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The Best 11 9/11 Questions to 'throw back' at 'Official Believers....!

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posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:17 AM
1) Why are their no airport security videos of any of the nineteen accused Muslims boarding any of the highjacked planes?

2) How could Mohammed Atta's passport survive the fireballs explosion that supposedly cremated him, fly out of his pocket, fly out of the incinerated plane, flutter to the ground in two feet of debris and end up in readable condition in the hands of investigators? (All within 48 hours)

3) Why did 19 Muslim men even need passports on domestic flights?

4) How were passports found but not the planes voice recorders?

5) Why did the highjack’s need passports they would never use again after their suicide flights?

6) Why were the 19 accused Muslims not under surveillance on 9/11, if they were so easy to identity?

7) How come right after the attacks, CNN deceptively and repeatedly showed an airport security video of Mohammed Atta? (CNN neglected to tell viewers that the video showed Mohammed Atta boarding a plane at Portland Maine – not the highjacked plane)

8) How come according to Japanese, Chinese and Indian new reports, Osama bin laden was killed in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 and was buried in an unmarked grave by his own men?

9) How come since 9/11 FBI director Muller, BBC news and ABC have confirmed that 7 of the 19 Muslims did not die in the 9/11 crashes?

10) How come one of the accused Muslims died a year before the 9/11 highjackings even occurred?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:34 AM
1)why is it that the twin towers did not collapse after the attack in Independence day, which destroyed the entire city?

2)and i think they were still there after the tsunami in The Day After Tomorrow

[edit on 8-1-2009 by tankthinker]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by andre18

"8) How come according to Japanese, Chinese and Indian new reports, Osama bin laden was killed in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 and was buried in an unmarked grave by his own men?"

Your No 8 fact is very interesting. The reason that bin Laden's death (if he is really dead) has gone unreported in the west is because they may need to heap some more blame on him if they ever decide to do another so-called terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11.
The west, especially America, need their ultimate bogey man alive and well otherwise this facade called international terrorism collapses. Then we'd see who is really responsible. . .

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Griff

It's the infamous interview where he states the "meteorite" is "fused concrete and steel".

This again?

The second video starts out by saying that why hasn't it been analyzed...... so his opinion is just that - an opinion.

And, it's silver - aluminum perhaps?

And, it's not rusted. Do you have any idea how quick steel will rust after welding and/or being melted? Days. It was outside in the video. Exposed to the elements.

Plus, IF the concrete and steel were in liquid form, and then cooled to a solid.... do you have any evidence that it wouldn't separate as it cooled?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Here are a few answers for you, based on what I know:

Originally posted by andre18

1) Why are their no airport security videos of any of the nineteen accused Muslims boarding any of the highjacked planes?

Is there security video of ANY passenger boarding a plane on 9/11.
Was it the policy of the airport in question to obtain security video of every passenger as they board their respective plane?

Originally posted by andre18
2) How could Mohammed Atta's passport survive the fireballs explosion that supposedly cremated him, fly out of his pocket, fly out of the incinerated plane, flutter to the ground in two feet of debris and end up in readable condition in the hands of investigators? (All within 48 hours)

Probably the same reason this astronaut's diary survived the Columbia Shuttle breakup:

Or why thousands of other pieces of paper survived the initial plane impacts or subsequent tower collapses. If all of those don't surprise you, why does the passport?

Originally posted by andre18
3) Why did 19 Muslim men even need passports on domestic flights?


Originally posted by andre18
4) How were passports found but not the planes voice recorders?

See answer to #2. Voice recorders are not guaranteed to survive every crash.

Originally posted by andre185) Why did the highjack’s need passports they would never use again after their suicide flights?

See answer to #3

Originally posted by andre18
7) How come right after the attacks, CNN deceptively and repeatedly showed an airport security video of Mohammed Atta? (CNN neglected to tell viewers that the video showed Mohammed Atta boarding a plane at Portland Maine – not the highjacked plane)

That's a good question to ask CNN. My guess would be that they wanted a picture of the guy to show on tv. They got security footage showing him at one of the airports so they aired it. It's more compelling to see the suspect in an airport than it would be to show a mugshot. TV is still a ratings game.

Originally posted by andre18
9) How come since 9/11 FBI director Muller, BBC news and ABC have confirmed that 7 of the 19 Muslims did not die in the 9/11 crashes?

Confirmed? Or Reported?
There was a BBC article claiming such that was retracted due to error. I'm not aware of Muller or ABC making such claims. Sources, please.

Originally posted by andre18
10) How come one of the accused Muslims died a year before the 9/11 highjackings even occurred?

Which one? Source?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
The reason that bin Laden's death (if he is really dead) has gone unreported in the west is because they may need to heap some more blame on him if they ever decide to do another so-called terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11.

Why wouldn't they just blame the new leader of Al-queda? Then they could also claim victory by saying that they killed Bin Laden. (These conspirators aren't too smart, are they?)

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by adam_zapple

Is there security video of ANY passenger boarding a plane on 9/11.
Was it the policy of the airport in question to obtain security video of every passenger as they board their respective plane?

I thought every passenger in an airport would have passed in front of scores of security cameras, both in the departure lounge and the duty free shops? If they were there they should be on film!

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by adam_zapple

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
The reason that bin Laden's death (if he is really dead) has gone unreported in the west is because they may need to heap some more blame on him if they ever decide to do another so-called terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11.

Why wouldn't they just blame the new leader of Al-queda? Then they could also claim victory by saying that they killed Bin Laden. (These conspirators aren't too smart, are they?)

They need that instantly recognisable face. With most people its not the organisation its the individual they react to. Thats why they need to keep this man alive and well, and keep up the pretence that he's hiding in the shadows preparing another 9/11.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
This again?


Bart Voorsanger was there to collect steel for the memorial. I would think a man who's job it is to identify steel would know what steel looks like. Correct?

And, it's silver - aluminum perhaps?

I'm glad you can see clearly enough to automatically assume it is aluminum. This is the best pic I've found to date:

Now, can you really tell the difference between aluminum and steel with such a crappy photo? Unless you have a better quality pic?

Now, here's Mr. Voorsanger talking about the antenna (a steel structure) and how it "must have fallen away from the main heat sources to not melt".

Now, if you are going to call this architect a liar, I suggest doing it to his face and recording his reaction. I'd bet it goes something like your avatar.

[edit on 1/8/2009 by Griff]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
reply to post by adam_zapple

Is there security video of ANY passenger boarding a plane on 9/11.
Was it the policy of the airport in question to obtain security video of every passenger as they board their respective plane?

I thought every passenger in an airport would have passed in front of scores of security cameras, both in the departure lounge and the duty free shops? If they were there they should be on film!

Just because you thought it worked that way doesn't mean it did. Airports, and surveillance in general, were not in 2001 what they are today. If we had surveillance photos of every other passenger in that airport EXCEPT the hijackers, then you might have something.

Do you agree that demanding photos of the hijackers "boarding the doomed flights" is an unreasonable request? (If no, explain why)

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.

Originally posted by adam_zapple

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
The reason that bin Laden's death (if he is really dead) has gone unreported in the west is because they may need to heap some more blame on him if they ever decide to do another so-called terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11.

Why wouldn't they just blame the new leader of Al-queda? Then they could also claim victory by saying that they killed Bin Laden. (These conspirators aren't too smart, are they?)

They need that instantly recognisable face. With most people its not the organisation its the individual they react to. Thats why they need to keep this man alive and well, and keep up the pretence that he's hiding in the shadows preparing another 9/11.

They don't need a recognizeable face...they just need a guy in a turban vowing to kill Americans. OBL is recognizeable, but killing him off isn't going to make people think that Al-Queda is no longer a threat.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by adam_zapple

Just because you thought it worked that way doesn't mean it did. Airports, and surveillance in general, were not in 2001 what they are today. If we had surveillance photos of every other passenger in that airport EXCEPT the hijackers, then you might have something.

Well, actually I've worked on security in an airport and they have always had security cameras pointed in every direction imaginable. To listen to you you would think 9/11 was the first time anyone hijacked a plane or blew one up. Security at airports has always been tight and was made even tighter after Lockerbie.
I can well understand your point about the photographs of passengers and not of the hijackers but as far as I know nobody has really bothered to check this out. However the 7/7 bombers who attacked London did manage, somehow, to wander all over London, a city which has the most security cameras in the world, without being picked up by a single one of them!

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by adam_zapple

They don't need a recognizeable face...they just need a guy in a turban vowing to kill Americans. OBL is recognizeable, but killing him off isn't going to make people think that Al-Queda is no longer a threat.

I don't agree with you at all. Terrorism is personal. If every single person doesn't believe that the terrorists are after them then the concept doesn't work. During the troubles in Ireland people weren't upset by organisations or paramilitary's they were upset by the appearance of Adams or Paisley etc, and what they stood for For terrorism to truly work you need to be able to put a face to the so-called terrorist organisation who is trying to kill you.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
I don't agree with you at all. Terrorism is personal. If every single person doesn't believe that the terrorists are after them then the concept doesn't work. During the troubles in Ireland people weren't upset by organisations or paramilitary's they were upset by the appearance of Adams or Paisley etc, and what they stood for For terrorism to truly work you need to be able to put a face to the so-called terrorist organisation who is trying to kill you.

A face...."A face". The face can, and does, change. If, tomorrow, the military were to announce that they killed OBL, does that mean that people will stop fearing Al-Queda? No. They will stop fearing OBL, but it will only be a matter of time before another figurehead takes his place or another terrorist organization becomes a bigger threat and they'll have someone else to fear. The idea that OBL must be kept alive in order to have someone to blame for the next attack doesn't make sense when it could simply be blamed on his successor.

Let's say, hypothetically, I was running this conspiracy you believe exists....that OBL is fake, etc etc. I would announce tomorrow that we'd killed OBL (now we're heroes), and when we carried out our next attack, we would "discover" that it was the work of OBL's younger, even MORE evil replacement as head of al-queda. The "sheeple" all eat it up and now they're afraid of someone else...AND since we are now heroes for killing OBL guess what the people want...."Get the new guy now too". Hey...another excuse for war (that's what we want, right?) It's a win-win-win. It makes way more sense than continuing to blame every attack on an old guy who isn't going to be around much longer.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Now, can you really tell the difference between aluminum and steel with such a crappy photo? Unless you have a better quality pic?

Uhhh, yes! Can't you?

Granted, there isn't much detail to the pic, but I'm not id'ing it through some hi-res analysis.

It's silver. Aluminum is silver.

Rusted iron is.... rust color, LOL...

Do you have his email? I'll ask him if he did the simple thing and put a magnet to it.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:44 PM

Bartholomew Voorsanger, FAIA

BTW, FAIA is much more prestigeous than just AIA (which is a prestigeous honor in itself).

Becoming a FAIA is considered a great honor; fewer than 2 percent of all registered architects in the United States are elected to fellowship in the AIA.

So, this prestigeous member of AIA doesn't know the difference between steel and aluminum?

[edit on 1/8/2009 by Griff]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
Uhhh, yes! Can't you?

Granted, there isn't much detail to the pic, but I'm not id'ing it through some hi-res analysis.

It's silver. Aluminum is silver.

I edited my post instead of quoting myself.

Anyway, it is grey colored. The color of concrete.

Now, steel slag is used in asphaltic concrete. Steel slag is composed of iron-oxide (rust). Now, guess what color the asphalt is even when rust is mixed into it? I'll tell you. Black. Not rust colored.

Do you have his email? I'll ask him if he did the simple thing and put a magnet to it.

Here ya go:

Voorsanger Architects PC
246 West 38th Street
14th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212 302 6464
Fax: 212 840 0063
info (at)
Bartholomew Voorsanger, FAIA

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by infinityoreilly

Underground fire...fed by plenty of fresh air from subway tunnels?

Sorry Griff, I guess I a more complete answer would have been, I have yet to see any proof of pools of molten steel SEVEN weeks after 9/11.

[edit on 8-1-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Anyway, it is grey colored. The color of concrete.

Ahh, that makes sense then.

BTW, he says that they are fused by the heat. Being a prestigious FAIA member, I'm sure that if he saw it melted, then he would have said melted.

I'll ask him about that too. And I'll make sure that he knows that you, Jason Griffn, SE, might be misrepresenting his statement to mean that he saw melted steel, I'm sure he'll appreciate that.

That IS your point for showing this video, correct?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
Sorry Griff, I guess I a more complete answer would have been, I have yet to see any proof of pools of molten steel SEVEN weeks after 9/11.

Thank you. That makes more sense.

And I agree 100%

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