posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by GenRadek
Mod I hope you don’t delete this.
I worked out of Midtown North Precinct.
Debriefings are sometimes led by the person taking information so that the "correct" version of events is what is documented.
Given all the talk of explosions that day it would not surprise me if there was some intervention to make sure that the "correct" version of events
is what is put on paper.
It’s sort of like 4 Officers agreeing that a suspect did in fact fall and hit his head and face as opposed to a suspect getting his just deserts
from the Police.
Seeing what I saw led me to go trough several stages.
Anger, sadness, hopelessness, and now I am just plain old tired.
Yes I suffer from PTSD and CPOD as a result of 9/11 but that does not mean that I am crazy for wanting to know more about what happened that day.
I notice that nobody here has it right and yes that includes me.
I don’t have much faith in our government anymore and I honestly don’t think I will ever know the truth.
I notice that there is fierce opposition to any questions being asked and that seems to be the most confusing if not damning area for me.
What I don’t understand is why some at ATS make it their duty to bash anyone who asks questions?
The answers given for valid question are often insults as opposed to a valid response.
When anybody wants to impede an investigation into any particular situation it’s a red flag in my book.