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Only 10 days Left-Until Predicted Huge Earthquakes

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by FearSoul

Cool deal,,,, I live in Henderson Tennessee not far from Memphis. Memphis would be completely devastated from any good sized earthquake.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
The fact that there are many small earthquakes does not mean that a big earthquake is coming, if it means anything it means that the energy that was liberated on those small earthquakes will not be released in a big earthquake, so if a big one is coming, having smaller ones before is a good thing.

Sorry, this is incorrect. You see, us humans keep falling into the simple problem of thinking linearly. Magnitude of an earthquake is measured in logarithmic units so a 6 is ten times the strength of a 5 and so on. So it would take 1,000 magnitude 3 earthquakes to equal a mag 6. This web bot seems to be indicating greater than 7 so we are talking the equivalent of over 10,000 magnitude 3 quakes to absorb the force.

Oh, and the people at Science Daily disagree as well. What you claim is actually a popular misconception. Let's not be fooled, "rickety time machine" or not, people should always be prepared for the unexpected.

Now, the reason I am open minded about this web bot is because to me it seems to have some degree of plausibility. To me, I find this whole Dec 10 - 12 as a test for whether or not I will pay any attention to it. I know that sounds bad but that is the way it is for me. I am actually going with Dec 8 to 18 as I mentioned in an earlier post. My criteria is that there must be a minimum of 2 major quakes (6.8 or higher), one on US soil. Now the US soil part is a bit unfair to the web bot folks as they seem to only scour English language, but that is what their voices seem to indicate so I am going with it.

Another reason I see this web bot as being plausible is because I think certain western governments have similar technology. Why else would certain governments hold certain 'drills' during certain events? (911, 7705 etc) Perhaps they picked up on data which was enough to warrant a drill but not specific enough to prevent? Makes you wonder...

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:43 PM

I will post the link to the live web feed sombody else posted before.

They are currently discussing the web bots and these 2 earthquakes.

They say its probably the juan de fuca plate ( well they said alaska to oregon and possibly off shore)

The other 1 would probably be in like South america.

They said the government will make stuff worse and not handle it well at all.

Very interesting stuff. It almost sounds like they are debating what they are reading into the earthquake stuff.

They are now mentioning that guy Jim berkland (sp?) predictions.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by oregonedge
All I know about the webbot was the the most recent FAILED prediction, for a huge event (WAY bigger than 911) on October 7 2008. It did not happen. In fact, it was a boring day, even on wall street. Boring week actually. The prediction also identified the week of sept 22-27 as a precursor clue to the big event. THAT week was at least interesting, but again, nothing happened on october 7th... or the 6th, or the 8th or???
It was supposed to trigger emotional intensity and social unrest for months. Anyway.... whatever.

First, the time frame of Oct. 6-8 was when the language was supposed to shift from "tension building" to "release". There was a tipping point there and it wasn't going to be from a singular event, but more likely a series of events which would last over the next few months. At the time, the Dow was still over 10,000 so I would say that the loss of over 2,000 points in the last couple of months is just a tad bigger than 9/11, when you consider the dollar value loss in the trillions for millions of retiring baby boomers. This release language is supposed to continue on until the spring time and into what they are calling "the summer from hell". George covered this on the days following the Oct. 6th timeframe and can be found here...

Week Ending Oct. 11, 2008

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Evil Genius

Originally posted by oregonedge
All I know about the webbot was the the most recent FAILED prediction, for a huge event (WAY bigger than 911) on October 7 2008. It did not happen. In fact, it was a boring day, even on wall street. Boring week actually. The prediction also identified the week of sept 22-27 as a precursor clue to the big event. THAT week was at least interesting, but again, nothing happened on october 7th... or the 6th, or the 8th or???
It was supposed to trigger emotional intensity and social unrest for months. Anyway.... whatever.

First, the time frame of Oct. 6-8 was when the language was supposed to shift from "tension building" to "release". There was a tipping point there and it wasn't going to be from a singular event, but more likely a series of events which would last over the next few months. At the time, the Dow was still over 10,000 so I would say that the loss of over 2,000 points in the last couple of months is just a tad bigger than 9/11, when you consider the dollar value loss in the trillions for millions of retiring baby boomers. This release language is supposed to continue on until the spring time and into what they are calling "the summer from hell". George covered this on the days following the Oct. 6th timeframe and can be found here...

Week Ending Oct. 11, 2008

The week of October 7th, the market saw its worst week ever losing 18% of the DOW, however if you include the 2 trading days before that, it's over 20% loss in 7 days and is therefore technically defined as a "crash". The week included drastic drops in markets all around the world with most of them losing 10% in a day, like Asia etc. Also, Iceland went nationally bankrupt on 10/7.
People and governments losing that much money seems pretty emotionally intense to me.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Eh.. I'm in Utah, and according to the USGS, we're almost 500 years or so overdue for an earthquake.

Bring it.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:23 AM
I have a question about this "web bot." I've been reading about it, and apparently it searches the internet for people's collective emotions about... stuff. Now, the theory behind this is that everyone is leaking psychic emissions without knowing it. But I have a question. Could it just be that the predictions people make are actually based on logic?

The biggest one is the market. If everyone keeps speculating that the economic situation's going to get worse, and then web bot spits out that it's getting worse, then people are going to think it's even worse. People don't have a collective conscience, we all just have the basic ability to form cause-and-effect relationships. It's just a web crawler like Google. They even used the term "spider" on this one web page containing an interview about web bot.

It doesn't make predictions, it crawls the internet and returns relevant information based on what people are talking about. If everyone thinks something bad will happen, it doesn't mean they're psychic it means that we live in a screwed up world where bad things happen so often you could set a clock by it.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:28 AM
I live in southern tennessee and over the last few months starting back in about july i could feel small tremmers throw my house. i knew there was a quarrey 2 mile from my house so i proceeded to call them to see if they had been blasting on these days and i was told that they are no longer using that quarrey anymore that they were using one that was about 20 miles from my house, so that answered my question it was a trimmer. but hope that the web bot is wrong becuase not to far from me is the city of huntsville al. and the city is built on top of a very large cavern system not good at all.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:41 AM
Well I just hope it's nonsense. Because I live in Arkansas right in the line of the New Madrid fault. I have for years been fascinated by the 1811-1812 earthquakes. I think we should set some things straight here.

First, there was no Richter scale when those earthquakes occurred. Scientists have simply claimed they were around 8 on the scale. The truth is they were NEVER measured. Honestly anyone that has studied those quakes knows that they were exponentially larger than that. Far bigger than the Indonesian quake of 2004. We are talking Biblical in proportions.

They were literally as if the world was ending and Armageddon had come. The things is that they occurred in a region that at that time was so remote that there just wasn't much knowledge in the rest of the world of what happened.

But looking back on things historically and judging what those quakes did is absolutely downright SCARY. I have never seen in other quakes similar to that in the last say 500 years anywhere on Earth that have occurred in all the seismic studying I've done.

But, it's even worse than that. Actually there is a cavern here locally that you can visit and inside this cavern you can see the evidence on the walls of these quakes. Now the 1811-1812 quakes are about an inch wide, then you have a quake about in the year 1400 that's about 2 inches wide (or double the size of the 1811-1812 quakes), but then you have a quake in about the year 350 that's about 14 inches wide, meaning 14 times the size of the 1811-1812 quakes, which were the biggest in the world in the last 500-600 years. Also there is sediment evidence in Arkansas and Mississippi from that earliest quake somewhere around 350-500 AD and it's just scary as hell. Make no mistake that the New Madrid has the power unleash a quake that is so big that life as we basically know it in the center of the US would end.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:44 AM
I live half way between Memphis and St. Louis. I have always had an emergency plan for an earthquake. BUT....just in case, anyone want a visitor for a week? I'm little and I don't eat much!

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:49 AM
I have a problem with this "web bot" thing. (An anonymous post will probably pop up right as I post this. If it does it's mine, please forgive me.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that this web bot actually works. I was reading an interview with, I believe, the creator of web bot, and what they were describing was just a web crawler. People don't naturally have psychic emissions (I don't think a web crawler can prove that; look at Google); people are just naturally good at cause-and-effect relationships.

For example, if everyone speculates that the economy's going to get worse that doesn't mean that's why the economy goes down, it just means that people were predicting something, using logic, that was going to happen regardless. Just because I say the Dow's going to go down and it does doesn't mean I'm psychic, it just means that the Dow's on its way down and I just happened to state the obvious.

There is no collective conscience, there is a giant network of computers where people just happen to be talking about things that are going to happen anyway.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Evil Genius

I would not conclude that the loss of 2000 points on wall street and the resulting baby boomer money is anything close to the thousands of lives lost on 911. no.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:01 AM
The most likely zone in California would be in Coalinga. It's our earthquake center for highest activity on a regular basis. It fits nicely into the framework. It's in a fertile valley of food production, and is between 32 and 36 N latitude. I would bet on Coalinga. It's also the San Andreas fault. They study the fault activity there, too. You can bet there will be geologists on duty there at the time.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:03 AM
The most likely zone in California would be in Coalinga. It's our earthquake center for highest activity on a regular basis. It fits nicely into the framework. It's in a fertile valley of food production, and is between 32 and 36 N latitude. I would bet on Coalinga. It's also the San Andreas fault. They study the fault activity there, too. You can bet there will be geologists on duty there at the time.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

It could mean irritable bowel syndrome and a mild uti ...or c. difficile .....and the crack heard around the world.... HILLARY!!!!

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by questioningall

So are you saying that we have the power to change our reality with mass concious thought? Then maybe webbot was designed to test that aspect of our mental capacity. If the eathquake, bomb, or meteorite does come true then I say lets start thinking in masses on the positive side of things.

[edit on 2-12-2008 by Teeky]

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:43 AM
The web bot has been discussed alot in other threads here at ATS and it always amuses me when a newbie that knows nothing about it or hasn't done their homework has an opinion on it.

If I were you , I'd sit up and pay attention to the time monks. They are on to something. C2C and Jeff Rense interview them regurally so google for the interviews and listen carefully. It may save your life.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by zig-zag-zig123

It seems like the influence of the moon on earthquakes is very realistic because the moon affects things on Earth having to do with gravitational pull etc. Since Dec. 12 is an extreme supermoon, with the moon closest to the Earth, it isn't unreasonable that that increases risk of plate movements, thus earthquakes.

If you truly want to be ready for the things to come, not just now but in the future go to this page and read this book for free. God has sent it as a warning:

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by zig-zag-zig123The moon is known to have influence on earthly events, of course, like tidal fluctuations obviously. I can imagine tectonic plates and volcanos too. The animals start going crazy sometimes too.

Indeed. My husband, who volunteers as a fire/emt guy, has one of those scanners that tones emergency calls. Every month, it's relatively quiet - until the day/night of the full moon. Then it's one call after another. And people jumping off the bridge and accidents on the interstate and the craziest things. A relative works as an ER nurse, and it's crazy busy on the night of full moons.

Interestingly enough, after looking at the moon website you included - the last "supermoon" as you call it, occured on Jan 10, 2005. According to Wikipedia's entry:

Tides of over 2 meters inundate Port Blair, Andaman Islands, India, raising fears that the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake has changed tidal patterns.


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by TKainZero
What knows...

i just will know to be on my toes for that week...

If the CPU monitor starts to shake, im out the window...

Give the Webots a chance...

Is it was some old hag that is burning tea leafs, and flipping cards over...

Would that make you belive it more???

Can you edit the code of an old lady to change how she reads the tea-leaves?

Give webbots a chance??

Please, don't give a script any more consideration than all it deserves... It is like attributing life to a computer virus - it's just code written by a human. All it does is reflect the world of human beings based on what people are thinking about in blogs and searching on the internet...

God almighty, has to be the worst thing to come out of the internet in recent times, the faith put into this...

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