posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Hello fellow ATS'ers! So there has been alot of talk lately about my fellow Americans and I possibly losing our right to bear arms, and it brought a
few thoughts to mind I'm having some trouble with. Let me start by saying I do not agree at all that the right to defend ourselves and/or hunt should
be taken away.
It especially sparked my interest the other day when I watched Bowling For Columbine for the first time. I took these numbers directly from the
Number of gun deaths in the following countries in one year(I believe the movie was made in 2002, but still you can see where I'm going with
Germany - 381
France - 255
Canada - 165
United Kingdom - 68
Australia - 65
Japan - 39
United States - 11,127
Is something not amiss here?!?! Honestly, I expected the US to be considerably higher in numbers, but I was grossly appalled, to say the very least. I
would just like to know from anyone, American or not, what their thoughts are for the possible reasoning behind this. I've always known something was
awfully wrong in this country, but today I am afraid to say I am NOT proud to be an American. It's starting to feel like this country is a disgusting
social experiment in something we cannot grasp.
And yes, I am aware that a few of the countries listed have stricter gun control, however not ALL of them, esp. Canada. I KNOW our friends up north
love to hunt!!!
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[edit on 11/1/2009 by Mirthful Me]