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Evidence that Mumbai attacks were anglo-american operatives

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by VIKINGANT

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit
the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

And just WHO were the 'eyewitnesses'?
Something to consider?

Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by checkitb4uwreckit


well it belongs in a conspiracy section then, eh?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

Yes the eye witness said they drank alcohol. Just how does and eyewitness know what alcohol looks like?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by checkitb4uwreckit


well it belongs in a conspiracy section then, eh?

No it is from an alternative news source so it is in the breaking news section. If you want mainstream news than why are you on this site and why are you reading this thread?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:41 PM
If I were going to do a false flag in India,
I wouldnt use fair skinned people.
Its like sending a slackjawed texan into Russia acting as a mole.

Also, only a .. what, few million people live in mumbai?.. id of thought thousands would of said it was a fair skinned person by now, and the news camera's probably would of picked it up 2

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:42 PM

ooooooooo omg omg you are sooo smart pointing out a spelling error...that's childish man get a life..

Sorry Junior. Spelling counts in the real world, especially if you are attempting to persuade others that your opinion is well thought out and intelligent.

Others are doing a pretty effective job at pointing out that you have offered nothing of substance. I didn't want to pile on. It hardly seems fair since you are clearly in over your head.

Infowars. Seriously. Infowars. No thinking person would ever consider them a reliable source.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:42 PM
Some from the disputed region of Kashmir have fair hair and blue eyes, so maybe this is the connection to the description by the Iraqi tourist, rather than agents of anglo background.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

Yes the eye witness said they drank alcohol. Just how does and eyewitness know what alcohol looks like?

maybe he saw them order beers... it doesnt even matter because if they were WHITE people like the witness said then they are PROBABLY not Muslim and DEFINITELY NOT from ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST GROUP like the mainstream media keeps claiming with no evidence.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:44 PM
No offence to anybody but this arguing is kind of petty...

I read in another thread that someone believed the "First British eyewitness" was a plant. I don't believe they were, but have no proof they weren't.

What's to say these particular "Eye Witnesses" aren't saying what they are because they're strict Muslims and deep down, no matter what the case, do not want to believe Muslims could be responsible for these atrocities?

In the same instances, who's to say these comments weren't to be taken as "These men cannot have been Muslims, they were drinking alcohol. No true Muslim drinks alcohol... THEREFORE whether or not, they 'claim' to be Muslim is irrelevant because they're doing non-Muslim things"?

I mean to sum it up let's look at it this way... No "Terrorist" is actually a Muslim are they? Jesus, they do things they claim to be "in the name of Allah" and "For Islam" and yet, taking hostages, blowing people up "Killing women and children" are NOT actions of a Muslim.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Nineteen
Some from the disputed region of Kashmir have fair hair and blue eyes, so maybe this is the connection to the description by the Iraqi tourist, rather than agents of anglo background.

lol what do you mean by "fair hair"? lol

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

Yes the eye witness said they drank alcohol. Just how does and eyewitness know what alcohol looks like?

maybe he saw them order beers... it doesnt even matter because if they were WHITE people like the witness said then they are PROBABLY not Muslim and DEFINITELY NOT from ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST GROUP like the mainstream media keeps claiming with no evidence.

What they look like, means absolutely Jackanory. I have at least 4 white friends, British friends; who are Muslim - So, um suck it up?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:46 PM

maybe he saw them order beers... it doesnt even matter because if they were WHITE people like the witness said then they are PROBABLY not Muslim and DEFINITELY NOT from ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST GROUP like the mainstream media keeps claiming with no evidence.

White people are probably NOT Muslim? Wow. Are you trying to sound ill informed? You can't POSSIBLY be serious?

One thing for sure. You are exactly the type of person Infowars attempts to reach. I'm glad you have found one another!

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N

I mean to sum it up let's look at it this way... No "Terrorist" is actually a Muslim are they? Jesus, they do things they claim to be "in the name of Allah" and "For Islam" and yet, taking hostages, blowing people up "Killing women and children" are NOT actions of a Muslim.

your right these aren't the actions of Muslims they are the actions of rogue intelligence operatives who have the skill, the money, and the weapons to do these things with extreme precision.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:50 PM
RE:Evidence that Mumbai attacks were anglo-american operatives .

My guess.....
NWO OPERATION.... as usual

why do i say this...?

Because they screw us (the world) at every corner..

why not now?

a simple bell curve in logic would suggest this.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

White people are probably NOT Muslim? Wow. Are you trying to sound ill informed? You can't POSSIBLY be serious?

One thing for sure. You are exactly the type of person Infowars attempts to reach. I'm glad you have found one another!

and you are exactly the type person and fox news/faux news is trying to brainwash..i mean reach...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

Originally posted by A55A551N

I mean to sum it up let's look at it this way... No "Terrorist" is actually a Muslim are they? Jesus, they do things they claim to be "in the name of Allah" and "For Islam" and yet, taking hostages, blowing people up "Killing women and children" are NOT actions of a Muslim.

your right these aren't the actions of Muslims they are the actions of rogue intelligence operatives who have the skill, the money, and the weapons to do these things with extreme precision.

*sigh* No... They're the actions of complete and utter sick, sadistic, RADICAL, FUNDAMENTAL, morons . Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this wasn't a "Black Op" or "False Flag" attack but seriously? Taking Infowars for your loyal source is as bad as posting up here that Faux News claims Elvis is actually the true brains behind A.Q and screaming truth throughout 3-4 pages of thread.

AND Again. I have white Muslim friends, so that throws your logic there, right out of the window.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by A55A551N]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

maybe he saw them order beers... it doesnt even matter because if they were WHITE people like the witness said then they are PROBABLY not Muslim and DEFINITELY NOT from ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST TERRORIST GROUP like the mainstream media keeps claiming with no evidence.

Ok, in the post above you used the term maybe, and probably. You, I, and every one else does not know yet.
As to a white person definitely not being from or a part of an islamic fundamentalist group I did a quick check of Muslims in the U.S.
Of the 303,824,640 people in the U.S. .6 percent are Muslim, you can do the math from there.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N

What they look like, means absolutely Jackanory. I have at least 4 white friends, British friends; who are Muslim - So, um suck it up?

oh and are any of your white muslim friends living in India and are part of militant Islamic terrorist groups?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N
*sigh* No... They're the actions of complete and utter sick, sadistic, RADICAL, FUNDAMENTAL, morons .

So it WAS the CIA....

Come on people. It is really way to early for accusations like this. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but I think this here bandwagon rolled out of the shed a little prematurely.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:57 PM

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