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In 1979, Rushing moved to Odessa where he accepted a position as corporal patrol for the K-9 Unit with the Odessa Police Department. His promotions included sergeant, IAD, CID, K-9, Helicopter Section, Patrol; captain, Internal Affairs; and deputy chief, Patrol Service Bureau.
Originally posted by Tiloke
Originally posted by RFBurns
I dont know where one poster thinks there are only 90,000 people in Odessa, but your WAY off of even being close.
Odessa, including WEST Odessa combined is well over 125,000.
Really? Not according to EVERY piece of information I could find.
Odessa's population was 90,943 at the 2000 Census, with a 2005 census population estimated projection of 93,546.
And you know what else...they have THREE police choppers, and that was back in 2006 when I lived there. They may have more than that now.
Really? Their website goes into detail about their patrol divisions, SWAT teams, K-9 units and even their animal control units, but there is not one single peep about an air unit.
I suppose anyone or any buisness with an electric bill over 80 bucks could be considered growing pot then and the entire city would be under a siege.
Now who has no idea what they are talking about? Not "any business with a bill over 80 bucks" could be considered growing pot. The house that has a 2000 watt jump that lasts exactly 12 hours every day for 2 months could be though. Without going into too much detail, there are very specific lighting conditions you need to strictly maintain if you are growing pot. It is THOSE PATTERNS that they are looking for, not the total amount of your bill. Your argument here is completely invalid.
TXU/Atmos does NOT require any contract to provide utility to anyone. You simply call them up, tell them where you need service, they charge a deposit, usually around 120 bucks, and unless the power is already on at the place where you need it, it usually takes less than 2 days for them to go out there and plug in the meter. Most of the time, the power is already on, it just gets put into your name when you request the service.
Really? I found this on your own power companies site;
It is important for to be a well informed consumer so if a problem arises you know what steps to take to protect yourself, so make sure to read all paperwork that you receive from your energy company. The Terms of Service will detail fees, contract terms, billing and payment information, credit and deposit policies and cancellation of services. The Your Rights as a Customer disclosure will outline financial assistance options, slamming, cramming, disconnection and restoration of service, complaint resolution and contact information.
So that argument is untrue, pure and simple. Here in Denver there is a cell phone company called Cricket. In their ads they say you don't have to sign anything, and you don't. However, their is still a contract between the company and the customers. The customers still have to pay their bills if they want a phone and abide by the companies terms and conditions. The fact that he is using the phone and that they are letting him constitutes a legal agreement, just like the power companies, and all with no actual contracts signed.
There are over 20 different customer agreements with 4 appendixes listed on my power companies website. I am expected to abide by the terms set forth in those agreements, even if I havn't even heard of them.
Sheesh, I love how some people who dont even live there, or have ever lived there, try to spout their BS and think they know what the heck they are talking about. Ive smelled better foul air from a west texas vulture than this!!!!
And I love how apparently people who have lived there can't even be bothered to check their facts before attempting to berate another member.
P.S. did you notice how I avoided phrases that are only used to insult and belittle and add nothing to the thread like "Spout their BS". I also did it without having to compare you to a vulture fart, try to do the same.
[edit on 8-12-2008 by Tiloke]
Painter's Permian Basin Drug Task Force was the biggest, covering a fifteen-county swath of the Trans-Pecos from Andrews to the border. It was also the most controversial. Along with the drug busts that made Gary Painter a star on the local evening news, came persistent questions about corruption: theft of confiscated drug money, missing evidence from the drug vault, political payoffs. A 1991 grand jury investigation resulted in indictments against Hal Upchurch, a D.A. in Ward County who worked closely with the task force, and Ronald Tucker, one of Painter's many "temporary deputies," underworld operatives who helped him make drug cases across the state.
Then, in June of 1998, after a lengthy investigation by state and federal authorities of allegations ranging from evidence tampering and fraudulent reports to bribery and theft, the governor's office cut off funds to the Permian Basin task force.
"They all went into the brush with their camouflage gear and their knives and their paintball guns," Talley recalls. "And all of the sudden people came out of nowhere. They knew who I was and what I was doing there, but I put my hands up just to act like I was a bad guy." He must have played his part too well. "They opened up the car door, threw me on the ground, and stood on me for about five minutes," Talley said. In a real drug bust, it could have been worse. "When I stood back up, I looked where my head was in the back window and there was a paintball [splat] there. I said, 'You guys saw me put my hands up.' And one of the kids said, 'Well, you know in a situation like that we have to take out everybody.'"
Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
Not sure if it matters here or not...
But the FLDS raid in San Angelo is just about 1.5 hours drive from Midland/Odessa. Odessa is a town in and of itself....but if you know anything about the area, it is always preceded by "Midland/", as they are "sister cities". They sit about 15 miles from each other, and both have populations in the 100k range.
Those police forces are loaded. They have TONS of solid weaponry and investigative equipment. Here is a picture from the FLDS raid in San Angelo. Looks like Sheriff Gary Painter sent over one of his APC's:
We are not talking about a sleepy little town here with a bunch of Barney Fife's. This is the front in the supposed "War on Drugs", and the local police are outfitted with some sweet weapons to fight the "War".
One more thing for football fans....this is the same Odessa, Tx that the Permian Panthers are from ("Friday Night Lights").
Originally posted by The Vagabond
So, just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, in the future, if I want a thread to calm WAY down, all I've got to do is talk about Texas Highschool Football, and everyone will go their separate ways?
Originally posted by BASSPLYR
Good for KopBusters!
But I'm calling BS on part of the story.
these Kop Busters had to have been doing something to attract attention. There is no way flir or cops can detect one single "grow light's" heat coming from the house.
First of all the heat the flir would pick up would be the heat of the air that is warming the roof of said home. that hot air generated from the light will create a warm patch on the roof. that is if you are using some HPS bulb in your attic or something. but even then gee there are a lot of heat sources in peoples attics. there are plenty or reasons there can be a spot on the roof that is warmer than others. multiple lights causing heat patterns that look like every few feet there is something generating heat will show up possibly on flir looking down onto somebodies roof, and again only if they are all crammed up in the attic. flir really just picks up suspicious heat plumes leaving the house. usually from under eves where the exhaust is vented from the light reflector hood. one light isn't going to do any of the stuff that could be noticed.
these guys were doing something else to get attention from the authorities. one light isn't going to be suspicious on an electric bill either. heck most peoples TV's and entertainment suites use more electricity. the DWP won't see anything suspicious about your electric bill going up 15 dollars a billing cycle.
People who use lots of power bypass the meter and generally escape detection that way too.
SO I call BS on this story unfolding exactly the way the KopBusters claim. They did something besides operate a 400 what light or whatever to get the cops involved.