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How would humans treat aliens.....

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Mean Red Spider
The first person to catch one would be killed by his neighbor for his discovery. Then his neighbor would kill him for it. This would go on until the planet was at war over the little guy. The winner would offer to sell it to the highest bidder, but his neighbor would kill him first. On and on.

When you read back over the responses on these threads. You realise that this is the way our thinking has headed and we are all aware of it because we observe and copy and follow trends. This is how we have lowered our potential as a human race which brought down our conciousness. There will be some time yet to bring love and acceptance into our lives.

Imagine how technology would have changed to suit the environment rather then destructing it if we could all live in harmony with it we would be more green technologically.

There are countries now who will be rich from green technology in the future. Australia misses out because we sold our solar power technology to the Germans and to California. Which was a stupid mistake. These countries will be the next richest. But unfortunately it will still be done through greed rther then caring for the environment.

[edit on 11-12-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 07:15 PM
I agree with you. Getting people to do the right thing for the right reason is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do. Everybody is afraid that if someone else gets something, they lose out themselves. I don't know what's happened to us, but it will be good for us in the long run to fall behind the rest of the world for a while.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Mean Red Spider

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by meadowfairy Anyway to prove indigo's is for another topic.

Kewl... Start a thread...
Good for points...

Now then about the way we treat Aliens...

Lets try this on for size...

Item #1 Clip from an email from someone 'in good position' in the scheme of things. The letter came with a 580 page document that has some errr 'interesting material'

Thanks, Ron. I got a kick out of reading your note! YES..MIB's do exist. Did you get a chance to read my story about the 'visitor' I met at MacDill? He had 2 sets of eyelids...honestly...reptilian! I about # my pants when I saw his eyes...never forget them!

Have a great week...good things just around the corner

McDill is McDill AFB The 'Visitor' was wearing an Air Force Uniform

Then there is this... The following excerpt is from a personal experience from a person who as a result of my asking him about a certain space craft launch has now become Pegasus' military researcher...

Well....You probably have a pretty good idea about me by now, and I said: "C'mon Captain, we all saw that thing last night, and it wasn't any kind of aircraft we've ever seen. What was it...and who's"? We all were looking directly at him, then curiously, like something’s not right with this guy, like he didn't seem to be alive. Kind of a waxy face, almost plastic or mannequin like and strange light green color eyes and wearing black gloves in 95 degree heat in a full dress uniform with no name tag. And not sweating!

He said: "I don't know what you're talking about, now get back to your units"! After what we saw the night before and the crap from the AP's, I was getting pissed. And when I saw he wasn't armed, when everybody we saw was, I wanted answers. I still had my M-16 in my hands. I made a kind of threatening move by wrapping my hand around the grip and trigger and said point blank: "Why are you wearing black leather gloves in this heat and not sweating"?

He didn't answer. I clicked off the safety. It seemed like if you were a mile away, you would have heard that click. He twitched at this and looked at the weapon then me. He knew I wasn't impressed with his rank. Nobody moved. Like time stopped. It was uncannily quiet. He was about five feet in front of me. And I thought: "If he makes a move towards me, I'm going to cut him in half".

He took two slow steps backwards and turned to head back to his jeep. First, he would have jumped down my throat for not saying "Sir" if he was a Captain. Then I would have been standing before a court martial for handling a weapon in a threatening manner. Third, he started back to his jeep (with no driver) and no response.

I was going to stop him but the MS was really freaked out by this time and ran up to me and said: "Are you crazy? What are you doing"?

I protested and said: "Sarge, this guy's an impostor, can't you see that? Everybody else might be dead"!

He said: "You may be right but I'll find out what's going on when we get back. Don't take the chance of a court martial for threatening an officer"!

I remember say something like: "I already did that and if he's an officer, then I'm an alien"! The "Captain" heard that and turned back and looked at me with black eyes! It sent a shivering chill up my spine upon seeing this and said: "Did you see that? Look at him! His eyes are black now"!

I started to raise my weapon at him and tell him to stop and the MS got in front of me and said: "Stand down soldier, that's an order"!

If your interested you can read the rest here...

So how do we treat them? We sign a treaty with them and have them work with our Military. In both stories above the 'visitor' is wearing a military uniform of rank...

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Don't think i can really start a thread about some thing that causes an itch in my experiences.

Peace treaties sound cool but then the general population sees it as the government lacking balls. Balls to play friendly with that is

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by meadowfairy
Peace treaties sound cool but then the general population sees it as the government lacking balls. Balls to play friendly with that is

Doesn't matter anyway.. 'They' have already broken the treaty and are abducting more that the agreed upon quota AND not providing a list of those they take..

THAT is not kewl

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 07:31 PM

Alien visitation would be no different. Who here could honestly say that if all of a sudden you came face to face with a being from another world, the first reaction wouldn't be fear?

As long as Joe Alien didn't pop in thru a window in the dead of night, He'd have nothing to worry about. From me, at least. I'm so ready to leave this stinking rock, if one came up to my front door and asked if I wanted to leave the planet, I'd start packing. If it was one of those cute Nordic blonde ones, And she kept smiling at me, I'd break the world speed record for packing and going on a trip. And the kicker? No one would mourn my leaving. I have no family, so virtually NO ONE would miss me. The landlord might miss his rent, but that's it. G/f? Having a g/f on this planet is a joke where no one laughs.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by wylekat

Alien visitation would be no different. Who here could honestly say that if all of a sudden you came face to face with a being from another world, the first reaction wouldn't be fear?

If it was one of those cute Nordic blonde ones, And she kept smiling at me, I'd break the world speed record for packing and going on a trip.

Well that is just the thing... it would really depend on what they look like... if you watch Star Wars they went out of their way to show us different kinds

Some we laughed at, some were cute like the Ewoks... and Star Gate SG1 has been pushing very hard to make the Grays out to be good guys

Thor from SG1...

Little guy no threat..

As to your cute Blonde from Venus... be careful which zipper you pull...

But would you still be in such a hurry to pack if THIS guy came looking for you?

So our reaction would be relative to what we see when they are in front of us. I would be more inclined not to feel fear confronting an Ewok than that other dude... I would be looking for my blaster...


[edit on 13-12-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by meadowfairy

The same way we treat each other... judgmental... hateful ... and very few of us will treat them with love and peace but since majority are sheeples, they'll do as they're told with the few in power to be!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I agree, I thought it was a bit weird when what is percieved as a grey popped up on stargate. I was surprised too that the human looking aliens where the bad guys and the greys where good.

But at the end of the day the writers probably probe sites like this and look for possible future storylines. I mean you could make plenty of good films out of half of the conspiracies on here.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
You are so right.

If Aliens came here trying to help our planet, they would be killed before they even started. I believe that cerain Aliens are trying to help us (OK, just a thought I have) but they can't manifest themselves because they know they would be gunned down and/or experimented on.

Humans are very cruel - to their own, to animals, and certainly to Aliens.
If I was an Alien I would be very scared of humans.

So why are we scared of Aliens? They can't be worse than us.

I agree here. If I was flying around, checking out planets, and I see earth "Oh nice...a water planet!" But then you look real close and see we're actually killing each other over color, land and saddest of all, religion, I think I would be real careful before bringing my saucer down on Billy Bob's Poultry Farm.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:25 AM
I think they would likely bypass the governments completely.

I once heard someone say about a UFO report "why would they go to Wales and not straight to the White House" (implying that Wales is the arse-end of Earth and not worth visiting by bus lol)

The fact is, our government is likely meaningless to an alien life form, so why not visit Wales? The fact that it is designated as such, on maps, means nothing to an alien life form.
You are just as likely to see a UFO land on a farm in Texas as you are to see one land in Downing Street.

And I do truly believe that if they are peaceful, we'll see first contact with a group of people rather than any government.
If I were an alien race visiting this planet, I would find a few very brave members of our team and give them instructions to land, greet a few Humans here and there, assess their reaction, then report back.
This could be increased over time, developing trust, until they are greeted with happiness.

Isn't this what they have been doing by flying over so often now? Maybe they know that people are beginning to understand that they are there, they're trying to develop trust and knowledge throughout the population.

Either way, I think they'll view governments as we do, dangerous, controlling and irresponsible.

Hey, maybe they'll come down to "Free the Human people from their Dictators!"

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Maybe they do fly over every now and then, but it wont be a friendly welsh family from the valleys that is greeting them. It will fighter jets, taking pot shots maybe even firing a missile here and there.

If our technology is way behind there's I dont think that will make them feel much better. If you walk towards a wasps nest and they start coming out and trying to sting you, you will soon turn around and think 'forget it'.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Hi, Knight,

An Indigo is merely a more evolved person - and, no, their auras are not necessarily blue. And they are not all women lol.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Graphix10

Hey Graphix,

You are so right,

Love and light

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by BIONICLE ALEX

Alex, YESSSSS - you are so right and in another post I said Jesus Christ is coming soon to rule the world and I got a lot of crap.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:43 AM
I'm a bit more positive about our endeavours. I think if we found aliens on another planet we'd be diplomatic and peaceful. Within months we'd be seeking to trade with them. Naturally, we'd try to rip them off
(The Ferengi business model). Naturally, they'd try to rip us off. If they were at a similar level of technology we'd be looking to exchange technology. Naturally, we'd try and rip them off.

Some of the posts that describe us being exploited by aliens and somehow farmed
We are on the threshold of growing meat. We've mapped the whole human genome and several other critters too. In the near future we'll be growing major organs. We can already grow skin. We are omniverous. We can thrive on other food sources than meat. Surgeons can carry out simulated operations because the human body, down to microscopic level, has been charted and rendered in simulation. There's thousands of books and on-line documents covering earth biology and history. We use machines for heavy labour and efficiency.

Why? Why would some technologically advanced species travel here and be without any of the above resources or capabilities? Their level of technology would imply they can do all of that and a damn sight more. I don't think the Planet Burger Bar/ human slavery/ exploitation theory sustains any scrutiny

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:25 AM
It's difficult to say how 'humans' ( plural) would treat Aliens-
For example...

Aliens lands a ship on a busy high street, crowds run and scream in all directions, police and army turn up , all very scary.
Alien says " I'll be coming to see you" , lands, and crowds run away screaming, police and army are already at landing site.

People are panicky animals and the aliens know that, If they have been watching us then they know that we scare easily, too many stories , films, books about aliens hurting humans, and the fear of the unknown is what scares us about aliens..

Now the 'humans' ( singular)
there are a few options open the the alien,
alien lands infront of a lone human, human freaks out and runs away
alien lands infront of a lone human, human stands their ground because they want to know and are curious.

A person can be rational enough to make the choice when confronted with something totally out of the ordinary, theres one story I heard where a group of people were just trekking across a field and they spotted a group of UFO's, one of the group 'called' out with her mind and the UFO's reacted , and as it got closer the human who 'called' out freaked out and ran.

I for one would LOVE to meet an alien but actions speak louder than words in my book.
If ( according to other posts here on ATS) aliens can manipulate our minds to make us believe the aliens love us, then we are lost , as we have the mentality of sheep at the moment, we are told we are too stupid to understand aliens, hence no disclosure.
But if an alien was to 'contact' me , ( and I have been asking by the way) then its actions speak volumes over the words it can say to me.

If an alien were to come to me and say " would you like to see our ship?" I would have to say " can I tell someone where I'm going and can I take pictures to show where I've been?"
If the aliens said "no, you cannot do either" then I'd have to refuse
but the alien said "that would be acceptable but against our directives, you can take pictures but not show them to anyone" , then I would accept their offer.
Who's to say the alien who said "no to both requests" isn't going to get me in their ship , then either sprirt me away or eat me?
The one that said "yes" would get more trust from me straight away.

I would like to meet an alien to learn from them, not something I could turn into cash like the current Governments do , but something I could learn to better the people who need help.
Yes I would be worried if meeting an alien , as like everyone else I have been taught to fear them, why have we been taught that?
Is it because they can teach us the truth about ourselves and our potentials, instead of how to hurt each other?
It would be hard not to feel anxious, even if 'surrounded' by feelings of love, simply because its not a normal part of our day. Habits are hard to break, but when you do break them, life can be so much better.
And after all isn't that the real reason aliens want to contact us?
To teach us theres more out there than just another dollar.
We can be so much more than we are, but we are not being given the choice by those that fear losing what they have grown accustomed to, their money and power.
The people of the world if confronted in a sensible manner would react in a way that would be beneficial to all involved.

My ideal way would be to get somone , anyone who's an average joe ( like me or you) not a politician, soldier, reigeous practitioner, just a joe off the streets.
The aliens say to joe " we want you to help us , we want to meet you but we don't want to scare you all"
Joe says " sure , let me take clear pictures , I'll tell people that you will appear over X city at X time , hang around for about 15 minutes, then comeback and talk to me".
Joe tells as many people as he can via the internet etc. sure some will call him a nutjob, but joe's smarter than that to rise to the bait and says "I'm not looking for money or followers, just the truth", Aliens appear at set time and place.
Joe tells the aliens " go to X city at X time and wait 30 minutes". This time there are more people ready to listen and to see.
They both do this a few times, each would gather more momentum and response.
If Joe and the aliens were to be patient with the masses then change is possible for all as a pace acceptable to all to get acclimatised to the scene.
After a couple more 'visits' Joe says to the aliens meet at a designated place , either Government office, UN HQ or something with a lot of space, People will the be there to witness the landing, TV cameras will be there to show those that can't make it the show.Yes the military will be there, But both Joe and the aliens have agreed to show restraint and just speak to the masses.
The aliens come out slowly of their ship and Joe + Gov leaders whoever is there welcomes the aliens.
If we do not show fear but awe and curiosity instead we can change the world for the better for all.
The aliens would have to realise to change us enough to accept them then they would have to change a little as well as I have heard they don't allow anyone to take pictures because of their directives or laws.
The aliens have to realise that too many people can be ridiculed and that goes nowhere, but if they realise that change has to happen on both sides then its for the better , a little change now for a greater benefit for the future. Our generation will have the hardest time adjusting to the change, but its gets easier with time.
Right thats it I'm off to Lunch, Aliens? if your there I'll be your Joe

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 09:47 AM
Given the original scenario (us landing on another planet, encountering similar, but less advanced human-like sentients).... I think Damien's closest to the mark, but I really hope not. For one, there is now a more omniscient press, which didn't really exist at the time he's paralleling (the slave trade)... The public would not support animalistic treatment of them enmasse... I think it would be more like the encroachment of modern civilization in areas of Africa, etc. where local tribes gradually go more modern and adopt modern conveniences, etc.

As for men or women warring...conflict, destruction is part of the human condition, and it's part of nature, even the cosmos. If you want to play the sexist game, simply look at the countries with female leadership. Now examine their recent military activities. Oops...doesn't matter. We all war. Male/female, doesn't matter. It's all about control of resources and bettering one's position. Always has been, always will matter what religion or cause is given as the reason.

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