posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:44 PM
There are 2 kinds of calibration types useful for scientific analysis:
A) absolute calibration
B) relative calibration to a normalised daylight light source
For both you need first a calibrated camera on Earth before putting it on a spacecraft.
The camera takes a picture of a normalized color and grey chart in daylight conditions, that means either in noon sunlight under a cloudless sky or
under a Xenon lamp with a 6500K whitepoint. Then you adjust the gradation curve for each color channel inside the camera electronics or its AD
converter to create a digital images showing the very same normalized colors known for the color chart. That means white is white, black is black and
the colors are also perfect. After that process you are not allowed to change anything on the camera. After the space probe sterilisation process, or
a test heating for that, you check if the camera gets degraded by it to be sure it works as expected.
Now you have a absolute calibrated camera, as you know the light output energy of your xenon lamp and the reflection spectrum of the color chart.
If you take this camera to Mars you can create images with type absolute calibration without any calculation, just display the digital image data on
a calibrated monitor. The image will show, how a human would see the surface shortly after the landing. I write shortly, as the human visual system
would adapt to any changes in the ambient light after some hours. If the ambient light was really red, you wouldn't see that anymore after a day, as
your visual system would expect a blue sky with white clouds. However, the absolute calibrated camera cannot be deceived, it does show the precise
colors every picture. Geologist and other scientists do not need that absolute calibration as they are interested in the relative calibration.
The relative calibration to a normalised daylight source is of interest for scientists as it shows the soil and rocks of Mars like they woul look like
if taken to Earth and looked under daylight or a normalised xenon daylight lamp. With that type of calibration they can identify different types of
To get relative calibrated images you need to photograph the very same color chart you had on Earth next to the Martian objects. Then you adjust each
color channel on the digital images so the color charts looks the same as the one on Earth under daylight.
Now the questions are easy to get true color Martian pictures:
1. We need the raw images, aperture data, shutter speed of the test images taken by the Rover camera on Earth of the color calibration target
(sundial) on the Mars Rovers under normalised lighting conditions (6500K lamp). I haven't found these images yet on the PDS image database.
2. We need a statement, that after those test images nothing was changed on the Rover camera electronics or AD conversion process. Also any influence
of the heat sterilisation process must be excluded.
3. We need images taken by a reference camera the very same time, the test images of the Rover camera were taken. This is needed to exluded any
calculation errors and to verify the test images. These test images are really important as even slight calculation errors can lead to large color
distortions. I haven't seen any images of this type. However, I know that they have been taken as it was part of the calibration process in one
4. We need spectral reflectance values of the color charts to verify the test images again, this time by calculation. This data is available.
To get an answer for the 1st question I already tried some addresses but always was directed to other persons and then again to others. No one seems
to know how to get them. The people at the PDS database want the image numbers, the people at the research institutations do have some image data but
no auxilary data about the light source, the shutter speed, aperture and others.