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Only 10 days Left-Until Predicted Huge Earthquakes

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:21 PM
I live in Southeast Missouri. Matter of fact the ridge my house is on wasn't here in 1810. The New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-1812 threw the ground up here causing the ridge to form. We live with the fact that we could have a major earthquake at ANY time. The fault is overdue for a large quake. Yes that's scary, but it's part of life. We can have many times of natural disasters here - Quakes, Tornadoes, Floods, Forrest Fires, and more. The only thing to do is be prepared if possible. Me and my roomies have actually had house tornado and earthquake drills. The water heater is bolted down. We know where the gas shutoff valves are. We keep a disaster kit. There's not much else to do to prepare for an earthquake, but hope that one doesn't happen. If it does remember the drills and react as fast as possible. If outdoors move away from building, polls, and anything else that can fall. If indoors get under a heavy object. That's all we can do. Worrying about it will get us nowhere fast. Being prepared is the best option.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:23 PM
I was told by my girlfriend there was a very small earthquake in Devon UK this week. It didn't show up but people were saying that things shock a bit in their houses.

This is very strange for this part of the country and England as a whole. We do have a few earthquakes a year but most of them are undetectable and are not noticed.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by beast87

In marked contrast to Hurricane Katrina where uninsured losses were approximately 60 to 70 percent of total economic losses, more than 95 percent of projected Hayward Fault earthquake residential losses and 85 percent of commercial losses will be uninsured.

Hawyard Fault

Why wouldn't the houses be insured? I don't understand - doesn't insurance cover everything? If not I will be calling my insurance company tomorrow and making sure I have earthquake coverage! I am in Tennessee.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:24 PM
The fact that there are many small earthquakes does not mean that a big earthquake is coming, if it means anything it means that the energy that was liberated on those small earthquakes will not be released in a big earthquake, so if a big one is coming, having smaller ones before is a good thing.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by questioningall

"vomiting loses
thundering shock/crack heard around the world
bowel release
bladder release
isolation (world has to come to aid)
bigger than anything ever before
loud noise cascading around the world
desperate hands
restriction of movements "

Sounds like it has predicted a typical night on the town followed by the morning after.

[edit on 1-12-2008 by and14263]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Maya00a

"There's also a link to this guy called Bruce Bueno de Mesquita who says mathematics can tell you the future. Before you dismiss him you should see the people he works for!"

I just finished watching a program on the History channel about this guy. It was fascinating! I intended to look him up on the web, but couldn't remember the name. So, thanks!

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:31 PM
New Madrid Earthquake potential documentary

This is an interesting clip from the entire documentary. Again I hope nothing like this happens and I will say prayers for the people and the area.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Scrabbydoo98
If outdoors move away from building, polls, and anything else that can fall. If indoors get under a heavy object. That's all we can do. Worrying about it will get us nowhere fast. Being prepared is the best option.

NO do NOT get under any object!! Please Please watch the youtube video I have in the post! It is about the triangle of life. The guy has been on many rescue missions around the world from earthquakes.

Everyone who got under something DIED - it is those people who did not, but got next to something - survived!

Please watch the video on the main post - it is at the bottom of the post!

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:35 PM
It has been some time since I last studied this but I believe there are about 1.5 million measurable earthquakes annually. About one tenth of one percent are in the 6 range or above. That means about 150 potentially destructive quakes per year or more than ten per month. There are about 15 or so that measure 7 or above, or at least one per month on average. There is also most years one extremely destructive quake.

Given all that, I predict there will be at least two potentially destructive quakes in December. The odds say I will be correct. I could make the same prediction every month and be right most of the time. I could predict one 8+ quake in 2009 with a high degree of certainty.

Since most large quakes are often followed by large aftershocks, I could also predict that there will be many aftershocks following the large quakes and be right most times.

If I were to name two area's most likely to have bad quakes it would probably be Southern California and the area from Turkey through the Himalayas. The LA area is way overdue and there it is no longer a guess. It will happen shortly. The stress is building to the point there will be a major, possibly 8 to 9 quake in the next few years. I believe those who are keeping tabs are betting on around an 8.1.

An 8.1 there would be something on the order of literal six foot waves on the ground. Imagine trying to stand up let alone escape that. There would be a huge jolt and then you would have maybe 30 seconds to get to where you ride out the quake. Most people get killed exiting buildings while those who stay put have a far better chance of survival.

Windows and facades like brick and siding are what kill people. Trying to go outside is just plain dumb but its like a knee jerk reaction to get to safety that ends up killing the victims. Going from the limited protection of a structure out into flying glass, falling facades and signs and cars bouncing around like rubber balls is the real danger.

There I hope I made everyones day just a little brighter.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:38 PM

Why wouldn't the houses be insured? I don't understand - doesn't insurance cover everything? If not I will be calling my insurance company tomorrow and making sure I have earthquake coverage! I am in Tennessee.

Even though you have insurance it may not cover the type of disaster or the total amount of damage. I live in Texas and was required by my lease to get renters insurance. If I was not required, I would not have bought the insurance because money is tight. Me and my roommate choose to get the minimum insurance that the apartment required, which basically covered only $50,000 in property and personal losses, and only against fire and water damage.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:40 PM

NO do NOT get under any object!! Please Please watch the youtube video I have in the post! It is about the triangle of life. The guy has been on many rescue missions around the world from earthquakes.

LOL yes I know. It's called the Magic Triangle. I was kinda simplifying it. Trying not to type out as much.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Thank you for that youtube video post!! It is very interesting, I will be sending it to others.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Scrabbydoo98

LOL yes I know. It's called the Magic Triangle. I was kinda simplifying it. Trying not to type out as much.

Awesome, I was worried there, if I was you, I might take a vacation next week - you know - get out and see the world for the heck of it. In fact, maybe one weeks vacation frommmm... letttsss seeeee - hey what about from the 10th of December to the oh.... lets make it to the 18th of December. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by questioningall

Scrabbydo is mostly right. If inside stay inside, if outside get into a clear area away from buildings if you could. Those on the streets would be the first killed. As to where to go inside, next to a load bearing wall. Safest structure is a continuous pour, reinforced concrete structure. Stick frame structures are also great in that they flex and can survive a large quake if up to code.

Most large quakes in the US kill very few people because of our building practices. The big death tolls in quakes in the third world are due to living in unreinforced piles of what amounts to rubble. A 7 in LA might not kill anyone where as in Turkey it could kill thousands if centered in a large residential area. The 9.2 in Alaska killed only 115 if I recall and the 8+ in 2002 here did almost no damage because it was centered in an unpopulated area. I stood next to a wall and watched the water splash from my aquarium and my dog did not even wake up
My whole house rock and rolled.

I was on a Greyhound bus traveling through LA when the big one hit there in the early 70's (1971 I think) and could not even feel it over the bus bouncing. The driver announced it over the loudspeaker. We knew what had happened due to all the facades laying in the streets. The GreyDoggy kept its schedule and the stacks did not fall thank God.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
here is the thing ...

if i had a program that predicted future events and i knew for sure that 300,000 people were going to die or go missing ... damn straight i'd do everything in my power to alert the appropriate authorities about it and to save as many lives as i could with my warning.

i wouldn't care if anybody thought me a kook, i wouldn't worry about being thrown in a nuthouse or jail ... it'd all be a small sacrifice for the lives of 300,000 people no?

so how come these web bot people aren't throwing out warnings?

Actually, they have. It's on their website. What is announced publicly is not what is announced privately. No one knows who are the clients of the Time Monks, but my guess is that the government is using their information.

But let's play "what if", okay? Since you think it's a cop out not to go public.

Let's say you now have that information in your hands, you know that there is a 76% chance of a major earthquake in the US somewhere between the 32 and 36 latitude on December 10-12. . . anywhere north of Abilene, Texas and south of Nashville. Just take out a map and draw two red lines.

In those areas you have major urban centers, such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Memphis, Shreveport, Birmingham and Atlanta, just to name a few.

Who would you warn and how would you go about it?

I mean, really think about it and tell me. Would you issue a press release and possibly panic the public and the millions of people who won't be affected by the earthquake, but still live within that latitude? Where are you going to evacuate the people to? And what if no earthquake hits at all? Can you imagine the disruption to the already weakened economy?

Let's say it's Scenario #2, you have a good idea where it's going to hit. Pretend it's going to hit in California or the New Madrid Fault. Now what? Are you going to really try to evacuate all of Los Angeles County? That's 10 MILLION people and an orderly evacuation would take 16 days (no one know how long if there is panic and mayhem). Where are you going to put them?

If you had this information, wouldn't you spend time doing preparedness exercises with the first responders, military and educating the public as much as possible?

Really, what would you do differently?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

An 8.1 there would be something on the order of literal six foot waves on the ground. Imagine trying to stand up let alone escape that. There would be a huge jolt and then you would have maybe 30 seconds to get to where you ride out the quake. Most people get killed exiting buildings while those who stay put have a far better chance of survival.

Furthermore on the Richter scale, an 8.0-8.9 can cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across. Further more a 9.0+ can be devastating in areas several thousand miles across.

The earthquake that killed 300,000 in 2004 registered as 9.3 on the scale.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by questioningall

All I know is the past 5-6 years 'bout this time of year something
bad happens huricane,quake,tsunami,flood somewhere in the world.
So based on previous years, I would probably dis-believe somebody
more if they said nothing was going to happen this year.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
The fact that there are many small earthquakes does not mean that a big earthquake is coming, if it means anything it means that the energy that was liberated on those small earthquakes will not be released in a big earthquake, so if a big one is coming, having smaller ones before is a good thing.

I am sorry but that theory is "shaky".

If that was true,California which has numerous daily minor quakes state wide would never have big ones,but it does.It always seems to happen on some fault,"we didn't know was there".

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by beast87

There was one in Brazil I believe in the 1500's that killed more than 800,000. That must have been a real eye opener I'll bet. I think the one in China in the 70's killed over 300,000.

What a cheerful subject for this Holiday Season

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by calcoastseeker

The real story is that each fault system is unique in the characteristics of the quakes that occur. Both scenarios are true depending on where you are.

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