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The Largest Conspiracy of All Time

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posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

No disservice done, your thread is extremely thought provoking, and I can most definitely see the corroboration between the stories of Yeshua and Horus; your information as well as the additional information other ATS members have contributed is quite eye-opening. This theory is entirely plausible and I commend you on all the time, work, and care you no doubt poured into such a well laid out thread

You sound like an extremely intelligent and knowledgeable person and I've seen other threads started by you, I'm an admirer, I must admit. Your level of dedication to the mantra of ATS is awe-inspiring, it is most certainly not of the garden variety, particularly among ATS members.

I must ask; what prompted the discovery of all these uncanny similarities and the subsequent research to further prove it? And I assume this is a theory not only you and the posters on this thread have noticed?

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
The 13 hidden bloodline I mentioned earlier is the morvingian bloodline. It includes the Queen Elizabeth and the house of Windsor, bloodline of George Bush. The remaining 12 bloodlines are known as the twelve lost tribes of Israel who have established governments today across the globe. Rendering the Bible which was mostly taken from Ancient Egypt and then adapted by Julius Caesar nothing more than a fabricated half truth edited into Julius Caesars 2000 year, three world war plan to establish a one world Government. Take a look at the book of Revelations again. They are not concerned with anyones safety but their own. Nobody gets saved but their own.

According to the Georgia Guide Stones they have planned to reduce the population dramatically. Right now it is approaching 7 Billion. What they want to maintain is a population under 500,000,000. Which means the only people to survive according to this plan for war is the 12 tribes or the 144,000. Which means by the year 2012 they plan on wiping over 6.5 billion people from the face of the earth, leaving only members and certain hand picked people as they can not only inbreed, they have to sometimes let outsiders in to maintain their bloodline.

They will use things like earthquakes often controlled by secret government organizations like HAARP and Codex Alementarius which goes in affect Globally on December 31, 2009. Codex Alementarius is a global mandate similar to how the FDA regulates food here in the US. Only codex Alementarius insures that deadly toxins and chemicals will be in our food supply come the year 2010. You may also want to check into Monsanto and his pesticide products which are killing people all around the globe today.

i came here out of luck and found your very interesting post as i was going to post about a conspiracy about the bush family instead of posting ill make a comment, i did not put it together, i stumbled upon it somehow and i dont even remember what i was looking for. if there is truth to this it really would be the biggest conspiracy of all time...

* article starts here link is below *

For any civilized endeavor to maintain its civility, there must be enforceable laws and/or rules; without which, there is anarchy. So, as we find ourselves struggling to regain our lost freedoms, perhaps we should take a strategic review of how we arrived at this alarming state, honestly apprise our current status, and as we depart from yet another major election, cast about for viable options for now as well as the foreseeable future.

Any objective observer with the barest awareness of contemporary history should be able to readily trace the rise of this powerful movement that has taken control of the reins of power in the United States. The most blatant initial historical record is when Grandpa Prescott Bush and some of his cronies tried to entice General Smedley Butler to muster enough World War I veterans to take over the Presidency of The United States in 1933. Then again, in 1942 (a year after the U.S. joined World War II), Prescott Bush and this same cabal -- in their drive toward fascism -- were finally forced by the "Trading With the Enemy Act" to terminate their extensive business dealings with Hitler.

After WWII, this American branch of the Nazis didn't lose the war, they just transformed the battleground. They expanded their "connections" with Hitler's intelligence networks from The War into the formation of our own CIA. It is also this same group that President Eisenhower opaquely identified as the "Military Industrial Complex," in his dark farewell speech to us. Later, it was Poppy George H.W. Bush who sat on a boat (named Barbara) off-shore and directed the Cuban Bay Of Pigs fiasco. As a direct consequence of that largely unsolicited action, John Kennedy banished him and his CIA brothers from his administration, albeit only temporarily, as George H.W. Bush, then an active CIA agent, was later photographed in Dealey Plaza that sunny November day in 1963.

From FDR to today, the Bush Crime Family and their fixated core of corporate fascists have, using unbridled corporate power, been tightening their grip on the throats of the American political, legal, economic and media systems -- as the following excerpt from the Democratic Underground so well outlines:

"A Pocket History of the Bush Organized Crime Family Crime Line

Hitler's "Angel" -- Prescott Bush and his Wall Street cronies helped finance and arm the Third Reich.* Some continued trading with the enemy even after Germany declared war on America.

Bay of Pigs -- Bush the Oilman and his Cuban and Mafia friends raise hell in Miami, New Orleans and Houston. Nice fellahs. LBJ called their organization "A regular Murder Inc in the Caribbean."

22 November 1963, Dallas* -- George DeMohrenschildt the "White Russian geologist" is friends with both Lee Harvey Oswald and George Herbert Walker Bush.
edit on 7-12-2011 by N3v3rmor3 because: ref to link

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:47 AM
22 November 1963, Dallas* -- George DeMohrenschildt the "White Russian geologist" is friends with both Lee Harvey Oswald and George Herbert Walker Bush. Small world, as the coincidences get bigger. Almost 40 years later, FBI memos surface that detail how George Herbert Walker Bush fingered a young conservative the day of the assassination and "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" cleared the anti-Castro Cubans in Miami days later.

Vietnam -- OK for poor kids to fight an illegal war started over the phony Gulf of Tonkin Incident, just as long as "W," the drunken coke-whore dim son, "destined" to become preznit some day, or the rest of his rich frat brothers don't have to go. Meanwhile Poppy's rich friends became very, very, very rich.

Watergate -- Nixon was willing to throw anyone and everyone to the wolves -- except George Herbert Walker Bush and "The Texans" because "They'll do anything for our side." Gee. Would "murder" qualify as "anything." Think so, especially seeing how Nixon got the ziggy and Bush ended up in the clear.

October Surprise -- Carter probably would've beat Reagan, but Bush and his buddies in INTEL and the military-industrial complex cut a deal with the Ayatollah to hold the hostages clear through the election. On inauguration day, they got to leave Tehran. A couple of weeks later, Israel starts sending US-supplied weapons. It proves so "profitable," that Ollie North cuts out the Israelis and decides to sell them US-direct.

Reagan survives assassination attempt --Just a couple of months after Reagan is sworn in, Reagan is ALMOST taken out and Bush stood ready to take charge. His son Neil was ready to have dinner that night with John Hinckley's brother, Scott. Odd how these "One Degree of Separation" coincidences always happen to Poppy.

INSLAW/Promis -- The turd Ed Meese and cronies stole software that enabled the Justice Department to track criminal prosecutions, had their INTEL buddies add a trap door, and then sold it around the world, making it possible to track what every BFEE-connected dictator or friend from Saddam to d'Aubission is up to -- in Freedomª's name.

Iraq-gate / Banca Nazionale del Lavoro arms -- Just how do you think Iraq managed to run its war against Iran for all those years? Saddam had to be getting juice from somebody, so they found a low-level banker in Miami to take the fall. US taxpayers floated Saddam $5 billion in loans. Meanwhile the Iran-Iraq war is prolonged by years and several hundreds of thousands of lives are lost.

BCCI International Money Laundering for Terrorists & Intelligence Community -- The terrorists' favorite bank, used by among others Abu Nidhal, Osama bin Laden, Ollie North, CIA, SIS and KGB. The Reagan and Bush administrations and friends on both sides of the aisle in Congress did all they could to keep it open. John Kerry got it shut down.

Savings & Loan Scandal -- Legalized robbery in the form of "loans" made to the politically connected, Mafia and INTEL-huggers. Odd how even Neil Bush, who made millions while Silverado, the S&L he helped direct, lost billions in bad loans to Bush cronies, never spent a day in jail. Kid from Detroit steals a pair of shoes from the mall and it's OK to shoot him dead. Meanwhile, after the bailout "fixes" everything, Poppy's very, very, very rich friends become ultra-rich.

Iran-Contra -- Neo-con Michael Ledeen, Munacher Ghorbanifar and Adnan Khashoggi bend over backward to sell arms the Ayatollah and use the profits to arm the terrorist Contras. Most of the players should be in prison, but, thanks to Poppy's pardon, remain free to roam the streets, let alone corridors of power, and continue the terror.

Arbusto, HARKEN, Spectrum-7, Aloha -- Every company the crazy monkey's ever touched, he's run into the ground. Yet Poppy's family and friends, including James R Bath, the bin Mahfouz and bin Ladens, always help him out. No wonder the dim bulb went off thinking of ENRON, Kenny Boy and all the possibilities.

Gulf War I -- Poppy Bush gives April Glaspie the signal to greenlight Saddam's "border dispute" and push into Kuwait. No wonder Saddam felt betrayed when Cheney ordered the extermination of tens of thousands of fleeing Iraqi conscripts heading north on the "Highway of Death." Meanwhile, Poppy's ultra-rich friends become ultra-ultra-ultra rich.

Selection 2000 Shreds US Constitution -- After fixing things up so that 70,000 likely Democratic votes and voters are turned away or disenfranchised, the 2000 Florida Presidential "election" results in a "tie." Associate Justice Antonin Scalia gets the idea that maybe the GOP-packed Supreme Court should grant petitioner George W Bush's request for taking the Oval Office, anyway. Someone on DU wrote: "You don't steal elections to do good things." Prophetic words, those.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 12:55 AM
ENRON Energy Policy -- Sneering Dick Cheney meets with Kenny Boy Lay to discuss ways of helping ENRON rip-off California and the rest of America. There were others there, like Chevron and EXXON, because they need oil, too. Besides, the ultra-, ultra-, ultra-rich can never have enough.

9-11 -- After ignoring the warnings of outgoing President Bill Clinton, former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, anti-Terror Chief Richard Clarke, and Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet, George W Bush ignores a report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S." A month later, 3,000 innocent people are murdered. Two ways of looking at this one: 1.) Criminal Negligence, at best; 2.) Treason, most likely.

Gulf War II -- George W Bush, Sneer, and most of "the bureaucracy" make a case for going to war in Iraq, stating there are clear-cut connections between 9-11* and Saddam Hussein, who planned to use his arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons on America. (So far, the only bioweapon used on America was Anthrax that came from a US Army lab grown from a batch of the University of Iowa Strain.) Anwyay, it's not really odd to see how attacking Iraq was the Administration's number 1 priority, according to former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill and anti-Terror Chief Richard Clarke, from January 2001. The reason? There's money to be made there and power to be gained at home."(end of excerpt)
* links added to text by T.F.


So much for a historical perspective; where do we currently stand? Well, our political, legal, governmental, military and medical systems as well as our unions have all been thoroughly compromised. Financially, since we are deeply in debt (mostly to China) "they" are selling off our corporate and country assets and now simply "appropriating" cash to pay off their bad gambling debt to the tune of over $850 billion in a "Bailout," our tax system and the Federal Reserve Banking system are beyond any controls, the demoralized and frightened middle class is being rapidly dissolved, our worldwide reputation is sullied more than at any time in our history and the value of the dollar continues to fall. Our infrastructure and environment are deteriorating while corporate and political corruption are rampant, bigotry and racism -- while receding -- still covertly abound, our traditional news sources have become cheering profit centers for the administration and our voting processes are, at best, unreliable. Not the healthy picture of progress and hope that used to be the norm, prior to the sixties -- before someone started killing off the Kennedy brothers and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


same story all links i believe

noww if the links are bogus or story i am just a messenger... who happened upon your post at the right time.

edit on 7-12-2011 by N3v3rmor3 because: msssing nfo

edit on 7-12-2011 by N3v3rmor3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 07:28 AM
unfortunately i found more information

not sure if you saw this post

bush and how aids started in the US, it was not an accident according to this broadcast.... Memorandum.htm

"We spent that entire program relating to you the evidence of a very substantial amount of factual evidence which supports the proposition that AIDS is a synthetic biological agent that was deliberately engineered by the US government as an instrument of depopulation. This is by far the most controversial and dangerous subject that we have ever addressed on this program, so I would like to review briefly the major points -- the most significant pieces of evidence -- that I presented two weeks ago. The first point was that in the early 1970's, Henry Kissinger wrote a top secret document -- a National Security Memorandum ("NSM 200") -- in which he indicated that "depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World." This Memorandum which can be obtained from the US National Archives, which was only declassified very quietly in 1990, was adopted by the National Security Council as official US foreign policy towards the Third World. Now, this is a classic example of the "secret government" in action, because of none of this was known to the Congress, and certainly, it was not known to the American people. Did any of you know that depopulation was considered a matter of US national security? Did any of you know that for the past 20 years, depopulation has been the highest long-range priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World? No you didn't, because it was classified -- it was a secret. I would like to read for you just a piece of this document. It is written by Henry Kissinger: "Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." [National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger] And we even have a map of those areas in which Kissinger indicates where depopulation would be desirable. It's all Third World countries -- it's all brown people and yellow people, of course. "The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives the US enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of the United States." [National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger] Now, when Kissinger says "economic interests of the United States..." he means the interests of US corporations, which are in fact, multi-national corporations, with no loyalty to this country whatsoever. NSM 200, unlike other government documents on the subject, outlined "international and political and economic implications of population growth..." rather than its ecological or sociological aspects. Like we have been saying all along, the New World Order is a business, and the US Government is in the business of business."

"You see, he is contemptuous; he is contemptuous of the people that have this disease. A spokesperson for the demonstrators said that most of Bush's AIDS policy has gone into research on AZT, a drug that they said, at best, can only slow the progression of the disease. It's like junk food for viruses. As Hulet just said, they don't want to stop it, it's "mitigating the problem,"it's getting rid of the undesirables. When asked what he thought should be done about the AIDS crisis, Bush said; "I'm in favor of behavioral change."

edit on 7-12-2011 by N3v3rmor3 because: added quotes from link posted

edit on 7-12-2011 by N3v3rmor3 because: (no reason given)

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