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Only 10 days Left-Until Predicted Huge Earthquakes

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:25 AM
Until there is proof we should really stop posting all these predictions. So far only the stock market crash.(quite impressive that was). So lets make sure there is more basis for a theory or prophecy before we post.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns
As many times as WEBBOT has been wrong, why do so many keep on thinking it will be right the next time around?

Sounds to me like too much faith and hope is being put into a hopeless non-living thing over and over again...which has only led these believers in WEBBOT to the same dead end only to start up another prediction, that will no doubt repeat itself as it has many times before.

Talk about false God's!!!!

Your better off just guessing for yourselves than to be relying on some web based word searching bot software that does nothing more than count words and forms a conclusion based on paranoia and very little fact.


I would like some samples of webbot being wrong - they have been right for as long as I can remember now.

Some of the events mentioned - does not HAVE to mean the United States is where they will happen. Oct 7th (a big date for them) - saying afterwards the world will never be the same - with the precurser to it being Sept 23 -27th. Paulson came out the 23rd - needing 700 billion dollars - then Oct. 7th the market crashed and Iceland went bankrupt. Since then - as far as I can see - nothing has been the same. Every government in the world is running around - trying to stop from going bankrupt and keep business going somehow. For all those people in Iceland - to them it was as big as 911 - as they are losing EVERYTHING they have worked for and the rug was pulled out from under their feet.

Webbot predictions have been spot on - no they have not ALL been just about the United States.

I am hoping against hope - the fact they have said that food is going to become a problem in the near future - is not true. But look - even Peter Schiff has said - food will be a problem.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Reading those who are Prophets in Anglefire makes a person wonder. I had no idea George Washington had a vision of three great wars for America as recorded in the Library of Congres.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:10 PM
48 flags for a webbot prediction? really?

damn i need to get my word randomizer built so i can make predictions too.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter
I happened upon an interesting prediction made by Dannion Brinkley..He wrote a book "Saved By The Light" which was published in 1994 after he suffered a near death experience in the '70's....

"But the end of America as a world power came as visions of two horrendous earthquakes in which buildings were swaying & toppling over like a child's wooden blocks. [..] The voice in the vision told me that it would be this way while the images from the box showed Americans starving & lined up for food."

His timing may be off, but it is eerily similar to the webbot predictions

i can predict great economic turmoil, wars and famine, quakes and tornadoes, lots of death and broken dreams before the middle of this century. i can even predict that humanity will be wiped out at some point which may be "a bit off" but will happen.

seriously. really?! you do believe this kind of generic prophecy? are you reading your horoscope regularly?

again my challenge for all you prophecy believers - why are you still in your comfy homes, living the life and posting on forums? shouldn't you convert all your money to gold coins, stock up on supplies and rent a bunker? and live there 24/7 because you may be at work when the big one strikes and then your bunker is useless if you die while the freeway pancakes!

there will always be fears that something goes wrong in our lives and takes away what we hold dear so a doomsday prophecy will always be fashionable. but people forget that WE ALL DIE eventually and there's NO escape whatsoever just hope we can prolong life to maybe 200 years. is THAT part of certain death not scaring you? but an earthquake / flood / tornado is? it's probably time to grow up and leave childhood fears behind...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by DarkSecret
i can predict great economic turmoil, wars and famine, quakes and tornadoes, lots of death and broken dreams before the middle of this century. i can even predict that humanity will be wiped out at some point which may be "a bit off" but will happen.

seriously. really?! you do believe this kind of generic prophecy? are you reading your horoscope regularly?

again my challenge for all you prophecy believers - why are you still in your comfy homes, living the life and posting on forums? shouldn't you convert all your money to gold coins, stock up on supplies and rent a bunker? and live there 24/7 because you may be at work when the big one strikes and then your bunker is useless if you die while the freeway pancakes!

there will always be fears that something goes wrong in our lives and takes away what we hold dear so a doomsday prophecy will always be fashionable. but people forget that WE ALL DIE eventually and there's NO escape whatsoever just hope we can prolong life to maybe 200 years. is THAT part of certain death not scaring you? but an earthquake / flood / tornado is? it's probably time to grow up and leave childhood fears behind...

Try reading my post again....
I agree that we should not live or die by someone's or something's arbitrary predictions...I personally find them fascinating and entertaining....But, if you had the evidence that someone or something might be on to something (their predictions tend to happen in a timely manner) and you could possibly save lives based on these predictions would you take action?

Some will understand and some won't...

[edit on 3-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:23 PM
How could this thing ever be right about predictions that people themselves make, predictions that anyone could see coming? We live in very turbulent times. Anything this thing predicts would happen anyway eventually. They've been expecting a giant earthquake for years, we're probably overdue.

I've like to see this thing tell me exactly how many grams of food my cat will eat, at the exact time, and how long it will sleep afterwards. I'm an open-minded person and don't just dismiss things right away, but the only thing this web bot does is collect random text from web pages, forums, and, according to something I read, chat rooms. Honestly now? We're trying to predict possibly catastrophic future events from something that collects information from the internet? From something that collects information from, "Zomg noob I pwncakesed u and joo r laik a t0t4l n00b, im way more l33t then u!!1111"

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Totakeke

Not quite that simple....

Please read Webbot: How it Works

Much more to it than you I stated, some will be interested and some won't

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:34 PM
I'm interested, but you can't completely predict the future like that; you can only predict the speculative future. You can only predict what people are expecting to happen.

He described how technology worked. A system of spiders, agents, and wanderers travel the Internet, much like a search engine robot, and look for particular kinds of words. It targets discussion groups, translation sites, and places were regular people post a lot of text. When a "target word" was found, or something that was lexically similar, the web bots take a small 2048 byte snip of surrounding text and send it to a central collection point. The collected data at times approached 100 GB sample sizes and we could have used terabytes. The collected data was then filtered, using at least 7-layers of linguistic processing in Prolog, which was then reduced to numbers and then a resultant series of scatter chart plots on multiple layers of Intellicad ( ). Viewed over a period of time, the scatter chart points tended to coalesce into highly concentrated areas. Each dot on the scatter chart might represent one word or several hundred.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Hello, I have checked all major quakes (since 1990, above 6,0 i magnitude) against the moon's position at the time, and found close to 100% correlation.
With this in mind, the quake in USA will occur Wednesday 11th of December 2008, at 6 o'clock UTC, as the full moon will be above central USA, and the sun directly opposite, creating maximum stress in the Eearth's crust.


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:55 PM
Thought it would be relevant to post that the last showing for the New Madrid fault line on Mega Disasters was on November 20th. Add that to the list of growing earthquake related activities. Here is a description off the History Channel website.

Could a killer earthquake strike America's heartland? If history proves true, the answer is yes. The 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquakes (centered in southeast Missouri) rank as some of North America's most catastrophic natural disasters. Stretching more than 160 miles, a system of earthquake faults lurks beneath the Mississippi River basin, loaded and ready to erupt. And it's happened before. Pioneer residents of New Madrid, Missouri were thrown from their beds in the early hours of December 16, 1811 when an estimated 8-point earthquake hit. But it wasn't just one event. Multiple shocks were experienced over the next three months--the largest caused the Mississippi to flow backwards. No earthquake sequence has lasted so long, produced so many shocks, nor created such astonishing phenomena on land and water. The New Madrid Fault remains a seismically active area and experts expect a repeat. The only question is when...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Totakeke
I'm interested, but you can't completely predict the future like that; you can only predict the speculative future. You can only predict what people are expecting to happen.

You may be right....

But what the webbot is really looking at is the incremental changes of linguistic intensity from one period to the next...not really what people are saying, but the WAY they are saying it....possibly tapping into some "universal subconsciousness"...

So, it's not exactly what we are writing that it picks up on....but the subconscious differences in how we are expressing ourselves...all in all VERY interesting to me...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

Yeah, but you're not taking into account what happens when a human body DIES: the bowels release themselves, and so can the bladder. So maybe the prediction refers to what happens after the people are dead.

Aside from that, radiation poisoning can cause similar issues with the human body.

But I wouldn't take any of these predictions too seriously. If they happen, it just means someone's interpretations of the predictions were right. If they don't happen, you'll live another day to see yet another prediction come and go without incident.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Lots of things can make you void your bowels: horror movies, radiation (like someone said), earthquakes (again, already stated), spicy food, electric shock, laxatives, etc.

What bothers me is that they aren't true predictions, they are just words that people interpret. The human brain automatically looks for patterns in the chaos, it's our nature. So many things could make you lose control of bodily functions that they could be interpreted to fit almost any situation.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Totakeke]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by pjslug
reply to post by Darthorious

If they happen, it just means someone's interpretations of the predictions were right. If they don't happen, you'll live another day to see yet another prediction come and go without incident.

True....definitely more of an art that a science at this stage

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by RolandBrichter

Try reading my post again....
I agree that we should not live or die by someone's or something's arbitrary predictions...I personally find them fascinating and entertaining....But, if you had the evidence that someone or something might be on to something (their predictions tend to happen in a timely manner) and you could possibly save lives based on these predictions would you take action?

Some will understand and some won't...

predictions of disasters will never save lives except maybe in movies. why? because people are too preoccupied with maintaining the status quo. if i'm not wrong a few years ago when the bridge collapse during rush hour killed dozens there were warnings that the bridge needs repairs but the funds were not approved. or that tunnel slab that collapsed onto a car and killed a woman inside. there were warning signs, scientific signs, but they were ignored. humans just don't want to deal with such major changes either because it impacts their dreams of the perfect and safe world or because of other reasons like incompetency, financial reasons, etc.

in fact i once read that for airplane companies like boeing it's cheaper to pay a couple of millions to settle a crash than to retrofit and/or repair some design errors because most planes wont crash. it's not that we dont know, it's because we dont want to know.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by DarkSecret]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by DarkSecret

predictions of disasters will never save lives except maybe in movies. why? because people are too preoccupied with maintaining the status quo. if i'm not wrong a few years ago when the bridge collapse during rush hour killed dozens there were warnings that the bridge needs repairs but the funds were not approved. or that tunnel slab that collapsed onto a car and killed a woman inside. there were warning signs, scientific signs, but they were ignored. humans just don't want to deal with such major changes either because it impacts their dreams of the perfect and safe world or because of other reasons like incompetency, financial reasons, etc.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by DarkSecret]

Good point...

Still, If I was certainly convinced of the prognostication, I'd rather look like a fool and be wrong versus being right and doing nothing...

[edit on 3-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

[edit on 3-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Good point...

Still, If I was certainly convinced of the prognostication, I'd rather look like a fool and be wrong versus being right and doing nothing...

[edit on 3-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

[edit on 3-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

That is my feeling exactly, I am willing to put myself out there right now for ridicule - because as I told someone, if I knew something but didn't tell anyone or warn them, then I would feel some responsiblilty in not helping others, if in fact the event happened/happens. It is safer to never say anything and just go about life, but if I prepared completely for an event, yet didn't warn others to prepare - what kind of person would that make me? Because after the fact - people would ask...why didn't you say something? What is the answer? Jeez, I didn't want you to think I am weird/? The point is, you can warn someone...this may happen, what they do after that is in their hands, not yours, you have done all you could do at that point. So I feel fine with this, because if the quakes do happen, maybe, just maybe one or two lives are saved, just from people reading this and the other thread and decide to get out of the earthquake prone areas come next week.

We will wait and see what that outcome is.... because we will know in a short time.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by questioningall]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:24 PM
I called up a local well drilling company today, the one that is nearest by and services most of the wells in this area of Arkansas. I asked about the stories about wells drying up all over. I was told, "my father has been doing this for 45 years and he's never seen anything like it before. Water levels are dropping 300 feet in some areas, we don't have any idea what is happening.'

I have to admit that I'm a little worried now.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Red Cloak]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Probably be a good move to get Nick Begich to chime in here at ATS

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