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Evidence that Mumbai attacks were anglo-american operatives

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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Double post.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by checkitb4uwreckit

Thanks for the thread, and source

Wow this is very logical. Another false flag operation. I'm not a bit surprised of that, In fact I was waiting for intellegent people lurking to bring this up. So I'm glad we have a thread now. I just didn't post in the other thread, because I felt no one would actually come to the conclusion of the reality.

The US government are trying and I mean desparately to start wars in Iran/Afghanistan and now Pakistan

The CIA are in Pakistan already trying to gear up more conflict. It's all blatantly obvious. To be honest there is one responsse I'll say to these zionist's right now.

"Is you can fool people some of the time, but not all the time"

I don't think anything else needs to be said, just look at the lies, deception and recent conflict brought on by the American government. If you really want to see a pattern just look at the superpowers througout histroy, don't be suprised at this recent attack, as another false flag operation.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:09 PM
OMG another 'breaking news article' and it isn't even news...

I clicked on the article and read it, no reference of where the information came from... just BBC reports...

this is nothing more than speculative theory...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:15 PM

OMG another 'breaking news article' that is not a news article... just someone's speculative theory!

Based on the article that was posted...there are no references to the BBC Report, just noted 'in the BBC Reports'... where are they and why can't I read them, why aren't they with the article?

Show me where they are?

Utter garbage... info wars a reliable or credible source of information?

It is speculative... is this factual?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:16 PM

lol are you a blind mainstream media watching whore? if so why even open this thread? i am sure can give you all the ignorant information you're looking for...let me guess you think Al-Qaeda had something to do with this attack?

[snip]People like you amuse me but also make me wonder what brings a person to a place in his life where he must lash out at those who don;t share his world view.

To answer your question, though I fear it is a waste of time to try to engage someone like you in a rational discussion, no I don't think AQ was involved in this attack though I can't say for certain they were not.

The MO of this attack does not fit AQ's typical game plan. They don't tend to use handguns and never engage law enforcement. They like quick, simultaneous attacks and they have never launched an operation that lasted over 24 hours.

But I don't have enough evidence to eliminate them. Neither do you,by the way but that doesn't seem to stop you from passing judgement.

So, tell me, [snip] , how can info wars no for sure that the attackers were not Muslim? Can you answer that for me?


Mod Edit: Personal comments removed. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 2) Behaviour and remember to go after the ball, not the player. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 28/11/08 by JAK]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:19 PM
how is this news breaking???

had to add this comment from the very article you posted:

Another muckraking story. Anytime this site published a story about anything it is always a conspiracy. This marginalizes the actual false flag events that are also published here. It hurts the cause to be a knee jerk conspiracy-nut before all the facts come out Alex.

your article

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

lol are you a blind mainstream media watching whore? if so why even open this thread? i am sure can give you all the ignorant information you're looking for...let me guess you think Al-Qaeda had something to do with this attack?

I did a google search, so far I found no one else reporting that some of the terrorists are Anglo American. You seemed pretty quick to jump on the possibility that they are, I am not saying it is not the case, I do not know. However, it is usually best to get more the one source of information.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

lol are you a blind mainstream media watching whore? if so why even open this thread? i am sure can give you all the ignorant information you're looking for...let me guess you think Al-Qaeda had something to do with this attack?

Your response speaks volumes for both your lack of intellect and inability to think critically. People like you amuse me but also make me wonder what brings a person to a place in his life where he must lash out at those who don;t share his world view.

To answer your question, though I fear it is a waste of time to try to engage someone like you in a rational discussion, no I don't think AQ was involved in this attack though I can't say for certain they were not.

The MO of this attack does not fit AQ's typical game plan. They don't tend to use handguns and never engage law enforcement. They like quick, simultaneous attacks and they have never launched an operation that lasted over 24 hours.

But I don't have enough evidence to eliminate them. Neither do you,by the way but that doesn't seem to stop you from passing judgement.

So, tell me, my delusional friend, how can info wars no for sure that the attackers were not Muslim? Can you answer that for me?

wow this is comical...

You don't have enough evidence to ELIMINATE AQ? wtf. Your supposed to get evidence before you accuse someone of a crime not the other way around. Accuse AQ and then say i dont have any evidence that it wasnt them so it was! HAHAHA interesting...anyway AQ is a CIA funded organization it literally means 'the database' which was meant to store the names of the people in the mujaheddin in Afghanistan when they were fighting the soviets. It is a cia creation and is being used as an excuse for the U.S to go around the world and do whatever they want, they just blame AQ and all is good.


infowars can tell for sure they weren't Muslim because Muslims don'y drink alcohol and they ordered alcoholic beverages at the cafe before they open fire....


Mod Edit: Personal comment removed. Please see Terms and Conditions of Use section 2) Behaviour and remember to go after the ball, not the player. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 28/11/08 by JAK]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

lol are you a blind mainstream media watching whore? if so why even open this thread? i am sure can give you all the ignorant information you're looking for...let me guess you think Al-Qaeda had something to do with this attack?

I did a google search, so far I found no one else reporting that some of the terrorists are Anglo American. You seemed pretty quick to jump on the possibility that they are, I am not saying it is not the case, I do not know. However, it is usually best to get more the one source of information.

first hand witness accounts say the men weren't Indian or middle eastern looking but had fair skin. You really think the mainstream media will report this? They blame the same people for every single terrorist attack in the whole world...AL-Qaeda...or Al CIAda...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by checkitb4uwreckit

Didn't take them long did it.
It not even over yet and accusations are being made. If it were an american instigated false flag or whatever, I am sure even the US *cough* intelligence would know enough to use operatives that look like the locals. Unless the muslims used the 'white' guys to make people think it was the US? Or the US used the white guys to make people think the muslims used the white guys so people would think it was the US? or...

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz
how is this news breaking???

had to add this comment from the very article you posted:

Another muckraking story. Anytime this site published a story about anything it is always a conspiracy. This marginalizes the actual false flag events that are also published here. It hurts the cause to be a knee jerk conspiracy-nut before all the facts come out Alex.

your article

a conspiracy means: An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

How was this attack not a conspiracy?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:28 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

infowars can tell for sure they weren't Muslim because Muslims don'y drink alcohol and they ordered alcoholic beverages at the cafe before they open fire....

Did infowars interrogate the people who opened fire to see if the beverage they ordered had any alcohol in it? Or did they give the men a blood test? Would a Muslim man melt if he did drink alcohol?
Perhaps they did drink alcohol just to through the media off coarse, would be a good curve the way it is looking.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

OMG another 'breaking news article' that is not a news article... just someone's speculative theory!

Based on the article that was posted...there are no references to the BBC Report, just noted 'in the BBC Reports'... where are they and why can't I read them, why aren't they with the article?

Show me where they are?

Utter garbage... info wars a reliable or credible source of information?

It is speculative... is this factual?

the article was based on eye witness accounts what more do you want?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

infowars can tell for sure they weren't Muslim because Muslims don'y drink alcohol and they ordered alcoholic beverages at the cafe before they open fire....

Did infowars interrogate the people who opened fire to see if the beverage they ordered had any alcohol in it? Or did they give the men a blood test? Would a Muslim man melt if he did drink alcohol?
Perhaps they did drink alcohol just to through the media off coarse, would be a good curve the way it is looking.

throw the media off course? The accused terrorists are the same terrorists who openly admit and claim responsibility for attacks but they are trying to confuse the media now?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:32 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

first hand witness accounts say the men weren't Indian or middle eastern looking but had fair skin. You really think the mainstream media will report this? They blame the same people for every single terrorist attack in the whole world...AL-Qaeda...or Al CIAda...

It does not have to be main stream, I was looking to see if any one thought the account was creatable enough to publish it. I am sure some one will some where eventually. I got to give some credit to the one who found it though. Because when I looked it was not any where else.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

infowars can tell for sure they weren't Muslim because Muslims don'y drink alcohol and they ordered alcoholic beverages at the cafe before they open fire....

Did infowars interrogate the people who opened fire to see if the beverage they ordered had any alcohol in it? Or did they give the men a blood test? Would a Muslim man melt if he did drink alcohol?
Perhaps they did drink alcohol just to through the media off coarse, would be a good curve the way it is looking.

the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit
the eyewitness said they drank alcohol

And just WHO were the 'eyewitnesses'?
Something to consider?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by checkitb4uwreckit

throw the media off course? The accused terrorists are the same terrorists who openly admit and claim responsibility for attacks but they are trying to confuse the media now?

The terrorists may be claiming responsibility but have not heard them claiming to be western. This thread is about a account that one or two looked to be western. When statements from the terrorists are reliced we can see what those say. Although I would guess it will be shot down as western dis information.

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