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the most dangerous video on the internet

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:15 PM
You do not live in a country. Take the red pill.

you will not get the Truth from mainstream society or the media...

want more info?

check out jordan maxwell,bill cooper,michael tsarion

[edit on 1-12-2008 by Nebadon]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:36 PM
the AGENTS and bad guys in the Matrix were originally supposed to be the government, not machines...

Great video

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:58 PM
great video, thanks for posting! I had never looked at any of these topics in this perspective. Many valid points and comparisons.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:30 PM
"They are never given the chance to shut down the farm and be truly free..."

This video takes a very sensationalist view of government in my opinion. I do agree that freedom is illusion however.

A truly free society could only be anarchy, and even then, are you truly free? Free from fear, oppression, slavery?

Shut down 'the farm'? It exists because it works. It's a win win. Most win some measure of safety and security, and few win some varying degree of power.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by SeekerOfAUTMN

that's true if you think Humanity can't work together with compassion... will see that true freedom is possible as our consciousness rises up and around 2012..the higher frequencies of earth will change our reality..

..these kind of videos show truth onto the control structures of this planet..

why can native peoples live in harmony with each other and mother earth?

they were not programmed by society and governments...

break free...grow your own..unplug yourself from the grid for true freedom and happiness

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Perhaps this little video is just another propaganda tool to make the viewers think that they are now more enlightened, more knowledgeable, and thus in some way more free than they were before they watched it. The red pill...the bue pill.....the green pill....., they all come from the same pharmacy.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:55 PM
why all the hate? I think it was a great way to show how anything we create to make life easier, can potentially run us over in the long run, it's not just limited to computers and technology - but government, industry, etc.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
Perhaps this little video is just another propaganda tool to make the viewers think that they are now more enlightened, more knowledgeable, and thus in some way more free than they were before they watched it. The red pill...the bue pill.....the green pill....., they all come from the same pharmacy.

Yeah, really. That last part of multiple "Statism.... is blah blah" verses was pure brainwashing. I've seen that technique in so many conspiracy videos. Most of the narrators of those videos talk in the same tone, speed, and pause at the same locations in sentences to get ideas across and to make them stick in your head. This narrator of this video seems to be speaking exactly the same as the guy from Zeitgeist.

It is an interesting perspective on the world system, though you'd have to feel pretty helpless, trapped, jaded, and resentful of any type of government system to actually adopt that perspective.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:18 PM
You don't see how we are livestock?

You know they dont give a [snip] about us.


Mod Edit: Profanity removed. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 1b) Profanity. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 3/12/08 by JAK]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:53 PM
The video is worthwhile, however it does not go into the alternative.

If our governments were to suddenly cease to exist, what would be the outcome?

We would revert to survival of the fittest without controls, laws and government. There is simply no way around that.

Without cooperative efforts, much of what we enjoy in life, like plenty of food, would no longer be possible unless a collective was formed once again.

Under this theory, when we were free in the Hunter Gatherer days, it was often necessary to kill your neighbor to insure a food supply. Life expectancy was very short. No real medicine was possible and suffering would be widespread.

It is our needs that enslave us, not other men. Any man can kill another no matter how powerful, no matter how rich. When you eliminate law, morality and a common goal from the equation, we would revert to the proverbial "Law of the Jungle".

Suppose we could rid ourselves of government and laws right now this minute. Open the doors of the prisons, fire all the Cops, close down the centers of trade and eliminate all forms of governance. Immediately the most physically powerful would instantly take control. Living off the land would be the only means of survival. Billions would starve the first year. Gangs of thugs would terrorize those who are left. Something akin to the situation that Afghanistan was in under the Taliban would rule the day.

Half a story is often worse than the whole story. Returning to our wild state in this case is probably one of the worst options available to us. To play along, the Matrix is likely far preferable to complete freedom. Look to places were government does not exist like the Congo for the true alternatives to what we call civilized society.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:58 PM
I forgot to mention that Animal Farm was required reading when I was schooled. The whole premise is a well debated idea.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:00 AM
Starred and flagged!

However 'blaine' does have a good point.
Some form of limited government is needed to keep anarchy from taking over.
Although the majority of people may be good, some would take advantage of that freedom at the expense of the rest of us.

I think the best option is the constitutional republic America was founded as, where 99% of the people can't tread on the rights of the remaining 1%

More restrictions would need to be in place to keep future representatives from perverting and corrupting the constitution, but overall the tone of the video (in my opinion) is very true.

Mankind as a whole deserves something better than what we have now, and it should be looked at as the right and duty of every human to bring that dream into reality.

[edit on 2-12-2008 by ashamedamerican]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
If our governments were to suddenly cease to exist, what would be the outcome?

History would eventually repeat it's self .... again. We'd build a new system and would ultimatley become corrupted.

George Orwell's Animal Farm explains this clearly... The Animals had a revolution against the humans... The rebuilt ther society, and eventually a bunch of pigs screwed them over.

Humans will never be perfect. The system will never be perfect. Religion will never be perfect.

But make no mistake about it, you do have a soul... and this is one thing the video fails to mention... The narrarator calls religion a superstition, but what about spirituality?

The system in place isn't about enslaving the world... it's about enslaving your spirit / soul.

(my ideas are little far out there so just bare with me)

The NWO isn't about creating a huge farm with complete controll... it's about your soul. The war we are fighting is a spirtual war... Not a physical war.

I can go on and on and on about the flaws in this video... But it's late.

I'll be back tommorrow to elaborate.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by logician magician
Yeah, really. That last part of multiple "Statism.... is blah blah" verses was pure brainwashing. I've seen that technique in so many conspiracy videos. Most of the narrators of those videos talk in the same tone, speed, and pause at the same locations in sentences to get ideas across and to make them stick in your head. This narrator of this video seems to be speaking exactly the same as the guy from Zeitgeist.

It is an interesting perspective on the world system, though you'd have to feel pretty helpless, trapped, jaded, and resentful of any type of government system to actually adopt that perspective.

i agree with the last part about statism and religion being propaganda in itself but at the same time the video does give us some truth.

whilst at university, i undertook a major in Human Resources and one book i read has stayed with me all these years. Not because it was odd, but because it was the Red Pill for me. It basically said that when a person goes to work, they are selling their services for the 8 hours they are at work. They are at the beck and call of their "owner" for the time they are at work and need to fulfill their contractual obligations during that time.

... essentially it made me realise that slavery is not dead, it has just been given a new twist. Funny how this was an obscure article tacked at the end of a mandatory reading list for the future business men and women of the world.

The video just spells it out for the sheeple. A s&f for the find.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:54 AM
I agree. Things can be better. But chaos and anarchy aren't that "better"

Didn't Churchill say - "Democracy is the worst kind of government. Except for all the others."

Of course, how would we know. We've never seen one. And the Republic we're in is has been smoke and mirrors for so long we're all cancer ridden and backwards.

An alternative would be helpful.

Maybe that's why we're here. Maybe it's a really tough problem.

Maybe we chose to come here and bat it around a bit and figure it out.

I used to think government and military people were all corrupt and robotic. But I have met more and more of them. I'm surprised by how philosophical and mystical so many military people are. I'm surprised at how earnest so many government people are. Yes, there are many young or soft military people that are easily swayed and annoying. But most of the ones who have seen any suffering at home or in service grow up quickly and grow wise faster. And there are some high ups that are truly metaphysical, that surprised me because I was ignorant and biased.

In government, of course there are many paper pushing lifers that are tired and don't care. But there are so many that do care. I doubt more and more that what drives them is corruption and cronyism. They could be making so much more money elsewhere and under the wire. They get off on a life of service. And I say that in both a good way and an observant one. We all do things because we get something out of doing them.

Our government is so bizarre and pretend right now that corrupt people don't need to be in the government to get things done. Armies can be hired. Money can be printed. Food can be tampered. Medicine withheld. All without governments.

And, there are so many people in the world now that if the super rich 500 families "are" THE government - there aren't enough of them to stop everyone else - they know that - and it's too exhausting to even just constantly stamp out the flames.

So I think there are earnest pockets of governing. And those who want it can find true areas of anarchy on Earth. There is plenty of fear in the hearts of some elitists. And an enviable weightlessness on the shoulders of some of our poorest.

Maybe we don't have to pop any pills or pull back any curtains. We can just look around and say - "Ok... Tricky... Complicated... Something for everyone... Now what next?"

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:12 AM
I completely agree I think the general populace are basically slaves. Here's a few lines from a song which I think is relevant.

I'm stuck inside the future and life is chaotic
The government is psychotically racist and robotic
The matrix of entrapment is socio-economic
Divided conspiracy theory becomes reality
Life is war, and every day's a battle to me
I'm on the brink of insanity, between extreme
intelligence and split personalities
But I elevate to the point of reversing gravity
Revolutionary conceptuality spitting out of me
Even the dead people in my family tell me they proud of me
Stupidity's not allowed by me

Immortal Technique

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:20 AM
Actually, Guys, this was done by a Canadian Libertarian philosopher whose work I have followed and listened to for nearly a year. His name is Stefan Molyneux, and he began making podcasts back in 2005. He actually became so popular at one point that he was able to quit his job and has lived off of donations for his work ever since.

It's easy to dismiss this video because in it, he is not offering an alternative. However I would STRONGLY recommend the countless amount of time and work he has put into developing an answer to the stateless society.

His podcasts/articles on DROs (Dispute Resolution Organizations) in particular are well thought out and a brilliant response to the handling of problems that would arise in the anarcho-capitalist society compared to the brutality of the state.

Anyway, I just basically really want to encourage all of you to check out some of the stuff where he actually DOES provide thorough and practical alternatives.


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 04:42 AM
nomatter what you all say - something is true : little by little, any form of government ends up taking over the people. Sometimes the slaves do revolt, and the solution is : bring a change / Vote for a change !
: a new slave owner.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Nebadon

Great Video, but as always these types of videos give so many angles, but never say exactly what to do. Take the pill is not the way to beat the farmer and the farm.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Nebadon
Absolutely powerful video. Validates a lot of what David Icke has been trying to warn us of for over a decade now.

We do need law and order but I'm ticked at paying almost 50% of my hard earned money into taxes, no raise this year, expenses keep going up and working longer and harder each and every year that goes by.

Many good intellegent points brought up throughout this thread.

But any system that will pay a person tens of millions of dollars a year to get up and sing and dance (Beyonce is worth 350 million & Britney Spears 150 million) and the people who really do the work make squat and can barely live. At present, we live in a really warped system and it seriously needs to be overhauled.

Nobody seems to care or protest that some people are paid so much money they can't possibly spend it in one lifetime and many of these people who earn tens of millions of dollars each and every year don't really contribute to the real productivity of us as a group, while many of the people who do work hard (teachers, police, etc) don't make enough and must struggle.

I won't even go into the two sets of laws there are.........the rich elite are above the law and the rest of us must walk a very straight and narrow line or face being imprisoned.

Somethings wrong here................

We simply go along and accept the many unfair aspects of our system.

starred & flagged.

John McCain 40.4 m
Bill Gates 56 b
Ted Turner 2.3 b
Warren Buffett 44 b
Dick Cheny 21.3 m
George W. Bush 20-25 m
Jennifer Aniston 110 m
Michael Jackson 350 m
Harrison Ford 300 m
Jerry Seinfeld 225 m

[edit on 2-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

[edit on 2-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

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