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Victor Returns Alien Interview Follow up 2008 ** Video **

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posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 12:59 PM
Pardon my ignorance, but which video are these still shots taken from? Or, are they still shots only with no video from which they were taken?

reply to post by atlasastro

[edit on 12/13/2008 by synchro]

[edit on 12/13/2008 by synchro]

[edit on 12/13/2008 by synchro]

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:02 PM
Victor can now be understood in a his native tongue, please take look here.
Regards Rizze Oh yes from the original video and not from this new one.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:06 PM
How do we really go further to prove or disprove that video? It was most definitely impressive and I'm sure we would all love to prove it to be true, but what are the steps that none of us have taken?

It seems as though we would need a government CIA top secret insider to really do so.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
(...)It seems as though we would need a government CIA top secret insider to really do so.

Even if someone comes out one day with 100% true, 100% accurate, 100% undeniable proof, there will always be a bunch of naysayers to scream "fake", "hoax", "made up story", "swap gas"...

The definite proof is only a subjective thing. I have had many definite proofs already, some people will never have any.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:26 PM
To the people promoting the argument that EBE's are in bright environs all the time.

Just because they use the bright light to subdue the target does not mean they enjoy it, While in the field in the Army we slept in a cold armored vehicle, none of us liked it and it certainly wasn't comfortable (even with the heater cranked) but it was part of the job, the EBE's come at night and work often in a dark enviroments only the illuminate their craft in times of examination or perhaps the light in their craft is more tollerable than our primitive incandescent and fluorescent lights or contains less harmful IR and/or UV light that might not occur as much naturally in their binary star-system.

We don't have enough proof to support such speculation.

As for Command Sergeant Major Dean being victor, the disguise might be intentionally made to look like him to muddy the waters, I doubt he would be so careless to appear as victor and condoning it on the other end without disguise.

I still say Alien Interview is REAL and Victor is a clandestine operative of the S-4 facility, I would be frustrated too if I were him and I also would like some monitary gain from such a risk, wouldn't you?

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by jpvskyfreak

Now Victor is wearing a mask while he talks. The ponytail is gone, and they purposely show the picture of CSM Dean with his large ponytail to try and throw us off.
I still believe CSM Dean and Victor are the same person. It does have an impact as CSM Dean has claimed he never worked at Area 51.
Victor is also upset that no ufologist has asked the government through the Freedom of Information Act about what it knows. Is this too hard for Victor himself to do? The alien in the video looks like CGI to me, and I would need more proof if I were to believe this story. As other posters have stated, why not tell us who you really are? I know the answer, your life will be in danger. So go another route and show paperwork with your name and address deleted so some of us can see it.

When one makes an outrageous claim, it requires something to back it up. The idea here is to deny ignorance, and ask the tough questions. I am not saying make fun of people or degrade what they have to say, but ask tough questions about their backgrounds and ask for some type of evidence to support the claim. If no evidence, then state this is speculation only, until something concrete comes up. Vetting is a good idea, and ufology is seriously inept at doing just that. The serious researchers ask the tough questions and then get called disinformation agents because the whistle blowers, contactees, etc do not like getting called on for their claims.

Sometimes there are down to earth answers, which many ufologists do not want to hear.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 04:55 PM
Why does everyone insist on saying that "Victor" is Robert Dean? I have seen no evidence to back this up whatsoever other than Victor's original sillouete looks minutely similar to that of Robert Dean. Talk about grasping at straws...

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Fastwalker81

What I gathered from another comment in this thread is that he is frustrated that ufologists didn't follow up on the footage. So maybe that's why he named Morton. Morton was also involved with this case 11 years ago...

I don't think anyone replied to this yet-

My quesiton to you would be, waht is there to follow up on? There are no names given in the "interview." It's so dark that there is no way to tell what type of building they are in. Every person's face in the video is covered up, so good luck having someone say "Yeah, that's my brother cleaning out the alien's nose."

All it is is a video of what could be an alien, what could be a puppet. What sort of real follow-up could there be, until "Victor" provides something to actually go on?

Right now, I could go make an "alien interview" vidoe with an alien made out of play doh and myself witha hankerchief over my mouth. Aside from the fact that ti would look ridiculous, it would give you exactly as much information to "follow up" on as Victor's video does. That is, nothing.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
The alien in the video looks like CGI to me, and I would need more proof if I were to believe this story. As other posters have stated, why not tell us who you really are? I know the answer, your life will be in danger. So go another route and show paperwork with your name and address deleted so some of us can see it.

When one makes an outrageous claim, it requires something to back it up. The idea here is to deny ignorance, and ask the tough questions. I am not saying make fun of people or degrade what they have to say, but ask tough questions about their backgrounds and ask for some type of evidence to support the claim.

I refer to my reply to Jim Ruff here:

The 'Alien Interview' documentary also refers to an incident in the Kalahari in 1989 involving a crashed saucer and the South African Air Force. I have been able to see the (leaked) classified documents describing the mission and retrieval by the SAAF in great detail, and it confirms that the craft and 2 live beings were flown to the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I can provide these documents on request via u2u if interested. Furthermore, one of our South African ATS members, Gemwolf, confirmed that he remembers the incident being covered in the media at the time (wow!). For me, it is proof enough that the event happened and the video footage is real.

...and I still stand by my assertion. Why? Because I have seen the evidence. The cold hard paperwork that you seek is indeed publicly available. I personally came across it amongst the Disclosure Project 500 page Briefing Document, which I later converted into JPGs. I can provide these if you wish to see them. Feel free to send a u2u.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Why does everyone insist on saying that "Victor" is Robert Dean? I have seen no evidence to back this up whatsoever other than Victor's original sillouete looks minutely similar to that of Robert Dean. Talk about grasping at straws...

I'm pretty sure the video that atlasastro was trying to get Fastwalker81 to watch is the source of this. The video claims that Bob Dean and Victor have the same tie. Then a side by side comparison is shown with big red circles drawn around the ties, and they're 2 completely different ties. One has thick lines while the other has thin lines, and the lines aren't even going in the same direction.

The video is a bad joke at best.

atlasastro where is this image from?

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:10 PM
First I would like to say that I enjoy the genuine and respectful type of discussion going on here by most. Fastwalkers, your posts are contributing to this so keep it up.

On point >> Lets have a side discussion here. What if the videos ARE REAL? What can we do with that? Victor seems to be upset about the situation in both videos, but he wants US to do something about it.

Question 2 >> If the video IS FAKE, then what. We have another faked video like the autopsy to derail the credibility of the UFOlogy subject. This is actually quite possible.

My opinion >> I find it quite the complexity of the videos is compelling. Second, the fact that no-one has come forward to claim responsibility or involvement may reveal some truth.

>> I think there is something to this. Although the Santilly episode was deemed fake, I absolutely believe that an autopsy DID take place. Are we seriously to believe that the gov't did not do an autopsy when they retrieved the bodies?!? That is an absurd assumption. So, this video may possibly be fake. There is no REAL evidence to prove that it is fake, but it possibly could be. Regardless I believe that there were plenty of REAL EBE interviews that were taped.

I would like to make a small point here regarding ethics. This guy Victor is upset about the treatment and secrecy. What is he doing about it? Putting this video out? I think anyone who is truly on a 'humanitarian' cause would make a much more profound statement to the public by having his efforts be for free. Perception is 9/10ths reality. Are we to believe that he wants the extra money as an insurance policy against sinister forces that wish to silence him? Is it all that hard for the shadow gov't to trace the profits from the DVD sale?

Last, I think the best thing he could do is go to Larry King, and everyone else he can and get the info out. Get his name and ID out into the public so he is protected due to visibility . Then have the story told in full and professionally documented. Names should be named for verification and investigation. Then we could properly verify or debunk this episode.

He is concerned about prosecution due to breaching his security clearance. I can tell you now that everyone in the gov't service has the right not only to refuse unlawful orders but they are duty bound to report gross infractions. Thus, telling his story to Larry King (or whoever) is really his best bet. If they found this to be a true story, the gov't would NEVER be able to prosecute. If it is fake, then he can't be prosecuted anyway.

Personally, I would have this whole thing outed in public if it were me. I don't care if I had to breach my clearance or not. The story and the implications are THAT IMPORTANT.

My final comment is that this guy seems a bit pompous and selfish. He is making money on a video about aliens being help prisoner etc. yet he is upset that we are not outraged about the conspiracy. We really need the full story, names, dates, locations, names, names, did I mention names. We need to question this guy and be able to verify this info somehow. The way this subject has played out it is easy to see why people are saying FAKE.

I will remain objective and open minded. I say this is a REAL situation whether the video is fake or not. There are ample interviews by many different people claiming basically the same things.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Let us also consider the possibility that this may also be for disinformation. If that is the case, does it not still raise awareness about the subject? I believe, as do many others here, that the only possible way to admit to the public about the EBE visitation subject is through slow controlled leakages. This prevents the hysteria the Brookings Inst. talked about while still going forward. When disinformation is littered into real data everywhere, it clouds the subject a bit; Just enough perhaps to allow enough wiggle room for the powers that be to escape prosecution.

posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior
On point >> Lets have a side discussion here. What if the videos ARE REAL? What can we do with that? Victor seems to be upset about the situation in both videos, but he wants US to do something about it.

I'll play along with that. Victor suggests that ufologists and investigators should put in FOIA requests for S4.
I'm neither a ufologist or investigator, and I don't know very much about the FOIA, but S4 is listed here under No Records Exist

I'm guessing any requests would be met with something like this? Am I wrong?

The only new information Victor has is that researchers should attempt to look into where Donald Rumsfeld was on March 23 of this year. Apparently it has something to do with Rumsfeld's plans to escape the planet when the aliens come to get revenge for our poor interview tactics. I haven't found anything.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 12:42 AM
RiotComing, why the need to keep them secret. Why not post them here in public view?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by freelance_zenarchist

I, for one, am going to stay right here on top of the fence where it is nice and comfortable. I am not going to even try and speculate whether the video is real of not; because I cannot present anything solid to back up either argument. However, I am intrigued about the whole Rumsfeld, March 2008, EBE connection that was eluded to in the full version of the 2008. Basically, I have some free time on my hands right now, and so I'll bite and do some research. Maybe I am getting sucked into some big elaborate hoax, but I have nothing better to do right now. So, I wanted to ask for some suggestions as it relates to research methods. I know that GOOGLE is always a good stand by, but I was wondering if anybody could suggest other websites or search engines that would be good to check out in order to see if there is some sort of valditiy to this claim. "Victor" seems to insinuate that the information is available for the general public to get its hands on with a little bit of research.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:30 PM
great thread.

Victor and Dean one and the same ? I would say no. Dean has no reason to hide and to reveal this interview tape would surely make him a hotter ticket for the ufo conferences would it not ? The short video trying to show that Dean is Victor does not convince me in any way. They have the same tie ? Why circle 2 completely different ties ? The striped tie is quite comon.
As for the 2nd interview- I am not sure why he even did a second interview. What did it gain him, and what did we learn ?
As for the alien interview- it is interesting. Just watching the 2 plus minute clip by itself my mind said bad hoax. Looks like a Puppet. The bobbing of the head does not look at all natural to me. Funny that other people seem to claim that is what makes it even more real for Them. It seems others seemed to know what i would think and had to convince me. Witley for one.
I am not saying this is not real, by no means am I qualified to make that statement. I am a believer in the Alien cover-up.
Someone asked - what if this is real ? well I would say if its real, its also 11 years ago and nothing much has changed in our lives because of it. I have the same questions today I had 11 years ago.
The question I have is why do the Aliens not make them selves known to all mankind ? What is that they are hiding? It is my opinion that they are here, but why do they deal with the military and governments? What do we have to offer them that is so secret (or sinister?) that they remain in hiding.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:43 PM
When Shirley MacLaine was on Bill O'Reilly's show he told her that if someone got him some sort of proof of Aliens that he would run the story.

Maybe someone should try sending this video to O'Reilly? I doubt anything would come of it but who knows? Could be worth a try I guess.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Aspie
RiotComing, why the need to keep them secret. Why not post them here in public view?

Keep what secret? Do you mean the SAAF documents? Well primarily because I got it originally off a torrent site and I think it's against the T&C to post links to copyrighted material and I'm not sure if the Disclosure Project Briefing Document was a freebie or something one had to pay for, I don't know, but I'd rather not post the whole thing here. Anyway, the PDF file is over 30 megs, so I'd have to host it up on somewhere like Rapidshare who would delete it after 30 days anyway. So I saved the SAAF pages as JPGs and put them up on Imageshack, and am happy to give links via u2u if you are interested in reading them. I hope this answers your query.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior
First I would like to say that I enjoy the genuine and respectful type of discussion going on here by most. Fastwalkers, your posts are contributing to this so keep it up.

Thanks Spirit Warrior. I sometimes can come across as a bit harsh but I just want to get to the truth regarding this footage.

On point >> Lets have a side discussion here. What if the videos ARE REAL? What can we do with that? Victor seems to be upset about the situation in both videos, but he wants US to do something about it.

If this is real then we are in deep **** I think. These beings present themselfes and this is the face we turn to them, we lock them up, hide there existence and question them about their technology for military/personal gain. As Victor puts it nicely in his last interview. "The aliens presented themselfes and we have been found wanting".

My opinion >> I find it quite the complexity of the videos is compelling. Second, the fact that no-one has come forward to claim responsibility or involvement may reveal some truth.

This is exactly my thought. Some people underestimate the work that goes into a hoax like this.

I saw that Kidflash made the point about the alien being CGI. This is almost impossible (no offence) in my opinion because CGI was in its infancy when this video came out. CGI was certainly not publicly available back then. One of the only companies able to do CGI back then were the makers of Jurassic Park...

So that leaves us with the puppet theory. Well people forget a puppet like that would cost ALOT of money. If you watch the original documentary you can see the puppets created by professional puppet maker John Criswell. His result doesn't even come close...

Furthermore I have seen a short analysis of the alien interview footage and you can clearly see the alien wink. This is really baffles me as this is almost impossible for a puppet.

The way this subject has played out it is easy to see why people are saying FAKE.


This Rocket Pictures company does not care for the truth, only for profit. The person that interviewed Victor did not ask one smart question. In the last interview Victor basicly says he doesn't care anymore because he is dying. Why not push him to reveal his identity?

Gotta run now, will post more later. Thanks to all that jumped into this thread to have a civil discussion.

[edit on 15/12/08 by Fastwalker81]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Fastwalker81

I will go back tonight and watch the video again, I do not recall seeing the alien blink, but to be honest i was watching football at the same time and was doing a lot of pausing of the vid.
Again might I add this has been a great thread. Very civil for the most part which is quite refreshing to see.

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