It's amazing that there are guys who understand what is hiding under the surface.
Let’s take the Pink Floyd’s song -
The Dogs Of War that kind of fits the idea of the movie:
"They will take and you will give,
And you must die so that they may live"
Pink Floyd, The Dogs Of War
That's exactly the principle of existence for so called the "chosen." Everything in this World is about energy and "the chosen" are not an
exception to this rule. Humans can generate the energy, which is a basic distinction between us and "the chosen," who are not capable of doing that.
Since they still must obtain energy to continue their existence they have to take it from someone else.
How does one take energy from another? Best way is to create a conflict - the larger the scale of it the more energy can be harvested.
On personal level - ever noticed how "winning party" seem to be energized while "loosing" party is left drained?
The ultimate energy robbery is a murder. It is addicting, just like drugs and you need more and more going forward to get your "high” that is why
we see escalation of World conflicts.
"The chosen" MUST commit mass-murderers and other crimes against humanity because otherwise their body won't function properly.
They are the real life energy vampires. The chosen only appear to be human, but they are not (by brain physiology, etc.). In the norm - humans MUST
create energy on their own, not to steal it, but the norm of non-humanoid race is exactly the opposite - these parasites MUST kill their victims to
survive, and therefore they cannot peacefully coexist with humans).
However, in order to commit crimes against humanity, they too must follow the Universal law to get permission to do it and this law says – violence
cannot be committed without permission of the victim.
A simple example - if a woman wants huge love – it means she wants extreme emotions and the most extreme emotions are brutal raping, .. and
the ultimate one is death. It means. Those who were sexually abused to death gave permission to be killed by desires of super emotional love. Same
principal works with politicians – THEY cheat you, brainwash you and make you wanted to get into their trap.
They have to use your own hands to cause you harm...
In order to do this, THEY have to trick people into believing that wars are necessary for their survival.
THEY create illusions that something or someone is a threat to the nation's freedom/security and due to this it must be attacked. It can be based on
race, nationality or religion, missing weapons of mass destruction, etc.
Humans, due to their conscious nature, do not want wars, but those who put themselves above us have to have them in the order to survive (otherwise
THEIR bodied won't function properly and it can be easily checked. I am not joking).
They use your labor and your blood to annihilate others like you, telling you it is "
for your own benefit."
You may want to stick your head in the sand and say it will never happen to me, but your number will be called shortly. Those who force you to kill
and destroy are the only threat to the very existence of human race.
"You can knock at any door,
But wherever you go, you know they've been there before"
Pink Floyd, The Dogs Of War
Yep, THEY messed with entire history, science, culture, etc. So, whatever you can find in library etc. is not the real thing - it was censored by
THEM. Thus, truth has to be rediscovered again.
THEY want you to be ignorant and afraid, they want you to be concerned only with your own personal survival and entertainment because it's the
easiest way to turn people into obeying sheep.
Can you prove THEM that you are not a sheep, but a human?
Do you want to be slathered, or do you want to give the Planet back to humans?