"Jesus Christ never said he was God, he said he was the son of God, just
like all of us are. The story that he will return and save us all, is in my humble opinion, an excuse to do nothing about the situation yourself."
******Wow, the New Age Movement I see is starting to take its toll on what truth is. Jesus did in fact state he was God, in many parts of the Bible.
There were in all of humanity only two sons of God that were from God. Adam, was breathed into existence by Gods will and perfection. God
willed Adam into existence in that Adam did not have human parents. He was a son of God. Jesus was the only BEGOTTEN son of God in the same vein
but he was born of the Virgin Mary, who was by her ancestory in the royal line of David. Joseph was not. This is the reason for the two
genenology's in the Bible. Jesus was born from the will of God into a human body to be born of human DNA as well As Gods. In essence God's
spirit took the Body of Jesus and therefore Jesus was God incarnate. God in his perfect form cannot have a personal relationship with man because of
his vast glory. God has to approach man personally by being veiled as in the burning bush with Moses. Now, God became man to live a sinless,
life, and die on the cross for our sins; the sins of mankind that was caused by Adam. Imagine, the creator of the universe had to have his diapers
All we have to do is repent of our sins and believe on Romans 10:9 and we can be sons and daughters of God but only through Jesus
Christ who was sinless. The sons of God in Genesis 6 were fallen angels, or some of them that were given human bodies thus they were not sons of
man but were also sons of God but were corrupted by Satan. Their intermarriage with daughters of man created an offspring called Nephilim. These
are the beginnings of the Illuminati, todays alleged aliens and they are once again designing life through eugenics and masking as ET's or aliens.
They are interdimensional. Once the Rapture happens, the anti-Christ will appear with a false peace. Then the Tribulations will start, a terrible
time yet to come. Jesus will return in his glory holes in the hands and all.............
"If there is one thing we have to learn, it is that it's time to start taking our own individual responsibilities, and start acting.. instead of
waiting on this or that savior."
*****This is wrong. Mankind has never and will never be able to save himself. Our responsibility lies in our choice as to whether or not we follow
Jesus's teachings, and accepting him as our savior and repenting. It also means taking our individual responsibilities and start acting in
accordance with the commandments and the example that Jesus gave us. He doesn't want us to just wait..............but act.
"He also never died to "wash away our sins". The only way to wash away a sin, is by making it up in this or a next life."
******This is made up New Age Thinking and is false. This life we are in now had a beginning with Adam and Eve and will end with the Tribulations
and the second return of Jesus. We can't wash away sins nor can we make it up. Only Jesus and our repentance can wash away sins.
"Jesus came to show us how to live and love, how to be good. He really didn't come down here to take away the responsibility of our own
"In many old scrolls, Jesus talks about reincarnation, karma and cause & consequence in great details."
******Jesus never talked about reincarnation, karma or C&C etc.....The King James Bible is the only full and true account of God's holy word. The
Gnostics and other writings are made up by men inspired by Satan to deceive.
"I suggest you start looking up information about how the world really
functions, how your thoughts, actions and words affect the world around
you through manifestation, and how every word, action and thought, has
consequences that are not washed away by repenting, that are only to be
countered by positive actions, words and thoughts."
******All this is the New Age philosophy double talk they are giving you.
"The world is speeding up, the consequences of your very thoughts are now manifesting always faster and faster. Every time you think: "my life is
bad", it will become worse in effect, companies that mistreat their employees, will always faster become bankrupt, because the consequences of that
sort of negativity, will cause malfunctions in the machines, computer programs, will drop sales and inevitably cause bankruptcy."
*****The Illuminati is planning on the next attempt to bring the world into a one world Luciferian government. they are the cause for all of this.
If you want the irrefutable evidence on the World Order and their actions since the dawn of man, let me know. I"ve got it. The 13 Illuminati
families are at work in the counsel of the 13, Committe of the 300, the Black Nobility, High level Masons, Zionist Jews. The governing bodies are the
CFR and RIIA, Bank of England, and the list goes and goes. They will lose all of them and be cast to Hell.
"Soon, consequences will manifest so fast and severe, that people will start to notice the connection, and if they don't change their mind for the
positive, they will be destroyed by the consequences. Negative thinking will always faster cause freak accidents, diseases such as cancer, traffic
accidents, etc."
*****Accidents will be accidents. However, consequences will be manifesting soon more than mankind has ever seen when the Tribulations start.
Satan is at work and the Illumianti is causing much evil, New Age Movement, medical issues and diseases are created to depopulate the world to their
desired number of 500,000,000. They will fail.
"But on the other hand, positive thinking, will cause prosperity, peace, safety, longevity, love and compassion. Inevitably the world that is left,
will become a paradise on Earth. No conspiracies, or secret governments or evil rule will be possible, they will all be wiped out by their own
negativity. In the past, these dark people were protected by the slowness of consequences, but now it's all speeding up, there is no more hiding and
*****No, it all coming to the Tribulations and the Judgment seat of God.
The world will become paradise, all you have to do is make the choice: join the positivity, learn to control your thoughts, learn to counter your
negative thinking, and steer your thoughts positively, and survive into the new age of love and compassion.
[edit on 7-1-2009 by tgambill]