I have also met my twin flame. Has anyone have an experience of such.
Where your compelled to change and further your conciousness through this other person, where the love you have for this person and yourself, equals
all life and everything on earth. That when you meet him/her you whole perspective what life is make surreal sense. The knowing cannot be ignored.
When you meet your twin you unite with the divine and have the same ultimate goals, ambitions, aspiration to unite other's and radiate the true love
that comes from within your soul. This is the core love between you and your twin. It's so universal and profound, it's like a never ending journey
together. Each of the twin will instinctively recognise the "other opposite you" in the other when you meet. You will be able to subtley understand
each other through emotions and feelings even without words. The love is so proufound and so deep. The power of love become so great, that death,
distance and time won't matter or conflict your purppose with your twin. your twin is always with you, even they are not in a phsyical body with you
on earth. You can feel the presence no matter the distance. These relationships are the most powerful of all and are quite rare on earth(apparently
many people speculate thet 2012 is the new age of aqaurius where humanity is supposed to evolve to higher realms. More and more twin flames will come
to earth to unite humanity)
Humanity has been conflicting and separating for many milennias. Now through this universal love, it will hopefully help human being's to
experience's the oneness again. Which is ultimately what the universe was before the big bang.
Twin flames have a big role to play in the coming
together of humanity. We are not animal's. We are spiritual being's living a human experience.
The connection's are so deep (in my experience) that I myself have spent many years avoiding my connection with my twin, but at the same time, (we
are never far from each other in soul sense)wondering and trying to figure out my purpose and path as so is my twin doing likewise. In the time apart
the world around me and the people that know me and my twin in person, they can automitacally recognise our connection, or our simalarities. in the
physical absense, I have worked on my own inner life and radiate the love i have with my twin to the rest of the world. It actually started to happen
by surprise. It started with my family and my friends and my own relationships. Peace, serenity and healing was restored. I was athetist in my time of
meeting my twin flame, I also was suspicious of this whole theory of soulmates myself. Now my life and the people's live has drastically changed
around me. I'm more in touch with the universe, the divine and other souls who are not on this planet, who are also helping me in my work here.
So it's pretty mind blowing. My twin is the only one that can recognise my work instinctively even though we have not been in contact physically for
the last 4 years. But telepathy sometimes come through for various purposes.
Does anyone else have more feedback on this. This is notto be confused with blissmill obsessive love either. It is not to be confused with sexual
love, or lust. It can happen of course that you can desire sexual relationship with your twin, and it will be quite profound of course. IMO, your
connection accends to all levels that cannot be compared to your realtionships with other's in the physical world that you meet. Whether it be
friendship, emotional, phyiscal, mental, sexual, but all of these would be felt on a really deep spiritual uniting feeling, when each of these
experiences happen with you and your twin for whatever it maybe. Your twin is the other half of you. So you will love the other as if it's you. Your
twin will always be with you and can come and go in many life times and come back as your spouse, mother, father, brother, sister companion etc. The
bottom line point is you know and the other knows, your purpose combined moves humanity to the next step.
You will never separate from your twin
either, even if you disconnect on earth
Earth is only a step for us.
[edit on 3-12-2008 by mind is the universe]
[edit on 3-12-2008 by mind is the universe]