teacher does a better job identifying the freefall anomaly.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by pteridine

Unfortunately, pteridine, I think you may be right. It probably would take some spectacular revelation to get the general public interested again. Something large enough and easy enough to understand that it would get wall to wall coverage on cable news. Something along the lines of new proof that Mohammed Atta was really the disregarded child of an illicit love affair between William Casey and Mamie Eisenhower and he suffered psychological scars from overhearing through the bedroom wall "uncle" Billy whispering sweet romantic NORAD secrets into Mamie's ear each night. I don't think we'll be hearing Dr. Phil telling us about that on the TV any time soon.

But one must keep along in the direction one deems to be right. The future unfolds many surprising developments.

(Posting disclaimer: All events, characters and institutions in this ATS post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, or to any dead terrorist, or to any actual events, or institutions is purely coincidental. This post should not be construed in whole or in part as some form of new emerging 911 conspiratorial theory.)

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by NIcon
(Posting disclaimer: All events, characters and institutions in this ATS post are fictitious. Any similarity to any person, living or dead, or to any dead terrorist, or to any actual events, or institutions is purely coincidental. This post should not be construed in whole or in part as some form of new emerging 911 conspiratorial theory.)

You know the funny thing is that NIST should have included a similar disclaimer about the conclusions in its report on WTC 7.

At least that way, we would have known that we weren't meant to take their results seriously. Unexplained freefall acceleration, indeed...

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

OK, Tezza, write to the US Congressmen and Senators of your choosing. Tell them that you are an Australian citizen and erstwhile consumer of US goods and therefore a contributor to their salaries. Tell them you have friends that have actually paid US taxes and that you demand a reinvestigation as you have a vested interest in why WTC7 fell down. I'm sure you'll get all the attention you deserve.
Meanwhile, we naive folk stand by our statement that a reinvestigation will not happen without some major new evidence. The chances of that happening are exceptionally slim, as any perpetrators of any such event would have had years to cover any tracks. Given that, a reinvestigation would use the extant information and result in the same general conclusion.
WTC#7 collapse is a dead issue for all but conspiracy theorists.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by pteridine
Meanwhile, we naive folk stand by our statement that a reinvestigation will not happen without some major new evidence. The chances of that happening are exceptionally slim, as any perpetrators of any such event would have had years to cover any tracks.

This happened for the first investigation.

NIST didn't start it's investigation until October 2002.

Ground Zero was cleaned of all debris by July 2002. Three months prior.

How convenient eh?

BTW, The US Government admits to hauling away evidence:

"Thousands of tons of steel were carted away from ground zero and recycled before any expert could examine what could have been tell-tale clues. Support trusses, fireproofing fragments and even burnt out electrical switches that might have given scientists and engineers insight were lost forever - even before an investigation was underway.

Also, is not a "conspiracy" site.

Read that paragraph again. It sure seems like they really didn't want "something" found out. If not, why the rush job of "clean-up"? It's not like 8 years later and it's sill a hole in the ground. Or is it like the Army's moto: "Hurry up and wait"?

Edit to add: The main site is still not built. WTC 7 is. Just thought I'd clarify that before someone jumps down my throat.

But, also, the main point is that WTC 7 was the building that was "cleaned" up first and the fastest (i.e. before anyone could see it). That's documented by photos and also verified by an engineer who was staying near-by who went running out in NYC when he saw that the trucks were hauling away things at night. Why all the secrecy I wonder?

[edit on 3/28/2009 by Griff]

[edit on 3/28/2009 by Griff]

[edit on 3/28/2009 by Griff]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Griff

There will be no reinvestigation because there is nothing left to investigate. The CT folks will have to wait for the top secret ops plan to be discovered if they expect any sort of action. What are the chances of that happening even if there ever was any such plan?
All that WTC#7 is good for now is to keep the boards hopping every time someone surfing the net, "researching," thinks that they have found the nugget that will prove everything. It keeps everyone busy and away from the actual coverup; incompetent upper level political appointees who played turf games while the lower ranks toiled in vain. The Bush administration had a penchant for picking the most ill-suited good ol' boys.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by Griff

There will be no reinvestigation because there is nothing left to investigate.

Yes, convenient isn't it?

BTW, as I mentioned above, there was hardly anything left to investigate to begin with.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 12:41 PM
It's already too late for a truly independent re-investigation into 9/11.

Something else developed during the past years while slowly more and more evidence was unraveled.

Some very powerful other global players got convinced by this research that they had to work in concert to do something about the clear and present fascist danger developing in the USA, thus they gathered their own evidence collected from their own recordings from the day of 9/11, which strengthened their conclusions that 9/11 was an event constructed by internal forces, and not at all by external influences.

Since the USA has by far the most powerful military machine on earth, they opted for something totally different, they chose a new playing field where aggressive military force is useless.

An economic guerrilla was brought onto you, with devastating result.
And the end of that is not in sight yet. By far not.
These hidden opponents are far more dangerous than a CIA controlled entity like Al'Qaida.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

LaBTop, now that is a fascinating scenario. However, I've been deeply interested in both 9/11 and the financial meltdown but I've never seen any evidence that there was some retribution going on--please expand on your comments and connect some dots to ground this.

Everything about the present financial mess points to a LIHOP on the part of the Fed, the SEC, and every administration since Reagan: dismantling Glass-Steagall, short-circuiting the economic cycle with continual bubbles, and refusing to regulate the derivatives market--the derivatives being the heart of the scam. All of this is home-grown, and most of it pre-9/11 to boot.

What's your take?

Thanks in advance.

[edit on 28-3-2009 by gottago]

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 04:44 PM
The most dangerous next attack on the western infrastructure is on their food delivery structure.

This relies nowadays totally on electronically managed, order and delivery systems, and are so narrowly designed, that most food stores have stocks for two to three days only, based on statistically calculated sales.

So, what happens when a huge EMP (ElectroMagneticPulse) weapon is detonated in the central Europe or US airspace, high and powerful enough to fry most backbones, servers and mainframes in the EMP umbrella region?
And fry nearly all modern electronics too in cars and trucks build in the last ten years.

Within two weeks total chaos will engulf the whole western world, solely caused by food shortages, formerly unknown.

Do you understand why there is so much pressure on North Korea and Iran to stop those long range missile tests?

Because an "unknown" rogue submarine loaded with much better tested long range missiles could secretly launch in their coastal waters, and fire EMP weapons on targets anywhere in the world, thus implicating these two countries as the perpetrators, while they were not.

Fill in the enfolding scenarios yourself.

To get back to the free fall speed period in the WTC 7 collapse:
The implications of that are clear.

When perpetrators with the power to cover up their deeds for nearly eight years, were prepared to blow up their own infrastructure in one city to reach their objectives, why would they stop and not expand these forms of attack on a much grander scale?

Because they obviously are not satisfied with what they obtained up till now.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
OK, Tezza ... WTC#7 collapse is a dead issue for all but conspiracy theorists.


The 2.25 second freefall acceleration experienced by WTC 7 is not a dead issue. It has not been explained by NIST, you or anyone else, as far as I have read.

There is a conspiracy to cover the truth about why WTC 7 collapsed in the manner that it did.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Right. It is not dead for you because you are a conspiracy theorist. Most of the world has moved on. Most Americans have moved on. WTC7 is a dead issue in Congress and they would be the ones to put up the funding for a new study. Right now they are busy with other things that they deem to be more important, but you can always start a petition if you think that will get their attention. Given the current state of affairs, I would expect that they will consider funding it when we are out of debt and a budget is balanced.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
Right. It is not dead for you because you are a conspiracy theorist.

You can't qualify your assumption about me. I see a glaring anomaly with the way that WTC 7 fell. That doesn't make me a conspiracy theorist, that makes me a thinking individual who's prepared to question an inconsistent report.

Most of the world has moved on.
Most Americans have moved on.

Please prove these statements.

WTC7 is a dead issue in Congress and they would be the ones to put up the funding for a new study.

Some anthrax powder in the mail does wonderful things, doesn't it?

Systemic, generational corruption in all levels of the USA government, Congress, Senate, Executive branch, finance sector and the MIC will not hide the fact that WTC 7 fell for 2.25 seconds at freefall acceleration.

People who believe that 'justice' exists and that the USA (indeed the world) has any sense of freedom, liberty, truth or honour are only fooling themselves and perpetuating the lies. We live in a sick, dying world, fuelled by greed, power and hatred.

WTC 7 fell for 2.25 seconds at freefall rate, pteridine. You have FAILED to explain why. NIST failed to explain why. The corrupt system brushed it aside and ignored it. For now, the arseholes win, despite some of us knowing that they've cheated.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

You ask me to prove that America and the world have moved on on the issue of WTC7. This isn't dfficult. Climb out of your sophomoric rage and look around.
Do you notice any calls for reinvestigation by anyone, in any country, that has any power to start a reinvestigation or influence its start? US Congress? Australian Parliament? British Parliament? EU? Is there any media pushing the idea? I don't see any "2.5 Seconds of Pure Gravitational Plotting" headlines that demand answers. Given that, what makes you think the world hasn't moved on?
Then you told me that I had FAILED because I didn't have a better explanation for the collapse than NIST. Alas, I will have to continue to FAIL because I have no evidence that any sort of demolitions were used, no evidence of a plot, no evidence of anyone planting or detonating explosives, and not much of a rationale for doing so. The main cause of collapse was gravity and catastrophic failure of the structure. You may believe what you will, speculate all you want, and petulantly demand answers to your questions of cause but it is unlikely that you will get any that will satisfy you.
You may now return to your rant.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
I don't see any "2.5 Seconds of Pure Gravitational Plotting" headlines that demand answers.

That's because it's a 2.25 second freefall acceleration.

Then you told me that I had FAILED because I didn't have a better explanation for the collapse than NIST.

That's right. Despite all of your interjections and off topic points in this thread, you have not been able to explain why WTC 7 fell for 2.25 seconds with freefall acceleration.

The rest of your banter has mostly been to detract from this anomaly, smoke and mirrors to convince people that there's nothing worth questioning.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
That's because it's a 2.25 second freefall acceleration.

Ok, I don't see any "2.25 Seconds of Pure Gravitational Plotting" headlines that demand answers. Most of the world no longer cares how many seconds of freefall it was or if it was freefall at all. The building was struck by pieces of the towers, burned for hours, and fell down. The world has moved on, like it or not.

Despite all of your interjections and off topic points in this thread, you have not been able to explain why WTC 7 fell for 2.25 seconds with freefall acceleration.
The rest of your banter has mostly been to detract from this anomaly, smoke and mirrors to convince people that there's nothing worth questioning.

I guess that since you deem it to be so, I must be in charge of explaining things to your satisfaction. My banter has been to say that given the lack of evidence for anything else, the damage and fires must have caused the collapse. Gravity had a hand in it, too. You are not satisfied with this and want names and numbers of failed joints and why things did what they did. This certainty does not often happen in the real world and it won't happen here. You will eventually discover this at your own pace.

For someone who claims to be a thinker and is worried about the freefall, you might consider postulating a hypothesis of your own. You could prove NIST wrong with a little work.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
For someone who claims to be a thinker and is worried about the freefall, you might consider postulating a hypothesis of your own. You could prove NIST wrong with a little work.

It appears, that you fundamentally don't understand the point of this thread, pteridine.

I don't need to post an alternate hypothesis.

This thread is discussing the anomaly presented in NIST's hypothesis.

This thread has proven how NIST has not substantiated its own hypothesis by neglecting to explain the 2.25 seconds of freefall acceleration in WTC 7, while it was collapsing.

posted on Mar, 28 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
It appears, that you fundamentally don't understand the point of this thread, pteridine.

I don't need to post an alternate hypothesis.

This thread is discussing the anomaly presented in NIST's hypothesis.

This thread has proven how NIST has not substantiated its own hypothesis by neglecting to explain the 2.25 seconds of freefall acceleration in WTC 7, while it was collapsing.

The explanation was catastrophic failure. Most of the world doesn't care about the freefall segment and nothing more will be done about it.

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Griff

Griff, I just wanted to point the following out to you, as I'm not sure if you are aware of NIST's early involvement, and also because the other avenues of discussion in this thread seem to have reached an impasse.

It seems NIST was involved much earlier than October 2002 when their "official" investigation began. In NCSTAR 1-3B ( on page 3 (31/112) they talk about the early identification and collection process in October 2001. They state "Dr. J. Grosss, a structural engineer at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and a member of the FEMA/ASCE BPS Team, was involved in these early efforts."

Then later on page 4 (32/112): "Volunteers from SEAoNY, with assistance from additional NIST personnel, continued their presence at the recovery yards and identified, catalogued, and shipped steel specimens to NIST through October 2002."

So NIST personnel were actually involved in the collection of relevant steel samples. I consider the identification of evidence the first step of any investigation. And if they had made any suggestions and/or recommendations that either decided or influenced what should or should not have been saved, I consider that the opening of the NIST investigation, though in an unofficial capacity.

So was NIST already "cooking the books" even at this early stage?

posted on Mar, 29 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by NIcon

Why do you assume NIST was cooking the books? It is not a good plan to have conspiracies staffed by many conspirators. If this was an actual conspiracy, the cooking would have been done before NIST became involved. As it is, you have no evidence that NIST did anything but evaluate what they had access to.

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